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NJ February 2008 Chat

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Pat that picture is priceless!:biggrin2: Just HAD to show it to DH (it looked so fun!)...He said you look sooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!

Sherry, yeah that's right snow, snow, snow.....boy I've sure been feeling it! I had a Migraine for three days...I could tell the weather system coming through was an intense one! stay safe and warm :lol:

Kat, that is so cool about your DD's book!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISPY!!!!!!!!! Hope it's a great one!

Eileen, Awwwwwwww....Susie is sooooooo sweet! I gotta admit, when I was scrolling up and saw her pic, I started to get weepy for Heidi, then started to appreciate Susie in the snow....Wow! 13?!!! Thanks for the encouragement. My DH and me, keep sharing how we break at unpredicted times then have to "buck-up" There's still paw impressions in the backyard. We bought grass seed. :smile2:

Mandy, it's not my birthday....but you can shop at that same place for me too, hee, hee :sad:

Dianne, I sure hope that things are calming down for you after your surgery....anxious to hear from you.

You know folks, I read somewhere on LBT, that someone was banded in October and has lost something like 80+ lbs. so far!!!!!!!! Yikes! I was banded Oct. 31, and I'm nowhere NEAR that:sad: Of course I DO have food issues!!!!!!!!

Later :blush:

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Hi Y'all!


I want hot, hot, hot weather!

Pat - That picture is priceless! I can even see that you are a little sunburned! I'm glad you had a great time!

CHRISPY- "HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL" hope you have a great one!

Kat - Wow, that is so cool about the book!

Eileen - Your "baby" is so pretty! We had a black lab that was 19 years old when we moved down here, we couldn't bring him with us because he had arthritis in his hips and couldn't get in and out of the truck. It broke my heart to leave him there, but I didn't want to put him in any more pain with the long trip.

Diane - food issues gets the best of us all!

Sherry - Do you have snow too?

Well folks, going to go get some supper started and then relax. I have done the computer thing all I can stand today.

Catch you later!

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Ok guys, I have just a few mins to update you all on stuff around here.

I emailed Cindy about all of this yesterday and wanted to pop in and update here too. Abi is having sinus surgery on the 28th. It is minor, and outpatient but still it's another surgery. The nose bleeds are back. She has the in office proceedure a few weeks ago and things have been better. We were going to cancel the proceedure yesterday. I ask God to guide us in making the decision as to haw to handle all of this. Well after 10 days of not bleeding, I was going to call and post-pone the surgery. Yesterday the school calls me and tells me that she is having a minor nose bleed. It stopped in a matter of a few mins, and she was able to go back to class without issue. I took that as a sign to go through with this. I don't want this to start back and have to try to squeeze her in for an emergency. She will only miss 2 days of school and then we have a 3 day weekend. So she will have 5 days off to recover. Say a quick prayer for her, she is scared and being difficult about having to have surgery.

I am going to a new doctor on tuesday, and hope to get to the bottom of why I've been sick for so long. I'll keep you all updated.

On a worse note my car died 2 days ago. I had to towed to the local shop and they called me today and said the engin locked up. It will cost $3000 to fix it. I'm going car shopping tomorrow. I'm going to test drive a Saturn Vue, and a Scion Xa. Both are used and in excellent shape. I have a friend that works at the dealership where they are for sale, and he has looked both cars over for me, and gave me the thumbs up for either car. I'll post pics tomorrow when I make my decision. ~Mandy

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Awww Mandy--I was hoping both you and Abi were doing better. I think in the long run, you are making the right choice---it obviously is not healing without the intervention. I will get a card in the mail to Abi tomorrow----well, actually give me a day or 2, and it might be a large envelope!! And you my dear will be in my prayers----big old giant hugs to you! Know that my love is with you and your DH as you go through this hard time. I know you would trade places with her in a heartbeat....I've been there---sending my child off to surgery.

There is a young man of about 12 who writes an article for our little local freebie newspaper----he calls the article The Big C....he is in remission for the 2nd or 3rd time right now---and he is detailing his experiences in the hospital as he has dealt with his cancer. Some times it is heart wrenching---his biggest concern is always how upset his Mom is.

I know it is scary letting this go on with Abi---but Mandy it could be so many worse things. Let the Dr. fix this, then Abi can go on, without fear everytime the poor little Darlin' needs to sniff!

My cell phone is ALWAYS on----you can call me day or night. If you wake up at 3 AM in a panic---you can call! I am sorry you have to face this....for what it is worth I think you made a wise choice. You are a smart woman, a wonderful Mom, and everything is going to be ok......Hugs!!!!


