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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Darn it, I just wrote a huge post and it didn't post. Grrrrr.....

Brandy-I wanted to offer you my condolences on the loss of your alphabet belching abilities. I had no idea you would be so sad about it. :lol:

Mini-I am up one pound this week. I am totally ok with that since I lost 9 pounds in two weeks, and my crazy fill doctor was totally convinced that once he took out the 0.3 cc unfill I would immediately gain back 10 pounds. I have been able to keep solid food down and I haven't passed out, so one pound is a fair trade to me. Heck, 5 pounds would be a fair trade to me after the few weeks I had of feeling awful.

Well, my gyne just called me. They saw a new and different spot on my mammogram. The wierd thing is, I just had this feeling they were going to. I think I have this mindset that everything bad has happened this year, so this would be the next thing. I am sure it is just a cyst, but I am going back next week for a spot compression. Now I will worry about it all weekend.:wink2:

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Darn it, I just wrote a huge post and it didn't post. Grrrrr.....

Brandy-I wanted to offer you my condolences on the loss of your alphabet belching abilities. I had no idea you would be so sad about it. :lol:

Mini-I am up one pound this week. I am totally ok with that since I lost 9 pounds in two weeks, and my crazy fill doctor was totally convinced that once he took out the 0.3 cc unfill I would immediately gain back 10 pounds. I have been able to keep solid food down and I haven't passed out, so one pound is a fair trade to me. Heck, 5 pounds would be a fair trade to me after the few weeks I had of feeling awful.

Well, my gyne just called me. They saw a new and different spot on my mammogram. The wierd thing is, I just had this feeling they were going to. I think I have this mindset that everything bad has happened this year, so this would be the next thing. I am sure it is just a cyst, but I am going back next week for a spot compression. Now I will worry about it all weekend.:wink2:

Munchi, Those things happen sometimes and they don't mean anything serious. Take a deep breath and try to be patient and wait for further results. It's probably just a benign cyst. I've had many friends who have had results like that - that have turned out to be nothing.

I'm putting my positive face on and I'm going to think good thoughts -- say my prayers and know things will turn out good.

I love you Munchi-girl!



Edited by PrtyAntOvrYt
I can't spell a word today!!! ARGH!

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Mini - I'm part of the Halloween Challenge...don't forget me!!! My goal was 16 lbs. and this week I lost 4 lbs.!!!! Note: I'm hungry and irritable AND it's that TOM too! Also note: I thought I was 215 and -16 would make me in onederland, but I weighed myself last Fri. and I was 218...still lost an incredible amount this week so I don't really care!

Politics - Some people have asked me about Palin - since I live in Alaska and all..well, I have to admit that my opinion is a little biased...see, my husband is a State Trooper and she's not been so good to the Department of Public Safety. I'm not sure who I'm voting for yet, but I feel that any "issues" that Alaska may have with Palin will be sorely underscored by the GOP's money...yep, that's all I have to say - a little short-winded today.

I'm sorry I forgot to put you on the list. I'm a bad record keeper. Way to go on the 4 lbs! That's fabulous!!!

Brandy, Monday is fine, what time and where?

Plus we can all get together and go to dinner or something. And meet face to face.

Mini, Put me down for 1 this week, makes me 138. Yeah...:wink2:

138!!! Woohoo!!! Oh I would be so thrilled to be in the 130's.

Hey Kidlings,

I am at work and just ran downstairs, (well, not ran, but walked) -- (actually, took the elevator) ANYWAY, I was in the cafeteria getting my lunch and I turned around and there he was -- Dr. K!

He was on the phone, but asked how I was doing and said, that I looked good! (Thanks Dr. K! You look pretty good, yourself!)

Anyway, I was so thankful that he didn't catch me with a tray full of pizza, cake, pies and onion rings!

I was getting my regular Garden Burger with Jalapenos!

(I can't promise, if I hadn't been on the Vegan diet, I wouldn't have been getting the pizza!!)

sheesh... so close~!

haha. Too funny!!!

I was wondering what you were thinking about Palin. I have very strong opinions on the subject, but realize that discussing politics is probably not such a good idea.:cool2:

I can however say this -- CONGRATS ON THOSE 4 LBS!!!!:lol:

I have rather strong views as well, and I agree that it's a good idea not to discuss it here. I love all you guys so much and if I started talking politics you might start a new thread and not invite me to participate!!

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Darn it, I just wrote a huge post and it didn't post. Grrrrr.....

