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The problem is, neither of us really knows what a majority of newbies thinks. Some will say that they don't like it, and leave, unfortunatly. Some though may decide that is exactly what makes this a good place for them, the mix of Lap-band topics, and other stuff. So, it's hard for me at least to think that one or the other is the approach that will draw in more people. So, for me at least, it's more about what those of us here want. Make sense?

We cannot know the minds of everyone coming here. So the way to solve that is to break it down.

what is the main discussion topic of this site? Lap band support and information.

What are people searching for when they come here? Lap band support and discussion.

So what can we conclude is the main focus of the people who come to this site? Lap band support and discussion.

What should be in the top 5 and new posts to draw the majority in? Lap band support and discussion.

the other stuff would not be removed, but why not keep the focus on the one topic that we are all here for? the other stuff is extra. and therefore should not be mixed in with the main topic.

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I must not be as easily offended as I thought.....the existing thread titles don't send me into spasms of righteous indignation.

There are no four letter words....nothing that screams racial hatred, etc.

The words "boy love" are not, in and of themselves, offensive to anyone. As for abortion, it's a legal procedure and discussed very openly on the six o'clock news.

There are threads in the Lounge called "Sex Drive Poll", "For Those Who Pray", and "I Need Help To Help My Wife With Her Big Os". Shall we make the Lounge posts harder to access, as well?

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I've just spent a few minutes looking at the site from the front page, and trying to imagine myself as a newbie. When I click on New Posts the majority of the threads there seem to be the "clubs" of people who were banded in the same month and who come together for support and discussion. To be perfectly honest, that would kind of put me off, because it presents an atmosphere of cliquishness.

On the home page the section titles are clear as day, and of course the banding areas on the top. I think the front page shows any newcomer exactly what LBT is about. The "Top 5" is way down at the bottom, and certainly is NOT the first thing any visitor sees.

What exactly is the problem? :(

Alexandra, if you were a newbie, looking for information on the lapband, you look at the "Top 5", no matter where it is on the site, and see post titles in relation to abortion and other political discussion, would you draw from this that the most talked about discussions on this lap band forum are not the lap band? I certainly would. and i would question the support that this board would offer.

Lets be honest. With all of the changes, and the difficulties we have all faced with the changes with the new layout and stuff, the last the site needs is yet one more reason to push someone away.

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I must not be as easily offended as I thought.....the existing thread titles don't send me into spasms of righteous indignation.

There are no four letter words....nothing that screams racial hatred, etc.

The words "boy love" are not, in and of themselves, offensive to anyone. As for abortion, it's a legal procedure and discussed very openly on the six o'clock news.

There are threads in the Lounge called "Sex Drive Poll", "For Those Who Pray", and "I Need Help To Help My Wife With Her Big Os". Shall we make the Lounge posts harder to access, as well?

I personally think that all off topic sections should be removed from the new posts and top 5. that is my personal opinion, because they have nothing to do with the main focus of this site, and what the advertisers are advertising here for.

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I, for one, have great respect for the visitors to this site, and credit them with the ability to figure out how to use it, and to disregard things they are not interested in. I am in favor of the most options possible. And I have absolute faith that the visitors to this site can handle the complexity and the potential for "offense" that may exist from a free and open environment. I don't believe anyone here needs "protection" from anything.

A few months ago, when I was mainly focused on the lap band, I saw active sites like "Antisemitism in France," etc. I saw the thread go by 6 or 8 thousand times and basically tuned it out because I was not interested. Finally one day I decided to check it out. I immediately realized that there were many people posting on that site who could use the benefit of my down to earth common sense, so I started posting. I have absolute faith that every other person who comes to this site is just as capable of making choices, figuring out how to use the site, and handling the profound offense that may occur from the mere act of reading words like "boylove."

And if they don't like it, they have the option of blocking it.

Why do we need to take a paternalistic and patronizing approach, deciding what is best for others, limiting their options, and "protecting" them from words and ideas. I have far too much respect for the people here to even consider such a thing.

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I've just spent a few minutes looking at the site from the front page, and trying to imagine myself as a newbie. When I click on New Posts the majority of the threads there seem to be the "clubs" of people who were banded in the same month and who come together for support and discussion. To be perfectly honest, that would kind of put me off, because it presents an atmosphere of cliquishness.

On the home page the section titles are clear as day, and of course the banding areas on the top. I think the front page shows any newcomer exactly what LBT is about. The "Top 5" is way down at the bottom, and certainly is NOT the first thing any visitor sees.

What exactly is the problem? :(

I've been hanging out here for quite some time and never even knew there was a "Top 5" until this discussion started. I agree...it's just not that obvious.

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What I don't understand is why people can't let other people make the decision for themselves? Why do they feel the need to make it for them? If someone doesn't want to be exposed to off-topic threads, they aren't forced to be. Let the members make that decision for themselves. If they don't want to see it, they can change the setting for the new posts page in their control panel. But there are those of us who DO want to see those posts on our "New Posts" pages. Alex has given us the ability to make that choice as individuals.

If those threads offend people so much, change the setting in your control panel. It won't keep you from going to Rants and Raves and opening threads there, but it will keep those threads from appearing on your "New Posts" page and on the "Top 5." Problem solved.

Hypothetical here.....

Let's say your local courthouse had an old sculpture that has been there since forever of, oh, let's say the ten commandments. It was in the middle of the beautiful landscaping that you would have to walk by on your way up to the building. Would you..

A) start a petition to have it removed because it is offensive to you and does not belong on government property

:( ignore it because you can look the other way when approaching the building, after all, you don't have to read the commandments.

C) go in the back door to avoid seeing it all together (providing you have been to your courthouse and know your way around)

I see where you stand on keeping this board status quo when it suits you, how about when it doesn't suit you?

