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M2G, I love the stripes now, too. I never used to wear them but now a lot of things I own are stripes!

My daughter is a wonderful girl, I know my husband (not her biological dad, but he adopted her so he has always been her dad) and I did well with raising her. She isn't perfect but she really is a good, responsible young lady. I am proud of her. Now, if she would just finish college. She went for 2 years and then decided she didn't want to major in elementary education anymore so she took some time off and is working 2 jobs to support herself right now. It's fun when your kids grow up and you become friends! I love this time in my life with her right now. I just wished we lived closer.

I am pretty sure that CGJ is Sheila also. Jane, I just can't picture you as a Sheila!

Georgia, thanks for your kind words!

Whoa, I'm chatty today...

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OK first, Sarah, you look slim and trim. I think you look tiny. Not just blowing hot air up your ass.... long lovely neck! Great thick hair.... thats what it looks like to me. Im sure you can wear anything too. Glad you have your pic up now as well! Some day we will all meet at some resort (or food court!!!) and we will have a clue who everyone is!

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LOL Kim!

Sarah, CCJane is actually Sheryl...(gosh I think with an S vs C) ...close to Sheila. And also close to Sarah. LOL. There are a couple of girls that go to spin with me (don't know them except from the gym) and when we sit together it's Shannon, Stacey and Sheila. That is a LOT of S names goin' on there!

And Laura, I forgot to say something about the Tourettes...yep...when the moment strikes and they are friends good idea to point it out/help those good things happen!! :)

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M2G, you are the official name keeper! Make me a list won't you?(I am not kidding...) If I have it next to my computer, I will learn to put all the right names next to the right people. I am hopeless at some things! :( sad face... I want to have it right.... but on the fly like scrolling down these pages, it just doesn't always stick to my brain. Globe, have you ever posted your name? ....I also want to know who your artist dad and mom are, I wonder If I know them from somewhere... I taught a class at the Mendicino art center years ago...there was a guy with a cool gallery at that time... "this is art" or something like that... what the heck was his name.... I can see his face..... He showed some artists from Sac.... This was the 80s....

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Haha! Kim (Fye) I started making a list of them today too!! And I thought the same thing what's globe??

Edited by laura-ven

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A list...good idea...will someone post that? I am terrible with names. I still don't think I can stop calling CGJ, Jane!

Laura, is your name really Laura? :)

Thanks, Kim! Not just blowing hot air up your....LOL. I was dying over here with that one! It's hard to tell from the pic but my hair is no longer thick thanks to the sleeve and thyroid problems. I seriously lost 1/2 of my hair after my sleeve. I had quite a bit bf that. The thing that saves me is that my hair is curly. I style it bc it doesn't look good "right out of the shower curly" like Jane's hair. Because of the curl it makes it look much thicker than it really is.

It would be such fun if we could all meet up someday, somehow!

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Here this is what I started today...



5:2 girls


Skinniness= dorrie

Feedyoureye= Kim

Sarsar = Sarah

MG2= Sheila

Ccjane = Sheryl

Georgia = Georgia :P

Uk Cathy = Cathy

Swizzly =



Susan= Susan

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Yes, I am Sheryl but I answer quite nicely to Jane so don't worry about it!

I worked at a restaurant once with fellow waittresses Carol, Merrill, Cheryl and Sherrie - we were always mishearing each other's names...haha!

Laura, seriously, how can you see yourself as heavy? I judge us to be quite similiar in size and I am HOT...haha... so by definition you are too! Really, I don't mean to be insulting, but have you considered counseling for body image issues? You look awesome and beautiful.

Sarsar - love those pics! You are also quite a beauty!!!

Susan, I didn't know you were a revision. My surgeon is an arrogant SOB and one of the things he said was that he "did a really good job" creating my sleeve. What he told me is that sometimes due to the scar tissues left by the crapband (big fat lie it is a completely reversible procedure - it leaves damage!!!) they can't make the "pouch" the same was a virgin sleever. I am not a big religous person and not sure I believe in devine intervention BUT, I think somebody was looking out for me when it came to my sleeve journey. I still sometimes pinch myself to make sure it isn't just a fantasy and I will wake up obese...

