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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    6 Weeks Post-Op

    Full release at my 6 week post-op visit today! I am approved to go back to work with no restrictions. I weighed in at 228, day of surgery weight 251, pre-op initial weight 269, total loss 41 lbs, 23 since surgery. Better than that, I'm wearing clothes that I haven't been able to fit in for two years! I'm really excited about my weight loss so far.
  2. 1 point
    Holla bandmates! I hope this finds you nice and cool in the perspective areas in which you reside, cause it is HOT in the midwest for sure. They are canceling the fireworks around here and nearby cities, please be careful it is indeed dry, I expect to see tumbleweeds roll across the prairie anytime now. I've had a little excitement today. First I had my first BM today, I know I can hear the applause coming from you through cyber world! Next, had a little "tiff" with someone because he thinks the United States started going downhill when they gave women the right to vote, no wonder I have a headache. I believe the headaches are being brought on by my cold turkey dismissal of Diet Mountain Dew, not to fret as I have found a not only suitable replacement but a Fabulous one: Crystal Light Wild Strawberry (energy) it has some caffeine it in and my headache subsided quickly and it does taste like strawberry, I don't know how Wild it is, but it works for me. Today I had about 25 oz of Chocolate protein drink, I prefer vanilla, but the Chocolate Malt wasn't bad and change is good. I also had a cup of Kroger brand "Carb smart" tropical yogurt. The Carb smart brand is more the consistency of pudding and you don't have to stir it up and of course there are less carbs, and as an added bonus you can get 10 for $4! I also had about 16 oz of water and who knows how much CL lemonade. I also walked 1.3 miles and I took my time. I'm an early riser so that's when I walk, this may change however to when it's dinner time. Although I'm not too tempted with food at this time, I'm sure it's right around the corner. I've decided when I fix dinner, I will either walk, go to Zumba, the gym, bird watch, underwater basket weave, anything not to be around when the table is set. The boys can then put the food away, etc. so it's done and over with upon my return. The thing I'm missing is a glass of wine, I put my CL in a wine glass but I would like to have a glass in the evening, or a bottle of tequila, same thing. I hope whomever's reading understands and "gets" my humor, laughing burns more calories than not laughing, it's a fact! My pain level is at a 1, still a little sore but feels like I just did like maybe 20 crunches after not doing any ever. I have an appointment for my first fill Thursday, however, after posting my concerns and reading the forum regarding your first fill, 9 days after surgery seems very fast and I can't locate another that has had a fill that early in the game. My conclusion is when they called to schedule it they said "fill" when what they probably meant was "Post-Op" visit. Either way I am not afraid, I am excited and welcome each and every step of my yellow brick road. I reference that because like the "Good Witch" says: "You've had the power all along" and what a true statement. We have had the power, we just needed the perfect tools-and by gosh we finally have the tools that we may tap into that power, not only for now, but forever. Thank you bandmates for being candid, honest, and sharing your stuff to inform, enlighten, and sometimes make us laugh or cry with each other. Until tomorrow, Onward and Upward, and as always Lo & Behold! .....Velvet
  3. 1 point
    I LOVE MY LAPBAND. I have been banded almost 10 months and am down 90+ pounds. Less than 50 to my goal. I could not have done this without this marvelous tool and such a supportive family. I LOVE MY BAND. To anyone who is comtemplating getting the procedure done, I say ' GO FOR IT '. Keep a positive attitude, play by the rules and reach for the brass ring. The longest journey starts with one small step. I LOVE MY BAND. I am a self-pay and I would definitely put out the money again if I had it go do all over again,. I have a wonderful doctor and her office staff are so supportive. I LOVE MY BAND. In all honesty, I can't say that the road had not had some curves, sharp turns, and bumps along the way, but I continue to weather the stormy days and learn from each setback. I LOVE MY BAND. I hope you love yours too, whether you are currently banded, and still fighting the demons, have found your happy spot, or contemplating getting banded and beginning the journey. Keep in mind, we are all in this together, and with determination, conviction, willpower and each other, we will succeed. HAPPY BANDING TO YOU ALL. zil
  4. 1 point

    Another Fill..dang Is It Too Much?

