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how is everyone this morning? lots of sick folks running around. (don't jinx me)

I hope Kat is having fun! I am sure she is :smile2:

I am so glad that the biggest loser is back on! Those folks inspire the heck out of me.

I need to make some christmas money. Gonna check into selling plasma or something....talk to y'all later, i just got a call from dh to go pick him up from the truck dealership....his truck has to stay so I have to go get him. If it isn't one thing its another. ttyl...

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Good morning all! Thanks for the encouraging words, I'm feeling much more positive today. I restarted my food diary (it really does help me stay on track).

I saw the clip of the downs syndrome student scoring a touchdown on the news this am, it made me cry, too.

Have anybody else been plagued with co-workers making snide comments about their weight lost. There are a couple people at the hospital who have come up to me and asked, "So how much weight have you loss?" Hinting that they think I had lost very much. I have lost 43lbs! Sorry if I'm not losing it fast enough for them.

Oh well hope everyone is feeling better. It is currently only in the 40s here.

Tracy, its is 1 and 1/2 hrs drive to my son's college and 1 and 1/2 hours to Elkhart, IN. Of course they are in opposite directions! LOL

Shar :smile2:

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Good morning all! Thanks for the encouraging words, I'm feeling much more positive today. I restarted my food diary (it really does help me stay on track). Great idea....i think I will too!

I saw the clip of the downs syndrome student scoring a touchdown on the news this am, it made me cry, too. I boo hoo'd in my first cup of coffee.< /span>

Have anybody else been plagued with co-workers making snide comments about their weight lost. There are a couple people at the hospital who have come up to me and asked, "So how much weight have you loss?" Hinting that they think I had lost very much. I have lost 43lbs! Sorry if I'm not losing it fast enough for them. Well, I can not really tell you what I would say to them....ask Kat & Jenn....tact is NOT my middle name. :lol2:

Oh well hope everyone is feeling better. It is currently only in the 40s here.

Tracy, its is 1 and 1/2 hrs drive to my son's college and 1 and 1/2 hours to Elkhart, IN. Of course they are in opposite directions! LOL

Shar :blush:

Oh no too bad of a drive at all....of course in the opposite direction, right? :rolleyes2: lol

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Good morning,

Shar...I hate that!!! I regret telling some people I had the lap-band. It's the same when you loose and then gain it back again.

I have put back on about 20 lbs. from my lowest weight. Just yesterday I was told I looked like I was loosing weight again. Sadly, some people cheer you on and I swear some just want to see you fail so they can say I told you so (about the un-natural surgical choice...whatever!!!) you know? It gets old, but phooey on them. I am responsible for me.

Debbie, I too am going to have to find your music. How cool! My grandmother was a self-taught pianist and it is something I wish I would have learned as well.

Jenn, anyone in the medical/emergency response field has my respect. I am fine with needles but horrified at the sight of our insides. My son lopped the top of his finger off a couple of years ago and I got a good peak at his bone and then later got to watch them remove the pins. YUCK! Then this past Christmas he fell in an elevator which resulted in compartment compression syndrome (severed muscle and tendon as well). His arm was cut open and left open for five days to allow for drainage. That was too much for me (not to mention the skin graph they took from his leg B)). Every single time they came in to change his bandages or the docs came in to look....yuck, yuck, yuck.

So yeah...big, big props to you!! I could not do it!!

Suzie, sorry you feel yucky. Get some rest tomorrow!

Cindy, how is school going? LOL at keeping your daughter close to home. I don't blame you!!

Tracy, hey!!! I jumped on here a few times yesterday but never could actually get time enough to post. Lunches around here are iffy. Right now, Wal-mart's import cargo is kicking our butts. It's Christmas stuff coming in and it probably won't let up until around Thanksgiving. I would love to meet with you after work though...send me a PM if you are available this week....or we can meet at Wal-Mart!

Hey, Michelle...sorry you are feeling bad too. I hope you don't have an infection...yuck.

Hi'ya Plain!!

I hope Kat is having fun!