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Kat, have I mentioned lately that I Love ya'? ~Mandy

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Right back atcha Mandy---I honestly cannot tell you how much I relied on you girls here to allow me to let out all my feelings when Rick was so bad....and not long ago when I thought I was possibly looking at more chemo----you have all become more than an anonymous person typing somewhere.....so strange, but so true!!!!!!

So glad I have all of you!

When you get past all of this, I am going to have my DD talk to you one day---they are planning a Disney Do!



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Betty ya sure you don't want any of this white stuff? I'm sure I can ship some down to ya, I have lots I can spare hahaha

Mandy - So sorry to hear everything you and abi are going through.....I'm thinking of ya and I hope you're both up to par soon

getting ready to hit the sack....Going to help out at the Extreme Home Makeover tomorrow ;) I'm excited....I hope I can meet Ty and the gang...maybe I'll even get to prepare their lunch for them. We're helping my DH's customer who is doing the catering for the show. Have a wonderful night everyone and hope to catch up soon.


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Ok girls, I bought a 2005 Scion Xa, I'm already in love. It's the perfect car for me. I got a great deal on it, and it's even the color I wanted. I'll check in tomorrow. ~Mandy

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Mandy congrats on the new car :laugh: What color?:lol:

Sherry I'm so jealous, I wish it was me being made over, I need a new hair style. I managed to do something diff yesterday on the sides, but I'll never be able to get it to do it again. It was one of those few and far between days, hey my hair looks pretty good today.

Betty, I can not believe you haven't received the box. Of course, I didn't spell out to my assistant to put insurance on it, so it will probably be lost, it doesn't even have a tracking number.

Kat...the "box" had Harley stuff, a really cool suede jacket with tassles, and lots of Harley shirts. I think I shipped one that says if you can read this shirt the sob fell off. I had another one that says I might need a man for lots of things, but riding a Harley ain't one of them.

I sure hope the box isn't lost.

Sherry, what's good for a fever blister, aka, cold sore? I get these dm things every time I'm fighting off a cold or when my lips get chapped. I got one the day we were leaving for Florida, started Abreva and it was gone in 4 days, now another is starting to pop up.

Anyone familiar with the Naples area of Florida? Our deal on a condo in the Reunion Resorts fell through, bunch of crooks. We were supposed to get a Ginn approved furniture package, but because the deal was so sweet, they pulled the electronics part of the package...WTH. :lol:

Ok cuties, have a great day.

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Good MOrning Y'all!

Busy cleaning house today, I didn't do much cleaning yesterday. It's going to be pretty today, so I want to get done early and go outside for a few anyway.

Eileen - I am postive I don't want any of that white stuff! I'll send you some sunshine though!

Pat - Now I am really wanting that box to come. Now that I know what some of the stuff is I want it now! You might check your receipt, usually ups does tracking on everthing even if it isn't inusred! We don't insure ours at work, but still can track them. I don't know anything about Fl, but you should check out Texas! We'd love to have you down here!

Sherry - That sounds so cool! Send them down my way, I could use a make over in every part! Tee Hee!

Mandy - Congrats on the new car, can't wait to see it!

Kat - What's happening? Are you still coming to Texas?

Well, I am going to get moving and finish up some things. I want to sweep out my car at least today, I washed it a few times this winter, but I haven't done much with the inside. I have to get it ready to put the top down!


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Morning girls~

Cool on the car Mandy---post a pic!

Yep Betty still coming to TX. Going with the Shrinking Violets Bandsters in May the 16th -19th to Gruene, and San Antonio. Then we will be taking my inlaws down to our place in June. Normally we would go in April, and prep the house, and sell some stock etc. but they have a school reunion in June, so rather than spend all our vacation time off there---we will skip April and do June. Will contact you with exact dates!

We went to Arenacross last night. Indoor motocross--motorcycle and ATV races...and they had a big freestyle competition, where they jump and do flips with their bikes, and let go----just hanging on to the seat with their hands...amazing!!!

They had races for 4-7 year olds of 50cc. bikes---omg how cute were they? I was amazed some of them could walk around holding up all the chest plates, and guards, and helmet, let alone balance and ride the tracks, with jumps and berms and all!!! One little girl had this beautiful long hair blowing behind her bike!!

Kinsey went in her full western get up...which is not unusual, she likes her boots and hat---but she cowboyed up for last night, then decided SHE wants a motorcycle!!! She is so much like her Mom!! She morphs into any situation!

Hope your box turns up soon Betty---sounds like a fun one to dig into!!!

