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Well...how do you want your pep talk...sugar coated or between the eyes?

Your doc needs all the space he can have in your abdomen to give you a successful surgery. When you lose weight fast, the first thing that shrinks is your liver. That needs to be small and mobile to work around your stomach.

Cloey, You are about to have serious abdomenal surgery...so if you're not able to stop eating for the 2 week pre-diet (that's only 4 weekend days)...you're not ready for the surgery. If for no other reason, you have to prove to yourself that you can stick with this thing. I'll be honest with you...the pre-diet was easier for me than right now. Right now I'm down almost 40 pounds, 15 of that is post surgery. But I haven't had my first fill...and I figured out I can eat...something I haven't done much of in three weeks. After having one too many Snacks and little things and having a week with no weight loss, I had to just look myself in the mirror the other day and say..."It's just FUEL! food is NOT worth the way I feel when I repeatedly fail to meet my goals. I'm gonna' WIN today!"

All this to say: we've all been there. I didn't like the pre-op diet, either. But my surgeon told me several times that reason my band placement was so easy was because I dropped 12 pounds in the few weeks before. The psychological switch that you make in disciplining yourself to that diet before surgery is equally as important as the results you reach.

So make it your highest priority for just a few weeks. It's not an optional step, it's critical! You're not choosing the easy way when you choose surgery, but you're choosing a tool that can help you truly win! This is just a tool, and it will only work if you work it. That work has to start right now, today. Decide that this weekend you're going to succeed. NO EXCUSES! You can do it! Don't give up! (ok that last line I was channeling a pom-pom and cheerleading skirt routine. I'd put it on for you...but it wouldn't be a pretty sight).

I'm praying for you to have amazing strength and discipline for the rest of the journey. I pray that for me, too.


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Thanks for your honest thread. I will TOTALLY stick to the pre-op diet but I don't even have approval from the insurance yet let alone a date for surgery. It could be 3 months from now. Hence, that is why I haven't gotten strictly serious yet.


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Superdaddy is right on. And just because you don't have a surgery date yet doesn't mean you can't start trying...and starting to make some new habits.


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Cloey: I am on the same band wagon as the 2 responders before me. I completely understand where you are coming from though. Without a date of surgery, it too was difficult for me to "get started"-after all, I had been eating the way I was for 10 years at least!! What I did was first of all, "pray to be willing to be willing". Then, I decided I would try eating as much as I wanted, but only of salads and veggies and etc that even if I ate all day long, I would still lose weight because of the calorie intake. It worked and I did finally take off 20 lbs.!! When my insurance finally approved the surgery, my doctor was ready to do the surgery because I had proved to him that I was serious about this. Now, post surgery by 3 weeks, I see the method to his madness. I breezed through my surgery day (surgery was at 11:15 and I was leaving the hospital at 4pm-went shopping the next day and back to work in 3 days) and the liquid diet that's required right after surgery was simple, because I had already been doing it for the past 10 days!! I have communicated with others who had NO pre surgery diet to follow and it took them 4-5 days to just recover from the surgery, and weren't able to go back to work for 2 weeks. Following the liquid diet was awful because they had had "one last big meal" the night before surgery and it was like going cold turkey from something, and feeling tough from the surgery on top of it!! Be glad you have some rules and guidelines to follow--they are for a reason--to make the whole process easier for YOU!! Good luck--we are all behind you!!!

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SuperDaddy and Rrogalla,

I go for surgery tomorrow at Abbott and I thought I was required to sign "the form" also. Now that I know it isn't a requirement to get surgery or they wont do it, I will cross it off my chart. I have seen too many people go down the wrong raod with health issues after RNY.

The only one who has maintained adequate labs would be my mother who had RNY. I notice a lot of my friends have problems with low hemoglobin, Iron, B-12 etc... That scares me silly!

Well wish me luck tomorrow. See ya on the other side!


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I live in Inver Grove Heights, MN. I am 42 years old, married with 2 children. My BMI is at 40 and I am pre-op. I am hoping to have lap-band surgery before the end of the year because we have already paid our $3500 deductible for the year. My insurance plan only covers 75% of the cost (after the deductible) is paid so I will still have a big chunk that I will owe out of pocket.

