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I'm with you Suzie, I would have that tree up so fast their heads would be spinning! I really dislike being watched like that! It would be a MAJOR issue with my next door neighbor, if I was not next door, like if I was across the street! As it is, she sits at the window---she is for all intents and purposes, house bound, and watches out towards the street. She cannot see my house, only if someone pulls up, and I am ok with that being watched. She sledom makes it into the back yard, she just cannot manuever the terrain, but we have grapes growing as a fence addition between our houses, some start on their side, some on ours--and they make an awesome block in the summer, you cannot see anything without parting the leaves! Problem is grapes take a lot of Water to produce good grapes, and they take a while to establish. Each year we add a panel of fence--the hard hog wire type---to the top of the wood fence so it gives them climbing room---so as it is now, from their house they cannot see in our yard, and very little from their yard. However from his shop, it is still open----so hope they get grown soon. That will block the sun from Ricks tomatoes, so he is in no hurry! He must care less about the privacy than I do!!!

So the neighbors on the other side, are the snooty ones. The rich real estate company owners...they look down their noses at us all the time!!! They are snow birds now, they left late in the fall and went to Houston, and have yet to come back yet. So they left, without draining the irrigation to their house, and now they are broke and leaking.....and noone to fix it. So it is soaking the alley behind our houses, and has now progressed to the point, none of us have any pressure....so our water (irrigation) is shut off, and the break needs repaired. I called their cells, neither one answered. I called their son who lives there year round, he give me their cell #'s and said he has no idea why they aren't answering.

Makes the mean in me come out! I have been nice to them, picked up papers that were complimentary ones thrown out, and done things to make the house look less empty so they don't get broke into. They EXPECT that tho, and I am done, things can pile up now, I am no longer being nice. They have a small front yard they water on a timer with city water (less weed issues than ditch water)---so they do not have a rush. Meanwhile, the rest of us watch either our lawns go brown or our water bills go up, even tho we have water rights. It's very frustrating, and even more so to be treated like we owe them to fix it since they simply don't care. I suggested to the ditch group, we go just this side of the break, and cap it off, and when they get back if they want it fixed, they can fix it......we'll see. None of them live next to them, so they feel helpful!!! LOL not me!!!!

Well Rick has ended up working both yesterday and today. But the rumor is the entire Halliburton yard here will be closed in 60 days max. Which will get us through the CS time we were hoping for, then we have to reevaluate what we want to do..... new life chapter!

Took Connor to town with us to buy steer manure for the planiting area, and he is such a sweetie. Like Rick said, he has no idea what his little world has in store for him.

Gotta go help my honey---talk to ya later!!!

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Hi everyone! I am alot better today. still dizzy but that is getting better too. Thanks for all of the get well wishes!

We have 2 new additions to our family. I posted pics on FB. They are Frank and Lucy. 9 month old persian/siamese cats. I told dh and dd that we could take them in if THEY take care of them....we'll see how that goes.

Hope you are all enjoying your weekends.

BTW....I am back in the 24somethings! YAY...249.5...I'll take it and run with it!

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My neighbor and I get along real well, she's the one that I go have Margi's with every now and then. Anyway her hubby lives about 15 miles from here and it looks like they are going to end up getting a divorce. But she has this 19 year old that almost has moved in with her and her 18 year old and her 11 year old. I still can't figure out why a 19 yo would want to hang around a 43 yo for. So hubby and I have dubbed him the toyboy. She's really pushing for us to accept this guy. He is a very nice person and has a good sense of humor, he's just not someone that hubby and I would find ourselves hanging with. He should be out cruising girls or hanging with guys his own age, not people twice his age. And not that I hold this against him but he's a four time felon. The last judge said that he could see a big change in him and felt that he would do better, released him into the world. So I would really prefer to have a tree put up and not have to worry about spending time in our pool and having them ask if they can come over all the time.

