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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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HI VVs! It's Saturday - the weekend, yahoo!!! No snow here (yet) but it is brisk. The sun though has finally broken through; if it wasn't for the fact that I am driving to the city where my mother lives to bring her for a visit, I would be outside playing in the dirt. There's lots of stuff that needs to be done: putting away hoses, cutting down plants, etc. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. I'm hoping today I can eat sensibly. HAHAHAHA

Ezma - I hope you get a lot done this weekend.

Shiny, Jul, RSG, Marathinner,Lori, St. Louis, Mum,LilMIss, CKK, TSK...what's happening?

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Hey Tap! I have a yard you can come play in the dirt all you want. LOL It's a blank slate and the weather is gorgeous. Think I'm just gonna dump a bunch of gravel in the front yard since it's the rental.

Don't feel like movng this morning. I do but I don't feel organized and that's not usually a good thing. Oh well, I guess extra trips to the store is good exercise right? hehe

Take care guys and have a good day.

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Good morning everyone! It's been mighty quiet here for the last few days...is everyone doing ok?

I managed to eat better this last few days - not great, but better. I had the family over for dinner on the weekend and managed to curtail the feeding frenzy and totally ignored all the Desserts. I made a big batch of Soup yesterday, so I will be having that for lunches - soup is one of the foods I find best for me. It curbs the appetite without loading the calories in.

I managed to spend a few hours out in the garden on the weekend doing some cleanup - finally, some exercise after more than a few weeks doing nothing. More garden work is left to do, but I've made a dent in the outstanding chores. Perhaps if the rain goes away, I could get a bit more done this week (although it is getting dark by the time I get home.)

OK everybody - spill it! How are you doing - weight, exercise, food, life???

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Hey good morning!

Awesome Taps, sounds like you’re back to the bandster way!

I myself just had a really busy weekend so that’s why I haven’t posted, and all yesterday I was trying to get my FB cleaned up. It doesn’t take but a few days and the gifts and requests get really out of control.

I went to see the 49ers in San Francisco and that was a miserable disaster… ugh! I’ve never been to a losing game ever and of course I had to go their their worst loss in a very long time. Oh well, we still had fun for what it was worth!

I’ve not been doing much more so my report is not all that interesting. I’ve just been eating like normal as I’m not trying to lose anymore. I’ll just let myself float up and down this 5 Lbs. I don’t want to gain either because that will just be further away from goal. I want to get there as quickly as I can then do my maintain thing which I seem to be a pro at.

How’s everyone else?

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I'm frustrated. My weight is back up a few pounds. :) I just can't seem to curb the sugar demon. I have to, though. Getting fat again is not an option!

I am at the point that I like to almost pretend that I never had a problem. I like to forget about the fat me. That's dangerous, because I have to learn from my past, not put it out of my mind.

Still don't have a house to move to. Hubby interviewed for his promotion yesterday so we'll see if that comes through.

Have a great day!

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Hey Mel, it’s nice to see ya!

Boy oh boy do I ever know what you mean. You’re so good though and to only be up and down a few pounds is such an accomplishment in itself. You have no idea! Hang in there! It could also be you’re going through some stressful times and that really doesn’t help matters at all!

I’m thinking about you and have high hopes that you’ll find a house soon and that your hubby does well on his interview.

I kinda had a blasé day yesterday myself. I just fixed up my farms on FB and whatnot. Nothing much else to report except for my Dr. Appt. It was kinda crazy yesterday having to brave the storm. I went to Wal-Mart too and left almost 20 bucks worth of stuff! My mind was elsewhere, but I’m telling you, I’m going to call Wal-Mart and get the stuff I bought back. I’m so disappointed in myself!

I’m going to start journaling my approach to getting revised, so look out for it! When It’s ready I’ll post a link in my signature line and you all can peek in on it, and of course all feedback is welcome too. J

Have a great day VV’s!!!!!!

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Hey everyone! I seriously need to check in more, so much has happened again.

