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I'm finishing up day 3 of my 14 day pre-op liquid diet. I'm only allowed a max of 800 calories, max of 80g of carbs, and they want over 80g of Protein per day. Protien shakes, chicken broth, sugar free popsicles, Water and that's it...no "real food".

So, like I said, I'm on day three and I'm now noticing this weird taste in my mouth...kinda sweet, but like day old gum and then kinda acid like at the same time. And my head is killing me, I feel like my energy has been sucked out of me, and I'm kinda jittery. I googled this and seems I'm in ketosis....some say that's good, some say that's bad.

Anybody else having this issue?

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Girl, you and I are in totally the same exact boat!!! Down to the same day of the surgery!

I started the same clear liquid restricted diet on tuesday and my mouth is doing the same thing. Also, my sense of smell is really really weird. I was cooking my family their dinner and as the chicken was baking I seriously thought I was going to be sick. It smelled like rotten chicken. And the brocolli...blech. And I love my veggies. Weird. Are you getting that way around food?

And yes, I'm so tired. I went to bed at 10 last night and that's not like me AT ALL. Then today I cleaned the house and decorated for Christmas and I was exhausted. I fell asleep on the sofa while my son was watching TV for about 15 mins. I was exhausted.

Just a few more days is what I keep telling myself. Just a few more days.

Did you notice you feel fine about an hour after you drink a shake and then the hunger pains start up? I've never had hunger pains like this. This really hurts to where I can't think what so ever.

As for your headaches...yep, yep, yep. I notice that if I drink a big glass of Water the headache goes away. Did you give up caffeine cold turkey? That might be it. My morning shakes I've been putting 4 oz of cold coffee in a vanilla shake. It's pretty good and I get a little caffeine.

Please feel free to PM me anytime if you need to chat. We can help eachother out.

Oh! And gum, I've been chewing the heck out of sugar free gum. Even though my doc said no to sugar alcohols like what is in SF gum. But good grief. :eek:

I did the broth one day and I can't do it. I'd rather have a shake.

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I believe Ketosis means your body is burning fat, they talk alot about it on the Atkins diet. You can buy urine test strips from the pharmacy to check for sure ;O)

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could be ketosis. Nothing to worry about though. The headaches and lethargy will pass in a few days. 14 days will pass faster than you think. Best of luck and drink lots of Water,


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I remember that weird taste in my mouth. Nothing tasted good for weeks which helped with the initial weight loss. If you can have any Protein that is not sweet that may help. But otherwise, just hold out. It will eventually go away. I was light-headed for about 4 days and then survivied the liquids without much of a problem which was a huge surprise. I was more worried about the 2 weeks on liquid than the surgery. Funny what we get fixaited on.

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Girl, you and I are in totally the same exact boat!!! Down to the same day of the surgery!

I started the same clear liquid restricted diet on tuesday and my mouth is doing the same thing. Also, my sense of smell is really really weird. I was cooking my family their dinner and as the chicken was baking I seriously thought I was going to be sick. It smelled like rotten chicken. And the brocolli...blech. And I love my veggies. Weird. Are you getting that way around food?

And yes, I'm so tired. I went to bed at 10 last night and that's not like me AT ALL. Then today I cleaned the house and decorated for Christmas and I was exhausted. I fell asleep on the sofa while my son was watching TV for about 15 mins. I was exhausted.

Just a few more days is what I keep telling myself. Just a few more days.

Did you notice you feel fine about an hour after you drink a shake and then the hunger pains start up? I've never had hunger pains like this. This really hurts to where I can't think what so ever.

As for your headaches...yep, yep, yep. I notice that if I drink a big glass of Water the headache goes away. Did you give up caffeine cold turkey? That might be it. My morning shakes I've been putting 4 oz of cold coffee in a vanilla shake. It's pretty good and I get a little caffeine.

Please feel free to PM me anytime if you need to chat. We can help eachother out.

Oh! And gum, I've been chewing the heck out of sugar free gum. Even though my doc said no to sugar alcohols like what is in SF gum. But good grief. :rolleyes2:

I did the broth one day and I can't do it. I'd rather have a shake.

The first day of the liquid was the worse! I think I was seriously delirious. I could not get in enough calories that day, I think it was under 500. I would be hopping around then tired, my husband even told me I looked crazy, lol. I was supposed to drink 2 more Protein shakes when I got home from work, but I just couldn’t, so I had chicken and noodle Soup. That made me feel better.

