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Well, I have gall stones and will have to have my gall bladder removed. My band doc could do the surgery, but probably not until the end of September, and would not do a band replacement at the same time (according to his nurse - he's in Paris until next week). Waiting to hear from the doc on the referral to her choice of surgeons.

The good news is that I feel SO much better -- no pain!! Yesterday was my first OTC med free day -- here's to another!!

I had my gall bladder removed in 2001. Had a stupid doctor who misdiagnosed me for FOUR MONTHS while I suffered with excruciating pain. She kept putting me on this horrendously expensive antacid that I had to get permission from my insurance company month-to-month to purchase because the pills cost over $300 a month.

One night the pain finally hit and never quit. Started at midnight and I FINALLY had hubby take me to the emergency room at 6:00 am. To give you perspective of how it is when a stone gets stuck in the duct, I had natural childbirth and was in a LOT of pain -- but I didn't cry. THIS thing had me rolling and screaming on the floor, so bad that I woke my family upstairs, and I was downstairs.

Then I started vomiting, and I've NEVER vomited so violently in all my life. Every muscle in my body seized up.

I'm not a person to run to the doctor over every little thing, but I told DH that I needed to go to the hospital (which was at the front of my subdivision, literally 3/4 of a mile away). I told him to drive me there, and if they couldn't get me in immediately, bring me home and call an ambulance so I could get right in.

A few days after the surgery I was having Thanksgiving dinner with my family, and the Saturday after that, I was in Mexico and climbing Mexican pyramids and snorkling. It was a breeze.

The one thing I WILL warn you about, however, is when you eat fatty foods, they kinda go through you. :thumbdown:

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Wow sorry to hear that TPG. Are you in an area where you have multiple surgeons as an option? If you're self pay you could find a highly recommended bandster from the bored here?

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Thanks, Michelle! I'm still here. You all thought you'd lose me with that FB thing....I know it...:)

~Things DO happen for a reason. Hang in there!

* tpg -well i hope you don't leave / shouldn't leave, do let us know what happen. i will say, that this just might be a blessing. aftercare is SO much more important, and if you can't get quality attention BEFORE the band, what do you do when you have a complication???

as self pay - you got some options.

~What she said!

* michelle - i just found snappea crisps @ whole foods....to get my chip fix in. unlike chips they are low in carbs/decent protein......might look into those.

~Thanks, Lu! I have had those before and they are good! I'd forgotten about them.

pretty day in dallas, however i'm a bit over 100 degree days......wouldn't mind if a cold front moved in:)

~Me too! We're going back up to the 100s this week too and I'm so done with it!

happy hump~

Heart--stress is killer to my weight loss. I know people who cannot eat when they are stressed, they just curl up and sleep. My DD and my best friend are both that way. NOT ME! I eat, anything that is not trying to eat me first, and sleep is hard to get, because I cannot shut my mind off enough to fall asleep.

So softball starts this week, first practice session last night. I am old and got way out of shape from last year! I am sore this morning!

Off to work....the fun never ends!

~Thanks, Kat. Nope, I eat too. Always envied the people who got stressed and DIDN'T eat! I remember that stuff with your DD. So scary!!

I get so panicked sometimes that I almost start to hyperventilate! I have to concentrate on my breathing and slow it down. I didn't sleep well last night either. Like you, brain wouldn't shut off. Actually cried a little. That's always an outlet for me. Weird , I know.

Have fun with softball!

Heartfire -- rant all you want.....I also gain weight anytime I eat Chinese or salty things so I try not to weigh after those days.

Well, I have gall stones and will have to have my gall bladder removed.

The good news is that I feel SO much better -- no pain!!

~Thanks Suzy. I have to plan when I eat chinese that it's not too close to either WI or doc appt!

I'm glad you've got a diagnoses! Sucks big donkey dick that you have to have surgery again! :D

Glad you are feeling better!!

Garsh, and rumor had it you were the "Operation" queen and won it that way. :unsure:


Not really sure.

Hubby was really REALLY complaining about arm pain last night, more than he ever did before surgery.

~Maybe once things settle down from surgery he'll be able to say it's better. I sure hope so! You don't want to have to listen to THAT forever!!

