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Triple "awe shucks", Mrs. H!

I'll tell you what...there are days like today where I'm uplifted by the people on this board. My body aches and I'm not making the best food choices....

But coming here gets me some perspective. This is such a shared journey. Thank you so much for your kind words.

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I just wanted to share this with my fellow Marchies. It has nothing to do with the band, but I thought you might enjoy it.

I got a call yesterday from my 12 yo DD from school. It looks like by "baby" girl is no longer a baby. I was the only one at work yesterday so I couldn’t leave work. I talked to the nurse and she said that everything was fine and they had supplies and she would help my DD. I started to cry when I got off the phone. I knew this was coming and thought I was prepared. Anyway, DH and I decided to take her out to dinner last night and she chose Red Lobster. When we were seated our waitress asked if we were celebrating anything. My DH and I looked at each other and started laughing as my DD turned a very pleasing shade of red. If was so funny. The waitress thought we were nuts sitting there laughing at such a simple question. To spear my DD further embarrassment, we told her that we were not celebrating anything. After our waitress left, my DD said in all seriousness she thought I was going to tell her about "me becoming a woman today". Just hearing that phrase come out of our little girls mouth, both my DH and I started laughing all over again. The people sitting around us must have thought we were drunk.

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Awe, Mrs. H, that's so sweet......

I'm about 6 years away from that. But how cool are you to celebrate! And RED lobster of all places!

My niece was late starting as was so stoked she called the whole family to tell each of us. Even my Hungarian father who didn't know how to respond other than, "good for you."

My sister bought her a garnet necklace to commemorate.

Very cool. Thanks for sharing the story!

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Mrs Husker - Great story, very cute!

Ok, so I saw the doc yesterday and I gained 2lbs....she was not thrilled so she filled me. Now I'm at 2.25ccs in my 4.0cc band and so far so good. I'm on liquids and not really all that hungry, yet. We'll see what happens in the coming days. I just hope that this is where I need to be to lose the weight. I've been at a 4 month plateau now and I just want to get the weight loss ball rolling again. I'm shooting for a 10lb loss for the next time I see her, which is in 5 weeks. Wish me luck!

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What a great story Husker. Just purchased a book for my 11 yr old DD, it's by American Girl that discusses pre-teen things like acne, bathing, taking care of your body, diet and exercise and your "tom" When I talk to her about these things it sounds like nagging, the book should be a great back-up.

Not sure she's ready for that last part, although sometimes her mood has a hint of PMS in it!

I see the Dr. on Monday and I know I've gained. I really need a fill.....where does that saline go? I had great restriction for about 2 months and now I can eat bread, and things don't seem to get stuck anymore. Eating 2+ cups of food around dinner time is not a problem.

Early Christmas at my parents on Sunday will be a challenge.

I'm going to try and keep a bottle of Water in my hand and chew gum to try and curb the munchies.

***can anyone give me the math formula on how to find your % of body weight lost?....(like on biggest loser)

Everyone's doing great...have a nice day

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A basic body weight lost formula would be (orginal weight/100)*(current weight/x)

For me that would be (313/100)*(211/X)


Which means I weigh 67% what I used to weigh or I've lost 33% of my overall wieght.

However you might want to do the equation with the amount of weight you've lost with the overall amount you had to lose.

For me that would be (180/100)*(102/N)


So I've lost 56.6% of what I want to lose. I'm a bit over half way there.


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Welcome to the board!!!

Your doin great!!!

Good luck with going back to school... Im actually going back to school in january to become an RN.... But after im done with that i actually was thinking of going for CRNA.. Let us know ho it goes;)

Yes, hello and welcome!

Personally, I'm a big fan of school. I'm a grad student and plan on getting my Certificate of Advanced Study right after my masters is done (probaby in a year, maybe a little sooner), along with my teaching cert. Then I realised that other than a PhD there aren't any more degrees for me to get in this field (there is contining ed, of course). That made me a little sad. At those times I remind myself of my plans to get that second masters in another field... I can string that out by doing it part time for years :)

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Thats so sweet, celebrating like that.

There are some great books out there on the subject.

