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Are We ready for a Black President?

Are we ready for a Black President?  

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Jack mentioned the Constitution. If we believe in the Constitution and what it represents to us as citizens in our "free" country, you better think twice about voting Republican in this presidential election. In fact, you better think long and hard about it.

This administration has abridged our Contitutional rights in so many ways they are too numerous to list. And John McCain who wants us to think of him as a "maverick" could have only been considered a maverick prior to his running for president this time. Now he has fully embraced all of the things that the Republicans have pushed for and put into effect and want to put into effect that are what I consider to be extreme right wing. There's no middle road here to consider. He's had to agree to all the terms and conditions of the right wingers in the party or he wouldn't have been able to get the support and money of those people in the party - and they are the ones who are in control and have been for years. His running mate was hand-picked for that job and she is far more right wing than McCain used to claim to be. Now they join arm-in-arm to work toward drilling for oil in Alaska and off-shore everywhere they can, abolish Roe V. Wade (women's right to choose), strengthen people's rights when it comes to owning all kinds of guns (she's a strong supporter of the NRA), and the list goes on and on.

The thing you must ask yourselves even if you do think that McCain is your man (because he is a maverick?), what if John McCain dies? Do you want this woman to be in charge of the White House, our Armed Forces, the EPA, Education, and all of the other branches of the government that answer to the President? The Republicans want you to think that because she was governor, she is uniquely qualified to run for president and furthermore, that she is MORE qualified than Senator Obama. If you buy that, then you are probably just as right wing as those who chose her.

What all this tells us is that we have very clear choices this year. There's no middle ground to be had. Vote Liberatarian if you choose, but know that your vote has no chance of changing anything. If you want change, your only hope is Senator Obama. The man is extremely intelligent and I believe that he has the backing of enough people who want the same kind of change, that he can and will get us out of this horrible mess that we are in as a country.

As for Obama being backed by the lobbyists, you can think again. He has had some backing by some moneyed people, but the millions of dollars he has raised in this campaign have been donated by millions of regular people, one dollar or five dollars at a time. It is unprecdented at this time in our nation's history for a person to be able to get the kind of support that this man has. Most of us have only known of presidential and other political races to be run by huge donations by special interest groups.

As for the jerk, above, who is insinuating that someone will be brazen enough and dishonest enough and evil enough to do away with Senator Obama, he better hope that it never comes to that. If someone does that, Americans will not put up with it this time. They've made it work in the past, when there were good intelligent people who also wanted change in this country, by shooting them but I honestly do not think we will put up with it anymore. A public stoning comes to mind.

And all ya'll who complain about the idea that President Obama will raise your taxes, you have to admit that if McCain gets elected, taxes will also be raised. There's no choice at this point. The Republicans have spent and over-spent and depleted the surplus that Clinton left. There's no choice about paying for this war where we've spent a billion dollars every week. And that's not the only place where the Republicans have over-spent and over-committed us - they keep giving tax cuts and incentives to huge corporations, like the oil companies, and that has to be repaid as well.

If you're buying into the age old notion that the Democrats (Obama) plan to expand welfare programs, you aren't listening. Senator Obama wants to incentivize Americans to WORK not collect welfare. Stop listening to what the Republicans say and do your research. I think you'll be surprised at how fair he wants to make things in this country. At least you'll be surprised if you are aware of how unfair things are in this country right now.

I won't apologize for the lengthy post this time. You all opened the door to all this stuff, it's your fault.... Har-de-har-har-har. :smile:

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Jack mentioned the Constitution. If we believe in the Constitution and what it represents to us as citizens in our "free" country, you better think twice about voting Republican in this presidential election. In fact, you better think long and hard about it.

This administration has abridged our Contitutional rights in so many ways they are too numerous to list. And John McCain who wants us to think of him as a "maverick" could have only been considered a maverick prior to his running for president this time. Now he has fully embraced all of the things that the Republicans have pushed for and put into effect and want to put into effect that are what I consider to be extreme right wing. There's no middle road here to consider. He's had to agree to all the terms and conditions of the right wingers in the party or he wouldn't have been able to get the support and money of those people in the party - and they are the ones who are in control and have been for years. His running mate was hand-picked for that job and she is far more right wing than McCain used to claim to be. Now they join arm-in-arm to work toward drilling for oil in Alaska and off-shore everywhere they can, abolish Roe V. Wade (women's right to choose), strengthen people's rights when it comes to owning all kinds of guns (she's a strong supporter of the NRA), and the list goes on and on.

The thing you must ask yourselves even if you do think that McCain is your man (because he is a maverick?), what if John McCain dies? Do you want this woman to be in charge of the White House, our Armed Forces, the EPA, Education, and all of the other branches of the government that answer to the President? The Republicans want you to think that because she was governor, she is uniquely qualified to run for president and furthermore, that she is MORE qualified than Senator Obama. If you buy that, then you are probably just as right wing as those who chose her.