I attended the WLS seminar at Fairview Riverside, or I guess they call if U of M-Fairview now. I've met with Dr Lederer and he told me that I was an excellent candidate. I've met with a nutritionist and also with psychologist John Brose.

My surgeon's office just faxed my info to Preferred One TODAY. I've been hoping to have my insurance approval before Thanksgiving but now that it is only one business day away I don't know that it is possible. Dr L's office did tell me that Preferred One is one of the fastest insurance companies that they work with though.

I am heading home to Wausau, WI for Thanksgiving and I was planning to tell my family about my WLS plans but I don't want to say anything unless I know for sure that it is going to happen.

I called Preferred One and was told that "it" is not in their system yet. Faxes are loaded in the system in the order that they are rec'd and then assigned to workers(claim reps??) and then it will take 24-48 hours for a decision. I know that is not a long time to wait but I am SO darn impatient about this!!!

I will be calling Preferred One again tomorrow to check on it before they close at 5pm.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!


p.s. I love to travel --especially to Disneyworld..that's why my username is Mickeynutz

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I had to have my surgeon's office re-fax the info to Preferred One but now but info is "in" the system. It is assigned to Sue---who is not on vacation tomorrow! I have a reference # and Sue's extension. I will be calling her tomorrow to check on a decision before I go out of town.

....I am getting closer and still really impatient! I can't even imagine how disappointed/devasted I will be it is comes back as a denial instead of an approval--I can't even think about that!

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SuperDaddy and Rrogalla,

I go for surgery tomorrow at Abbott and I thought I was required to sign "the form" also. Now that I know it isn't a requirement to get surgery or they wont do it, I will cross it off my chart. I have seen too many people go down the wrong raod with health issues after RNY.

The only one who has maintained adequate labs would be my mother who had RNY. I notice a lot of my friends have problems with low hemoglobin, Iron, B-12 etc... That scares me silly!

Well wish me luck tomorrow. See ya on the other side!



I'm sorry I didn't get a message off to you before your surgery!! Congrats on getting the band. I'm glad you seen my message about crossing off the "bypass option". My doctor, Dr. Chute, was fine with that. I was scared to death of that thought myself. I would have chosen a different hospital before agreeing to have the bypass if they could not place the band. I was wanting to have it done at Abbott, so I'm glad they were ok with me crossing that off. Again, best of luck to you and congrats!! If you'd like to email me personally, my address is banded_renata@yahoo.com

Let me know how you are doing!

Take care. Talk to you soon.

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Hello! Happy Thanksgiving!

My band is in and my gallbladder is out.

I am on the mend and so glad to be home. My roomate at Abbott wasn't the quietest. I have finally caught up on my sleep. All is going well, the most pain that I feel is where my port is.

I would assume that this is normal. It also doesn't help that post op we are supposed to deep breathe and then that makes me cough. Otherwise, the rest is as I would have expected. My family has been very suppportive and helpful.

Thanks for your support and note, I am going to go rest for a while again but I will talk again soon.

Talk with you soon! Schel

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Glad to hear everything went well!! Welcome to the the banded side!! Your port site being the most sore in normal. Mine is just getting back to normal and it'll be 4 weeks post-op on Tuesday. After watching the video of a surgery I can see why that is the most sore. :sick

Well, take it easy. Rest and sip lots of Water. Recovey will be faster than you think.

Take care!

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Thanks for the info on the port. I don't know if the video will work on my computer because I have dial up and its s-l-o-w! But if I get a chance to visit my aunt who has DSL, I'll see if she'll let me veiw it there.

I meant to try to do that at work, but thats a joke! I'm lucky if I get a

5 minute break to choke down something to eat!

How much time did you take off from work? I took a full 6 weeks and I've got the time. Of course some people make the comment to me that,

"well it's laproscopic surgery you should be back sooner than 6 weeks."

One of the reasons is I have a history of Guillain-Barre Syndrome and every time Iv'e had procedures or dental work it seems like it takes me twice as long to recover. This is true of the commen cold also. So, since I had the time, I said not only am I going to take the time to recover, but I need to learn how to take 45 minutes to eat a meal also.