Brandy-I wanted to offer you my condolences on the loss of your alphabet belching abilities. I had no idea you would be so sad about it. :lol:

Mini-I am up one pound this week. I am totally ok with that since I lost 9 pounds in two weeks, and my crazy fill doctor was totally convinced that once he took out the 0.3 cc unfill I would immediately gain back 10 pounds. I have been able to keep solid food down and I haven't passed out, so one pound is a fair trade to me. Heck, 5 pounds would be a fair trade to me after the few weeks I had of feeling awful.

Well, my gyne just called me. They saw a new and different spot on my mammogram. The wierd thing is, I just had this feeling they were going to. I think I have this mindset that everything bad has happened this year, so this would be the next thing. I am sure it is just a cyst, but I am going back next week for a spot compression. Now I will worry about it all weekend.:wink2:

ARRGGHHH!!! I hate it when that happens. And especially when they tell you on a Friday afternoon! As if there is anything you can do about it over the weekend. Well, I'm sure it's just one of those "difficult breasts" things. That's what they always call mine- "difficult breasts". Dense tissue, all that stuff. Hang in there over the weekend . . .

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Thanks for the reassurance guys. I know realistically it is probably nothing, and I had it happen once before and it was fine. I just worry because of my family history. I have always kind of had the attitude of "when" not "if" I will get it. Which is probably bad, but....I seem to get everything my mom gets.

But don't worry, I am not completely freaking out or anything. Time will tell.

And I love you too Miss Dee!!:lol:

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I have rather strong views as well, and I agree that it's a good idea not to discuss it here. I love all you guys so much and if I started talking politics you might start a new thread and not invite me to participate!!

I think they might end up setting up a hit on me! That wouldn't be pretty! Now would it?

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Thanks for the reassurance guys. I know realistically it is probably nothing, and I had it happen once before and it was fine. I just worry because of my family history. I have always kind of had the attitude of "when" not "if" I will get it. Which is probably bad, but....I seem to get everything my mom gets.

But don't worry, I am not completely freaking out or anything. Time will tell.

And I love you too Miss Dee!!:lol:

I totally understand your concern. The good thing is, because you are conscientious about getting your mammograms, if something does happen they'll find it early and you'll get it taken care of.

I think you definitely deserve a martini this weekend. Or margarita. Or long island. Or whatever your beverage of choice may be!!

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Oh no!!! That would not be pretty at all.

AND I'd have to run AND you all know I don't run! I think that would be the most un-pretty part of the entire ordeal.

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AND I'd have to run AND you all know I don't run! I think that would be the most un-pretty part of the entire ordeal.

I'd be runnin' right there next to ya', my girls flappin' up and down and smackin' me in the face. Nope, not pretty at all.

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I'd be runnin' right there next to ya', my girls flappin' up and down and smackin' me in the face. Nope, not pretty at all.

Well, the girls are one thing.. think about the lower belly... yikes! Yuck! Oh my!! NO! STOP ME NOW!!! I can't go on!!!

Does anyone watch the Before and AFter Plastic Surgery show on the Discovery Health Channel? Last night they had the best of the best and they had an entire hour of WLS patients. There was a woman on there, she was a school counselor and she lost 185 lbs. Her arms were exactly my arms! They had to do her surgery in three installments. A belt Tummy Tuck, breast lift and augmentation, brachioplasty and thigh lift with butt lift too. They removed over 20lbs of loose skin.

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Hey, Lotza. We're just going to keep track of llbs lost this time, so is that 2 lbs for you? I can't remember what your weight was before.

I am getting off to a fabulous start. I lost a big, fat, ZERO lbs this past week. Whoopee freakin' skippee.

Sorry, I think it was 2. Thanks!

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Well, my gyne just called me. They saw a new and different spot on my mammogram. The wierd thing is, I just had this feeling they were going to. I think I have this mindset that everything bad has happened this year, so this would be the next thing. I am sure it is just a cyst, but I am going back next week for a spot compression. Now I will worry about it all weekend.:wink2:

Hey Munchk, I'm sending my mega big positive thoughts your way! Maybe it's nothing at all and your neighbor just wants to see your 80 boobs again. :lol: I'm usually right on these things, you know.