This ketosis stuff is weird. I have to pee all the time, thought I was going to die at work last night because the cleaning folks were in the bathroom forever. I think my smell is ok, just my tastebuds. I’ve been chomping the heck out of sugar free gum too. I usually do anyway, especially when I’m thinking really hard, lol. But, now it’s just to ease this weird taste I’ve got going on. Good thing is, because I’m so tired, I’ve been sleeping really well at night. I usually wake up several times during the night, but not the past few days, I have been knocked out. But, I work an hour away from home, so the drive is starting to get hard because I feel like everytime I blink, my eyes just want to stay shut, plus it’s dark when I leave, I just want to go to sleep. Not good driving 80mph down the highway.

Funny you speak of the hunger pains, I haven’t had any pains really, but I was in a meeting yesterday and my stomach started growling like crazy! So, I drank some Water thinking it would come down and it got louder, like a little monster in my belly getting ticked and fussing because I gave it was instead of food. The broth isn’t so bad, I actually like it because I load it up with pepper. And giving up caffeine wasn’t hard because I would only drink a little soda with dinner anyway…now that there is no dinner….lol! And I don’t do coffee, I never growed up for coffee, lol. My saving grace has been the sugar free popsicles…yum, lemonade is my favorite. Did your doc say you could have those?

Are you getting emotional and stuff? I don’t know if it’s the drastic change in my diet or if I’m really spazzing out about the surgery….I’m nervous, then I start to 2nd guess if I’m doing the right thing, then when I think of finally going into Target and buying me a regular size shirt, or crossing my legs, I tear up. I’m a mess.

I’m feeling loopy, should probably try to focus on some work, drink another shake…

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The first day of the liquid was the worse! I think I was seriously delirious. I could not get in enough calories that day, I think it was under 500. I would be hopping around then tired, my husband even told me I looked crazy, lol. I was supposed to drink 2 more Protein shakes when I got home from work, but I just couldn’t, so I had chicken and noodle Soup. That made me feel better.

This ketosis stuff is weird. I have to pee all the time, thought I was going to die at work last night because the cleaning folks were in the bathroom forever.

I know right!! OMG, I"m there all.the.time. Which is no big deal but when it hits me I have to go, I HAVE TO GO. It's really weird.

I think my smell is ok, just my tastebuds. I’ve been chomping the heck out of sugar free gum too. I usually do anyway, especially when I’m thinking really hard, lol.

I love gum. I was so bummed when they told me no more gum after surgery because you could clog the "funnel". That's the way I describe how the pouch & band work. It makes it easier to visualize. But yeah, the gum is fantastic but my jaw is a little soar. heehee

But, now it’s just to ease this weird taste I’ve got going on. Good thing is, because I’m so tired, I’ve been sleeping really well at night. I usually wake up several times during the night, but not the past few days, I have been knocked out.

Totally!! I'm just beat by 10 pm and I am having one hell of a time waking up. That's not like me but I love the sweet slumber, that's forsure. I can't wait to be that tired because I've been excersising. That's going to feel so good!

But, I work an hour away from home, so the drive is starting to get hard because I feel like everytime I blink, my eyes just want to stay shut, plus it’s dark when I leave, I just want to go to sleep. Not good driving 80mph down the highway.

Be careful! Do you drink a shake before you go to work? If you do try drinking it a little earlier which means you may have to wake up earlier. But I notice after taking the shake, wow I have this wicked good energy boost. And I"m ok for another 2-3 hours. Maybe your not drinking it soon enough in the a.m. But please, drive safe or you'll be having all kinds of surgery and not the band.:smile:

Funny you speak of the hunger pains, I haven’t had any pains really, but I was in a meeting yesterday and my stomach started growling like crazy! So, I drank some Water thinking it would come down and it got louder, like a little monster in my belly getting ticked and fussing because I gave it was instead of food.

LOL The growling is hilarious! My spouse thought it was the dog growling the other night and actually told the dog to knock it off. I LOL'd and said it was me. :w00t:

The broth isn’t so bad, I actually like it because I load it up with pepper. And giving up caffeine wasn’t hard because I would only drink a little soda with dinner anyway…now that there is no dinner….lol! And I don’t do coffee, I never growed up for coffee, lol. My saving grace has been the sugar free popsicles…yum, lemonade is my favorite. Did your doc say you could have those?

