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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Oh holy hell... as you're telling me this, I'm thinking in my head, "Isn't this the same b*tch that borrows all manner of stuff from y'all?? And she can take SD SHOPPING??"

Lordy, Slim, I think I needs to come-a down there. Show her the err of her ways. :)

Come on! You want me to draw a map to her house?:wink2:

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I suggest the Old MIL Hex...we can prolly find some eye of newt on eBay. I used the last of mine on a doctor hex just last week...:wink2:

:blush::lol:Unfortunately, I think that witch had witch's brew for lunch.< img src="https://s.bariatricpal.com/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="https://s.bariatricpal.com/uploads/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> The eye of newt would just be seasoning for her.:ohmy:

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Hmmm, she's a tough old biddy, huh? Well, I'll go look for industrial-strength eye of newt. Meanwhile, ready up a room for Beth. :)

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:blush::lol:Unfortunately, I think that witch had witch's brew for lunch.< img src="https://s.bariatricpal.com/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="https://s.bariatricpal.com/uploads/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> The eye of newt would just be seasoning for her.:ohmy:

Yeah, I was thinking you can't use that stuff on people like that. They CREATED the curses that that stuff is used for.

Maybe some holy Water? That oughtta have her melting like the wicked witch of the west. :wink2:

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I don't mean to be petty over the mis spelling----it just feels like a slap in the face. She KNOWS, that is what gets me......I honestly would prefer she just ignore the day. But the whole passive aggressive thing, and her martyr attitude, makes her HAVE to give me SOMETHING, and she makes her little dig with the spelling. Just being that way.

DD just called and her ex had my DGD for the weekend, brought her home, sunburned to a point of blistering, hungry, and asleep in the back seat of a truck, with no car seat, not even a seatbelt. Then when he left, she told my DD her "girlie parts" hurt. My DD about had a heart attack, but upon inspection, she has a raw strip, about an inch wide, all the way across her lower body, and up onto her lower back---it is from the crotch strap on her life jacket. She says she told them it hurt, but they wouldn't fix it.

Cherry on top, he informed her he could not afford to pay her, either CS or his half of the day care. He has not paid CS in over 6 months, and his last 2 checks to daycare have bounced.

She told him, he no longer could take her on his own. When she asks to see him, she will meet him at McDonalds or something, that until he regains some responsibility she is refusing visits. He is pissed! He is threatening court---I told Manda to take some pics and tell him to bring it on.

Then her BF pissed me off, acting like she was being too lenient, and getting on her case. Back off it is not his business!! AND she does have a court order giving him visitation, so if she can show she is attempting even with the problem to maintain a relationship with them, then she is better off, and DGD loves her Daddy (who knows why!!!). The BF has full custody of his kids who have not seen their mom in years, but it is not all cut and dried like that---he needs to leave himself out of it.

Made me sick at my stomach, lost my dinner, just thinking of someone not taking care of my little DGD makes my soul hurt.


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It's not petty, Kat, it's intentional. You'd almost like to say, "Gee, I'm sorry you apparently have Alzheimers/dementia/memory issues." :)

As for the DD and the ex: OMG. Somebody needs to whip his ass.

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I suggest the Old MIL Hex...we can prolly find some eye of newt on eBay. I used the last of mine on a doctor hex just last week...:)

ROFL - that was great!

Kat - I'm southern so I would've been passive-aggressive to her right back. Hold up the card in front of God and everyone and say, "wow, shock, MIL <insert name> has misspelled my name for the Xth <insert # of years you've known her> time. My name is STILL spelled with a K, btw" and then done Lulu's fake smile!!! Embarrass her in front of the family!

Slim - now I know I'm really close to you geographically but don't you call me expecting bail money!!! I hate that 'noog traffic! :wink2:

Seriously, have you had a "come to Jesus" meeting with your MIL? My mom had to have one with my paternal grandmother when my brother and I were small. She was just rude to my mother from what I understand. BUT my dad was behind my mother 100% so that's how our situation was different. It's really sad but she died when I was in 8th grade and I really don't miss her. Had she lived to my adulthood, we probably would've had our own "come to Jesus" discussion.