Hope I didn't miss anyone....

Back to work!


Edited by AngelaW

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LOL!! That cracked me up.
:rolleyes2: Now it is comments like this that will make me drive up there and smack the crap out of you! (especially since I weigh like 70 pounds more than you!)

I still love you though. :blush:

Trey - Tracy knows this, but I have serious issues... LOL

I still see myself as I was 100lbs ago - plus didn't help my pants are 4 sizes too big which made me look even bigger.. LOL -


Good morning,

Shar...I hate that!!! I regret telling some people I had the lap-band®. It's the same when you loose and then gain it back again.

I have put back on about 20 lbs. from my lowest weight. Just yesterday I was told I looked like I was loosing weight again. Sadly, some people cheer you on and I swear some just want to see you fail so they can say I told you so (about the un-natural surgical choice...whatever!!!) you know? It gets old, but phooey on them. I am responsible for me. It is easy to do, I never get more than 8lb gain, I can feel the difference and that is my freak out point

Debbie, I too am going to have to find your music. How cool! My grandmother was a self-taught pianist and it is something I wish I would have learned as well.

Jenn, anyone in the medical/emergency response field has my respect. I am fine with needles but horrified at the sight of our insides. My son lopped the top of his finger off a couple of years ago and I got a good peak at his bone and then later got to watch them remove the pins. YUCK! Then this past Christmas he fell in an elevator which resulted in compartment compression syndrome (severed muscle and tendon as well). His arm was cut open and left open for five days to allow for drainage. That was too much for me (not to mention the skin graph they took from his leg :lol2:). Every single time they came in to change his bandages or the docs came in to look....yuck, yuck, yuck. Thank you - but I do have to say it is different when it is your own - I never thought I would be able to do it

So yeah...big, big props to you!! I could not do it!!

Suzie, sorry you feel yucky. Get some rest tomorrow!

Cindy, how is school going? LOL at keeping your daughter close to home. I don't blame you!!

Tracy, hey!!! I jumped on here a few times yesterday but never could actually get time enough to post. Lunches around here are iffy. Right now, Wal-mart's import cargo is kicking our butts. It's Christmas stuff coming in and it probably won't let up until around Thanksgiving. I would love to meet with you after work though...send me a PM if you are available this week....or we can meet at Wal-Mart!

Hey, Michelle...sorry you are feeling bad too. I hope you don't have an infection...yuck.

Hi'ya Plain!!

I hope Kat is having fun!

Hope I didn't miss anyone....

Back to work!


I am so completely sore - home to have some pulled pork and off to class

I am going to bed as soon as i get home from work tomorrow

Have a great night all

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Cindy, how is school going? LOL at keeping your daughter close to home. I don't blame you!!

It is 9o'clock and I just got home from work. We had family dinner night, so I got up at 4:20 this morning and cooked a pound of bacon and a pound of ground round, sauteed an onion and mixed up the seasonings and Beans for baked beans. I got permission to have a big crock pot in my room and they cooked all day. The whole dang hall smelled so good. So, this evening we entertained and fed about 200 people. Everyone brought something. It was a big potluck dinner. It was fun, and I enjoyed it, but I am exhausted. I live 45 minutes from work so, yeah.

As far as keeping Alex close to home, I was lucky that she bleeds purple and gold. She didn't even apply anywhere else. She refused to go to anywhere but LSU! Lucky me!

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It is 9o'clock and I just got home from work. We had family dinner night, so I got up at 4:20 this morning and cooked a pound of bacon and a pound of ground round, sauteed an onion and mixed up the seasonings and Beans for baked beans. I got permission to have a big crock pot in my room and they cooked all day. The whole dang hall smelled so good. So, this evening we entertained and fed about 200 people. Everyone brought something. It was a big potluck dinner. It was fun, and I enjoyed it, but I am exhausted. I live 45 minutes from work so, yeah. Cindy - beans sound wonderful and sounds like a goo turn out. A friend of mine makes these awesome western beans, I think I need to make some of them, if they just had light BBQ Sauce all would be well

As far as keeping Alex close to home, I was lucky that she bleeds purple and gold. She didn't even apply anywhere else. She refused to go to anywhere but LSU! Lucky me! My Alex is probably going to stay home, only because she doesn't know what she wants to do, so great community college and she is going into forensic program so If I travel for work she is going to take care of the house for me... [/QUOTE]

Morning all

I don't know how I'm functioning to be honest with ya'll (and myself)

Yesterday was a very rough day at work, I actually argued something I have to deal with this morning.