These are my fav!!! I like the lime. Yummo! Mine have like 45 calories each but you know what...I don't care! 45 calories is nothing compared to what I used to eat. :tt2:

Are you getting emotional and stuff? I don’t know if it’s the drastic change in my diet or if I’m really spazzing out about the surgery….I’m nervous, then I start to 2nd guess if I’m doing the right thing, then when I think of finally going into Target and buying me a regular size shirt, or crossing my legs, I tear up. I’m a mess.

I so understand you! On day 2, I totally thought "what the hell did I get myself into, I'm hungry damnit" :w00t: But then yesterday I was got on the scale and lost more weight and I noticed my jammie pants had a little pocket. LOL No really. They have always been pretty snug and when I put them on last night I thought it was fabric ripped but it was a cute little pocket. :laugh: So I was like, OK this is sooooooo worth it!! I too can't wait to shop. Last night we were watching tv and I kept pausing the tv and would say "Oh, I like that outfit...ohhh cute shoes....I love that coat...look how cute her skirt is, I want to wear that!" My spouse was like, 'oh good gravy, I'm going to be broke aren't I? Instead of food it will be shoes and skirts?" LOL I was so giggly because I never looked at clothes as fun or shopping as fun. Why would it be, Lane Bryant was the only place I could shop and sometimes Walmart. So obviously it wasn't a hobby of mine. I never paid attention to fashion because Lane Bryant always wants to put us fattys in large jungle prints and jeans that are bedazzled. What is it w/plus size fashion? We're fat not blind. :rolleyes2:

Sorry, I digress. Yes. I have been emotional but with excitement and hunger. :laugh:

I’m feeling loopy, should probably try to focus on some work, drink another shake…

I'm off to weigh myself this am, then have a shake and then off to my internal med doc to clear me for surgery and then my pre-op appointment w/the band doc. :frown::thumbup:

Have a great day everyone!!!

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I'm off to weigh myself this am, then have a shake and then off to my internal med doc to clear me for surgery and then my pre-op appointment w/the band doc. :rolleyes2::thumbup:

Have a great day everyone!!!

OMG, you are too funny!!! Jungle prints & bedazzled jeans, lol, but it's so true!!! I don't know why they think big girls need to sparkle!

I drink a shake during my drive in and my drive home, I'm ok going home, but not in the morning. Maybe I need to drink one when I first get up and one on the way!

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That sweet taste in your mouth can also be a by product of the sucralose or aspartame in your Protein Shakes. Or SF Jello. Ketosis leaves a more metalic taste in your mouth.

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I'm on day 3 now and am peeing like crazy too!

I'm not allowed Protein shakes, just Clear liquids... but I must confess, I have been cheating... with celery! I told my husband its so bizarre to feel bad about eating celery >sigh< But it tastes so good right now and it's really settling my urge to chew.

Today the headache seem to have gotten better, and the tiredness seems to be ebbing more... I'm actually having periods of feeling a little high or euphoric even...??? Anybody have that too?

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I'm actually having periods of feeling a little high or euphoric even...??? Anybody have that too?

Totally! I have been like that. Not so much today. I'm really tired today and have not done anything. But yesterday morning I was wicked hyper and the afternoon before. I feel like how puppies and kitties just randomly bolt down the hallway out of no where. heehee

If this is what healthy is going to feel like...I"m going to have the cleanest house on the block! :-)

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That sweet taste in your mouth can also be a by product of the sucralose or aspartame in your Protein Shakes. Or SF Jello. Ketosis leaves a more metalic taste in your mouth.

Ok, yeah cause the sorta sweet taste is coming from around my teeth and the other acid like taste is more like just there. Makes more sense. Thanks!

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I'm on day 3 now and am peeing like crazy too!

I'm not allowed Protein shakes, just clear liquids... but I must confess, I have been cheating... with celery! I told my husband its so bizarre to feel bad about eating celery >sigh< But it tastes so good right now and it's really settling my urge to chew.

Today the headache seem to have gotten better, and the tiredness seems to be ebbing more... I'm actually having periods of feeling a little high or euphoric even...??? Anybody have that too?

Yes, I'll be "wheeeee" one minute and feeling like death the next. But, "wheeee" I'm down 8 lbs since Tuesday!

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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