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Looking for September 2010 Bandsters

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Hey Everyone! I am new to this site and just recently had my first consult with surgeon. I have been given all the paperwork or really checklist of physicians that need to be seen prior to getting a letter sent to GHI. At first my i was scared when i left his office only because this is a huge decision that i am making, and was thinking of having the single incision lap band. Of course I smoke, which makes it more difficult for me. I guess i am more stressed knowing that i have to quit or no surgery and that made me more intense. I have already seen the endocrinologist and cardiologist, have a pulmonary visit tomorrow. My insurance doesnt cover the nutrionist so that will be an out of pocket expense, but its ok because i have to do this. I am 5 ft tall and have gained over 85 lbs in the last 3 years alone. I can barely make it up the stairs, i have atrial fibrillation, which is a heart arrythmia, and I just wanna be able to play ball and run around with my 9 year old son. i can't wear jeans because my waste is tiny and behind is plump, lol. I have to be healthy for me and for him. i hear such great stories on here but of course with any surgeries its a bit scary. we have to take the bad with the good i guess. if we want to be healthy we gotta do what we have to do.

has anyone here smoked prior to surgery and if so what did you have to do to quit? i am also worried a bit about the eating, and the gas pains that i have read about. i don't have a gallbladder so i guess its no worse than that...i hope not..lol..

i am hoping for an october date, but we will see. i am trying to get all my md appts done within the next week and then will submit everything to surgeon for submission to insurance? does anyone have GHI? im curious as to how much time to take off from work, maybe 2-3 weeks, does that sound reasonable? geez so many questions..lol

please keep in touch everyone!

ladies and gents i wish you all the best of luck with your surgeries and post surgeries.:)

Edited by fusionbell

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Ok yeah, so the gas is a major pain...its all in my right shoulder. I had to stay overnight due to a reaction to a breathing treatment. At least I had a thorough doc who wasn't antsy to push me out the door! Best wishes to you girls tomorrow, you'll be in my prayers!

So glad to hear from you. I was very fortunate that I only had gas pains when I sat up. Laying flat on my back helped disburse the gas throughout my torso. Just think you'll be jet propelled tomorrow.

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Mandyrae -- Congratulations on getting the "all clear" from the cardiologist. Did they say why your heart was enlarged?

I have 2 valves that are enlarged.. really not sure why, no history in the family.. doc said it could be from my weight, or he said even heavy caffeine drinkers can get enlarged valves. It is not bad right now so we just need to watch it. By losing the weight the valves will not go down but it may prevent them from getting larger so that is a big plus!

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Hey Everyone! I am new to this site and just recently had my first consult with surgeon. I have been given all the paperwork or really checklist of physicians that need to be seen prior to getting a letter sent to GHI. At first my i was scared when i left his office only because this is a huge decision that i am making, and was thinking of having the single incision lap band. Of course I smoke, which makes it more difficult for me. I guess i am more stressed knowing that i have to quit or no surgery and that made me more intense. I have already seen the endocrinologist and cardiologist, have a pulmonary visit tomorrow. My insurance doesnt cover the nutrionist so that will be an out of pocket expense, but its ok because i have to do this. I am 5 ft tall and have gained over 85 lbs in the last 3 years alone. I can barely make it up the stairs, i have atrial fibrillation, which is a heart arrythmia, and I just wanna be able to play ball and run around with my 9 year old son. i can't wear jeans because my waste is tiny and behind is plump, lol. I have to be healthy for me and for him. i hear such great stories on here but of course with any surgeries its a bit scary. we have to take the bad with the good i guess. if we want to be healthy we gotta do what we have to do.

has anyone here smoked prior to surgery and if so what did you have to do to quit? i am also worried a bit about the eating, and the gas pains that i have read about. i don't have a gallbladder so i guess its no worse than that...i hope not..lol..

i am hoping for an october date, but we will see. i am trying to get all my md appts done within the next week and then will submit everything to surgeon for submission to insurance? does anyone have GHI? im curious as to how much time to take off from work, maybe 2-3 weeks, does that sound reasonable? geez so many questions..lol

please keep in touch everyone!

ladies and gents i wish you all the best of luck with your surgeries and post surgeries.:)

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Hello, My Journey for the lapband started in january, And after 7 months. I can finally be banded. My surgery is set for Sept. 24th. I am so excited. Thanks to cicigirl for telling me about the September Bandsters. I have been in the chat room a few times and its great to hear everyones stories and on the other hand a little scary. I hear that some go home after only 2 hrs. My dr told me I would be there for about 5 hrs and as long as I am doing well will come home.

