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Yeah!!!! Phyl is in. We should set up some type of reporting to keep us honest! Hummmm, me lie? Only to myself. So here is my plan. I will list my weight each Sunday morning and my exercise and calroies each day. Today, I walked with my dog to the Dunkin Donuts for coffee = 1 mile. And worked out for 1 hour.

Grrrr!! LOL! I HATE counting calories. But, I'll report what I ate.

So far today I had a small eggbeaters omelet w/smoked salmon, onions and a little mozzarella cheese and 2 cups of black coffee.

Now I'm hungry for lunch and trying to decide between a salad and healthy choice Soup. .... Dilemma is decided. DH says there is no lettuce but he wanted to make me a salad anyways! I don't want a salad without lettuce so I'm going to have Healthy Choice soup.

No exercise yet. I wimped out on Water aerobics this morning because of the wind. But I will take a walk with the dog later. Neighbor of mine who used to train dogs just spent over 1/2 hr with me showing me how to make her "heel", etc. She is wonderful! And the dog picked up on it right away. So I will practice the things she taught us later this afternoon. She is willing to work with us some more to train Zoey as to who is in charge! She is TOO smart, sometimes!! LOL:biggrin::huh2::biggrin: Every day when I get back from water aerobics & pool... which is about 11 a.m., I take her for a scooter ride. So today when I DIDN'T go to the pool, she wanted to go outside about 10:30 a.m. That's the time Earl always puts her outside to wait for me. Then at 11 a.m., she starts barking! Time for my ride!! And I DID it!! So... she has US trained right now!! HAHAHA!

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I forgot one thing, Sandy! I go to TOPS on Thursday mornings,

so I'll use that as my weigh in day, okay?

Ugh....not sure what is going on with my nice little camera. All my Vegas pics were extremely fuzzy and it's not any better now.

Anyway, Tanker is all ready for Halloween and for the trick or treat kids to come. We decided he could wear his costume for about a week or more. He does the same at Christmas time. He loves getting dressed up. DS bought him this outfit yesterday. Headless horseman...he's the horse!

Hmmmmm..... maybe the camera lens needs to be cleaned???

Or else something is wrong with the focus or the settings,

or the focus settings??!!

I have a Halloween costume for Zoey, too! Guess I should let her wear it this week!

Hi Janet, My name is Ka'Ron and I am in the pre-op stage, my surgery date is 10/28/2010 and i am really struggling at this point with the clear liquid diet. Can you give me any tips? I do need a buddy through this joourney to a new and healthy life.

Welcome, Ka'Ron!

Glad to have you join us. Sorry about your struggles with the liquid diet!

It's tough but you can do it! Afraid it just takes sheer will power!

But we're here for you and will give you all the support and encouragement we have!

We've all been there!!

What kinds of liquids can you have???

I'm back from Water aerobics and babysitting. Oh, my arms aches when I had to do the "basketball" ( pretend I am shooting hoops). I am sure it is FM. It was sunny this morning, then when I got out of class it was cloudy and windy. Probably fringe from that storm in Belize.....blowing hard from the south. I do feel much better though A lady at the gym told me about a magnetic mattress. Do any of you have one for your back. She said she sleeps pain free now. She is going to send me the brochure. My DH and I have an adjustable bed. I do know if he can use a magnetic one because he has a spine stimulator in his back.....might mess up the battery.

Poor Lori, having to go to Hawaii twice in one month.....lol! Have lots of fun and sun!

Okay peeps, got some things done around here. I am going to lifegroup tonight. We are having our Christmas party since it is the 25th. I have got to pull out a Christmas blouse.....one I couldn't wear last year. YAY! I know weird, but we are so busy around Christmas this is just a good time to do it.

You made it through! Good for you!! Never heard of a magnetic mattress! Interesting!

This wind we have is supposed to be remnants of typhoon Megi!

It can stop blowing any time now!