I had been on a plateu, but I finally lost a pound. Now I know a pound isn't much, but hey, I'll take it! Then my husband took apart the bathroom scale.

A long time ago, months before my surgery, I broke the bathroom scale just by stepping on it. I cracked the plastic around it. And it was supposed to have a higher weight capacity! Anyway, since then it didn't work right unless something flat was on it like a board. So we've been using a small board. Works just fine that way. Its a digital scale and actually quite accurate. Would I prefer it hadn't broke, yet. Did I want my husband to suddenly decide to take it apart without telling me? No.

So for over a week now I have not had a scale. And I won't have it for a while.

My semester just ended a few days ago, but I was sick. Now I'm wanting us to get a lot of stuff done around the house which means I micromanage. So I mentioned to DH the putting my scale back together. he said he could fix it and so forth, but it would take a good couple of hours and he just didn't have time to do that now. Unless of course I would rather he do that than put of those shelves I've been needing in the laundry room. So no scale for now. I think that item will go on the shopping list.

The new jeans I bought don't fit so well after a few hours. You know how it is when something comes out of the dryer, but then it loosens up, etc? Well once that happens they start to get loose and then after a while I can just take them off without undoing the button by the end of the day. Frustrating.

So I actually went and tried on jeans at Kohls. I'd been avoiding that. It was so very confusing. What section, what size, etc. I ended up with two different pairs in 2 sizes from 2 different sections to take into the dressing room with me. I ended up with these Levi jeans. They are these 529 curvy jeans. Its a big buy for me for a couple of reasons. They are a size 16-- tight, but not too tight (though I suspect if I stand a certain way I could get the sausage thigh effect, but I think I will get smaller...), and still, this is the first time I've bought size since I was about 16... at least in jeans.

And I can actually bend over in them without a huge gap in the waist band. They have this cool tilted waistband so its higher rise in back, desigined for those of use with more of an hourglass-- you know, wider hips with a relatively smaller waist. So that was exciting. Now if only there were different shirt cuts that took boob shapes into account... Or belly flab. I'm still about a 20, I think, in blouses, though of course my top measurements are exactly the same as my bottom ones. But thats the way sizing works... Its nice to go down in number. I feel like the dream size may be obtainable. I do think it would be somewhat frustrating, however, if I ended up being plus size on top, and not plus size on the bottom. (like a 12/14 or something) That would just make shopping for clothes completely traumatic or something. but I need to get down to those numbers before thats even an issue. And that means fighting the PMS monster and putting away the brownies and digging out the drywall tape to fix a crack in the wall-- i figure thats light exercise.

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Hello To Everyone, I just joined today and have a lot of reading to do to catch up and know everyone.

I had my surgery in March/07. Since then I've had 4 fills. I've only lost 55 pounds since then (9 months), but I'm 40lbs short of what I wanted to be in December. My fills have met fullness at meal times. My meals consisted also of Snacks for the cravings in between meals.

With my last fill 12/6/07, I choose to eliminate the Snacks, hoping I would not need them. I am just noticing now that without the snacks I'm hungry within 2 to 3 hours. And I mean hungry. When this craving for something to eat came of course this is where the snack came in. Snack consisted of a salad, fruit or yogurt or a shake or something lite.

I read post messages where people who've had multiple fills, still have not reached their sweet spot. So, I don't feel so bad and alone. I'm following the foods faithfully, measuring everything I eat, and sticking to the 1200 calorie intake my nutritionist says. But by including the snacks I tend to go over the 1200, which is why I want to eliminate them.

My beginning weight was 297lbs, my present weight is 242lbs. Yes, I'm losing but I don't want to miss that "window of opportunit" I keep hearing about. I want to meet my 175lbs - 155lbs goal by my birthday July/08.

I'm going to talk to my doctor Monday and explain that my eating has gotten out of control since my last fill. I read where one woman was able to eat a 6" hero, a bowl of oatmeal and something else and then felt full. Well, I have her beat, last nite (Friday) I ate 3 ice cream scoops of mac & cheese, 2 scoops of curry chicken breast and 1 scoop of creamed broccoli & cauliflower, 2 english muffins w/ pb&j, then I was full.