I think they might end up setting up a hit on me! That wouldn't be pretty! Now would it?
Too funny! Before I came back to work this week, my entire days were spent in front of the T.V. with the political news. I had to literally pull myself away at the end of the day even though I ws hearing the same stuff over and over again. Be strong, you can do it :cool2:

Thanks for the strong wishes, Tally! (Well, you know what I mean.) I have done so much better today!

Tally...give me their number, I would love to "play" and give them a piece of my mind!!!

ooh! ooh! ooh! What'd they say, Brandy? You bad, bad girl!

Hello friend,

I do experience the same problem at times. Gas-X helps. There are days when my husband enters our bedroom, raises his eyebrows:embaressed_smile: and smiles, "I think I'll go in the other room".

Triggers for me: Milk, broccoli bits, also

artificial sweetner drinks combined with milk base items such as cheese. For some weird reason the two ferment or something strange and off I go to helium land.

*and it isn't funny when you are producing the auditory equivalent to a short applause*


Weighed today and I was the same as last week. 307.

Med transition is down to the last one which I began switching two days ago.

New feeling is divine. I'm doing so fine.

Glad the med change is helping! Dee doesn't have gas, by the way. I was just teasing. Now, she actually does have a smilie fetish. Just sayin'.

Mini - I'm part of the Halloween Challenge...don't forget me!!! My goal was 16 lbs. and this week I lost 4 lbs.!!!! Note: I'm hungry and irritable AND it's that TOM too! Also note: I thought I was 215 and -16 would make me in onederland, but I weighed myself last Fri. and I was 218...still lost an incredible amount this week so I don't really care!

Politics - Some people have asked me about Palin - since I live in Alaska and all..well, I have to admit that my opinion is a little biased...see, my husband is a State Trooper and she's not been so good to the Department of Public Safety. I'm not sure who I'm voting for yet, but I feel that any "issues" that Alaska may have with Palin will be sorely underscored by the GOP's money...yep, that's all I have to say - a little short-winded today.

That's great on the 4 pounds, Marcy!

Great on your losses Marie and Hotmomma!

Gainers and stay-the-samers: We'll get 'em next week!

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I know what you mean. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last summer, the same exact kind that my grandma passed away from 11 years ago.

Our chances have gone up to 82%. So now its not if, but when. I know that this will be my fate. Very scary feeling knowing that!

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I sent you a PM.


oooh you girls are good! like mad magazine snappy comebacks, what do you say when they tell you a fill is between $300 - $800?? CAN'T WAIT to hear the details of your prank phone calls

I do! I work at Parker Adventist Hospital. He does his outpatient procedures at Crown Point Surgicenter which is housed in my hospital.

He'll remember you -- even if he has a 1000 patients, he will always remember you, I can promise you that!

Prty you are so lucky to work there, what a nice facility. I've been thinking more and more about doing pacu nursing - wish those surgery centers were open on weekends

Darn it, I just wrote a huge post and it didn't post. Grrrrr.....

Brandy-I wanted to offer you my condolences on the loss of your alphabet belching abilities. I had no idea you would be so sad about it. :wink2:

Mini-I am up one pound this week. I am totally ok with that since I lost 9 pounds in two weeks, and my crazy fill doctor was totally convinced that once he took out the 0.3 cc unfill I would immediately gain back 10 pounds. I have been able to keep solid food down and I haven't passed out, so one pound is a fair trade to me. Heck, 5 pounds would be a fair trade to me after the few weeks I had of feeling awful.

Well, my gyne just called me. They saw a new and different spot on my mammogram. The wierd thing is, I just had this feeling they were going to. I think I have this mindset that everything bad has happened this year, so this would be the next thing. I am sure it is just a cyst, but I am going back next week for a spot compression. Now I will worry about it all weekend.:cool2:

Munch, sorry about your mammo scare. I had the same thing, some stupid jelly bean shaped whatever in my breast - had to have mammos every 6 months for 2.5 years, and nothing ever became of it. hang in there.

I'd be runnin' right there next to ya', my girls flappin' up and down and smackin' me in the face. Nope, not pretty at all.

Mini, I am cracking up!

Ok, you political gals will love this - I am going to an end of summer bbq tomorrow night, and have a Jello mold of the USA...so I'm doing red (sugar free) and blue jello, and am going to find photos of the candidates and VP candidates, and put their heads on toothpicks, and then stick them in certain states...thought it would be a conversation starter for sure! LOL!!! yeppers, so on Friday night in Denver I'm just having a wild time making jello in my kitchen. Tally, i know you wish you could be here for the fun :w00t:


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