No worries. That's what we're here for. LOTS of broad shoulders to take on the problems of others.


I'm with you there. In about 30 days, hubby may not have a job. And we live in one of THE most expensive places in the US, with a house note ALONE of $2400 a month. I'm more than a little worried myself.

~It's so scary! I hope your DH doesn't lose his job! We've got the house, a 2nd (helped pay for DD's adoption) as well as the regular bills too. Plus the furnace is going out and it's propane so you can't mess with that. If we have to, we'll just not light the furnace this year. We try to heat strictly with wood but we use the heater for supplement/back-up (early AM, gone all day kinda stuff). We'll see. I have to call the company and get them out here for an estimate. We need some solid numbers. We know we're looking at $3-5,000!!

EXCELLENT analogy! Like TPG, I was so focused on what didn't happen that I didn't think about what COULD have happened. :thumbdown:

~I was doing the same that you were. Not thinking about after-care at all and that's the most important part. Well other than NOT having a botched surgery!

I used to be able to find soy nuts back in Houston but don't know where/how to find them now. Dried soybeans, GOOD Fiber, yummy, and helped for those with a crunch fetish. Guess I should really try to look.

We will have a new Wegman's here in November, so maybe somebody like them will carry them.

~Those sound good. I think I'll have to look for them.


~PJTP: I think I'm going to have to cancel the trip up north. I'll talk to my mom tonight, if I can get ahold of her. She's told me she's funding the trip but we're still going to have to spend money and it's REALLY bothering me to not be able to pay our part. I'll talk to DH today and mom tonight and go from there.

Oh! Funny but creepy story! Last night after DD had gone to bed, DH and I are sitting on the couch when we hear something hit the screen on the slider behind us. Couch is kind of in front of the slider but you can walk behind the couch and use the slider. We never go out there. There is a dog door panel in the slider for DDog. Well, it's a flippin' beetle!

Okay, just to give you an idea, these things are huge! When I first saw them, I thought they were the Hissing Madagascar things! Seriously! These things are at least a couple of inches long and a good 1/2 inch + wide!!! Anyway, we ignore it and continue to read/watch TV. I hear the dog door flap moving. Thinking the dog is trying to come in, look down and the dog is laying at our feet! The BEETLE is trying to use the DOG DOOR to get in the house!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I told DH if that thing gets in the house, I'm freaking out! He slides to door closed and closes the curtain over the entire door so the lights aren't shining out and pretty soon it moved off to a window. WHEW!!!!

For some reason, these things just freak me out! They hiss at you and will try to hit you thru the screen if you try to flick 'em off (from the inside). I've had bats, Snacks, lizards and all manner of bugs in my house but this would send me over the frickin' edge!! I do NOT want to have to deal with one of these things in my house. EVER!!! :eek:

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does it work though if you have 88 lbs to lose to get there? CAuse I am willing!

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PJTP...been a busy day - I've been going non-stop, which takes away from my PJTP time! :)

You kinda have a Macy Gray thing going. Except you're hotter than Macy (ok, to be fair, she probably has the better voice).

Awww, Plain....thanks, honey! :wub: I like Macy - LOVE her voice, and no, mine isn't as husky as hers. Wish I could sing for real...I only sing in the car, though... :eek:

I was just reading tonight how it's going to be a federal crime for eBayers and Craigslist users, along with garage sale holders, to sell items that have recalls on them. Isn't that nice.

Dang...is Big Brother watching EVERY FREAKIN' THING? I guess there are some people who need the help, but dang...

Crystal Light is now my beverage of choice. I drink quite a bit of it daily.

Me too - love it!

I'll let KC take this. I don't have much good advice. The last time I tried to "help" somebody, I got in some legal trouble. Turns out the police don't really like it when you set up a kiosk at the mall advertising "free gynological exams". I mean, I had a privacy curtain.....what's the prob?

Ok, ewww...

Plain, you sho didn't get through medical schoolin' based on your spellin'!!!


When my back was so jacked up, my chiro suggested 20 min of ice and 40 minutes off. She said that people often think heating pads but really ice helps the swelling. So that's just a suggestion - couldn't hurt to try, right?