I tried this again, Saturday morning I had 2 english muffins w/ mayo and 10 sausage links, for lunch a turkey burger which must of been 6 - 8oz, onions on two slices of whole wheat bread, then had 2 english muffins w/mayo and deli meat. No snack at all just to prove I that I have not met my fill restriction. Okay, that was wrong, and I don't feel too bad about it.

Well, thank you for taking the time to read my plight and I look forward to returning and getting and giving support to those here.

Again Thanks.

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Ok, WP...I'm gonna quote my Dr. here..."You need a whopper of a fill." I can't eat what you did Fri night all day, much less at one sitting. I had my 4th fill in Aug, and the Dr. gave me a "whopper" and boy did it make a difference. I would ask the Dr. what he thinks. Also, is there a nutritionist connected with your Dr. office? I would suggest working with the nutritionist to help you design a plan that will work nutritionally as well as the type of eater you are. My nutritionist asked was I a snacker, and if so, she would have worked in alternatives for me until I was better able to eat the 3 squares the bandster should be doing. There is a link here that I found here that is great for helping decide the need for change (fill, exercise, etc.)

To fill or not to fill?

Good luck.


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Ok, WP...I'm gonna quote my Dr. here..."You need a whopper of a fill." I can't eat what you did Fri night all day, much less at one sitting. I had my 4th fill in Aug, and the Dr. gave me a "whopper" and boy did it make a difference. I would ask the Dr. what he thinks. Also, is there a nutritionist connected with your Dr. office? I would suggest working with the nutritionist to help you design a plan that will work nutritionally as well as the type of eater you are. My nutritionist asked was I a snacker, and if so, she would have worked in alternatives for me until I was better able to eat the 3 squares the bandster should be doing. There is a link here that I found here that is great for helping decide the need for change (fill, exercise, etc.)

To fill or not to fill?

Good luck.


AWESOME Link... I am actually going to try to follow every single one of these rules and see wat happens maybe ill actually be able to lose that 30lbs by my 1yr (march 15):cry

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Slikchik10, thanks for that link. It was very interesting. Read it and some of them did relate to me. Now I have amminution when I speak with the doctor on Monday.I also log everything I eat so my nutritionist knows what I put in my mouth. I always see the nutritionist after each fill. I'll post my results when I speak to my doctor. Thanks again.

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I think the rules/guidelines on fills are a good idea. Before, when I realised I was a plateu I looked at them. I realised I didn't need a fill, as that is just fine (.3 ccs has been doing good since Oct) but I did need a behavior adjustment.

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Its funny i noticed a lot of adjustments i should make.... I'm sure after following these guidelines i will wow my Dr. at the end of january!!! last time he saw me i was 230 and im now 217ish so lets make it as close as to 200 as possible..

Sorry just have this random burst of self-confidence... which i rarely get especially since it is almost 4am in Chicago and i'm on pain meds... (probably the drugs making me a little loopy):heh:

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I was thinking in terms of long term goals recently because that helps me get up off of my ass and not eat junk food, etc, for one thing. I think I'm going to give myself a date to reach goal weight/size by. For right now that is Mid August of '08. I reserve the right to push this back. I'm thinking this gives me a little over 8 months to lose a little over 60 pounds. Its 8 pounds a month. I think that sounds like a reasonable goal. I want to push for 10 pounds a month for the first 3 or 4 months of '08 because I'm eager to get established in onederland. Then the closer I get to goal the lower the rate of loss will get I imagine, maybe five pounds a month I guess, if not even less toward the end.

I too find it helpful to remind myself of what I want and how I will get there. One thing I do to motivate myself is work on trying to learn about clothes now and bodies and so forth. I just subscribed to lucky magazine because I know it has a lot about shopping and clothes and trends and I'm hoping to pick up information from that. Does anyone know of any other good sources of information on that?

I find many books on the subject matter that I have seen to be inadequate in addressing the subject of fashion for my purposes. They might be great for neurotypicals, but I'm not. I shall have to see if there are any books written for people on the autistic spectrum. I also try and remember to watch shows like What Not to Wear when I have time because I find that has interesting information on it. Of course its not necessarily something I could apply to myself, but sometimes there is something. I think it helps to build awareness overall.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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