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Indigo Girl, Bra fat, back boobs.....the area I am most conscious of. It is getting better so I am very happy. The clothes thing is definitely a challenge. I have a whole closet of 12/14's that fit again but not for too much longer. I am struggling with the geometic prints of the 60/70's so hope by the time I move into 10's the styles will change. I too tend to dress more classic....styles that are sharp and not too trendy but no old lady either. My granddaughters were telling me the other day that we all needed matching outfits...pretty funny since they are 8 and 12. I have committed to be more than a lurker and writing more.


Banded: 10/19/07

Highest: 400+

Surgery: 276.5

Current: 199.5 (Onederland!)

Goal: 135

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Back home in WA state for the summer....

if they decide to have one this year!!



LOL! Our DD moved to Minneapolis last July on a transfer.....OMW.....she says "these people don't know what SPRING is!" She's an AZ girl and pretty much not a happy camper. WA does get alot a rain! Loved your little icons!

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LOL! Our DD moved to Minneapolis last July on a transfer.....OMW.....she says "these people don't know what SPRING is!" She's an AZ girl and pretty much not a happy camper. WA does get alot a rain! Loved your little icons!

That would be a tough transition.

At least, when the weather is crappy here,

I can count the months until we go south again!

And we do enjoy our times with the grandkids,

and our daughters (even though one is being a butt head right now.)

It seems like we've been getting just a short time of sunshine every day...well, not EVERY day, but most days. It's very rarely been over 60 degrees since we've been back (2 wks). I'm ready for some warm weather.

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I cannot even get the ticker band to this site. I want one, but do not know how to or where to cut and paste it. Any help for this computer illiterate oldster?

P.S. My middle son worked for the last 5 yrs. for IBM as a programmer. LOL Too embarrassed to ask him.

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Shirley & Bev - here is how to get your tickers


Follow these instructions and you should be able to get it working..

Hi, I will be 50 in June! Yikes how did that happen. I haven't had my surgery yet, but I am getting close. I have gone to the first group session, I have be approved as a canidate, and have been contacted for my appointment with the surgeon. I think it is easier to get scheduled to see the Pope!

I still have to have a pysh. nutrition, and sleep study.

I am self pay so I don't have towait for the insurance stuff.

Any guess on how long it will be til the surgery?????

:party: I have been reading everything I can about the personal experiences of others. I also have a friend at work (I'm a nurse) who was Banded 4 weeks ago. She as lost 16 pounds.

Tell me more, Lynda

Lynda - it shouldn't take too long - it will depend on how fast you get the 3 items listed done and your doctors schedule..

Welcome to LBT its a great place for info & support - Since you are a nurse you understand the medical side - we can tell you the experience side..

The 50's is the new 30's and we have a lot of privelgies that come with age... I don't mind it much except for the wrinkles :lol:

Hi All and thanks for all the welcomes and best wishes. Saw the Dr today and he was happy with my progress (10 lbs since op on 4/23rd and 25 total now). He has moved me to diet of mushies for next 2 weeks and then to soft foods the following 2 weeks. I'm so excited to have more options to eat. My first fill is not until May 30th.

He said to start working out slowly and build up. I had broken my right foot on Feb 18th so I am still healing from that too and I didn't tell him about that because I didn't want that to affect my having surgery. I took off my boot from the Orthopedist and wore my tennis shoes, walking very delicately, when I went in to see him twice before surgery and told him I had a small turn of the ankle which was healing fast..... He did say, "Well you have to be mobile to be able to have the surgery" and I told him that I was up and about and on my eliptical so it didn't become an issue. I am up to 15 minutes on the eliptical as regular walking is still too slow and probably not helping much excercise wise and want to work that out to more but I can't do my health rider (which is like a rower) yet because that pulls on my abdominals.

I did have questions on what is NSV and SV and PB? Gotta get up on my lapbandonics....:lol:

Its a happy day for me:thumbup:. Have a great weekend everyone.



NSV - Non scale Victory = walking up a flight of stairs without dieing:lol:

SV - I haven't ever seen this one - but I would guess Scale Victory

PB - Productive Burp - it's when you get stuck (golf ball in chest) and you will slime (saliva) and you will throw up the offending object - but it's not really throwing up - but more like a burp with food in it.