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Good Luck. Most ppl around where I live it takes 3 months from Start to finish. Mine took 7 months before I had a surgery date.

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Okay newly banded peeps- tell us all about it! :) Hope you're all doing great!

Good luck to all those today! :wub:

Okay is anyone else going through this---- since not eating real food- I have been have WEIRD dreams, every single night since Saturday night- when I started it. I haven't been having bad dreams anything, just very odd. And yes I really do believe its the lack of real food. LOL My body must be detoxing and going through withdrawal! :wub:

No weird dreams for me but I have to get up and go to the bathroom a couple of times a night. SOOOO much liquid!:thumbup:

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:thumbup:My surgery date is Sep 11th. I almost was denied. When I went in for my final checkup I had gained 5 pounds. The only excuse I had was my mom had passed away and I didn't pay alot of attention to my food as I handled all the issues. But my surgeon advised as long as I didn't gain any more weight, it would be ok. I just went through Pre-op today. I am really scared, but know it will help me regain my health in the long run.

I would have gotten everything done sooner if I had a better patient coordinator. He made all the appropriate appointments for stress test, xrays, etc, within one week of my initial consult, which was in April. However he never notified me, and also made the appointments in another city. In June I started getting irate calls from doctor's offices wanting to know why I have never called in. So I was my own patient coordinator, and set up all the appointments in the city I wanted and the time I wanted. Once I took charge, it went smoothly. I guess we are our own best advocate.

Edited by missjoany
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Once I had all the appropriate paperwork, and it was submitted to the insurance company, it took about 1 1/2 weeks to get the approval. As I stated earlier, I had much trouble with my patient coordinator, that kept saying, I never received your consult from nutritionist, or from behavioral consult, or stress test. So I made copies of everything myself and sent them in. Once I took charge, everything went alot smoother. Good luck and I hope you have better luck than I with your coordinator.

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Pooky- glad to see your pretty well considering all that you went through! Thanks for letting us know how you are doing! :wub:

Scarred- welcome and woowww we are date twins (along with a few more of us)! Just think- 4 more days!

Welcome newbies!

Good luck dear September Sweeties on tomorrows surgeries! :tt1:

So yeah I just need to vent please, you don't have to read it, I just need to get it off my chest some how

... okay... now that I am 4 days away and I am super excited... I am thinking... am I crazy for doing this? I mean, I know I need it and I know I will be successful with it but... as I mentioned before, my insurance was denied- even with an appeal... and well $16,000 is a lot of money. Its gonna take me like 3 or 4 years to pay back. If I didn't have other bills that would be fine, I'd pay it back in like 8 months... but thats just not the case... Uggghhhh g-damn insurance. WTFoo. :) Why can't they consider that this is beneficial for prevention of poor health and early death.... they just wanna see that Ive been too fat for too long... sorry I couldn't be a fat ass long enough for you stupid jerk heads. (yeah im trying to watch my language for all who may be reading) Uhhhhh I know this is something I have to do but now that is coming closer its just pressing on me. I re-think my budget every day and its like Im becoming compulsive about it. :wub: I guess at this point I just hope that there are no complications and they send me home that same day so then maybe I can save a couple thousand. :thumbup: But this is my life, my health, my future, my happiness. I really gotta keep that in mind. That stuff is priceless right...... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Okay Im okay now.... Thanks:lol:

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has anyone here smoked prior to surgery and if so what did you have to do to quit?

i can't really give advice as far as hands on experience since i am not a smoker but something to consider is... well if it comes down to either smoking or wls, which is more important to you. wls can save your life by preventing co-morbidities realated to fat; smoking does nothing but destroy your health and ultimately your life- including others around you. i know that smoking is an addiction and extremely difficult to stop but you have to fight the urge if the wls is what is most important.

some tips to use toward quitting (i worked in an addiction treatment center for some time so these really can help) -patches/gum; smokeless electronic cigarettes to held cut back; chew on gum; brush teeth or rinse with mouth wash every time you want to smoke; rub a pencil or marble between your fingers to keep your fingers busy or flip a penny around over and over between fingers; keep busy to not think about it; write or draw or color to keep your hands busy as well as keep mind occupied; talk to a friend/family member; spend more time around children since you should not be smoking around them; count to 100 forwards and backwards till the urge goes away. cut back on the cigarettes- ex- if you smoke 1 cigarette per hour, try to go two hours before having another one. also break the cycle- if you smoke after you eat; brush teeth/rinse/walk around right after. while drinking coffee- sip Water between coffee sips. while on the phone- use the pencil thing or doodle.

