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I can not even believe some of you are talking about it being cold outside. WHEW.....I'M MELTING.

I am in a blah mood this morning. Not bad, not good, just blah.

I am excited for school to get out too so I do not have to set an alarm clock! Macy will be so bored so I need to check into some summer activities for her. When i get off here I need to check into our activity center website.

I have been hurting in my joints again....I know it is because I have not been eating right. When I am eating right I feel SO much better. So, today I am going to try to stay away from the EVIL.

Have a great day everyone! I think I will go take me a B12 and get some kind of positive mojo going :scared2:

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Tracy, You find that MoJo yet?? Hope so.

Home for about 30 minutes and then headed back out for a little while. Doc wants a MRI on my right hip to see what is causing all the pain. Then when I get home it's mowing time. Got to get it done while it is not raining. It's supposed to start raining again in the morning. It is cold here. A little better than yesterday but still cool.

Make it a good one.

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Now I know how people can feel claustrophobic when they get an MRI. Holy cow that is tight. Right in your face. I just kept repeating to myself, "keep your eyes closed". I survived the 20 minutes that it took but I was hurting pretty bad by the time I was done. My hip and knee hated that. But it is done and they said the Doc should have everything by tomorrow morning. I'm hoping they find something and that it isn't all in my mind.

Came home and hubby had already mowed the yard. He's so sweet. It needed to be done, they are calling for rain the next 3 days.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

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We had a nice layer of SNOW this morning!!!

We are supposed to warm up for the weekend. I'll believe it when I feel it! LOL!!!!

Picked up more yarn today while I was at the shop. I needed to figure out what I wanted to do for my niece's Christmas blanket. I'm making her one and I asked her brother what her favorite color is - pink. Okay! That can go any number of directions!!!!!

Anyway, there is this yarn that has 3 shades of "heather pink." From a rose to a medium to a light. I've made up a combination of the 3 shades to do a 'pink' blanket. It'll be a grown up pink. Geez, I hope she likes it! :scared2:

So, that's the last of the project yarn I need for Christmas presents. Unless I think of something else to make! LOL!!!

Cindy, I know where your kids are coming from! I always hated the final weeks of school! I just wanted out for the summer already! LOL!!! Have fun with all of the graduation stuff for Alex!

Tracy, feeling better?

Suzanne, I don't want anything to be wrong with your knee but it would be nice to know what's going on. Best wishes with the testing.

Kat, you sound busy and rushed! Take a breath!!!

I think our family is finally OKAY!! Whew! It's funny b/ everyone always says how they wish the weekend didn't end, and yet I couldn't wait for it to end! LOL!! So much for Mother's Day. I told DH they could make it up to me later!

Gotta get some church work done so I'd better get to it!

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Yep, been running around like a chicken with my head cut off!!! LOL

Worked this morning, was really slow. Then went to lunch with Marie, which was as usual, really nice---she is such a good friend. She is one of those people who seriously listens when you are telling her something, and she hears with her heart, and does not judge you. If something makes you sad, she feels it too, and if you are celebrating, she is happy too. She makes me want to strive to be as good of a friend to her, as she is to me.

Waiting to hear how MIL's Dr. went today, and we will go out there. First we have to figure out a way to cover the veggies we planted, it is supposed to get really cold tonight, but the plastic over them will not work, because the wind is blowing way too hard. There are gusts of like 55 mph and sustained winds of over 30 mph-----so need to go hunt up some more buckets or something to put on the plants. Empty some trash cans or something and cover them. Damn weather!! The sky outside is brown. Worse than any city smog I have seen in Los Angeles, or Denver---it is dirt, you come in and your teeth feel gritty---it is horrid! It blows in rain, one of those 6" rains----a drop every 6 inches. Then the dirt blows---cars are filthy. I just hate it!

BIL bought my inlaws a computer. My poor MIL is lost! She remembers where to click, but she HATES trying to move the mouse!!! We had her playing solitaire, which will get her more adept with the mouse. I have a feeling we will be getting lots of calls about how and what to do with it!! LOL

I ate pretty good, until meeting Marie, then I had chips and salsa, as well as my meal......I had such good intentions!!! Figures!

As soon as I am done working these mornings, I plan to start walking early in the morning, I like that time of day when it warms up, right now it is simply too cold.

Suzanne, hope they figure out what is causing your pain soon! I HATE being in the MRI machine, they dose me up with valium for them!!!

Michelle, all your Christmas figured out? WOW!! Good for you! I have nothing in the works---well a wreath started, and I will have time to finish it, we won't be having new grandbabies this year to add stockings for! But nothing else planned!

Tracy--loved the pics of Macy at the scout trip. Some kids were staring off into space, and she is totally focused on what he is saying---that is so good!

Cindy----I was talking to a kid here, who was in asking questions about early voting, and they have a final the last day of school here. He said it discourages kids from just not showing up the last day, and since they post the grades on line, they don't have to have time to get them done, so they do their last final the last day of school. I would have been screwed, I was like one of your kids, my mind was already off on summer break!

well, I am going to go round up buckets.....see y'all later!!