LilMissDiva- WOW! That is a huge decision! I work with 2 people who got the gastric by pass instead of LB. Both lost well over 100 pounds. However one of them is able to eat whatever she wants without getting sick, or the dumping syndrome. I'm a little envious. :sneaky: It seems like with the band you still have to put a lot of effort. I mean it has helped me a lot, I never would've been able to cut my portions the way I have. I guess any WLS takes some effort, it just seems more so with Lapband. I talked it over with my husband, he feels I shouldn't do revision unless I actually have a problem with the band :frown:, which I haven't yet. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I haven't had problems, but I'm tired of having to work at it so damn hard! :thumbup: Just please always keep us posted on your progress.

I'm doing pretty darn terrible. You know everything they tell us not to do? No sweets, no fast food, no sodas, bread, and get lots of exercise? Well I've been doing the opposite of all of those. i so totally hate myself right now and am having such a rotten time getting back on track. It doesn't help that my husband has an insomnia problem which is effecting my sleep as well. Well I guess all of us strugglers need to get into a group hug and support eachother. My next move is to find a new therapist that specializes in weight loss/food addiction. By the way, not weighung myself didn't work. :mad:

So here I go , try, try again.

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I’ve not been doing much more so my report is not all that interesting. I’ve just been eating like normal as I’m not trying to lose anymore. I’ll just let myself float up and down this 5 Lbs. I want to do my maintain thing which I seem to be a pro at.

If in just eating normal you can stay within your 5 pound margin, then that is a great accomplishment. My eating just like normal means more than 5 pounds...my recent holiday proved that. I must always be vigilant....which can be tiring, but is essential!

I'm frustrated. My weight is back up a few pounds. :mad: I just can't seem to curb the sugar demon. I have to, though. Getting fat again is not an option!

I am at the point that I like to almost pretend that I never had a problem. I like to forget about the fat me. That's dangerous, because I have to learn from my past, not put it out of my mind.

Still don't have a house to move to. Hubby interviewed for his promotion yesterday so we'll see if that comes through.


Hey Shiny - glad to see you posting; sorry about the plateau and the no-house situation. I relly hope your hubby's interview pays off!

I know exactly what you mean about not forgetting the past - doomed to repeat it, if I do! So, although I really don't like to be constantly self-monitoring, I do have to.

I’m going to start journaling my approach to getting revised, so look out for it! When It’s ready I’ll post a link in my signature line and you all can peek in on it, and of course all feedback is welcome too. J

I will pay attention to your journally Diva. although I am (knock on wood) not having any problems, and don't forsee a need to change my band, I am interested to know about your process - and mostly I just want to make sure we stay in touch. I really feel we are starting to lose our VV connections, and I miss that.

It seems like with the band you still have to put a lot of effort. I mean it has helped me a lot, I never would've been able to cut my portions the way I have. I guess any WLS takes some effort, it just seems more so with LAP-BAND®. I talked it over with my husband, he feels I shouldn't do revision unless I actually have a problem with the band :sneaky:, which I haven't yet. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I haven't had problems, but I'm tired of having to work at it so damn hard! :thumbup: Just please always keep us posted on your progress.

I'm doing pretty darn terrible. You know everything they tell us not to do? No sweets, no fast food, no sodas, bread, and get lots of exercise? Well I've been doing the opposite of all of those. i so totally hate myself right now and am having such a rotten time getting back on track.

My next move is to find a new therapist that specializes in weight loss/food addiction. By the way, not weighung myself didn't work. :frown:

Hey Jul! Glad to see you back! Sorry to hear about your struggles - it's almost like you are reporting on my life! I too have not been doing my exercise....and although my eating is better, it is not true bandster style.

I have to say, my doc only restricted sodas - not bread etc like your doc. I enjoy bread - but as with anything else only in small portions. I'm glad my doc didn't say the no bread/no rice rules or else I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have had the surgery. I have rice or Pasta or bread everyday - good fibre in those!

As for exercise though...........................................