I feel for ya sugar. **hugs**

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*hugs* Kat (with a K!) I would be feeling sick at the stomach too :) Our grandchildren are so precious and it is so hard to not step in and take over in situations like that (at least, it is for me!). I know my daughter is a great mum and her hubby is a great dad, but if that were not so, I could see myself being the interfering grandmother big time...

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Kat - I'm southern so I would've been passive-aggressive to her right back. Hold up the card in front of God and everyone and say, "wow, shock, MIL <insert name> has misspelled my name for the Xth <insert # of years you've known her> time. My name is STILL spelled with a K, btw" and then done Lulu's fake smile!!! Embarrass her in front of the family!

I like the sound of this! Kat, sorry, but your MIL is just a bitch. There's no excuse for misspelling a name THAT many times. Ugh. And when you mentioned your DGD having sore girly parts, you nearly had ME on the way to your neck of the woods. I felt sick. Thank God I read further.

Okay, maybe eye of newt isn't gonna be strong enough here. Sky writer to fly overhead with a big banner? Then we send the plane to Slim's and she can tell the whole town about her MIL. Ads to run during the Super Bowl? I think you could rent a Blimp....My MIL is such a bitch...

Oh wait!! I've GOT it. I think Kat, Slim and Lulu need PG to pop by the Wicked MIL's homes and tell them she's there to save them! Leave them alone with her for a few days. If you then free 'em, they'll think you are the best DILs ever!! That, or one of them will kill off PG and end up in jail.

Uh, just a suggestion... I have NO real-life experience in dealing with unwanted persons :) ...and I suggest you check with your respective surgeons before undertaking any witch-taming.:wink2:

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Kat~ That is horrible! Poor kid. I would go after his ass with a vengence! Your DD does need to take pictures and document everything. Then she has proof of what is happening.

That has to be so hard for you to watch! (((Hugs)))

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Slim, I'm so sorry. MIL is a bitch! :)

Ebony, take your time and think things thru. Sounds like DH is trying to butter you up 'cause he knows he f'ed up! :wink2:

Lu, puppy breath? What? You have a new addition to the house? Details please? Or did I completely miss your post? :huh2:

Kat, that's just rude! MIL is somethin' else! Sorry about your weekend with, with/out DH. :ohmy:

TPG, I was hoping to hear that you were feeling better. I'm sorry that you aren't. I hope you feel better soon! :blush:

Fanny, great pics! Y'all look wonderful! :wink2:

Hi to everyone!

PJTP: Was tight this AM so I ended up not even drinking my shake before church. It didn't want to go down very well. We were in a hurry so I didn't have time to nurse my way thru it so just said forget it.

LAter in the day we went to the lake for lunch. It was after 1 by this time and I was starving. Had a sip of DH's shake before the food came and it was a little slow going down but didn't think too much about it. Shoulda known better. Ate a few bites of lunch and got stuck. Went to the restroom...

Still wasn't feeling great, everything hurt. Told DH we needed to go. He and DD were done anyway, so we left. Got home and within a few minutes was puking my GUTS up! WTH!!! Throat hurt so I had some hot tea w/honey and went to bed for an hour or so. I was exhausted anyway after another night of getting up and down with DD.

Got up and am starving but afraid to do anything. Had some more hot tea/honey and then made some Soup for dinner. Was able to get that down if I went REALLY slow. Still tight.

I don't know what the heck is going on. I know I'm stressed but I was doing fine before the fill/unfill and was doing okay since then. A little tight in the AM but able to eat by lunchtime. I don't know if it's the lack of sleep, stress or what. Or maybe a combination of stuff.

I have to go to the facility in the city on Thursday for a Depo shot so if I'm still having problems in the next day or so, I'll call and see if he can see me that day for another slight unfill. I totally HATE to do that but don't want to hurt myself either. And the idea of going out of town for 2 different trips being too tight scars me. Slider foods, here I come! :huh2:

Esp this weekend. We're going to the Scottish Highland Games for the weekend and other than cooking (we're camping for the weekend so food prep/ease, is limited), you eat at the games. Fish and chips, sausages, bread/pasties, ect. Oh so easy to eat when you're too tight! :eek:

The trip up north will be a lot easier food-wise. But I still don't want to be too tight! Just not a good idea!

We'll see what happens.

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Oh my gosh! Some 14? posts while I was posting! No wonder I can't keep up with y'all! LOL!