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Snow?????? Yikes. We're gonna start getting the pool ready this weekend. Don't need no snow here.

Kat, wouldn't it be nice if we could all be like Marie? I strive to be a person like that also.

Michelle, that is so funny about the yarn and your son. I've seen boys wearing all different kinds of colors. It must be a sign of the times. They don't worry about it.

If I'm not on here for a day or 2 I need to take my computer in to have this Trojan removed. My BIL and I have worked on it all day. It has attached it's self to something and we are not able to find it, no matter what program we try or anything we do. So I think it's best just to let the big guys handle this one. They don't charge much for virus removals.

I'll let you guys know when I hear from either Docs. Still haven't heard from the Band Doc on when my surgery will be. I have an appointment with him next monday so maybe we can get it settled then. Now we need to figure out what is wrong with the hip and knee. Boy, I hate getting old. LOL.

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Cindy----I was talking to a kid here, who was in asking questions about early voting, and they have a final the last day of school here. He said it discourages kids from just not showing up the last day, and since they post the grades on line, they don't have to have time to get them done, so they do their last final the last day of school. I would have been screwed, I was like one of your kids, my mind was already off on summer break!

Yeah, the highschool gives the last final the last day of school. In elementary school, however, we have to get our grades finished by this Friday and school isn't out for them until the 24th:ohmy:

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Tracy, You find that MoJo yet?? Hope so.

LOL, no but today is a brand new day :) DH went back to work today so I know now I have 4 days to undo any bad that i have done :unsure:

We had a nice layer of SNOW this morning!!! oh my, you have to be kidding me. I'll switch with ya! I love cold weather. I love Fall the best though.

We are supposed to warm up for the weekend. I'll believe it when I feel it! LOL!!!!

Picked up more yarn today while I was at the shop. I needed to figure out what I wanted to do for my niece's Christmas blanket. I'm making her one and I asked her brother what her favorite color is - pink. Okay! That can go any number of directions!!!!!

Anyway, there is this yarn that has 3 shades of "heather pink." From a rose to a medium to a light. I've made up a combination of the 3 shades to do a 'pink' blanket. It'll be a grown up pink. Geez, I hope she likes it! :lol:oooh, if she doesn't, i LOVE pink!

So, that's the last of the project yarn I need for Christmas presents. Unless I think of something else to make! LOL!!!

Cindy, I know where your kids are coming from! I always hated the final weeks of school! I just wanted out for the summer already! LOL!!! Have fun with all of the graduation stuff for Alex!

Tracy, feeling better? Since today is a new day, the answer is YES :crying:

Suzanne, I don't want anything to be wrong with your knee but it would be nice to know what's going on. Best wishes with the testing.

Kat, you sound busy and rushed! Take a breath!!!

I think our family is finally OKAY!! Whew! It's funny b/ everyone always says how they wish the weekend didn't end, and yet I couldn't wait for it to end! LOL!! So much for Mother's Day. I told DH they could make it up to me later!

Gotta get some church work done so I'd better get to it!

Yep, been running around like a chicken with my head cut off!!! LOL

Worked this morning, was really slow. Then went to lunch with Marie, which was as usual, really nice---she is such a good friend. She is one of those people who seriously listens when you are telling her something, and she hears with her heart, and does not judge you. If something makes you sad, she feels it too, and if you are celebrating, she is happy too. She makes me want to strive to be as good of a friend to her, as she is to me. What I would not give to have a friend like that living near me! You are so lucky.

Waiting to hear how MIL's Dr. went today, and we will go out there. First we have to figure out a way to cover the veggies we planted, it is supposed to get really cold tonight, but the plastic over them will not work, because the wind is blowing way too hard. There are gusts of like 55 mph and sustained winds of over 30 mph-----so need to go hunt up some more buckets or something to put on the plants. Empty some trash cans or something and cover them. Damn weather!! The sky outside is brown. Worse than any city smog I have seen in Los Angeles, or Denver---it is dirt, you come in and your teeth feel gritty---it is horrid! It blows in rain, one of those 6" rains----a drop every 6 inches. Then the dirt blows---cars are filthy. I just hate it!

BIL bought my inlaws a computer. My poor MIL is lost! She remembers where to click, but she HATES trying to move the mouse!!! We had her playing solitaire, which will get her more adept with the mouse. I have a feeling we will be getting lots of calls about how and what to do with it!! LOL

I ate pretty good, until meeting Marie, then I had chips and salsa, as well as my meal......I had such good intentions!!! Figures! hmmm, this sounds WAY too familiar!

As soon as I am done working these mornings, I plan to start walking early in the morning, I like that time of day when it warms up, right now it is simply too cold.

Suzanne, hope they figure out what is causing your pain soon! I HATE being in the MRI machine, they dose me up with valium for them!!!