I think my chemistry is weird or something - cool air blowing on it (AC in the office) makes it hurt more...I thought perhaps a muscle spasm or something, so I'm thinking heat to relax it...I dunno...

Just got home about 30 minutes ago. Been a long damn day. We left at 10:00 am and I got home just before 10:00 pm.


Surgery was scheduled for 12:30 but they didn't actually get him wheeled to the OR until 3:00 (the surgery prior to his gave the doc a helluva run, apparently). The doc came out and talked to me post-surgery about 5:00, and by the time they called me to tell me where they had moved him, it was 6:30. By the time I left, it was just after 8:00. THEN I had to find my car. The area we enter the hospital from has free valet parking, but I forgot they quit at 8:00. So... I see a sign that says if you are trying to retrieve your car after 8:00, you have to go to security. Which I have NO idea where it is... So I walk all the way around the hospital (I saw signs showing where it was -- by emergency), and when I come outside, it's a stone's throw away from where I had been. :eek: Guess I got my walking in!

Yay Beth - get them walks in! It's a good stress reliever too...but you already know that...:wub:

So hubby has found the morphine pump -- and hits it about every 30 seconds. Mind you, it will only dispense about every 8 minutes, but he keeps doing it anyway. The nurse had walked out right as I came in and, when she came back, told him he can't get it to respond as often as he hits it and said that she had been gone maybe five minutes and he had hit the button 17 times. LOL

OMG - sounds like my DH when he had knee surgery...granted, it was serious surgery, but dang! I think I hit the pump maybe twice after my band surgery...

The good news is that for tonight, he is THEIR problem, not mine. :unsure:

And you get a break, he gets professional care, win-win all around!

Freely admit that my spelling is horrible!! It's only fair though....male model face, greek adonis body, and correct spelling? That's too much.

Wow, Plain...just Wow :eek::D

Nobody's quite like plain, eerily or otherwise.


You're just a straight lurker. He likes to jump out from behind stationary objects with his trench coat open. There's a HUGE difference.

OMG...what a picture! :lol:

Beth~ Glad the surgery went well and DH has his pain meds! You need to get some rest! I always find it so exhausting to sit and wait at the hospital - stressful, as evidenced by the Ben & Jerry's! :tt2:

What Krtork said...

Ebony~ Hope the neck is better and you get some sleep tonight! A message may be in order!

Would that be a "massage"? I'd ask DH but he's working midnights, and I don't call him "stone hands" for nothing!

Suzyt~ stop lurking and join in! Hope you get some answers from your ultrasound and you get to feeling better!

What she said!

PJTP: I had too much stress when I went into school today. So not ready for summer to end!!! I need to wrap my head around work and get in and get busy - trying not to eat when I feel this way. I did have a scoop of ice cream tonight - now I need to get over it and move on. Ice cream is deadly for me, absolutely love the stuff.:eek:

Ice cream is deadly for me too - except for some odd reason, if I have an ice cream cone with sprinkles and I eat too fast, I can slime and get stuck on the sprinkles! Go figure!

Sorry I missed that, Ebony: Hope your neck feels better. My mom is having issues too, and you already know about hubby... so many neck issues. :sad:

Thanks, Beth - I'm feeling much better. I think I overextended it, strained a muscle or some such - the heating pad really has helped a lot...

Hi kids! How's everyone this evening? I have news: The pre-op diet is over. I'm not having surgery on Thurs. There are some issues with my doc's office. The kind that require my attorney and the Board of Healing Arts :thumbdown:.

Awww crap!

I'll give more details as I can but I gotta get the ducks in a row first. I'm really upset and disappointed and furious. I could have eaten and had wine at the b'day party. No, I had no cake, no crab rangoon dip...crap. I'm just lucky that my Dad has 2 b'days so you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be cake on Sunday! I really don't even care though. :sad:

I'm just glad you're okay...

Hope all of you are well, and ditto kids, hubbies, pets, etc. Take care and TTFN,


No, it's not good. I've been having a nagging doubt feeling since I saw the doc back in July. I thought it was just not being sure, so I did my research. I read and posted and was okay. My mind is totally ready. But I still had some concerns about the medical practice as a whole. Now, I know why. Scary when the office folk won't even give you their last names....