What I will say is that eating low carb and 5:2 both help me keep that "tight" feeling. When I started going sideways... say about 8 months post op, I was hungrier than I am now. Some of it is mental, I am in a headspace now that I just don't care that much about food and I think low carbing helps with that. I worry that if I ever go completely off the rails, I won't be able to get back, but I do allow myself small quanties of potato or bread or alcohol but basically stay away from other junkie carby food.

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And to all your dirty ole ladies wanting to hear about my dating life...ha.. that's funny.

So, I have a second date with a man named Frasier tomorrow. He is the union pipefitter guy. He is really articulate, witty, shockingly well traveled and seems pretty salt of the earth - or at least that is the image he portrays (my saying is you really don't know people's crazy for awhile). He exudes masclinity in a good way, and might be someone really fun to do stuff with since he is INTO everything. He golfs, boats, skis, travels - just a high energy guy. He did strike me as a bit dominant... no red flags but well you know. He is the type that orders your meal for you at a restaurant - old fashioned kind of manners which I can get into as long as it is just manners and not controlling. I tend to get along better with stronger personalities as I can steamroll people (not intentionally) and it is easier for me to deal with someone who is strong and confident so we'll see how that plays out. He said that he could tell I am "high octane" and gave me a very sly smile before saying "that can be a really good thing". Perfect gentleman, shook my hand good night kind of thing. Physically, he is good - 6'2", full head of brown hair, no facial hair and fit but with a heavier type build. I don't find his face super handsome but he is really young looking. He is 50, but could pass for low 40s easy. Many 50 year old men strike me as about 65... seriously.

The man I met the other day - Mark - is a bit of a wild character - very very charming but I think he might drive me crazy. He leaves me the weirdest voicemails... like about matching upholstry and fixing his dryer... like, we met once, why would you tell me those things? He has lived around the world, is fluent in several languages, is an archetect and other things - sort of a renasaince man. His ex wife is Aussie and so he has spent alot of time down under. Anyway, I will see him again but next week some time. He needs a little jet cooling, this was mister unhook the bra comment and was wanting to get all kissy on a first date, he does it without being obnoxious, but like I said, needs some jet cooling... He isn't quite as tall and fit but is handsome and charming and certainly meets my minimum specifications. :)

The final one is Scott who is okay.. but reminds me of someone I work with. He does the same basic job I do and although he promised to not talk shop, he keeps pulling me back to that. I realized that I find him kinda uninteresting BUT, decided to be fair and meet him again. He seemed a little nervous so maybe I haven't met the real person yet. What I did NOT like and I think may have also been nerves... I felt like he wasn't really listening to me.... like when ever I would try to reveal something about myself, he would change the subject. I think he just misses social cues, not sure.

And I can't help but say, these 3 men are all right about 50 and Steven is better looking that any of them at 65... looks are NOT everything, but they surely do count toward initial attraction. Steven's body looks his age only without clothes because he is underweight... like I keep saying too skinny is NOT flattering when you get older. seriously, at some point it is just bony.

I have profiles on POF and OKC. Right now, POF is coughing up the good ones, don't know why. Now, as near as I can tell it was posting my stripped dress photo from Thanksgiving that caused the uptick in interest. I think POF sends emails out as matches when you put on new pix...not sure. Anyway, they all 3 said that I look much better in person, but I thought my green striped dress picture was cute so I don't know.