Edited by phyllser

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Apples is busy,

so I'm trying to help by "junking up the thread" for her!!

12_5_5.gif 10_1_136.gif

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Well, I guess this is a NSV......I tried on all my Christmas shirts and they are way too big. I will just have to go with a red tee shirt. I don't want to buy a Christmas shirt yet. I am holding out for going down one more size.

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I'm back from Water aerobics and babysitting. Oh, my arms aches when I had to do the "basketball" ( pretend I am shooting hoops). I am sure it is FM. It was sunny this morning, then when I got out of class it was cloudy and windy. Probably fringe from that storm in Belize.....blowing hard from the south. I do feel much better though A lady at the gym told me about a magnetic mattress. Do any of you have one for your back. She said she sleeps pain free now. She is going to send me the brochure. My DH and I have an adjustable bed. I do know if he can use a magnetic one because he has a spine stimulator in his back.....might mess up the battery.

Poor Lori, having to go to Hawaii twice in one month.....lol! Have lots of fun and sun!

Tanker looks cute.....ready for Trick or Treat!

Sndy....I've been on a plateau ever since I started back on food. I need a fill.....just too hungry since Water aerobics. I am waiting for DH to go on the pouch test with me. I may just have to do without him. I know how you feel about accountability. I have to weigh every week with someone or I go off the bandwagon. I might have to join WW with my DD so we can work at it together. I just need to weigh in....then I will watch the kids while she goes to class. I am going to start taking DGD with me to the gym. .....the two year old....so my DD can get some housework done.

Janet, I hope your DGS gets to move in on the weekend. It will be easier for you. Aren't you flying to see your sis this weekend?

Okay peeps, got some things done around here. I am going to lifegroup tonight. We are having our Christmas party since it is the 25th. I have got to pull out a Christmas blouse.....one I couldn't wear last year. YAY! I know weird, but we are so busy around Christmas this is just a good time to do it.

Charlene, Why don't you just weigh in here with me? Write down your weight today and we will weigh in next week Monday. There - you are now accountable to us.:huh2:

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Phyl, Zoey has you well trained! LOL. To funny, she even knows what time it is.

Since you go to TOPS on Thursday it only makes sense to report your Thursday weight. If you list what you eat it will still help you keep track of it even if you don’t count calories.

Charlene, yeah, your shirt does not fit! WTG

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Hi Janet,

My name is Ka'Ron and I am in the pre-op stage, my surgery date is 10/28/2010 and i am really stuggling at this point with the clear liquid diet. Can you give me any tips? I do need a buddy through this joourney to a new and healthy life.

Hi Ka'Ron

I was lucky - only had 1 week pre-op and it wasn't Clear liquids - I got a fish and salad for dinner - Protein Soup for lunch - shake or Pt oatmeal for Breakfast''

So don't have alot of suggestions - the only one I have is make home made broth - it so much better than the canned stuff..

3 More day - you can do !!!

What's your post op diet

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Phyl, Zoey has you well trained! LOL. To funny, she even knows what time it is.

Since you go to TOPS on Thursday it only makes sense to report your Thursday weight. If you list what you eat it will still help you keep track of it even if you don’t count calories.

Charlene, yeah, your shirt does not fit! WTG

Yeah, true, but I have to stand on the scale and look someone in the eye..... the"Walk of Fame or Walk of Shame". Okay, here is the truth......Janet......get ready.....I have gained since I started Water aerobics and strength training. I am so dang hungry. Yeah, everyone has told me that muscle weighs more than fat, but this is really bothering me. And eating more carbs is not working for me. Today is the 25th. Thanksgiving is Nov 25th. I want to really go down 10lbs by Thanksgiving. I am going to make a Thanksgiving ticker.

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Apples is busy,

so I'm trying to help by "junking up the thread" for her!!

12_5_5.gif 10_1_136.gif

Cute Phyll....we were able to start harvesting again about 10:30 but now just got rained out. At least we got some done.