Oh crap (again)! That is so not RIGHT...WTF? You are better off without that crew...

More on this later. Depending on how things go, I'll prolly post a thread about the doc and this situation.

Please do - gotta warn the rest of the LBT world...

I wanna still have my LBT friends. Can I stay??? Please, please. I may still band but it's gonna be a problem even though I'm self-pay.

You can't leave now...you're part of the family! :wub:

Some days I really don't like the medical and insurance worlds :eek:. I'm kinda down but I'm okay. There's a part of me that's relieved. Guess I'll unpack my bag :frown:. At least I can now stuff my face :eek:.


Be careful, kiddo - after all those liquids, take it easy...

Well, I have gall stones and will have to have my gall bladder removed. My band doc could do the surgery, but probably not until the end of September, and would not do a band replacement at the same time (according to his nurse - he's in Paris until next week). Waiting to hear from the doc on the referral to her choice of surgeons.

The good news is that I feel SO much better -- no pain!! Yesterday was my first OTC med free day -- here's to another!!

Yay, Suzyt - here's to several dozen more pain-free days...

Gotta go back to work now...YUK...anyhow, I'll BBL!:w00t:

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ROFL.. Hmm I dunno. Lu has the info on it... atleast I think she got schooled about it


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~It's so scary! I hope your DH doesn't lose his job!

Actually it's a given. This contract will not be renewed. His bosses are scrambling to also try to find him a job, but there's only so much they can do. :thumbdown:

So now, in THIS economy, he is applying and interviewing. So far he's only had one interview, and that was Friday.

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OMG - sounds like my DH when he had knee surgery...granted, it was serious surgery, but dang! I think I hit the pump maybe twice after my band surgery...

You got a pump?? I just got a pill to swallow.

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For what it's worth, if y'all hear screaming and yelling coming from Virginia, it'll be DH and I in a row. I hid all his cigarettes AND his car and motorcycle keys so he can't go get any. Doctor's orders, yanno... :thumbdown:

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poolgirl!! That's awful, I had no idea! Apparently you posted this on FB? I didn't see it...

Well, just hang in there and do what you gotta do, know what i mean? And, you are forbidden to leave - period!!

Have a great day all!!

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I have some great neighbors.

These two guys live right in front of us (four homes have a shared drive, called a pipe stem here in the NE), and we have keys to each other's places. Last night I was going to duck out on DH early so I could come home and let the dogs out (by now it was 7pm and we had left at 10am). He said, "Hey, why don't you call the guys and see if they can let them out?"

Great idea.

So I call, get one of them, and he says, "Sure, no problem."

I get home about 9:30 and walk in the house and no dogs. I look across the pipe stem and see my little dog staring at me through their storm door. Okay, fine.

I go over there to collect them because it's past their dinnertime, and the guys say they have fed them already (one of them works for a posh pet store in the area). I was so tired I didn't really think anything of it.

Until this morning.

Little dog sleeps with me in bed. Last night he was acting strange and maybe crying or something that was waking me up. I kept telling him to lay down. I had the windows open last night, so I figured he had heard something.

So I wake up this morning, and he had shit right on my NEW duvet. Not only that, he puked on my blanket as well. HOLY HELL!!!

And now I've seen two places where my big dog has also puked.

I have ASKED these guys not to give them Snacks and food, and I know their hearts are in the right place, but I have to keep cleaning up the aftermath!! And seriously -- SHIT IN MY BED???

There's a part of me that would love to bring them over and say, "SEE why I don't want y'all feedig them??" :thumbdown:

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i'm very picky w/my dogs as well, i spend a lot on their food (nutro natural lamb/rice - get at feed store).

my lab is a wunderlust - has 3 families that he goes to visit and plays w/their dogs. i have to tell them NUMEROUS times not to feed him..., and at first i didn't want to offend - but i weigh 10lbs more than him as of his last checkup 4wks back.

his collar no longer fits & his ass is huge (takes after mom:tongue:).

nothing wrong telling them, that you appreciate the care - they are on a special diet and going a few hrs w/out is better than disrupting their digestive system.

****says the lab owner who has had to clean powdered sugar off his face****:thumbdown:

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