When I initially meet someone I dress casually, don't show too much skin, but definately wear something form fitting. I came to this "secret formula" from hearing guys talk about women during some initial "coffee dates". The socially inept will spend a great deal of time talking about the wrong things - that subject being one of them. Once they realize i am not overweight, but don't know I used to be obese, the heels start talking about all the fat women they met in unkind ways (btw, none of the men mentioned in this post did that - they are jerks). So, I figured they want to be able to see my basic shape so no baggy oversized clothes. I found out they universally don't like a woman who is way over made up for a coffee date. Too fancy of clothes, too much jewlery, evening makeup etc - It is uncomfortable. I show up looking good (well, at least I think so) but in that casual didn't try hard kind of way... I also wear at least 2-3" heels as I want to be sure I feel comfortable with his height (shallow of me I know but I am shopping for a playmate not a husband so I can be shallow dammit!!!). Steven later told me he was appalled at how I was dressed when we first met.... tennis shoes and purple jeans...lol.. but he is a super fashion conscious guy and he is right, that outfit was a disaster. He told me that I almost always dress so nicely (except when I show up in horse riding clothes) so could not understand why I didn't take more care - I got the point though, look feminine, look enticing but not like you put any real effort into it.

What else - well, it is alot funner now that I am meeting people I can stand to sit across the table from. I really don't know WHAT made the difference but I changed my profile, removed some of the pix I originally had (got ride of all but one horse pic).

So, one of the weird things is I would say around 20% of the men who contact me are under 30.. cougar town??? Ain't my thing but apparently a real opportunity here if anybody is into that.

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Okay, since we have a couple of British ladies on here I have to mention that I have been watching on netflix some episodes of the original "shameless". I love William H Macy and he stars as Frank in the American version which got me interested in the British original. Anyway, I work for a multinational company, used to accents from around the world, but cannot for the life of me understand about 1/3 of what is said on that show. Coops, Kathy - are you familiar with it? Where the heck are those people from and are they actually speaking English? LOL This is no Faulty Towers (John Cleves).

British TV is pretty good - I also kind of liked Being Human for awhile but that show troubled me in some ways - it was sad and morbid.

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Lol Jane (Sheryl :P) I have a friend that's from the same town portrayed in shameless I can't understand a word she says! She's been here two years and it's still bad! I've told her "you are English! how can it be that I can't understand you!"

I tried watching that show, same thing. It's a shame really because it's supposed to be really good..

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Okay filling in from what I remember

Skinniness= Dorrie
Feedyoureye= Kim
Sarsar = Sarah
MG2= Sheila
Ccjane = Sheryl
Georgia = Georgia :P
Uk Cathy = Cathy
Swizzly = Dee
Brown= Wanda???
Globe= Florinda?? Gosh it something like that...it's an unusual name...sorry GT for not remembering...GT help!
Susan= Susan

Laura-ven= Laura


Supersweetums= Sheila

Coops= Sue

Butterthebean= Patrick (right? Apparently he is a reader here...? Hi BTB!)

Pipefitter = Fraiser....JUST JOKING! ;) Sounds like you have a lot to choose from at the moment Sheryl! ;)

Who is Cynthia 4722?

Edited by M2G

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We can take butter off he won't mind I don't think he reads it anymore. I need to talk to Alex to get my mod status here reinstated so I can get into the workings.

And I do t know who that last person is??

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Okay, since we have a couple of British ladies on here I have to mention that I have been watching on netflix some episodes of the original "shameless". I love William H Macy and he stars as Frank in the American version which got me interested in the British original. Anyway, I work for a multinational company, used to accents from around the world, but cannot for the life of me understand about 1/3 of what is said on that show. Coops, Kathy - are you familiar with it? Where the heck are those people from and are they actually speaking English? LOL This is no Faulty Towers (John Cleves).

British TV is pretty good - I also kind of liked Being Human for awhile but that show troubled me in some ways - it was sad and morbid.

My hubby has watched the whole 11 years worth, after I would go to bed. I started watching it at the beginning, but could NOT understand it. Later on I watched a bit here and there and think it was brilliant, at times poetic, but It was just too hard to understand. I watched the "Being Human" and liked it quite a bit. We watch lots of British, New Zealand and some Australian TV. We watched an Austrailan show called "Laid" about this woman whos lovers all died after she had sex with them. It was so strange and funny. I don't usually like Australian TV, but she was brilliant. Of course theres Dr Who, Torchwood, Him and Her....the Misfits... also hard to understand at times....I missed a bunch of them because I just couldn't keep up.

Thanks for the name lists guys! It helps a lot!.

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