So, same type of situation or not? You tell me....

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I, for one, have great respect for the visitors to this site, and credit them with the ability to figure out how to use it, and to disregard things they are not interested in. I am in favor of the most options possible. And I have absolute faith that the visitors to this site can handle the complexity and the potential for "offense" that may exist from a free and open environment. I don't believe anyone here needs "protection" from anything.

A few months ago, when I was mainly focused on the lap band, I saw active sites like "Antisemitism in France," etc. I saw the thread go by 6 or 8 thousand times and basically tuned it out because I was not interested. Finally one day I decided to check it out. I immediately realized that there were many people posting on that site who could use the benefit of my down to earth common sense, so I started posting. I have absolute faith that every other person who comes to this site is just as capable of making choices, figuring out how to use the site, and handling the profound offense that may occur from the mere act of reading words like "boylove."

And if they don't like it, they have the option of blocking it.

Why do we need to take a paternalistic and patronizing approach, deciding what is best for others, limiting their options, and "protecting" them from words and ideas. I have far too much respect for the people here to even consider such a thing.

OMG.....Mark and I are of the same mind. I knew if I stayed around here long enough it would come to this. LBT, you have corrupted me.

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What are people searching for when they come here? Lap band support and discussion.

So what can we conclude is the main focus of the people who come to this site? Lap band support and discussion.

I disagree. Even when I was trying to decide whether or not to be banded, it wasn't all my life was about, even my on-line life. Now, I have been on various forums for years, and it's a medium I like. So, to find a place that seemed to have really good banding info, along with lively discussions, was great.

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I've been hanging out here for quite some time and never even knew there was a "Top 5" until this discussion started. I agree...it's just not that obvious.

I didn't either!

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Alexandra, if you were a newbie, looking for information on the lapband, you look at the "Top 5", no matter where it is on the site, and see post titles in relation to abortion and other political discussion, would you draw from this that the most talked about discussions on this lap band forum are not the lap band? I certainly would. and i would question the support that this board would offer.
The "top 5" is way at the bottom of the site. A newbie would have to blindly bypass ALL the forums to get to it, and bypass all the other stuff on top of it. Unless you know it's there, people don't look for it. Once it got removed, I never even knew it was back, but at the bottom, until someone mentioned it to me.

Hypothetical here.....

Let's say your local courthouse had an old sculpture that has been there since forever of, oh, let's say the ten commandments. It was in the middle of the beautiful landscaping that you would have to walk by on your way up to the building. Would you..

A) start a petition to have it removed because it is offensive to you and does not belong on government property

:( ignore it because you can look the other way when approaching the building, after all, you don't have to read the commandments.

C) go in the back door to avoid seeing it all together (providing you have been to your courthouse and know your way around)

I see where you stand on keeping this board status quo when it suits you, how about when it doesn't suit you?

So, same type of situation or not? You tell me....

B, to be honest. If it is an old, historical statue that's been there since the building was built, I don't give a rat's ass if it stays or goes. I DO, however object to NEW statues of the 10 commandments being brought in. The first is part of a historical building. The second is someone trying to push their religion on everyone else.

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because some do not see it, does not mean all will not see it. the same goes for those who understand how to block threads and sections. just because some understand how to do it does not mean all understand. when a board starts pulling in advertisers it is best to appeal to all, and that all would be displaying prominently the main topic of this board, and making the off topic areas an "extra" that you need to go to on your own.

I am actually trying to push for a way for Ale to be more successful here. LOL not pulling for my own agenda. I use the rnr section since coming back, and used the off topic lounge a lot when i was here before. its not like i am against these areas. And personally i do not like having advertisers here. but this is not my board, and alex is trying to make it pay for itself, plus possibly be profitable. while it is not something i care for, i am suggesting a way to help him be more successful, as well as be more welcoming to new people who join the board.

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no one is debating whether or not you should be allowed to debate here. This is more a discussion as to whether we should all subject others to seeing our debates while they are looking for "on topic" discussion on the lap band.

No one is suggesting what the debate is or is not except you.

My comments are very appropriate for this thread. When I was asked about advertising on LBT I suggested someone do just that and for a variety of reasons such as R&R. It IS one of the reasons this site is as busy as it is.

I'm always amused by the people who see the world in black and white and trust so few. Life is fun, it is an adventure. Being sooooo careful with each step you make means you never fall. If you never fall, you never learn how to pick yourself up and move on. People who fall usually have more life skills.

I think it is wise to see all parts of a person's personality. The good and the bad. We ALL have good and bad, that's how it works.

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The "top 5" is way at the bottom of the site. A newbie would have to blindly bypass ALL the forums to get to it, and bypass all the other stuff on top of it. Unless you know it's there, people don't look for it. Once it got removed, I never even knew it was back, but at the bottom, until someone mentioned it to me.

B, to be honest. If it is an old, historical statue that's been there since the building was built, I don't give a rat's ass if it stays or goes. I DO, however object to NEW statues of the 10 commandments being brought in. The first is part of a historical building. The second is someone trying to push their religion on everyone else.

but no one is forcing you to read them. and our govertment was based on those commandments. so it has relevance being there, whether it is old or new. So why is it you do not want it displayed due to its irrelevance to you, but now that that your threads are being threatened you feel all others should suck it up and deal? Wouldn't it be best to display what is inline with the relevant topic, and leave the rest to something people just have to seek out a bit more to participate in?

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this is a Lap Ban discussion and support forum. Most topics in the off topic section and the rants and raves section are jsut that....off topic, therefore out of the ordinary.

We talk about daily life in R&R. Religion, politics, current issues, pet peeves, and you know what? Bandsters experience these same issues in their day to day lives.

Funny how that works.

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        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

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        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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