The kids came over today. I told them that I would grill some hot dogs. I also made some mac and cheese and a few other things. We put the dogs on and I went to check them after about 4 minutes and there was no heat, we had run out of gas. So I put them all in a big pot and boiled them. The kids didn't care. We played badminton with them and Abby was a hoot. Her and Connor ended up using the rackets as servers and the birdies as cups and pretended to make us smoothies and serve us. It was so cute.

Now just relaxing and going to head to bed soon. I'm a little on the tired side today.

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Wow Suzanne-sounds like neighbor needs a wake up call! A 19 year old felon? Oh my! Hope she makes it through this 'relationship' unscathed. She may need you to stick closer to her, ya know? I have a feeling she is gonna need you.

Still the same weight this morning.... :thumbup: now i can claim it. I wasn't going to get on the scales but i had a good feeling about it!

Have a great day everyone!

PS...I got my new MP3 player. 16GB. I am now up with the times. GO ME!

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Good morning, I am awake! Normally I go back to bed when Rick leaves, because I go to bed late, but since I have to be an early riser the next month, I thought I would begin it today!!! That way maybe I will be sleepy enough to go to bed early tonight!!

I have been searching my closets for a certain pair of shoes, and not finding them. I emptied the closet, and not there! I am hoping, they are in a tote in the shed, with most of my flip flops----will look later today, it is too cold out there to go digging around in the shed, it is still below 30....froze pretty good last night. Bye bye fruit! Well all the fruit except for my apples. They produce no matter what, and we don't use enough of them to make it worthwhile to do anything with them. I think Rick is going to spray the tree, and we will give it away. The apples always make, otherwise I would have no mess in the back yard to clean up! LOL

Off to get a pedi (and thinking about a manicure too!!!) today, and have lunch with Rick. To hear him talk, we won't ever get to lunch together again! LOL, it is ONE month!!!

I need to call my friend Marie, and delay our lunch tomorrow from 11 to 1....see if that works for her! She has been in TX for a couple of weeks, so it is past time to catch up!

Manda goes this week to finalize Kinsey's school registration! Can't believe it! She is ready, she is self teaching herself how to read! She recognizes simple sight words already. The words on her flash cards, she knows the word, without the picture.....think she has been through them a time or 2!!! And she is getting the sound idea.....she ask me why my name did not start with a C. I ask her then what sound does the K make.....she replies, "well that's kinda messed up huh?" LOL

Suzie, I am in total agreement with Tracy in regards to your neighbor. Made my blood run cold. What sex is the oldest child in her home? Coming from someone who was conned, and damn near killed by a reformed "ex" con-----I am here to tell you prison does not reform them, it hardens them, and smartens them up in manipulating people. Now that is only my experience....but I would have some safeguard in place, and would not allow him in my home, or to know much about my "things". I find that scary as hell.

A healthy 19 year old who is turning his life around, would be looking at healthy 17, 18 year olds.....but instead he is looking at who can help him acheive what he needs/wants.

I know my experiences color my judgement, but I am here to tell you, he(my ex, the con) was NOT that way when I dated and married him. I am not an idiot! I would never have married someone who treated me like that, or who had that history had I known! I knew he had spent some county jail time, but he lied about what it was for, along with everything else! We went out with friends one night, and were in a local club, where some man, open handed slapped his wife. My ex took him down, and literally sat on him, threatening him, and berating him about a man hitting a woman being the weakest human on earth...yadda yadda yadda, until the police come. Yep he put on one helluva show, I would have NEVER imagined he would become the abuser he was. And it was not just me, he abused everyone in his past---it was on record. But innocent as I was, I never questioned whether he was honest with me. Why would someone lie about every aspect of their life? That whole world was foreign to me. They learn to manipulate people like nothing else. And they prey on those who will believe their stories, who are far removed from the type of life they lead. Those who will blindly trust....

You may not be able to convince her to be careful, but Suzanne, DO NOT be alone with this guy, and don't let him have access to your home. Please, be careful!

I guess I am hard hearted these days----but I don't trust like I used to, I look at things differently.

Well I am doing laundry, got the bed stripped and changed, have things ready to make some meatballs, so I have dinner ready to go.....this getting up early is wierd!!! LOL

Gonna go unload the dishwasher......see y'all when I get back from town!