    As long as you can keep fluids down and it doesn't hurt you should be ok however if you just don't feel it and don't feel right def get some removed. I had my band too tight once and I couldn't barely get water down....Hope this helps have a great day!
  5. 1 point

    Another Fill..dang Is It Too Much?

    I think if you feel okay and you're not getting "stuck" or vomitting then I would consider waiting a week or so and see how you feel... you don't want to unfill too much and start gaining again...
  6. 1 point

    Another Fill..dang Is It Too Much?

    hey i think you need to get some of the fill out only because you don't want to dehydrate i have a band and ive been having it for three years iwent from 210 to 115 in a year that's with fill of course
  7. 1 point
    Sounds like you are on your way to being among the banded. Good Luck!!
  8. 1 point


    Where are you going that its only 50 degrees? I want to come, lol. I stalled for 4 weeks and now even though I'm losing a little, its VERY slow. This is not what I expected with the WLS BUT, at least I am losing, whereas I probably would have gained 5-10 lbs before surgery
  9. 1 point

    Can Anyone Out There Give Me Some Advice???? Please

    You all are wonderful for supporting me. And just provided great advice. I have made such great progress (can you tell I am proud of myself and that I love my band) that sometimes I forget to stop and smell the roses, or in my case, realize that I have now lost 85 pounds. I will step it up immediately. thanks again, Zil
  10. 1 point

    My Story

    I've always said, I will not listen to anyone giving me advice who hasn't been through the same journey. I hope that my story will add some credibility to my posts and inspire someone considered WLS. I'm on a quest to find the woman I lost years ago. She's somewhere in this body, I know that, I just haven't seen here in almost a decade. I'm almost 300 pounds on a 5 foot 7 frame. My family medical history is like Wal-Mart, you name it someone has it. I want to break the cycle of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. . I can't get back the years I've already lost, but I can make the years I have left that much better. I have a carb addiction, disillusion about the amount of food I should be eating, and an emotional eating habit. I was taught as a child to clean my plate, I remember at 8 years old looking forward to going to my grandma's because she always had pound cake made, and dinner consisted of meat, a few veggies, heaping mounds of carbs (rice/potatos) and rolls. 20 Years I've been addicted to carbs. My mom and I could go to a restaurant and finish an entire basket of rolls before our food came and still eat everything on our plate, plus another basket of rolls. Needless to say, I've never had a good example when it came to eating. Fast forward through middle school, when at 5"7 and 130 lbs I was the tallest girl in my entire school. Talk about a complex. At 9 I thought I was fat. Junior high, I'm still tall and muscular but everyone else is catching up. Rumors start that I'm taking steroids. Hence another complex about being "thick" and muscular. High School, the Revolution Years. I rebelled against EVERYTHING! Stress at home= emotional eating. I remember coming home from school and eating half a loaf of bread, toasted with butter and jelly because it made me feel better. Nutrition? What's that? It wasn't taught at our school. Lunch for 4 years, FOUR YEARS, consisted of chili cheese fries with extra cheese and sweet and sour dipping sauce, juice or soda, and some other high carb or fried food. FOUR. YEARS. I do remember a salad but it was far and few in-between. I think back on this and I cringe. What the heck are we doing to our kids??? My saving grace was band. The amount of practice we did counteracted some of the weight gain. I stayed around 180-200 lbs. College, the fittest years of my life. I decided to major in Nutrition, the one thing I had no knowledge of. Freedom to come and go as I pleased means more time in the gym. HBCU band practice consisted of intense PT at 5 am and intense practice from 3-7. I was at my fittest ever. I wouldn't believe it myself if I didn't have pics to prove it. Grad school I continued my good gym habits, but even a nutrition degree can't combat the psychological condition of emotional eating. I started gaining weight. Then I got pregnant. My weight shot up to 230 with the first pregnancy and miscarriage and I gained 20 more from the stress. Pregnant again at 260 with the help of pills. I went up to 285. Lost 20 and have been stuck at 270 for 3 years. This brings us to today. 10 days from VSG surgery and positive about where my life is heading. I'm not one for sharing a lot of personal information, but I will try to keep this "blog" updated as I progress through. I need to learn how to let people in and break down this brick wall that I've built.

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