Well I think I might have a stomach bug---I was band worried for a bit, nothing was settling, but now even with nothing in my stomach, it feels super queasy. And I feel kind of yucky in general. Of course my first thought was band slipped! Will that panic ever go away??? Sticking to liquids, and not much of them---nothing in this world sounds good to me---how wierd is that???

Will check in with you girlies later!


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:laugh:Hello my friends...well...I sadly didn't end up going to the Extreme Home Makeover in Warwick, RI :( boo hooo. I freaking woke up this morning and felt like my head wasn't sitting right on my neck and my spine feels like I was in a crash :( My head/neck has felt off a bit and I did go see a chiro last week but, I'm scheduled to go again tomorrow. The stress at work has taken a toll on my spine and I guess working on the computer, learning my chin on my hand didn't help. So many damn emails at work and working through them and looking through reports, that's what I did and I've thrown my neck out a bit. If you're sensitive to your spine...you definately know what I mean. Just having your head off just a bit or your neck...your body tried to compensate somewhere else along your spine to balance you so Now I'm paying the price for it. My hips and knees really ache. I suppose TOM being around the corner isn't helping either. So knowing I have to go to work tomorrow I felt it best to stay home today instead of being out in the cold, on the cold ground standing for hours :( I really would love to meet that group someday and I hope I'll be able to help out with a house sometime. DH and I want to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity sometime too. We'll get there :) for now I need to heal up this spine of mine. I have to say it's so much better with 75 pounds off of it but, if I got my rear in gear and lost the last 40 or so I'd be even better off. Insentive I suppose.....so why doesn't that alone get me to watch was I eat? DUH

So right now there is a Pork tenderloin in the crockpot with potatoes and carrots for dinner....Pasta e'fagioli on the stove for lunches during the week and a beer bread in the oven. Prepared all that in about an hour so not too bad. Chrispy gave me an awesome recipe for the Pasta e'fagioli if anyone wants it. I also have an awesome recipe for Taco soup..the guys just love that one. I make the taco Soup in the crockpot and use low sodium stuff so it's not bad. The Pasta e' Fagioli soup isn't bad for ya either...those Cannilli Beans have 7g of Protein in 1/2 cup of beans not too shappy. What is everyone making for dinner tonight? Make me hungry lol

Pat - Cold sore huh? Those can be a pain for sure, my son gets them sometimes I never have though. I heard Lemon Balm helps and also pressing an ice cube against it when you first feel it come on helps reduce it. The ice doesn't allow the bacteria to spread and make a larger cold sore. My son has a prescription though that he uses because having had chicken pox when he was little he's know prone to herpes on his face...weird huh? When he's stressed he'll start to have smaller than pimple dots that cluster..kinda like a cold sore starting but, for him it can appear anywhere...under his eye, near the nostril, near his ear and it's extremely painful because the nerve endings are really sensitive. Other than the Lemon Balm and Ice I don't know of other home remedies for that. How are you feeling by the way? Back up to par now...healing going well? I hear the swelling from the TT lasts quite a while huh? Hows that feeling?

Betty - Do you wanna sweap/vacuum out my car too? I just HATE that chore and sooooo I don't ever do that lol My DH washes my car if it gets washed at all. Right now there is so much salt out on our roads that it just seems like a waste of time to bother. I really do have to do those things though but, I'm going to have to wait for better weather. It's cold up here...beautiful and sunny today but, it's suppose to be no higher than the 20s next week. burrrr. You are a cleaning machine today by the sound of it. I picked up yesterday but, I have to say.....between my DH having a huge mess in our office and my son's room I'm very discouraged. I get stuck in the office alot because DH watches shows (or is snoring during shows) I don't like watching...only so much FISHING I can watch or War killing type shows ya know? Anyway...I've been trying to get both to clean up and it hasn't worked so I'm guessing I'm stuck living with it. I tell ya I don't dare go in my kids room and I HATE having to walk around computer parts, boxes and man stuff in the office lol. One of these days I'm going to move mystuff downstairs and he can have this pig stye to himself lol. Hope you get a chance to be in the great outdoors today :)

Ok I'm going to let this post post so I don't loose it and I'll do some more hahaha :lol::w00t::laugh::lol::laugh::lol::tt1::wub::thumbup::tt2::w00t: Just love these newer smilies hee hee