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Thanks for the input. I fulling intend to do my best ot not let him in my house. There have been things that he has said that just creep me out and I don't want him making a mental picture of my home for future use. I am so afraid that she is going to be seriously hurt by this guy, not physically. Her son is 17 years old and he's not even friends with this guy but he is never home so he sees it as ok for this guy to be around as a companion and protector for his mom. She has told me that his mom doesn't like her, she thinks she is corrupting her son, really??? I'd prefer to stay out of the whole thing but the little 11 year old girl is who I worry about. I'm afraid that she is getting the wrong impression about how adults should act.

Beautiful day here today. We need to mow but are going to wait till around 1pm to let the grass dry out a little more. Than we can pull the truck around the back and unload the rocks. So looking forward to it. LOL.

Congrats on the scale staying the same Tracy. You are right to claim it.

The Docs office called and asked my husband to tell me to call back and I did. The werein the room with a patient so I left a voicemail for them to call me back. I hope they have info on my surgery for me. Need to get my tummy to feeling better again.

Check in soon.

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Have lots of fun things going on.....will send out an email this evening.

Also got a disturbing comment from a friend of sons, about him going to LA -- by himself, before the family joins him.....kinda weirding me out. You hate hearing things that don't highlight your kids at their best. I know things are stressed with him right now, but I still dislike hearing things that seem to center around his morals......have to think on it another time, going to enjoy my day!!

Glad you are ON it Suzie, just had to voice my concerns.


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Docs office just called and she said that she submitted the hernia repair and it came back that I needed a referral. Our insurance is an HMO but I have never had to have one before. So she is going to call them and find out what the deal is. She said it might be tomorrow before she gets back with me. I won't have a problem getting my Doc to fax the paperwork over, I just need to know if I need to have him do it. Crazy insurance company, since the first of the year we have had several problems like this with them.

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Kat-when is ds going to LA?

Suzanne-oh my, there is an 11 year old girl involved? That is just a bad situation all the way around. You are very wise to stay on your toes!

Michelle-how are you? I am SO happy about your weight loss! That is fantastic. GO YOU! Feels great right?!

Jenn-miss you sista!

Cindy-are you on a countdown to school being out? I would be if I were you!

Right now I am fighting off food demons. I just had supper and a WW ice cream but my head is saying I am still hungry. Aujnt Flow is supposed to show up any day so I know that is not helping matters at all!

Have a great night everyone. :thumbdown:

(just as an afterthought...i sure hope BP can bounce back financially from this tragedy, but I doubt they can. The Gulf of Mexico will never be the same. Makes me wonder what it will do to our coastal areas, nature & business wise.)

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Tracy...yep, you betcha...students come 15 more days!! I also had my last and toughest observation by the Asst. Principal today and she loved me! So, a lot of stress from worrying about that is over. :blushing:

Alex is so ready to be out of school. She is still mailing out her invitations since we just recently got her pictures in...she had prom a week ago and we went to her senior banquet last week. I am happy to announce that there were 10 people at each table and I was the ONLY person to leave food on a plate!!!:tt2:Which is saying a lot since it was mango chicken, roasted potatoes and Caesar salad. Oh, there was carrots and cauliflower, but I don't get props for leaving that on my plate, since I don't like it.:thumbup:

I have so far kind of dodged the plague that my family insists on bringing home. I was in pain and hurting last week, but with phenergan, I avoided throwing up!!!! and Tracy, I am glad you are feeling better.

Michelle, I am wishing you a speedy recovery. Please take it easy and let yourself heal properly.

Kat, have you heard anymore about your daughter's shoulder? I have been thinking about her.

Suz, be careful and I hope they get that insurance worked out. I HATE red tape!:thumbdown:

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Hey y'all!

Getting things done here so I can go to bed early---so wierd for me!!!

Tracy he leaves end of next week I believe, I don't know for sure, they are supposed to make some sort of announcement, and have a party for him next weekend. Yeah, feel like partying with them....

