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Thanks Joann for the info. I had never heard about the set point theory. Very Interesting. I will google the set point diet. I was at this weight for about five years , so maybe I will be here for a few more weeks. I hope it is a plateau I am on.


The "set-point" theory was articulated very well in an audio-tape program called "the Neuropsychology of Weight Control" by a company called Sybervision. It was a terrific program that contained all sorts of information about set point theory,and the emotional aspects of eating. Here's the link to the program; it's been in production for over 20 years.

The Neuropsychology of Weight Control Main Page


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JoannMarie, you got me curious here. What is that 5 day Pouch test?:smile2:

I was banded August 08. So far lost 60 lbs and I am happy with what I am today.

I am on a plateau since June (172 lbs +- 1 lbs) If I could break it without killing myself with exercises that would be a plus... So what is 5-Day Pouch test thing?

** For all of you reading my message, I really appreciate ALL your comments. I am here by myself (no body to talk about Lapband except my HB). Thank God for the Internet. No matter the distance, I feel warmth from you, my sisters Lapbanders :)

** sorry for my English, I am French :wink2:**


I understand you can google "5-day Pouch Test" and a site will come up that explains how to do it. I have not done it (yet), I think it is mainly a process for people who are on a plateau, lost their focus and gotten away from the eating requirements, etc. I may reach that state at some point in time, but so far losing slowly but surely. Basically it requires you to begin the post surgery process all over again - a day or so of clear liquid, a day of full liquid, couple of days of soft foods or mushies, then back to regular food. Supposedly it helps you to refocus your efforts and get back to the basics of proper "band" eating. Those who have tried it appear to be successful with getting back on track. If/when Phyllser is on the thread, she can add her comments. I believe she has done this process and can speak to it better than I can.

Welcome to this thread - you will find a lot of very supportive people here. I do love these folks!

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I enjoy hearing about people's lives but I'm a therapist, that's probably why. I retired the end of February of this year in preparation for Lapband surgery and hopefully a new life!! I'm interested in hearing how others are doing now that they are not doing their traditional work as well as how they are coping with their Lapband issues.

I have a funny story but am looking for feedback. I had my first fill on the 29th of June (Lapband 15 May 09). For the first few days I felt no hunger and had really no desire to eat so stayed well within the dietary guidelines. But that quickly faded away. Could eat anything and became increasingly hungry Went out to eat two days ago and mistakenly ate a small piece of shrimp! I guess what I was feeling was that piece getting stuck. Hadn't ever had that feeling before. It was very scary, felt like I was going to choke to death! I tried to remember that this was something had that other bandsters had experienced and had lived to tell about it. Thank God the restaurant was empty. As I headed for the bathroom I suddenly had a clear liquid shot out of my mouth. How embarrassing!! Later I realized that I was now a part of the bandster experience! Last night I had a similar experience with ground turkey. Thought I had really chewed it thoroughly but guess not. The day before I had these experiences I had scheduled another fill for the 13th, exactly two weeks from the first fill. The nurse who does the fills told me to call her if I began to feel some restriction but so far that hasn't happened. She also told me that some bandster don't feel restriction for up to nearly two weeks.

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I enjoy hearing about people's lives but I'm a therapist, that's probably why. I retired the end of February of this year in preparation for Lapband surgery and hopefully a new life!! I'm interested in hearing how others are doing now that they are not doing their traditional work as well as how they are coping with their Lapband issues.

I have a funny story but am looking for feedback. I had my first fill on the 29th of June (Lapband 15 May 09). For the first few days I felt no hunger and had really no desire to eat so stayed well within the dietary guidelines. But that quickly faded away. Could eat anything and became increasingly hungry Went out to eat two days ago and mistakenly ate a small piece of shrimp! I guess what I was feeling was that piece getting stuck. Hadn't ever had that feeling before. It was very scary, felt like I was going to choke to death! I tried to remember that this was something had that other bandsters had experienced and had lived to tell about it. Thank God the restaurant was empty. As I headed for the bathroom I suddenly had a clear liquid shot out of my mouth. How embarrassing!! Later I realized that I was now a part of the bandster experience! Last night I had a similar experience with ground turkey. Thought I had really chewed it thoroughly but guess not. The day before I had these experiences I had scheduled another fill for the 13th, exactly two weeks from the first fill. The nurse who does the fills told me to call her if I began to feel some restriction but so far that hasn't happened. She also told me that some bandster don't feel restriction for up to nearly two weeks.

remember to have liquids/mushies for 24-48 hours after a PBing incident. helps to relieve any irritation caused by the event

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Thanks so much for that suggestion. I never knew that! That makes so much sense and is how I am feeling mostly out of fear of a reoccurrence than anything else.