I wish you luck with that. I know its gonna be difficult but you CAN do it! :)

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Danide only four more day for me too. todays my preop at the hospital. A good quality of life is priceless and what would your quality of life be 10 years down the road.. Today you can't even buy a decent car for 16,000 dollars! Kudo's to you for taking charge of your life. Insurance companies for the most part only care about making MORE profits rather than caring for their customers. I pay 1500 dollars per month for being agravated constantly by them. My cobra ran out and hubby is self employed. Hopefully a slimmer me with fewer comorbidities will result in a less expensive policy. Good luck to banders pre and post we are in this together

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Danide only four more day for me too. todays my preop at the hospital. A good quality of life is priceless and what would your quality of life be 10 years down the road.. Today you can't even buy a decent car for 16,000 dollars! Kudo's to you for taking charge of your life. Insurance companies for the most part only care about making MORE profits rather than caring for their customers. I pay 1500 dollars per month for being agravated constantly by them. My cobra ran out and hubby is self employed. Hopefully a slimmer me with fewer comorbidities will result in a less expensive policy. Good luck to banders pre and post we are in this together

I know how you feel. I have insurance and started this process in January. My insurance denied me the first time. I had to bring in records to prove everything I had done or tried. Thankfully I had keep most of those records. They require 3 yrs history and I went back 8 yrs. I have tried Curves, Weight Watchers and even hired a personal trainer to lose weight. Anyway, thats getting off track. After I went thru everything to give to my coordinator they finally decided that yes maybe I should have the surgery. Well was all set to have surgery on the 2nd and had to be changed to the 9th, then we get the ltr from insurance that states it has to be after the 16th, After waiting for 7 months to do this and finally setting a date, I was excited, Then 2 days before I was to start my fast is when we got the ltr, Needless to say, I was not a happy camper.:) We pay for insurance but yet they dont want to pay for anything, I was to the point, WHY am I paying for it if they arent going to pay when I actually want to us it.

Good Luck to those having surgery today.:thumbup:

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Our Special Dates:

Today: September 3

Freshstart2010, gracerev, ILUVFOOD, Esin

Next Week:

September 7 - danide, Nani4five, sannersplace72, swissnis, playermimi, msmith73

September 8 - NYsLegend78, donnalys, LadyT39, 1reign, lemonchick*, Brian-LA

September 9 - Butterfly2010, aliciaj, Olsweetmusic

September 10 - jlr58, ally UK, angelpix, jmariedel, jlr58, Mandyrae

September 11 - missjoany*

Third Week of Sept:

September 13 - lillyegg, debrarh, ready4change10, CalaCake, bandalley*, RN.Violet

September 14 - KAS1971, TheMaxwellFamily, WAH.MOM, purplevix, Angel82

September 15 - Kysmith72, piperboo, leeblewb

September 16 - sunny day, fldanny, kimmila, onceuponaband, kissalovoe, matzobeans

September 17 - Stateofzen, hserrra, blondeej, vega1star, helgainaz

Fourth Week of Sept:

September 20 - RACandler, mytrice, Natalka*

September 21 - angellegna29, krieck, wishful-thinking

September 22 - ebonykisses, kittykat56, papoose, mom05, teach830

September 23 - emsbugbug, cicigirl

September 24 - ctrose, kmckinleyrn, South Dakota Girl*

Fifth Week of Sept:

September 27 - babyk, LisaA, ocbutterfly, david314

September 28 - Zippy74, kosy2, ebeeze824, newbs

September 29 - wanna.b.healthy

September 30 - sourmissg, mrsbure

*newest additions

I want everyone to be recognized for this journey, so please let me know if I overlooked you.

Those approved/self pay and waiting for dates:












16 have crossed over to Bandland:

ahlmanfamily - from MA

BandedNellie - from CT

cece1967 -from CA

CSinTX - Cathy from TX

Esin - from London, England

Freshstart2010 - Christi from CA

gracerev - Pastor from GA


jshort - Jennifer from MO

kydman - from KY

Lanah - from TX

Loyalfriend - from NC

pooky032281 - from OK

rkwilliams1013 - Rebecca from GA

Run Girl Run - from MO

spitfireleo - from MA

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Monday down...Tues, Wed, then I travel to Nashville for an overnight visit with friends & family before arriving at the hospital Thursday at 6:30am to get my "shrinky dink". I am naming my band! ...:)

Well it's now Friday and your "Shrinky dink" should be installed by now. Congratulations.

Just thinking about the name you choose for your band, you might be careful of talking about your band around your friends because they might think that you are talking about something else.

Know that I mean?

Oops, don't laugh - that hurts.

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