Michelle, all your Christmas figured out? WOW!! Good for you! I have nothing in the works---well a wreath started, and I will have time to finish it, we won't be having new grandbabies this year to add stockings for! But nothing else planned!

Tracy--loved the pics of Macy at the scout trip. Some kids were staring off into space, and she is totally focused on what he is saying---that is so good! Macy is a true blue animal lover. She asked a million questions.

Cindy----I was talking to a kid here, who was in asking questions about early voting, and they have a final the last day of school here. He said it discourages kids from just not showing up the last day, and since they post the grades on line, they don't have to have time to get them done, so they do their last final the last day of school. I would have been screwed, I was like one of your kids, my mind was already off on summer break!

well, I am going to go round up buckets.....see y'all later!!

Yeah, the highschool gives the last final the last day of school. In elementary school, however, we have to get our grades finished by this Friday and school isn't out for them until the 24th:ohmy:

Macy doesn't get out of school until the 4th of June! We had alot of kids miss our last day of our senior year...I was happy to go to the last day...just to say 'it's the last day'. lol

Everyone-have a fantastic day. OMG...i just heard on the news that a dad left their 2 year old daughter in the hot car all day while he was at work and she died. I could have gone without hearing that.... :drool:

Hugs everyone (((hugs))) No sugar today for me, anyone wanna join me?

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I'm in on the NO sugar thing. We can do this.

Home from the gym and I did exactly what the Doc told me not to do. Actually he didn't want me on the treadmill but said if I didn't elevate it that would be ok. So I walked for 1/2 mile on a flat treadmill. But than I got on the bike and before I knew it I had rode 2 miles. That's a first for me. I'm feeling pretty good, less impact on my joints.

Now it's shower time and than out the door. Busy day ahead of me.

Has anyone heard from Suzy in awhile? I hope they are all doing good and getting along.

Make it a good one guys.

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Kat, not ALL of Christmas figured out, just the stuff that I'm making! LOL! I'm not THAT good! And actually, this is the first time, I've been on the ball and EARLY!!! But just b/c I have the yarn doesn't mean the stuff is MADE yet!!!! :crying:

Tracy, if she hates the blanket, I'll send it to you! And you can't switch with me, I love winter! All of my friends are hollering at the weather man and I'm loving all this rain and now snow! :)

DH went back to work today instead of tomorrow. The other captain needed off for some appointments for his son. He's got some health issues and they're trying to figure out what's going on. He's only 7?, maybe 8? Little guy. They are talking Fibro Myalsia! Poor baby! Anyway, DH went in so Hutch could be with his family today for the tests and doc appts.

DD and I are headed out soon. We are going to stop by a Day Care this AM to talk to them about getting her signed up and look at the facility. I need somewhere to be able to drop her off if I have an appt or something. I think she would like it too. I still think about getting a little part-time job this summer and I would need care for her on the days DH is at work. Then it's off to the yarn shop for a couple of hours. After that, we'll see what the day brings!

Have a beautiful day!

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hi folks....

I watched Oprah today and I had an AHA! moment. The author on her show wrote a book called -Women food and God-and I will be at the store first thing in the morning to get it. Some of the things that were said from the book made me cry. It is not a diet, it is the BRAIN food I need. I have always been saying i wish there was a band for my brain. Well, this book clicked with me and, well, nothing ventured nothng gained (or lost in this case, lol) We all know that our head being in the game is at least 90% of this. If I can get my head where it needs to be I will be unstoppable, like i was before. Some of you have not known me as long as others here....the first year i was banded I was a force to be reckoned with. lol After I lost the weight, I quit smoking, had some tough times, got depressed, then more depressed when i started gaining and well, the rest is history. I need to get back to that special place and I think this book may be the key for me. Can't hurt! I am excited about reading it.

Have any of you heard of it?

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suz-congrats on the 2 miles on the bike!!

michelle-good to see i am not the only one that likes the cold weather!!

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Hi Guys

I wanted to drop in and say something to reassure people that I am not here to cause drama. I was banded back in April 2007 and for the first year was pretty successful. Since then, things have gone to crap. I come here alot just to read as I felt I had nothing to offer.......except maybe an excuse for regaining my weight. I had originally lost 80+ pounds but today I think my total is around 30-40...to be honest I have not stepped on the scale to see the damage in some time. Like many of us, I thought this would be the final deed to get this weight off but once again I have failed. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to have kept the 30-40 off but am just pissed at myself that I allowed myself to fall back into the same old sh-t. I know....I am preaching to the choir but it feels good to finally post and own it.

So a little about myself. I am 37 years old. I live in Washington State. I am not married but have been with my boyfriend/significant other for 20 years. We have a 17 year old son who is my pride and joy.

So now that I have said "hi" I would like to apologoze if I caused anyone distress with my presence...but I truly am who I say I am and will be joining you all...if this is okay...for the long haul.


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Hi there silent friend :thumbup: No distress here!

I regained ALL of mine...so you are in company that knows how you feel!

So glad you posted....keep it up. Sometimes it helps to type it all out. :biggrin:

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