Oh it is taking me forever to post, I have to get up and get dressed, have to leave in 30 and no where ready

Tonight is special training at FD, I am not elidigle for, so when we get a ton of flooding calls (we get lots)tonight I'm going to sleep through the beginning and maybe do middle of the night calls - I'm going to sleep at 7 with ds. We are getting "nicole" they are saying up to 7" of rain and high wind advisory

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Jenn, I saw the weather reports, be very careful.

So sad about Tony Curtis. I love his movies.

Yesterday was a very longgggg day for me. But I did get some good news from one of the Docs. First appointment was to go give blood for my poisoning check-up. I have to be tested periodically for this. Second appointment was with my kidney Doc. All is well and she is very happy with my results. The third one was with my fill Doc. I did get a fill which was very much needed. I had actually only gained a little over 2 pounds while I was on the road for 3 weeks, so I was happy with that. But he did tell me that I do need to have the Hiatal Hernia repaired. He did say that I could wait till I was ready to do it. I told him I just wasn't looking forward to more surgery right now. So Hubby and I are going to talk about this. I'm thinking that maybe after the holidays would be ok.

The next couple of days here in my home town, they have "The Wall that Heals". Sometime today Hubby and I are going to go over to see it. I know a few people that served in Vietnam but I don't know anyone on the wall. I'll have to remember to bring some tissues.

Have a good day everyone.

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I'm baaaaack!!! You Texans can relax now!! LOL

Was an overall good trip. My grandsons have grown like little weeds! Connor is now as tall as Kinsey---he was several inches shorter when they left in June---seriously, I have the pitures! Now they are even Steven. Garrick is walking, and attempting to run, probably could have if he was in familiar surroundings. He will suddenly decide to share his kisses, and he puckers up, with the absolutely most perfect little lips---any female I know would love to have his lips!! Not Angelina full, but perfect! He is starting to talk, and chatters unintelligible things when ask a question. Took him a few minutes to remember everyone---but he was standing at the door to my inlaws bedroom, and MIL said something to him that triggered, and his entire look changed, and he just run at her with his arms in the air, it was so cute!

Cows are in, Water gaps worked on---they are a no win situation....so hopefully it helps.

Kinsey did wonderful! She behaved so well, and travelled good, loved being with Connor! She learned to ride the ATV, and was glued to her Papa's side, if he was outside working, she was right with him!

We had a blow out on the way home. 70 mph, in a van, pulling a trailer! Could have been bad, but the guy in the outside lane we were passing, was paying close attention, he slowed, swerved into our lane, giving us a clear path off the road. Got the donut on (Rick kept saying that thing had to go....then forgot it!!) Drove on to Clovis NM, and found the tire store and bought 2 new ones. He refuses to replace one, he says it makes a difference. So the woman at the counter could not get it through her head what we wanted. The blown out tire and wheel are sitting on the trailer we were pulling---we want one new tire on that wheel, and the other new tire on the other back wheel, then rotate them, and put the new tires on the front, it is a front wheel drive vehicle.....omg, she could not get it! Well there was a little man in there, trying to find a cheap tire to use on his oldsmobile, he could not afford much, but he sure needed a tire he said, he was telling the woman about delivering meals on wheels, and she was just rude, she didn't care. Rick noticed he was given the same prices we were, so he ask what size of tire, and ended up giving our extra tire---that we were originally going to use as a spare to this man, and paid to have it mounted and balanced for him. The little man was so happy, and grateful!