Spoke to someone who knew him years ago, who mentioned that someone he used to know is going there as well for a "vacation".....not a happy bit of news. Oh well, I cannot live his life, and if he is going to make mistakes, he has to live with them and the consequences.

Cindy---Manda is hurting, in the upper arm area, not in the shoulder so much, so she is anxious to get back to the ortho and discuss it with him. The ball is broke, but the upper arm is black and hurts.....probably nerve damage, but what does Doc Mom know???

Got my mani and pedi today, felt wonderful.

Have to be in at 6:30 tomorrow, to get my orders!!

Should be kinda fun anyway.

Tracy, not sure what is going to happen with BP, my DD and best friend both work there! Hope it does not ruin them, for their sakes of course. Halliburton is being sued over it as well.....so hell we may all be out of work for it!

I need to go get some things put up off the bed, Rick is ready to crawl in!! Will try to post in the morning, if not, when I get home I will let you know how it went!

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Hey Girls.

I am one tired sore person today. Went to work and then to Wal-Mart. Did my shopping and got home.

Hubby and I went out in back and did some looking around trying to figure out where to start our landscaping. So hubby drove the truck into the backyard and the work began. We unloaded all of the rock and got it placed. Good thing I watch all of those DIY shows, really came in handy on how to place the rocks. Everything is looking good but we still have a little ways yet to go. I need to get to the nursery and pick up some stuff. When I'm done I'll post pics.

We didn't go to the nursery because I am very sore and know that I way over did it with the rock hauling. So it will wait. I have an appointment with the Orthopedic Doc on Thursday and wanted to be able to walk into his office, lol.

Think I'll fix tacos for dinner tonight and have our Cinco De mayo today. We work at the hospital tomorrow and will be at the mercy of their food. Not sure they will do the mexican food thing. I can eat mexican food anytime.

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I hear ya Suzie, I can eat mexican all the time! I think when you are here I will take you down to my little restaurant we go to all the time...mmmmmm

Finished my first day. Voting began a little slow, but it wasn't too bad. Lots to learn the first day. Everytime they have new software, so have to relearn the computer. Working with a woman named Shirley. She seems nice enough, and once I kind of got the point across that I did not want to discuss politics with her, nor was it allowed, it was good, and I think it will be fine, it is only a month afterall!!!

Tonight Connor has a game, then they want to go eat ice cream, I guess he is going to make his announcement that he is moving or some stupid thing. At least my MIL said he was. Like someone doesn't know?

So I need to figure something Rick can eat on the run.....

Where is everyone???

Suzie, Rick is going around the yard with railroad ties, and he plants his veggies in them---but we seriously need a plan.....just don't know what it is out there yet!!!

Well, I am off to find something to eat, and figure out a dinner plan. Will check in later----hope everyone is ok!

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OK, so confession time....no it is not about food.....

Kat came to FB and reminded me I hadn't posted here today. That is how my mind is these days. I could have SWORE I posted this morning. So sorry for my negligence.

Still doing good eating :thumbup: I am SO bloated and the scale was +3 this morning but aunt flow is going to be here prob tomorrow so i am not stressed over it.

Gotta go to girl scouts.....

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I am jealous! Y'all could post yesterday?!:thumbup: I haven't had access to it since early Monday night! LBT wouldn't come up for me.:thumbup:

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      Am I the only struggling to get weight down. I started with weight of 297 and now im 280 but seem to not lose more weight. My nutrtionist told me not to worry about the pounds because I might still be losing inches. However, I do not really see much of a difference is this happen to any of you, if so any tips?
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      Well recovering from gallbladder removal was a lot like recovering from the modified duodenal switch surgery, twice in 4 months yay 🥳😭. I'm having to battle cravings for everything i shouldn't have, on top of trying to figure out what happens after i eat something. Sigh, let me fast forward a couple of months when everyday isn't a constant battle and i can function like a normal person again! 😞
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      1. kezbeth

        I may have to have gall bladder surgery during my weight loss surgery. Not thrilled about it either but do not want 2 recovery times. Just want it over with.

        Thanks for your post. I may need to rethink my decision... :(

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