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Kat - Your turn hee hee. Woman....you really inspire me do you know that? You say seem busy but, geesh girl doesn't look like you slow down either hahaha. If ya ever want to visit Massachusetts come on up :thumbup: I'd love to have ya and your family. Sorry you haven't been feeling up to par...but you know around here the flu has been crazy. Even people who have received the flu shot, my DH included, have gotten the flu. Apparently the shot didn't include this flu that's going around. People start with that sick feeling in their tummy or a slight cold and bingo..out for 3 full days. I hope you're not getting all that. Are you throwing up? Ya know I don't think the thought of a band slip ever goe away mainly because we want to keep this tool as long as we can. I know I worry about it...sometimes still wonder if something is wrong with mine. I really wish it was manditory for them to check for slippage and stomach erosion say once a year or at least ever two. Some days my band seems tight...others I can eat practically anything and too much of it yet the stomach acid still wakes me up just about ever night :lol: I really need a fill but, too afraid to have another one. Between the stress at work and the ability too eat more than I should....I'm now back over 200 again. It really hurt the first time I saw it...but now I'm used to it but, I haven't changed my signature. I guess I figured if I still see it I'll keep sending out the positive vibes for it and it will happen again. I'm only 5'5'' so the 8 pounds I have on really is making a difference. dang nabbit! Anyway...You really have so awesome and thank you for being so supportive all the time no matter what you're going through. I hope your hubby is feeling better after his fall too...bruises gone? I think I missed it...is your tooth all set now? Had mine glued back in last week....thank God because I don't look good as a Hockey Player lol

Mandy - Sounds like you're really happy with your new car. That's great! What color is it? I have a goldish Honda CR-V and it's the best dang car I've ever had. Its not fancy...just a basic model but, I love it and hope to keep it for a long long time. I hope you love yours just as much. How's Abi doing today? Is she nervous about the 28th? I can't say I blame her poor kid. Hopefully this will fix it once and for all for her. I can't believe you're still sick too. Is it still your sinuses? Have you been tested for allergies to see if that's whats really getting to you? just curious. Just wondering if you're allergic to any meds your taking or soap etc. Crazy that you've suffered this long and they can't figure it out huh? I'm hoping for the best for both of you.

Signgirl - Ohhh Migraines stink don't they? When I get bad ones I'm out of commission for a good three days. Sometimes I can catch them in time and take something but, other times all I can do is lay down in a totally dark room and sleep. Just hate that. Oh yes I've read lots of quick success stories here as well.....I'm with you. food issues are hard to loose and stress added to that just does me in. :laugh: I do well when I practice my reiki and meditate but, the stress has been so bad that I haven't even been able to do that..nuts huh? I hope you're doing well :laugh:

GR8 - So you've been sick? Glad to hear you're feeling better...sorry if I missed the post that mentioned you weren't feeling well but, very glad you are now.

Eileenie - Where is ya girlfriend? How are you doing? Have you kicked up the band eating yet? Ohhh I know how hard that is for sure! I keep saying ok on Monday I really need to kick this in again and get off my duff and walk or exercise etc. How the heck can I expect to stay under 200 if I eat ice cream and Cookies and other crapola.......but....do I do what I'm suppose to nope. I've had to cut myself some slack with that so I don't keep feeling bad and of course then that makes me continue the pattern...so by cutting the slack I'm backing off the stuff. Doesn't really make sense huh? hahaha. I've been making these home made Soups to eat during the week for lunch to try to cut back on calories for the day. Its working a bit...not to just stop eating the chocolate. Stress grrrrrrrrrr. I have to say it's been better this past week though because the reasons I told you about weren't there last week and most of this week coming.

Well my beer bread timer just went off....I really BURNED the first one this morning because I forgot I broiled something last night and errrrr forgot to turn the dial back to bake. BOO HOOO. The birdies got that one hahaha. This one should be perfect and my Soup is ready :w00t: Have a wonderful day my friends! :lol:

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Oh yea...did a little email tag with Cindy...she's doing well just busy busy. Retirement I think has her busier than when she was working hahaha.

Sorry if I missed anyone else.....I wish Darcy was here..I miss her and Bean too. Anyone hear from either of them? I lost Darcy's phone number otherwise I'd be calling to see how she is :lol:

Everyone I missed...I love ya and hope you're doing well too :lol:

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Hey Sherry, or shall I say "Chatty Cathy", LMAO, the sweeling is still there, as a matter of fact, I went for my post op Friday and he said I have a little puffy area between the "public" hairline and the scar, he said he could do Lipo on that or "cut" it out under local, NOT, I don't hardly think so :lol:.

I'm done with the compression garments, but I still wear the tummy one when I'm out and about.

Got Abreva working on the freakn sore, what a pia or in this case, the lip.

Later gals

Pics of the wheels Mandy

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      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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