Your trainer wants to show you how to teach Zoey who is boss?????? You should know that already....Zoey is!!!:huh2:

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Well, I guess this is a NSV......I tried on all my Christmas shirts and they are way too big. I will just have to go with a red tee shirt. I don't want to buy a Christmas shirt yet. I am holding out for going down one more size.

Aren't NSV's nice? You guys are getting me excitws about getting back on track and I'm not even involved in it all. I can't wait to follow all of you though and cheer you on.

GO TEAM!!! RAH!!!! RAH!!!! RAH!!!!:huh2:

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Yeah, true, but I have to stand on the scale and look someone in the eye..... the"Walk of Fame or Walk of Shame". Okay, here is the truth......Janet......get ready.....I have gained since I started Water aerobics and strength training. I am so dang hungry. Yeah, everyone has told me that muscle weighs more than fat, but this is really bothering me. And eating more carbs is not working for me. Today is the 25th. Thanksgiving is Nov 25th. I want to really go down 10lbs by Thanksgiving. I am going to make a Thanksgiving ticker.

Shame not allowed, Arlene...only positive thinking. You can do the 10lbs by Thanksgiving. Cleanse yourself of the carbs...that's what I see to be the first step. You've got the exercise down...Now....clean out the pantry and see if you can reduce your cravings. Go, Arlene, Go!!!:huh2:

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Charlene ....

WTG on your NSV !!!!!

You have a band for a reason - go get a fill !!!

Stay away from the starches and sugar period !!!!

Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat - a pound is a pound - a pound of feathers is large in size than a pound of muscle - but its still a pound..

I takes a while to build muscles - so I am going to say that it's a weight gain and not that muscles weight more than fat - cuz again they don't.. If you are gaining you are eating more calories than you are burning..

Go get a fill - and be accountable with Sandy & Phyl and Great..

You can do this gf - just quit allowing yourself to make all the excuses you have been making about your eating...

3 days no sugar or starches - do a cleanse

I hope to have my Peanut Butter when I get home - tonite

Ya Great - feel so sorry for you with all your jet setting... Lucky Girl !!!


Edited by IndioGirl55

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Okay so why is it when you go swimming you feel like you are starving after you are done. Is it better to have a snack before or after you swim. I guess before if I am having dinner when I get home. any advice on what type of snack?

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Hi everyone,

Sorry, been busy, but have been reading and trying to stay on top of the thread. Took GD to Disney Magic Show on Sat. in Des Moines. Went to the gym at 7:00 a.m. and had to leave at 11:00 a.m. and do some other errands before the show and then stopped and had dinner afterwards and didn't get home until 8:30. So a long day. Yesterday I went to the gym, grocery shopping and made lasagne for the family. I had some leftover homemade sauce and lasagne sounded good. I had a small piece for dinner - hadn't had lasagne for over 2 years so thought I deserved a little. It tasted good -- froze the rest for DH for quick dinners for him. Had him bbq me some chicken breast for the week since the weather was decent yesterday. Weather turning ugly for rest of this week. My DS called and he and DIL will fly in on Thanksgiving evening and then drive up to her folks on Friday night. Her dad just had triple by-pass so they decided to visit over the holiday. That makes me happy too as I miss them - especially at holiday times.

I like mixing the two PB2s together -- 1/2 chocolate and 1/2 regular I like the taste of both better that way -- for some reason. I'm just weird maybe. It's good though. I pay $4.50 for a jar in my stores here Apples, so you might want to stop and stock up on your way through this spring -- sounds like it's a bit cheaper to buy at the store.

Eva, congrats on the new job -- sounds perfect for you -- I hope you can take off when you want as well -- any resolution to the missing 25 years yet? I do hope that gets straightened out quickly -- very scary.

So sorry to all of you who had cc problems in LV - I didn't use any so I did not have any problems. I did use one when I placed the reservation at DR but so far have never had any unexplained charges on that card. Hope it gets fixed soon.