What all this tells us is that we have very clear choices this year. There's no middle ground to be had. Vote Liberatarian if you choose, but know that your vote has no chance of changing anything. If you want change, your only hope is Senator Obama. The man is extremely intelligent and I believe that he has the backing of enough people who want the same kind of change, that he can and will get us out of this horrible mess that we are in as a country.

As for Obama being backed by the lobbyists, you can think again. He has had some backing by some moneyed people, but the millions of dollars he has raised in this campaign have been donated by millions of regular people, one dollar or five dollars at a time. It is unprecdented at this time in our nation's history for a person to be able to get the kind of support that this man has. Most of us have only known of presidential and other political races to be run by huge donations by special interest groups.

As for the jerk, above, who is insinuating that someone will be brazen enough and dishonest enough and evil enough to do away with Senator Obama, he better hope that it never comes to that. If someone does that, Americans will not put up with it this time. They've made it work in the past, when there were good intelligent people who also wanted change in this country, by shooting them but I honestly do not think we will put up with it anymore. A public stoning comes to mind.

And all ya'll who complain about the idea that President Obama will raise your taxes, you have to admit that if McCain gets elected, taxes will also be raised. There's no choice at this point. The Republicans have spent and over-spent and depleted the surplus that Clinton left. There's no choice about paying for this war where we've spent a billion dollars every week. And that's not the only place where the Republicans have over-spent and over-committed us - they keep giving tax cuts and incentives to huge corporations, like the oil companies, and that has to be repaid as well.

If you're buying into the age old notion that the Democrats (Obama) plan to expand welfare programs, you aren't listening. Senator Obama wants to incentivize Americans to WORK not collect welfare. Stop listening to what the Republicans say and do your research. I think you'll be surprised at how fair he wants to make things in this country. At least you'll be surprised if you are aware of how unfair things are in this country right now.

I won't apologize for the lengthy post this time. You all opened the door to all this stuff, it's your fault.... Har-de-har-har-har. :thumbup:

bjean your my hero

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Jack mentioned the Constitution. If we believe in the Constitution and what it represents to us as citizens in our "free" country, you better think twice about voting Republican in this presidential election. In fact, you better think long and hard about it.

This administration has abridged our Contitutional rights in so many ways they are too numerous to list. And John McCain who wants us to think of him as a "maverick" could have only been considered a maverick prior to his running for president this time. Now he has fully embraced all of the things that the Republicans have pushed for and put into effect and want to put into effect that are what I consider to be extreme right wing. There's no middle road here to consider. He's had to agree to all the terms and conditions of the right wingers in the party or he wouldn't have been able to get the support and money of those people in the party - and they are the ones who are in control and have been for years. His running mate was hand-picked for that job and she is far more right wing than McCain used to claim to be. Now they join arm-in-arm to work toward drilling for oil in Alaska and off-shore everywhere they can, abolish Roe V. Wade (women's right to choose), strengthen people's rights when it comes to owning all kinds of guns (she's a strong supporter of the NRA), and the list goes on and on.

The thing you must ask yourselves even if you do think that McCain is your man (because he is a maverick?), what if John McCain dies? Do you want this woman to be in charge of the White House, our Armed Forces, the EPA, Education, and all of the other branches of the government that answer to the President? The Republicans want you to think that because she was governor, she is uniquely qualified to run for president and furthermore, that she is MORE qualified than Senator Obama. If you buy that, then you are probably just as right wing as those who chose her.

What all this tells us is that we have very clear choices this year. There's no middle ground to be had. Vote Liberatarian if you choose, but know that your vote has no chance of changing anything. If you want change, your only hope is Senator Obama. The man is extremely intelligent and I believe that he has the backing of enough people who want the same kind of change, that he can and will get us out of this horrible mess that we are in as a country.

As for Obama being backed by the lobbyists, you can think again. He has had some backing by some moneyed people, but the millions of dollars he has raised in this campaign have been donated by millions of regular people, one dollar or five dollars at a time. It is unprecdented at this time in our nation's history for a person to be able to get the kind of support that this man has. Most of us have only known of presidential and other political races to be run by huge donations by special interest groups.

As for the jerk, above, who is insinuating that someone will be brazen enough and dishonest enough and evil enough to do away with Senator Obama, he better hope that it never comes to that. If someone does that, Americans will not put up with it this time. They've made it work in the past, when there were good intelligent people who also wanted change in this country, by shooting them but I honestly do not think we will put up with it anymore. A public stoning comes to mind.

And all ya'll who complain about the idea that President Obama will raise your taxes, you have to admit that if McCain gets elected, taxes will also be raised. There's no choice at this point. The Republicans have spent and over-spent and depleted the surplus that Clinton left. There's no choice about paying for this war where we've spent a billion dollars every week. And that's not the only place where the Republicans have over-spent and over-committed us - they keep giving tax cuts and incentives to huge corporations, like the oil companies, and that has to be repaid as well.