Hope to hear from some other VVs. Miss you all.

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Sounds like everyone is hanging in there, ups and down's as usual.

We are finally back from Vacation. It was AMAZING. We saw some beautiful territory in 10 states, 13 different hotels, over 4,000 miles, but it was worth it all.

I climbed to the top of a light house, something the pre-band Pat would never have attempted, waded in the ocean, walked miles along the beach, drove througth the mountains, road a boat right up to the base of Niagra Falls, and visited both the Pennsylvania and Ohio Amish communities. All in all it was a great trip.

The best part is I only gained two pounds! I ate a lot of Lobster Bisque, Clam Chowder (the creamy kind) and Crab cakes. (My diet was limited due to my recent surgery but I made out OK.) I have four weeks before my next doctor's appointment to lose those two and a few more. I'm still below 200 so I'm thrilled.

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Yay, St. Louis Gal! I'm glad you had a great trip. I love living life as a smaller me.

We found a house. Phew. It'll be a real nice place for us. It's a 4 bedroom house with a basement.

We'll hear on the job in the next day or 4! :scared2:

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Good morning all, and Happy Friday!!!

SLG - Your trip sounded marvelous; hope you took some great pics! And as for your weight gain - you should be so proud of yourself!

SHM - Congrats on the house! Now, I can focus all my good wishes on the promotion....

So, where is everyone else? How are you doing? If you are 'lurking', could I entice you to post even just once a month - I miss my VVs.

And now for todays news bulletin - it snowed last night!!! ARGHH I don't have the garden winterized yet.....:scared2:

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Hey hey good morning VV’s!!!

St.Louis – trip sounded so nice. I really need one!

SHM, so glad you finally found a house!!! Yipee! J I just hope for you that you will be able to settle in for awhile… I know that’s been an issue for you for awhile now.

Tap, I just wanna give a holla out to you! Thanks for always keeping us glued together. I think if it weren’t for you we may have all disbanded by now, which is sad to even think about. We really need each other, who few are left.

I still haven’t decided how I’m going to journal my journey to a revision. I really hesitate to do it here on LBT. To be very honest I have been getting quite a bit of negativity which is kinda sad. I think we should all remember how and why we are even here. I wonder why anyone would even question my decision. I’m never giving up and that is why I’ve decided to tredge on even if that means I have to revise to something “stronger” so to speak.

All I want to say to those who think I’m giving up (and so far that’s really no one here): Please for one moment put yourself in my shoes before laying judgment. No way do I consider this giving up. I consider it moving forward and NEVER giving up until my goal is reached. One more thing, try to think back on all those people who disagreed with your decision on getting a lap-band. How did you feel? Why would you want to bestow those same standards to someone else? Frankly, you should know better.

I have been having many issues with finding a sweet spot, with my port being in pain a lot and getting worse… and to top it off I still have over 100 Lbs to lose. I just can’t keep beating a dead horse here, I have to try something new. I’m simply not healthy.

Okay I’m done whining… lol. Again, that was not directed to anyone in this thread. You all have been so amazing, and thank you. I doubt anyone who is being negative will even see that, but it’s just nice to get it out there. J

One thing though… I may take all this over to Facebook. So, if you have not already, please send me a friendship request. You can send it to the one in sig line, or you can ask for my email address via PM.

Have a great weekend everyone!!! J

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My trip was great, and many things that we did, I would never have attempted at my former weight. It was really neat to be able to climb on rocks and walk along the beach without huffing and puffing.

Congrats on the house, Shiny, I hope it works out well for you. Keeping good thoughts for hubby's job.

LilMiss, good to see you on Facebook. Just remember, you have to do what is right for you! No one else can determine what is right for you except you. I think my band had been misplaced for a long time because the one I have now feels so different but the band is what I have wanted all along, for you, a different fix may be better. The important thing is you shouldn't have to struggle to eat and be comfortable. Hang in there!

Catch you all later.

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Hi guys. Sounds like you've all had a pretty good week.