LauraK -- great deal on the coat -- where did you get that deal? Glad you are enjoying Yoga -- it will be very beneficial to you as you get older -- will keep you nice and limber. Is DD caming home for Thanksgiving?

Jessica, wtg on the 5k run -- I'm so impressed that you have decided to do it -- good for you -- I'm impressed -- I bet a year ago you never dreamed you'd be running a 5K. You are doing fabulous. Sorry your DH is on nights -- will that be ending soon? Congrats on the fund raising -- great job!

Great, so happy you had a good visit with your parents -- I do hope your mom gets some relief with surgery -- sounds very painful. Glad you were able to be there beforehand to see her. Hope you have a great trip!

Chris, so happy your lapband day is almost here -- I know how you feel -- feels like you wait forever -- but then the day comes and it's such a good relief -- you're doing great and I know you'll do great with the band as well. If I'm not back on here, best of luck with the surgery -- I'll be thinking and praying for you Tuesday morning. Hope the shoulder surgery goes as well as the lapband surgery -- as Phyl said you are so brave to do them both at once.

Phyl, so sorry to hear about your GS -- poor kid - -IHope he heals well and isn't too uncomfortable. Will be thinking of him. Hope they won the game with his extra effort -- must have been a great catch! Hope he gets the lacrosse scholarship -- he must be a very talented athlete to play both sports that well. Hope Earl is feeling good -- those pics on FB he looks great - were those taken yesterday? Would never guess he's recovering from surgery. Zoey running sounds like Merry -- she does the same thing - even with only three legs -- runs back and forth like a crazy dog!! That's how they keep their girlish figures!!

Melissa, glad you checked in, have been wondering about yourjob. Congrats on the swimming -- I think you'll enjoy that kind of exercise. You should check and see if they offer Water aerobics there as well - it really is a good workout and would break up the monotony a bit.

Arlene, I'm having some fm issues as well -- I went to the gym both Sat./Sun and Water aerobics this morning. I've been having wierd pains in my legs, feet -- lots of back pain too. I think some of my back pain/stiffness is from my weight loss (redistributed the weight) cause I have more pain now than I had before I lost the weight. Of course, some of it could be related to my kidney issues as well. Glad you're not letting it get you down.

Janet, happy to hear you are going to visit your DS. Sounds like you got Andrew all ready for the big move -- I bet he's excited.

Apples, sorry to hear you are getting rain -- we got only a little overnight Friday -- it was supposed to be worse, but i guess it all went north and east. Supposed to get cold this week -- today was cloudy, but in the low 70s. Supposed to be a high of only 49 on Thursday -- of course, that's the day the kids are trick or treating here in our town.

Gotta run, I've been typing this for hours and now it's time to go home.

I'll try to do more later.


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Charlene ....

WTG on your NSV !!!!!

You have a band for a reason - go get a fill !!!

Stay away from the starches and sugar period !!!!

Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat - a pound is a pound - a pound of feathers is large in size than a pound of muscle - but its still a pound..

I takes a while to build muscles - so I am going to say that it's a weight gain and not that muscles weight more than fat - cuz again they don't.. If you are gaining you are eating more calories than you are burning..

Go get a fill - and be accountable with Sandy & Phyl and Great..

You can do this gf - just quit allowing yourself to make all the excuses you have been making about your eating...

3 days no sugar or starches - do a cleanse

I hope to have my Peanut Butter when I get home - tonite

Ya Great - feel so sorry for you with all your jet setting... Lucky Girl !!!


You got me! No excuses!.....but I am hungrier! will call tomorrow on the fill. So I have gained 5lbs. Will start tomorrow on the no sugar thing. I have a Christmas party to go to tonight. I am gonna eat a cookie, a little nacho cheese dip. I will report in next Monday. You saw my ticker.....that is my goal by Thanksgiving. It is tough, but doable.

Gotta go! HUGS!

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