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With shrimp........chew,chew,chew,......I pb'd on shrimp more than once. I don't eat it anymore. It is one of my favorite foods.

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Charlene K..if shrimp is one of your favorite foods how about turning it into a spread of some kind with the food processor? As a child my mom used to buy a shrimp paste to put on sandwiches, good with a little salmon in there too.


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I am beginning to think I should have gone with the gastric by-pass and that this lap band system has failed me. I have been playing with 10 pounds up and down for many months. The doc says no more snacking, no sweets, count calories, South Beach type dieting, and lots of exercise. I never knew that I would have to do those things after lab band surgery and it was only a tool.

On the positive side though. I have lost at least 80 pounds total and was a BMI of over 53 when I started, I am now at 43.8. Most of the weight came off with the 4 week liquid pre-surgery diet and the soft 6 week post surgery diet. I am feeling healthier, medical tests show better results on liver, sugar, and other health levels. I'm taking less medicines. I'm down 2 sizes and able to walk distances without pain. I can now wear regular shoes again with regular ladies socks. My left ankle is still swelling but my feet are not turning purple anymore. I am happy that I feel better but I still need to loose 100 pounds. I want to see that come off after going through all of this. I am back here after not visiting this site for 6 months for support and a reminder to stick with it.

I think you really need to stick with it. Look how well you've done so far. Look at all the improvements in your life. It will only get better with the continuation of the weight loss. Unfortunately, weight loss takes work. It took work on your pre-op and post-op diet, you can't go back to your old ways of eating but you can find a way to make the tool work for you and keep on loosing. Everyone here that has lost significant weight has made an effort to lose it and each of them say it was work.

I'm so sorry your doctor didn't explain that it was just a tool. My doctor sat down with me and explained it would be me that made the band work by following the rules. I've been through enough diets my entire life to know the rules of dieting so if I can apply those rules to the lap band ones, I should be able to loose, slowly and fairly steadily. I'm still on the liquid part of the diet, but I am fully prepared to eat healthy and low fat when I'm on solid foods. I'm also prepared to mess up a little, but jump right back on the "bandwagon".

Please don't give up. You are worth all the effort. You are welcome to PM if you like. I think there are many other people on this web site that have excellent advise. I read threads daily to make sure I stay focused. Do what you need to but don't give up.


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I think you really need to stick with it. Look how well you've done so far. Look at all the improvements in your life. It will only get better with the continuation of the weight loss. Unfortunately, weight loss takes work. It took work on your pre-op and post-op diet, you can't go back to your old ways of eating but you can find a way to make the tool work for you and keep on loosing. Everyone here that has lost significant weight has made an effort to lose it and each of them say it was work.

I'm so sorry your doctor didn't explain that it was just a tool. My doctor sat down with me and explained it would be me that made the band work by following the rules. I've been through enough diets my entire life to know the rules of dieting so if I can apply those rules to the lap band ones, I should be able to loose, slowly and fairly steadily. I'm still on the liquid part of the diet, but I am fully prepared to eat healthy and low fat when I'm on solid foods. I'm also prepared to mess up a little, but jump right back on the "bandwagon".

Please don't give up. You are worth all the effort. You are welcome to PM if you like. I think there are many other people on this web site that have excellent advise. I read threads daily to make sure I stay focused. Do what you need to but don't give up.



Great advice. The band and even bypass, sleeve, etc. are all just that TOOLS, that is what they stress at my hospital/dr anyway for all types of weight loss surgery. That one will be as successful as they use the tool. No type of surgery is the miracle cure, they all take work. So many folks think when they hear you had weight loss surgery that you took the easy way out, that couldn't be further from the truth. Bypass and sleeve take less work in the beginning but all do take work. With the band we just have to keep on top of fills etc. from the get go. Congrats on your band, with that type of attitude you will be successful. I've lost 126 lbs in one year with my band and couldn't be happier.

