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why is YOUR nose bent out of shape?

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I get bent out of shape over the misuse of 'there', 'they're', and 'their.' How's that for psychotic? Seriously, WHO CARES? For some reason I do. Since I've been on this board I've noticed that 'loose' for lose is starting to grate. Nope, I'm not an english major - not even close. It's just some weird fishhook in my brain.

I have to agree that 'thru', 'kwik', and any cyber abbreviation like 'b4', or 'cuL8r' are truly reprehensible, and now I will never be able to see '12 items or less' without cringing. (thank you for that one) Having said that, I freely admit that I never correctly spell 'forty' (fourty!) or 'ninety' correctly the first time out.

So. If you don't pick on me for my quirks (not kwirks), I won't pick on you for yours. It WOULD be much easier if everyone could assume 'best intentions'. But we're human. And we can't.


5'9" (why doesn't everyone put their height?)


Surgery date 03-07-06

Dr. Roberto Rumbaut

Monterrey, Mexico

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So many of you here may jump at the chance to denounce me, but I think this board is "run" by just a few people who seem to call all the shots. They either like you, accept you, or plain out ignore all your posts. I'm not into pointing fingers, but some people never respond to my posts, but then again I don't agree with a lot of their posts. A lot of people are personal friends, which is a great thing, but often makes a newbie feel totally excluded and unwanted. That is just my opinion. I continue to read and try and contribute, and yes even volunteer that I am scared of the impending surgery, but most of you talk among yourselves like newbies don't exist at all. Shouldn't this forum be for everyone and everyone treated alike? Just my 2 cents. I think friendship is a beautiful thing, but not at the exclusion of other people who sometimes have no clue what you are talking about to each other.

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Shouldn't it be "English" major?

(Sorry, I couldn't resist!)

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Dody, I am new too. I figure that if it doesn't work in the real world why should it work here. People are always happy to see friends and to reply to what hits a chord with them. Sorry if you feel ignored. It's just not practical to require everyone to acknowldge everyone else. There are lots of threads where the conversation is slow and easy. Introductions is a great place to meet people not already in a social circle (or affiliated with either of the dominant 'camps')

Now to the grammar gunk - I loathe the misuse of the letter 's' and apostrophes!

Doctors = more than one Doctor

Doctor's = belonging to the Doctor

Doctors' = belonging to the Doctors

Wanna read a funny book for punctuation freaks like me? 'Eats, Shoots and Leaves'

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Dody, I have been thinking alot about your post, and I know exactly what you mean. I have been on LBT for over a year now, and even have my fair share of posts (lots and lots of them) and I still don't know just where I fit in here. Then I got to thinking about High School where I was a cheerleader (ohhhh soooo loooong and many pounds ago) and I had similar feelings then. Friends with everyone, but not REALLY friends with anyone, save a few. It left me feeling a bit lost, but safe to have some kind of title or identity, even if it wasn't but a corner showing of the real me. Noone wanted to see the rest of what wasn't sticking out. Most days that was okay, but somedays it hit hard and left me feeling lost.

So I'm doing the dishes this morning, and realize that I'm comparing my High School angst with the culture of LBT. I'm 40 years old. I just don't know what to think about that.

You know, I still do and say stupid stuff. THAT bends my nose.

DonnaB, I'm adding my height to my sig. I agree, it's helpful info.

And I used to go back and edit my spelling errors, now I just leave them. But glaring grammar errors? I make an attempt. There was a word I realized I was spelling wrong, er, in error, for years and years. It was a contraction...what was it? "Theyr'e" I think. Isn't it supposed to be "They're"? Oh well.

If anyone sees a grammar error in any of my posts, feel free correct me. In an attempt to be friends with everyone, I wouldn't want anyone to read my grammar errors and get bent out of shape on my account. LOL

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A... grammer and spelling and typos will be in my posts always and will not bother me and thats all I can say.. if you hate it, you will really NOT be reading my posts.

B. I like this board, I use it selfishly. I feel reluctant to give advice cuz I am "a bad bandster" BUT I Do try to be involved in more than just me.