If you're buying into the age old notion that the Democrats (Obama) plan to expand welfare programs, you aren't listening. Senator Obama wants to incentivize Americans to WORK not collect welfare. Stop listening to what the Republicans say and do your research. I think you'll be surprised at how fair he wants to make things in this country. At least you'll be surprised if you are aware of how unfair things are in this country right now.

I won't apologize for the lengthy post this time. You all opened the door to all this stuff, it's your fault.... Har-de-har-har-har. :thumbup:

BJean I always adore your posts...they're fantastic.

Has anyone else heard on the news today how Palin's 17-year-old daughter is 5 months pregnant? Maybe if the USA had more money and schooling for birth control/etc. like Obama wants...that wouldn't have happened. And Palin says she is proud of her daughter and boyfriend who she plans on marrying due to the baby.

Edited by Froggi

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And I see why you've only posted here once. LOL

Good one, Froggi! You and BJean are right on target. Couldn't agree with you guys more.

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Has anyone else heard on the news today how Palin's 17-year-old daughter is 5 months pregnant? Maybe if the USA had more money and schooling for birth control/etc. like Obama wants...that wouldn't have happened. And Palin says she is proud of her daughter and boyfriend who she plans on marrying due to the baby.

yea i think its hilarious

simply hilarious

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Lol people on the Are we ready for a woman VP thread think it's none of my business that Palin's daughter is pregnant. How is it not? Palin is the one who announced it to the news media. If it wasn't my business or any of ours then why did she tell the media?

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Lol people on the Are we ready for a woman VP thread think it's none of my business that Palin's daughter is pregnant. How is it not? Palin is the one who announced it to the news media. If it wasn't my business or any of ours then why did she tell the media?

Froggi, I was keeping up with that thread and I couldn't take it anymore (too many conservatives for me). As far as Palin's daughter goes I really don't care if her daughter is pregnant and I don't think that alone effects Palin's ability to lead. However, I think the whole situation is rather hypocritical. Had it been Obama's or Biden's daughter the Republicans would be screaming "see those crazy liberals don't believe in family values..." But when the tables are turned the tone changes and it's more like "she sure is a real person and how great it is she chose life"

I will say I feel sorry for her daughter as she isn't running for VP but her teenage life is on display for the whole world. I think Palin is free game but leave her daughter alone. I personally am far more concerned with the outcome of the abuse of power issue with her ex brother-in-law.

Keep up the good fight :)

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Had it been Obama's or Biden's daughter the Republicans would be screaming "see those crazy liberals don't believe in family values..." But when the tables are turned the tone changes and it's more like "she sure is a real person and how great it is she chose life"

Nope. Doesn't work. Conservatives (by that I mean, uh, me) only care about out-of-wedlock births when the tax dollar has to support the mother/ child.

Having said that, I'm not jazzed about Palin as a VP pick. Personally, I think McCain just threw away the election. I'd have loved to see Romney (with his strength in economics and business) or somebody with impressive energy credentials.

PS- I'm a free thinker, registered independant who doesn't swallow whole what Obama is saying, either. The election just got a whole lot more "lesser of two evils" for me. I think I'm still voting energy.

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Absolute hypocrisy. If it were Obama then the republicans would be on a feeding frenzy. Now with Plslin they are doing fake damage control. Now its hip to be an unwed mom( I'm not criticizing either way) but now everybody a gonna start claiming that status to get republican street cred. Hi my name is peggy and I was a teenage mom. Sad. Again thanks mccain you just did the obama camp a favor

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Nope. Doesn't work. Conservatives (by that I mean, uh, me) only care about out-of-wedlock births when the tax dollar has to support the mother/ child.


Sorry Plain I don't quite follow the "doesn't work" comment. My comment was more in regards to how each side attacks the other whenever the situation suits them best. Rep would be doing the same thing with a different negative spin if the rolls were reveresed.

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Sorry Plain I don't quite follow the "doesn't work" comment. My comment was more in regards to how each side attacks the other whenever the situation suits them best. Rep would be doing the same thing with a different negative spin if the rolls were reveresed.

I don't know if they would or not. As it is, the dems haven't really been attacking, as far as I can tell. The media has been ravaneous.....but we should expect that.

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I didn't know that the McCain's had a black (adopted) daughter. She was at the convention last night.

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The McCain's adopted daughter is not black. She is from Bangladesh, the poorest and the smallest of the three countries which make up the subcontinent of India. Bangladesh was originally known as East Pakistan until it achieved full statehood. It is a Muslim nation but does not seem to be violence-plagued, unlike Pakistan, parts of Indonesia, or the middle east.

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