Since I don't see any change coming at work to hire any more help and I would have to continue to eat on the "fly" I consider my eating part of my recovery also, and my Dr. supports me in this also.

That still has been one of my herdles with recovery this past week. Last night, I was uncomfortable after my 1/4 cup of puree'd cottege cheese and 1/2 cup of Protein shake. My mom had RNY and suggested that I take a timer with me to the table and use it when I eat to learn pacing myself when I eat. So, thats todays plan.

Where did you have surgery at?

Talk to you soon,


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The video on here is about an hour long, so when you are able to watch it, plan on the time.

Good for you that you are able to take off 6 weeks. If you've got the time, definately use it!!! I had surgery on Tuesday and was back to work the following Monday. (I didn't have much time.) It was ok, but I was definately more tired that week. It takes a lot out of you. I have a desk job so that helped. But I wish I could have taken longer. Don't worry about anyone else giving you a bad time, especially since your doctor agrees with you. That is all that matters!

The amount of food you are eating seems to be about what I could eat then too. It doesn't seem like much, but sure does fill you up, huh? :) I never dreamed I'd feel so full on so little!! Your appetite will increase as you recover. I go for my post-op tomorrow and am anxious to ask them about food quantities. I feel like I may be eating too much, but I've lost 20 lbs since my surgery on the 1st, so I can't complain. But I can eat about a cup and a half of food at a meal. I would think that is too much. What do you think?

I had my surgery at Abbott Northwestern. My doctor was Dr. Chute. How about you?


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I think you are doing GRRREAT! 20 lbs. Think of that as 80 sticks of butter you no longer carry around with you. Thats what my weight watchers leader used to say to us when we lost weight when I used to go.

(The many times I used to go join and rejoin.) Guess thats why I am here with a band, a tool the Dr. gave me to help me loose the weight in smaller portions. I do know how to eat healthy, just that when you have a full size stomach with no restrictions its easy to "cheat" with a cup and a half instead of the cup for the serving size I should have. I guess look at it that way you said you can eat about a cup and a half at one time, ask yourself how much you could or would eat without the band, and if your choices would have been as healthy. I bet both of us would be able to eat more than a cup and a half! Take those frozen dinners such as lean cuisine or smart ones, I would eat them and still be able to put another away and then some. Not now though. I think you are doing great. I am anxious to hear how your post op appointment goes because mine is on the 13th of December.

What foods are you on now? I am looking foreward to Christmas Eve and being able to have my chicken wild rice Soup that I make every year. It's a weight watchers recipie and my husband raves about it.

Do you cook? Let me know if you'd be interested in the recipie

Good Luck at your appointment! Talk to you soon.


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What is you email address? I'll send messages to that instead of through the thread. Mine is banded_renata@yahoo.com (banded_renata) It didn't show the underline above.

My post-op went good today. The doctor was pleased with my weight loss. I seen Dr. Braunstein (sp?) today even though Dr. Chute did the surgery. Dr. B is a very nice doctor. Very easy to talk to and seemed to have all the time in the world for me to ask questions. Which is very unusual for a doctor. He kept saying to call if I had any other questions and don't feel like I am putting anyone out. Even if it's just to ease my mind on something. Very great doctor!! I go back Christmas week to see Ryan, the surgeon's assistant. He is the one that would do a fill. Ryan will decide if I get the fill that week. I'm excited for that one!!

I am on regular food now! Whoo Hoo!! I ate real food on Thanksgiving. Not much, but boy did it taste good!! I wasn't quite sure if I was suppose to be on regular food yet or not, but the doctor and dietician was fine with it. As long as I haven't vomited or had any ill effects. So I'm good to go.

I think I've been doing ok on the amount of food I've been eating too. Especially in comparison to pre-band. However, the dietician stressed that I should only be eating 3/4 of a cup per meal. So I have to really work on not drinking ANY Water with my meals. I told her I'd drink a little bit on occassion. She suggested eating a liquid type food - yogurt, applesauce, gravy, etc. If I need some liquid while eating. I also have to make sure to measure absolutely everything and take 30 minutes to eat too. Haven't been the best at either of them yet either. But, I'll get there.

I would love your recipe for the soup! I like to cook and am always looking for new recipes. Thanks!

Talk to you soon,

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