DH darling or damn husband DW wife -DS son DD daughter - GS grandson GD grandaughter - There was a place where all these definations where but I can't find it - I don't know how the expect a newbie to find it..

Indigo Girl, Bra fat, back boobs.....the area I am most conscious of. It is getting better so I am very happy. The clothes thing is definitely a challenge. I have a whole closet of 12/14's that fit again but not for too much longer. I am struggling with the geometic prints of the 60/70's so hope by the time I move into 10's the styles will change. I too tend to dress more classic....styles that are sharp and not too trendy but no old lady either. My granddaughters were telling me the other day that we all needed matching outfits...pretty funny since they are 8 and 12. I have committed to be more than a lurker and writing more.

Mary - Congrats on Onelander :party:

I cannot even get the ticker band to this site. I want one, but do not know how to or where to cut and paste it. Any help for this computer illiterate oldster?

P.S. My middle son worked for the last 5 yrs. for IBM as a programmer. LOL Too embarrassed to ask him.

Bev see above -

Well Ladies - I am a little pooped to nite so i think I am going to go put my feel up .. I gotta get my rest - going to the Stage Coach Fest tomorrow - gonna see Bucky Covington (American Idol) the Judds - Rascel Flatts and Taylor Swift... then Next weekend Trace Atkins -

Gotta get my beauty rest so I can look good for all those cowboys :lol::lol:

(I'm single for you newbies)

I will ck back later -

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NSV is non scale victory. PB is when food won't go down so it comes up. It stands for productive burp. Sometimes it's just a burp and food comes with it. I have had regular old throwing up when I was too tight. Luckily,

I don't have that problem anymore.

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Hello All!

It's been a few weeks since I've been here. Had some loooong nights at work, we had a software conversion:eek:!! If you've been through one, you know what I mean. :party:

Looks like every one is doing really really good!!! I have been staying on track and have lost 3 pounds in 6 weeks!! My Dr was very happy:biggrin:. We decided not to do another fill since I am losing and have good restriction.. I took the day off and after my Dr appt I decided to go shopping since my clothes are getting bigger and I got into a SIZE 12!!!!!!!!! Then to Celebrate my victory I went to the beach a enjoyed a 2 mile walk!!! I'll be back there tomorrow (Fernandina Beach, FL) and Sunday!!! It was so much better than just walking at the track... Keep up the GREAT work everyone!

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He gang I posted this on a thread asking does it get eaisesr - and thought that since we have so many newly banded people that you might find this interesting and something to ponder

The girl made the statement that she knew the band was a tool but that she didn't think she would have to work so hard and that she is still hungry - she had her 1st fill on 5/1 - this was my response to her

Here is something else that I didn't mention - HEAD HUNGER - We truly think that we are hungry and we really are not physically - We mistake head hunger for real physical hunger - and it takes time to differentiate between the two - I am 9 months out and I still fight it

I just finished dinner - my stomach is content - but I am not !!! I want more food - I want to eat still !!! We take that feeling of still wanting to eat and THINK we are still hungry - if you asked me right now are you still hungry I would say yes - cuz I am hungry - but my stomach is full.

Pre-band I would still be in the kitchen looking for something else to eat

I know that doesn't make alot of sense - but after you have finished your meal - and you think you are still hungry - sit quietly and think about your stomach - if you ate hard Protein - I bet you $100 buck your tummy feels content - but you know that you only ate 1/2 c or even 1 cup of food which is 1/10 of what you ate before. So your brain is saying oh wait that wasn't enough food - I need more to to live - heck even skinny people eat more that 1/2 c or 1 cup for a meal.. (ya they do but they aren't trying to lose weight either)

This is coming from a person (me) who has restriction and I still think I am hungry..

Given you may not have perfect restriction yet - but I bet you have some. Are you on liquids or able to eat real food - most docs do require a couple of days on liquids then move to mushies.

For me this has always been work - not as hard as it was pre-band - I think the band does make it easier - but I still have to work at it.

