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How do you feel about "born-agains"?

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I am better educated than most american people. That is just a fact. I don't know what the educational level is of those who post here.

What I do know is that when it comes to political debate (which is what I post about) I am much smarter than most of the posters here who often start from a place of hate for ________(fill in the blank) and then go from there.

It isn't hard to spot their posts: The Muslims are all terrorists and shouldn't build a mosque 2 blocks from ground zero.

People who receive government aid are lazy and just want cable tv and eating out.

Mexican immigrants are all illegal taking good american jobs away from us.

And the list goes on and on... I post facts and some opinion. And I am proud of my ability to do so. If others can't keep up, that's not my problem. But it is frustrating to me.

And you should talk about pride when your arrogance is staggering. You're righteous, your biblical interpretation is the one and only correct one. All of your biblical views are right. The catholic leadership will have to answer to God at judgement day. And if you're not righteous enough (like you) your prayers won't be heard.

Astounding that you could believe all this and then yap about MY pride. :cursing:


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The comic strip reads: Years ago, I discovered a magic word! I learned to squelch debates I was losing... by calling anyone who disagreed with me "racist"! ...But I used it so much, I wore it out! Nobody falls for it anymore..... So, I guess now I need to actually inform myself about stuff.... Or get a new magic word! I'm thinking "Hater!" .....You got a problem with that, Hater?!

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When I said "pride" coming before the fall, I was talking about the fact that you feel you are more intelligent than those you converse with, not your pride in your college degree. Your 'pridefulness' is astounding. There isn't one person who is all knowing, and you are no exception. To brag that you are more intelligent than the rest of us here is truly unbelieveable.

God says that the wisdom of the wise is foolishness in his eyes. So, when you tell me that you are sooo smart because of your education, it tells me how foolish you really are. I went to college as well, and I'm sure many on these boards have also. So, to make such a comment is degrading to the rest of us. But, it certainly is not surprising coming from you.

Actually you've said many times that you are all knowing about exactly what the bible means. No other interpretations, including those of organized religions, could be correct if they differ from yours.

And if you've been paying attention you'd see that my posts are almost entirely political and on that subject I do believe that I am more informed than most posters here because I make it my point to read about and listen to information about the political landscape in this country. I haven't seen many posters on the right who have the breath and scope of interest in politics that I do. Most post from an emotional base.

You said you are the biblical expert. Why do you consider youself so? Just because you have studied it? Well, I study politics with the same passion that you study the bible. So how does that make me different from you when you think you know more about the bible and your interpretations are the right ones? You seem very prideful in your comments about the bible to me.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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When I said "pride" coming before the fall, I was talking about the fact that you feel you are more intelligent than those you converse with, not your pride in your college degree. Your 'pridefulness' is astounding. There isn't one person who is all knowing, and you are no exception. To brag that you are more intelligent than the rest of us here is truly unbelieveable.

God says that the wisdom of the wise is foolishness in his eyes. So, when you tell me that you are sooo smart because of your education, it tells me how foolish you really are. I went to college as well, and I'm sure many on these boards have also. So, to make such a comment is degrading to the rest of us. But, it certainly is not surprising coming from you.

I am confused by this post.

I went back to see what Cleo's Mom actually stated:

Cleo’s Mom wrote: "I understand your posts. On these boards I sometimes feel like the character Gus, the Texas Ranger, from "Lonesome Dove" who was well read and who spent much of his time going after Mexican horse thieves and who said: "Just once I'd like to shoot at an educated man".

And later in response to your alternative and colloquial version of Proverbs 16:18 that "Pride cometh before the fall"; [“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” (King James Version)] Cleo’s Mom said, “I absolutely am proud of my education for which I worked hard both in terms of studying and paying for. I certainly will NEVER apologize for it. I am also proud of my children's accomplishments for the same reason.”

What you say CM said is simply not what she said in her post. Why do you feel you have to be the final arbiter when you falsely attribute what others say and then attack it? In doing so you create a straw man fallacy: an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.

At least play fair when you engage in discussion!

I often told my student's that a wiser person than all of us confessed that the greatest impediment to my education was going to school. I say this now not to discourage the pursuit of knowledge; rather, to encourage its discovery outside the common constraints. Wisdom has no simple formula nor does age dictate its presence or absence.

Peace to all.