Shiny - I'm so glad you found a house and it really sounds like it's going to work well for your family. I know you can get back on the band wagon too. As long as you keep the fight in your head you will eventually get back on track. Never give up.

SLG - What an amazing sounding vacation. It sounds so pretty there and it must have been absolutely wonderful to do all those things you wouldn't have before.

Tap - Snow? Eeek! It's so hard to even think of that when we're still a bit too hot here. We got another heat wave though it's still much better than summer. Bet you're so happy to be in your yard working again though. I'll wish the snow away for a bit longer for you so you can play in the dirt more.

Jul - Welcome back. Do check in more. It supports us all when we post. Not that I'm one to be talking right now.

Lil - Don't you listen to any of the naysayers. You have to do what is right for you. You've tried and tried and tried. You've fought the good fight and lived a good bandster life and you're still having problems. I'm very envious but I know I can't do something like that right now in my life so I'll just keep struggling here, trying to get back to the way I was when I was first banded.

As for me, sorry I've been absent for a little while. I know I need to make time to exercise and post here even if I am crazy busy. Since closing on the house last Friday I've been out there ever single day for hours on end. Add to that all the errands and research related to it, throw in braces fun for my son which involved 3 appointments so far since they keep popping off and a lot of chaos. I haven't walked one single day in the last week. I hate that. I know I've probably more that made up for it with what I'm doing but it's still not my formal exercise routine. Oh well, a vacation break sometimes is supposed to be good for us. The house is really coming along nicely. And the bank account is emptying at a proportionate rate. Arrrgg! I think I'm having fun though. LOL We'll see how I like being a slum lord. I did however lose a few pounds. I'll weigh again tomorrow to see how I'm doing before my doctor's appt on Tuesday. It's so hard to believe I'm losing weight on fast food and mcflurrys. Not a good eating plan.

Hope you all have a good weekend and I'll be better about posting more.

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Heya VV’s!

Well here is how it stands for me at this time. My Surgeon did tell me my insurance would not cover a revision surgery. He said I chose the lap-band® and that is what I’ll have to work with. However he did take note of the issues I’d been having and will set up an Upper GI for me. I’ll need to call his office to make sure they’re doing that. He also wants to see me back there again in two weeks.

He really gave me a pep talk too because he could see I had just wanted to give up on the band. He told me he really believes I can do it with the lap-band®. I’m being sent to his dietician next week and he told me to keep a food journal until then. So, I’m surely going to lose a few before then! Keeping me honest is something I really need. He also wants me to keep some kind of monthly schedule with her. He was very concerned with my emotional well being, so he was very kind, but he also reminded me that the reason I got surgery was because I can’t do it alone. That is what they are there for, so I need to start coming to see them more for awhile until I can kick my bad habits.

I actually feel great! My mood lifted and I’m starting to feel like maybe I can do this. I’m so thankful for my Dr.’s office. They are so wonderful, and it’s true. We’re just starting over now as he put it. He did also remove 1cc from my band and I felt great eating dinner.

Here’s the best part though, since he took out that 1cc my band has been feeling so great! I haven’t been having any pain with eating at all!! I slept all night with no waking up with coughing fits or heartburn, my chest doesn’t feel so constricted, and I get that full sensation super fast. Not a bad full like pain, but like an actual full feeling. My meals have been lasting 4-5 hours too! I’m so happy!!

St.Louis, thanks for that! J It’s really nice to know there are people out there who care! I hope you seen the part where I mentioned, it doesn’t hurt to eat anymore! I’m so excited… and I’m beginning to wonder, could that have been my problem all along? Being too tight?

Ezma, congrats on your home! I’m sure I already said that, but it just sounds so much like you are enjoying it a lot! That’s so great. J No worries on the money, its there to spend – as long as you’re spending it on something you’d love to. I’d say that’s the case here. If you get the chance, maybe you won’t mind showing us a few pics? :-D

Well I’m headed out! Have a great weekend! :-D

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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