I am pooped right now - and being tired makes me want to eat - I could go in there and eat ice cream - make some brownie (I do have a mix in the pantry) I could feed this emotional hunger - and fighting that urge is no diff with our with out the band - They banded our tummies and not our heads - the real problems with our obesity lies in our head (most of the time - some do have medical reasons but most of us just plain over eat and don't exercise)

So ya it's work - but I can tell you I am worth the work - I am worth getting healthy and adding years and more quality to my life.

The only thing the band does - is physically stop you from eating a 16 oz steak or any food with some substance to it - but you can still eat around it with slider foods (foods that slide right thru) candy, Cookies, ice cream, cake chips.< /span>

My friends and family know I am banded and in some ways I wish I hadn't told - why you say - because I don't feel that I am getting the credit for losing 88.5 lbs in 9 months - but that the band is - the band didn't do the work - it didn't make my food choices and it didn't go to the gym and exercise - I did - I did the work and it's still alot of work even with the band it's just easier to stop eating once your brain is able to get the right signals from your stomach that you are physically full..

We have messed up that wiring so much that it's going to take a life time to fix it..

Just keep working at it - it does get eaiser as time passes - but it is work - you gotta be like that little train - I know I can I know I can.

It's not that you can't do it - it's that you think you can't...

Take Care !!!!


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Guest Tugood4u2miss

Hello my fellow lap banner. I'm so happy to stumble upon banners my age. I've lost my way and trying to get back on the right path. You guys make me smile reading your replies. Just wanted to say Hello. :party:

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Hello my fellow lap banner. I'm so happy to stumble upon banners my age. I've lost my way and trying to get back on the right path. You guys make me smile reading your replies. Just wanted to say Hello. :party:

Welcome Tugood

We are here for you - this is the best site for info & support.

Glad we can put a smile on your face :party: cuz it's a whole lot better than a frown :lol:

We look forward to chatting with you...:lol:

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Indio, you could not have said this more clearly.

I am grateful for all the support I am getting from the postings here. I know it has helped to make my short journey, at least at this point, a successful one. But the extra support really makes it easier.

Everyone have a great weekend, off to visit my boyfriend for the weekend

Welcome to all the new faces.

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Hi, I will be 50 in June! Yikes how did that happen. I haven't had my surgery yet, but I am getting close. I have gone to the first group session, I have be approved as a canidate, and have been contacted for my appointment with the surgeon. I think it is easier to get scheduled to see the Pope!

I still have to have a pysh. nutrition, and sleep study.

I am self pay so I don't have towait for the insurance stuff.

Any guess on how long it will be til the surgery?????

:frown: I have been reading everything I can about the personal experiences of others. I also have a friend at work (I'm a nurse) who was Banded 4 weeks ago. She as lost 16 pounds.

Tell me more, Lynda

Well if you are self-pay it may only be a matter of 2 wks once you blood work and tests are o.k.'d.. This is so exciting for you!

I remember this time well!! I've been banded since July 11/07 (friends with Janet) It is a good decision.. to finally have control over what you eat.... it really is marvellous.

Just a caution about nutrician. ALWAYs follow the bandster rules, right from the beginning... I can't stress that enough.... your new life starts with new habits..

During the 6 wks healing time after surge. you will feel fine... but your insides are still healing even if you don't feel anydifferent on the outside ie energy level, pain is gone etc. This time period is known as bandster hell, cause slowly you'll regain your natural appetite, but as yet will have no restriction.

I don't know how heavy you presently are, but right after surgery start walking, walk every day... it really helps with recovery... and it'll be a welcome part of your NEW LIFE. :)

Congratulations, and enjoy the journey :sad:


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I love this 50 and over site. It's so nice to read everyone's questions and answers. The support everyone gives to each other is wonderful and I just want to thank all of you.

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Hi everyone, How does it feel when you are full? I am confused. I am feeling like I am full in my chest is that normal? I just want to make sure it is the right feeling.

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I ate real fast last night and scared myself. Thought I was going to choke I stopped and relaxed until the feeling went away. Has this happened to anyone?

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    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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      1. BabySpoons

        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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