I dont see the fighting and crap some are talking about.

I like to post what ever the heck I want to post and I wish all others can do the same and feel little judgement.. EVEN when its GAVEN.. cuz thats part of posting what you want.. I dont have a problem with people doing that.. I am guilty of being selfish AND defensive (at times) and I want to (AND I HAVE BEEN) treated just fine..

Sometimes people appologize to me, sometimes people try to defend me..

I embrace diversity... I am super judgemental too... I HATE censorship.

I think I avoid the 'fighting' where ever it is.. OR I just dont see it as 'fighting"

EVERYONE is different



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I hate double negatives.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The seat over there is more better. ugh

The seat over there is better. Yeah!

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So sorry you feel that way Dody, I'm sure no one is ignoring you on purpose. I don't reply to every thread partly because I simply don't have time to read every thread. I also don't read thread in lots of the forums because I don't feel like I have anything to offer there. I recall a couple of converstation that I was involved with you Dody, I know that you were asking GeezerSue questions about her band loss, and her subsequent DS convertion; and one where you were asking questions about the experiences of older bandsters.

I sure don't view this similar to the culture of high school, probably because I'm not invisible here, I refuse to be invisible any where anymore. I just metaphorically open my big mouth and tell people what I think. In my classes I am frequently the only person in class with questions. I will have converstation with my professors in class, and not think anything about it, but I know that most people I go to school cannot even think of questioning an authority figure. But mostly, I approach most of the threads here in a thoughtful manner.

I'm a bug for grammer and punctuation too. I'm dyslexic, so my spelling sucks. My DH teases me about my spelling mistakes, or makes jokes about how such and such a word was spelled and I simply cannot understand the joke. :confused:

I too don't see most of the fighting, I don't recognize the perceived insults for the most part. Sure the outright stuff I see, but I don't expect to be insulted, so I'm not looking for it. I know that some folks are used to different boards where flame wars are the norm, and some folks are just naturally on the defensive, so they take every precived insult when none was intended.

oh and one other thing that gets my nose out of joint is when people dont use any punctuation or capitalization they will post several paragraphs and not use one singel punctuation mark i can never read their posts because i cant make head nor tail of what they are trying to say this is really difficult for me to type because i have had to go back and erase every single punctuation mark and capitalization it just drives me crazy and i cant understand what they are trying to say drives me nuts that i cant read their posts maybe because im dyslexic and i use punctuation differently from other people i don't know it just drives me crazy

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Thanks for this thread, Kare!!

I am sort of new, too, but I love this place!!! I've tried staying away from any confrontational threads (I just don't get them - I'm here for support and advice...and the occasional chuckle...and the gift exchanges...but mostly support and advice).

I recently referred a new bandster that I met in my docs office to this board because she was having some issues that I hadn't experienced. I knew that she would get a bag full of great advice and support here. After reading some of the latest threads, I'm afraid to think what her opinion of me is now!!!! She probably assumes I like the confrontations and intrigue (any of you who have read any of my threads or posts know this is totally untrue - I am the goofball, half torn up Teddy Bear you can always count on for a warm squeeze). I almost regret telling her about this place!!

TommyO - I think you are great, light-hearted (I got that, my fellow December baby) - but - This is your band speaking...you need to put down the spoon and walk away from the jar!!!

Vinesqueen - I LOVE you, girl! You are my kwon. I come on here many times just hoping to get some of your insight!! You have a great way of looking at things...I wish I could be as in tune with inner self as you are!!

Porcindoll - Call me and we'll jump in those puddles barefoot!! You are bunches of fun, and I always enjoy your personal intrigues!

Iluvharleys - Wowser, woman!! Almost 100 pounds of you gone! You are an inspiration!! Besides, you are as sweet as a bag of cotton candy (albeit in a much smaller container now)

Nykee - you are awesome, I SOOO enjoy your posts!

The Best Me - I would love to be considered your friend!!

Big Paul - You lose weight too much better than me and I loathe you entirely (just kidding) - you seem like a whole lotta fun!