Anyway with all that, and unloading parents, and granddaughter---we finally got home about 8:30 last night!

Thanks for all the great thoughts, it WAS a good time, of course had its moments, but worth it!

I have personals for everyone---but Rick just got up, I am going to visit with him, and will be back---I missed y'all!!!

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I am every man's dream right now. :) J/K!

I woke up with NO VOICE!!!! If I had the body to go with no voice, they'd be panting at my feet right now! :drool: And poor DH had to go to work today so he can't even enjoy the quiet! Well, as quiet as it can be with a 4 year old female in the house! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!

Kat, so glad you're back. I missed you! Sounds like you had a great tie with the kiddos! You and Rick are very special people. You probably helped that man more than you will ever know!

Cindy, those Beans sound yummy! I love beans! I need to make them more often but I need tried and true recipes. <hint, hint>

Jenn, I'm worried about how much you're hurting. Did you ever go to the doctor? Please try to take care of yourself. Be careful out there and I pray you all don't get too much of that rain they're talking about.

Wish some of that rain would come our way. Course our raisin farmers would have a bloody cow if it rained right now! Trying to get the grapes that are on the ground, dried up to finish the harvest. Rain equals no drying and lots of mold. NOT a good combo!

Suz, good news with the docs. Sorry about the surgery but at least you don't have to deal with it right now. That's a good thing! Tony Curtis died? I'm so sad! I never listen to/see/read the news in the AM so I never hear about anything unless someone posts it.

Well, I'm kinda fuzzy right now and can't remember what I was going to say. Hi to everyone!

Hope y'all have a great day!

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Hubby and I went over to see "The Wall that Heals" exhibit here. It was amazing. I'm posting pics but let me warn you, it was windy and I look more like a wicked witch then I should. But we enjoyed the whole thing and even got some info on hubbys time in the Air Force. Afterwards we went to brunch and I couldn't even eat half of what I got. I think I got a good fill yesterday.





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Welcome home Kat!! What a nice thing y'all did for that man! Wonderful folks...you both are truly wonderful folks! Did Kinsey say anything much about missing home?

Cindy-I want the Beans recipe too! I have eaten them before and always wanted to attempt my own. Are they sweet and tangy? YUMM!!

Michelle-hello Oh Voiceless One :smile2: My dh would not know how to act! You feeling better?

Angela-you must be getting your butt handed to you at work! You are not posting much! Take care of yourself.

Suzanne-that wall was here within the last year or so but we did not go see it. We did not find out about it until the last day. Glad you are liking your fill :drool:

Jenn-there is no way I could be a first responder. It takes a special person to do that. God bless you!

Shar-I see you there....how are you today?

Debbie-so what is new with you?

Today I got a new definition of crying uncontrollably. I always thought of that as sobbing and not being able to stop. Well, I know a new one. Sucking it up and sucking it up and just when you think you have succeeded, the tears just fall out of your eyes and you can not stop it no matter how hard you try. That was a new experience. I can laugh about it now....frank and i were at our favorite mexican food joint when it happened and i am SO glad I was facing a wall and only dh could really see me. I kept saying "sorry sorry sorry, i tried not to". That was pretty wild.

I am gonna go watch lasst nights episode of Survivor....have a great night everyone! :)

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Kat, after meeting Rick in person, I would have expected no less from him. He has that kind of heart that will walk a mile for you if he saw you in distress. What a lovely virtue in a person. Something we should all strive for.I'm s glad to hear that your visit went wonderful and that you got to spend time with the boys. Isn't it amazing how they do grow up so fast.

We are having a silent auction at work to raise money for Breast Cancer research. So today I went to Hobby Lobby and bought 2 different patterns of fleece. Even though they are different they still go together. So I blocked and cut them and then tied them together. They are primarily pink and black, a very popular colors. It's all done and I will take it into work.

Tracy, did your cry seem to help you out? I know that when I do have a good cry that I'm able to think a little more clearer. I'm able to put things in prospective. I hope you get some relief.

Where's Terri at. She hasn't checked in in a long time.

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      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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