I don't mean to be petty over the mis spelling----it just feels like a slap in the face. She KNOWS, that is what gets me......I honestly would prefer she just ignore the day. But the whole passive aggressive thing, and her martyr attitude, makes her HAVE to give me SOMETHING, and she makes her little dig with the spelling. Just being that way.

DD just called and her ex had my DGD for the weekend, brought her home, sunburned to a point of blistering, hungry, and asleep in the back seat of a truck, with no car seat, not even a seatbelt. Then when he left, she told my DD her "girlie parts" hurt. My DD about had a heart attack, but upon inspection, she has a raw strip, about an inch wide, all the way across her lower body, and up onto her lower back---it is from the crotch strap on her life jacket. She says she told them it hurt, but they wouldn't fix it.

Cherry on top, he informed her he could not afford to pay her, either CS or his half of the day care. He has not paid CS in over 6 months, and his last 2 checks to daycare have bounced.

She told him, he no longer could take her on his own. When she asks to see him, she will meet him at McDonalds or something, that until he regains some responsibility she is refusing visits. He is pissed! He is threatening court---I told Manda to take some pics and tell him to bring it on.

Then her BF pissed me off, acting like she was being too lenient, and getting on her case. Back off it is not his business!! AND she does have a court order giving him visitation, so if she can show she is attempting even with the problem to maintain a relationship with them, then she is better off, and DGD loves her Daddy (who knows why!!!). The BF has full custody of his kids who have not seen their mom in years, but it is not all cut and dried like that---he needs to leave himself out of it.

Made me sick at my stomach, lost my dinner, just thinking of someone not taking care of my little DGD makes my soul hurt.


Holy hell, Kat! I would think about calling the police in for this one! THAT is blatant neglect!! If DD refuses to call the cops she should be on the phone to her social worker first thing tomorrow! I would also consider taking DGD to her doc and having it documented that way. She also needs treatment for the sunburn if she's blistering.

This MUST be documented with pics and statements with dates and times before anyone forgets what happened. I do know that in CA visitation and CP are two different issues and the custodial parent can not refuse visitation if it's court ordered regardless if the non-custodial parent is paying or not. She's going to have to go back to court for the CP stuff. They can garnish his wages/bank accounts if needed.

And if the BF can't be supportive then he needs to keep his trap shut! It's not helpful to be berating DD for ANYTHING!!!!

This is just horrible! :) Poor baby! :wink2:

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Kat-I can't believe the state that your DGD was in when brought home. I was sick to my stomach reading it too. The thought of her being sunburned and rubbed raw in such a sensitive part is appalling! You all should take pictures and document it all. He isn't taking care of things financially and now he isn't taking care of her physically???? I think your daughter is right to limit is visitation. I wish that we could do to adults what they have done to children. Let his a$$ burn outside like that and then rub his manly areas raw. I think beating is too good for him. As far as your MIL situation, I don't think it is being petty of you to at least expect her to spell your name right after having been told so many times. I like SNT idea of embarrassing her with the misspelling. Or pointing it out and saying something to the effect of "bless her heart, she can't remember how to spell my name after all of this time".:ohmy:

Heartfire-don't wait too long with being too tight. I hope you feel better soon.

SNT-I wasn't going to call for bail money. I was hoping that you were going to be here to help!:wink2: Then we both would need bail money.:blush:

Krtork-Have a great first back to school. Hopefully your little bites will be good for Breakfast. I have made something similar and had them for breakfast and lunch. They were great out of the freezer too.


PJTP-I am going to have some me time today. Or at least I hope I am. DH and DS will be gone. My only problem will be my own mom. I love her, but she doesn't understand that on my off day, I really just want to veg. I volunteered to work 3rd shift tomorrow (tonight) so I plan to veg all day. I hope everyone has an awesome Monday!:wink2: I am sure I will be on here all day so don't be surpised if you see multiple posts. Sorry.:)

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kat- that story is very disturbing.

document, document, document - pics included. your daughter sounds like she's going to have hard time w/her ex - lack of CS & all. sad.

yes michelle, got a new pup on friday...2 wks after having put down my golden.

she was found wandering the neighborhood for a wk - starved & covered in fleas.

we think she was dumped because no one was looking for her / no chip etc......so she's mine.

here is a pic of her - goose is her name.

enjoy your day off slim!!!


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