The rest of you I failed to mention - love y'all too!

Now, let's get out there and play nice!!!



Hopefully, no animals or feelings were harmd in this posting!

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see there

cheri know me and loves my posts

I want to pay attention to everyone and know you too

All I can do is promise to try harder..

I do have alot of down time so that shouldnt be a factor

But i also have 4 kids. PLUS.. so can that be some sort of excuse..

anyways,.. I worry sometimes I fail to LURV on the people who lurv on me

I cant even keep track of those I pm with..

But I DO LURVE YA!!!!!!! I swear!

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.skype_tb_injection { font-

Tommy reflux makes u gag if you eat too late then lay down. If however you elevate your head more and lie o on your left side instead of your right you should feel better.

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Just to chime in here about grammar, spelling etc...

I have dyslexia. I'm no stooge, but many times my posts will have jumbled up sentances, words and many mispelled words. This one prpbably does too. When I post it it looks normal to me, so it's out of my hands. If I'm tired, or I'm PMSing, it's worse. I would hope no one would think of me as some stupid git that is not worthy of a reply.

HOWEVER, I will be a total hypocrite and also say I will not read or answer posts from people that look like this:

"Wut fills git the res to the band i hope 2 git there soon but i only have 2 mor months till my insurance is out n the doc wont giv me the fill wut do u do i have 2 b 2 in us?Mexico???????????????????? 4 sur i think this is all the best docs here but you know i cant pay 4 it so i got 2 do wut i got 2 do u know o man i gotta go thx dude u rock!

Harsh but true for me. Probably because I figure if I'm dyslexic and can make the effort of some semblance of the English language, so can someone else.

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Im going to address: Groupies

When I first started to post on this board, I wondered what I was doing to be "avoided". Once I started thinking about it, I realized that those that are keeping the LBT ball rolling here are (generally speaking) those that post pictures, have avators and (here's the big one) do lots of personal sharing. Those 3 things give everyone something to connect to.

Hope this helps.

oh - and to those that have spelling/grammer problems... I thank GOD when I see an error ~ b/c it reminds me of how blessed I am to be in the presence of such imperfect people (like myself)!

((hugs)) to all my imperfect friends out there. :scared:

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Awww, Cheri aren't you just too sweet! I always loved your picture, I bet you are the fun of the party!:biggrin1:

Gosh, I never check my spelling or grammer out before I post it. I have been cutting my sentences short for a long time, I really don't have the extra time to check it all out. I don't look down on someone if they use the improper english either, I know what they are trying to say, and that is what is important! So, if you don't like my english/grammer/spelling, just skip my posts!:scared: :P:( We also have to remember that everyone on this board doen't have the same education. Hmmmmmm......

Groupies - I think everyone feels a little bit like you do when they first start, I know I did. Like Paula said, you just have to step up to the plate a little more and make yourself known. It's not that we are ignoring anyone, sometimes it's the wording of the thread that keeps people from opening or sometimes we just are in a hurry and read the main threads we are interested in. Just jump in on the threads and start posting! You'll get everyone's attention doing that, and we'll get to know you a little bit better in the process!:):D :D

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why is YOUR nose bent out of shape?

My husbands damn dog. I H. A. T. E. that dog.

If it wouldnt cause LOOOOONG term hard feelings, Id call the pound.

He's so big that he hurts the kids (trying to play) when they go outside.

He's ruined NUMEROUS clothes from biting the kids and they pull their arm away - then a hole appears.

BeBe got a new bike (toy motorcycle) for his b-day in December - Damn dog chewed the seat off in a week.

Cant go in the back yard with out stepping/smelling land mines.

He's chewed all the flowers/plants that were planted - now the yard looks like a bomb went off.

When our weinie dog goes out - the damn dog follows her around, licking, humping, biting her. THEN she comes in all wet - smelling like the damn dog.

He sits at the back door - just gleaming in... probably at me. I hate him - he hates me.

I keep telling Mike that that damn dog needs a better home life.

You asked?

I tell.

Damn dog.

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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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