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I'm new to all of this but have gone to bariatric support groups for over a year now and have met many many people who have had gastric rather than lapband and have gained all their weight back and then some and are now either having another gastric or lapband. You sound like you are doing a great job. Your health is improving so much and now you can walk so much better. Do you have access to bariatric support groups? They are really very helpful. Support is so important. Someone gave me good advice when I started. She said that you need three essential things. The band, exercise and emotional support. Keep up the great work. You can do it!!

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I am 7.5 months post-op and really struggling. Today, I want to eat everything I can find. I am going to do the 5 day pouch test on Saturday and I have another fill coming up on the 15th. I had an unfill 8 weeks ago and I think he took too much out. I have lost about 40 pounds so far, but it has not been easy. Do you think our age is a contributing factor? I am 58 and it doesn't seem to come off as easily as it does for the younger ones. I am off diabetes meds and a lot of other meds, but I had expected to be further along by this time. I, too, considered WW but I don't want to go that route after having the surgery. Anyone want to help and encourage a struggling bandster?

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Glammaw, Sorry you are having such a hard day. I am sure our age has something to so with the difficulties. Your weight loss to date is a great accomplishment. If you have any of your old clothes try a something on. It will be so big you will know it is so worth the effort. Maybe a treat of sugar free candy or low calorie hot chocolate will help. You can freeze that hot chocolate by the way and it doesn't taste bad! Hang in there.


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I am 7.5 months post-op and really struggling. Today, I want to eat everything I can find. I am going to do the 5 day pouch test on Saturday and I have another fill coming up on the 15th. I had an unfill 8 weeks ago and I think he took too much out. I have lost about 40 pounds so far, but it has not been easy. Do you think our age is a contributing factor? I am 58 and it doesn't seem to come off as easily as it does for the younger ones. I am off diabetes meds and a lot of other meds, but I had expected to be further along by this time. I, too, considered WW but I don't want to go that route after having the surgery. Anyone want to help and encourage a struggling bandster?

I think quite a few of us are struggling. My doctor wants me to eat a half a cup of food six times a day totalling 800calories. I eat 1200 calories a day. I haven't reached that "sweet spot" yet. I too, had an unfill in April. It was a struggle. Now, I have half of it back and will get more on the 29th. The best way to keep going down is journal and exercise. We are slow losers at our age, but I believe we can get to our goal. I have allowed myself 2-3yrs to get there. Hang In There!

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Catchin up, I got way behind on this thread. I am for the most part a stay at homer as well. I went back to work part time last Dec. but work early mornings at my rec center and am off work at 830am so have most of the day free. Try to get a short nap in there.

My take on WW. I went to WW for years. They are pretty anti surgery and tend to view it as the easy way out. AFter surgery I continued to go for several months. I am not sure why, I think after having invested so much money I wanted to reach my lifetime status, but I never told them I had surgery. Finally I quit all together. I really wasn't getting much support, and I felt like a fraud by not telling them, but knew telling them wouldn't be received real well. I tended to follow their Core program (they call it something different now in their annual rewrite of the program) and it's basically South Beach and a lot like what we are supposed to be eating like. I saw so much abuse of the point system when I was there. Folks would blow their points on unhealthy foods and then say they were on plan because they ate the right amount of points but ate the wrong foods and not balanced at all then complained they weren't losing. I think their old exchange or selection plan was much better where you got so many Proteins, so many veggies etc. in a day. I get most of the support I need from the message boards and do attend a support group. For me the support I got at WW wasn't much. Maybe it was just my group but they tended to not be real supportive of the losers and enjoyed complaining more about their not losing, though to be honest, there's some of those in WLS support groups too. So if you go and it works for you, great! But if you disclose your surgery, be prepared. I understand on the WW website there are message boards and I've seen posts here about how hostile they WW boards were to WLS folks. I think that's wrong, we are all fighting a battle to be healthier some just take different paths than others, no one way is right for everyone. Heck even in surgery we all have our bias about which surgery (band, bypass, sleeve, etc.) and even which band what's right for you might not be right for me and vice versa, but we should all support one another.

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I was considering WW until the doctor's office called this morning with a surgery date for DH. He is getting gastric bypass next Wednesday. We will just support one another for now.

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