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The comic strip reads: Years ago, I discovered a magic word! I learned to squelch debates I was losing... by calling anyone who disagreed with me "racist"! ...But I used it so much, I wore it out! Nobody falls for it anymore..... So, I guess now I need to actually inform myself about stuff.... Or get a new magic word! I'm thinking "Hater!" .....You got a problem with that, Hater?!

Just go back and look at the posts about mexican immigrants or Muslims or gays and many of your posts about those on welfare or government aid and the hate will be self-evident to those without blinders. Hate, loathing, disdain and a sense of superiority. It's all there. So keep posting your silly right wing cartoons. Doesn't change a thing. :cursing:

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I am confused by this post.

I went back to see what Cleo's Mom actually stated:

Cleo’s Mom wrote: "I understand your posts. On these boards I sometimes feel like the character Gus, the Texas Ranger, from "Lonesome Dove" who was well read and who spent much of his time going after Mexican horse thieves and who said: "Just once I'd like to shoot at an educated man".

And later in response to your alternative and colloquial version of Proverbs 16:18 that "Pride cometh before the fall"; [“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” (King James Version)] Cleo’s Mom said, “I absolutely am proud of my education for which I worked hard both in terms of studying and paying for. I certainly will NEVER apologize for it. I am also proud of my children's accomplishments for the same reason.”

What you say CM said is simply not what she said in her post. Why do you feel you have to be the final arbiter when you falsely attribute what others say and then attack it? In doing so you create a straw man fallacy: an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.

At least play fair when you engage in discussion!

I often told my student's that a wiser person than all of us confessed that the greatest impediment to my education was going to school. I say this now not to discourage the pursuit of knowledge; rather, to encourage its discovery outside the common constraints. Wisdom has no simple formula nor does age dictate its presence or absence.

Peace to all.

Thanks, Will Be Healthy, for your support. What age level do you teach? I wish I had had someone like you for a teacher. I am sure you challenge your students.

I am a retired elementary teacher (second career) and retired early because at that age parents want Mary Poppins and Mother Teresa and I am neither and I grew weary of weak kneed administrators who said "How high" when parents said "Jump".

I also suspect that I struck a nerve with PG with this issue because I have taken the time to prove her posts wrong over and over again. And when I do, she never admits she was wrong. It's just ignored. That's why she comes after me more than anyone else.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Phillistine. It was "duped" not "stupid" stupid. Pity the Rethuglians . . . you couldn't turn a corner let alone a political party. Furthermore it is "farther" not "further" -- cretin.

Now scurry back to the dark corners with the other cockroaches.


All you had to say was f%^& off!

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I am confused by this post.

I went back to see what Cleo's Mom actually stated:

Cleo’s Mom wrote: "I understand your posts. On these boards I sometimes feel like the character Gus, the Texas Ranger, from "Lonesome Dove" who was well read and who spent much of his time going after Mexican horse thieves and who said: "Just once I'd like to shoot at an educated man".

And later in response to your alternative and colloquial version of Proverbs 16:18 that "Pride cometh before the fall"; [“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” (King James Version)] Cleo’s Mom said, “I absolutely am proud of my education for which I worked hard both in terms of studying and paying for. I certainly will NEVER apologize for it. I am also proud of my children's accomplishments for the same reason.”

What you say CM said is simply not what she said in her post. Why do you feel you have to be the final arbiter when you falsely attribute what others say and then attack it? In doing so you create a straw man fallacy: an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.

At least play fair when you engage in discussion!

I often told my student's that a wiser person than all of us confessed that the greatest impediment to my education was going to school. I say this now not to discourage the pursuit of knowledge; rather, to encourage its discovery outside the common constraints. Wisdom has no simple formula nor does age dictate its presence or absence.

Peace to all.

What a ball sucking kiss ass you are(should there be a comma in there?)

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I am confused by this post.

I went back to see what Cleo's Mom actually stated:

Cleo’s Mom wrote: "I understand your posts. On these boards I sometimes feel like the character Gus, the Texas Ranger, from "Lonesome Dove" who was well read and who spent much of his time going after Mexican horse thieves and who said: "Just once I'd like to shoot at an educated man".

And later in response to your alternative and colloquial version of Proverbs 16:18 that "Pride cometh before the fall"; [“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” (King James Version)] Cleo’s Mom said, “I absolutely am proud of my education for which I worked hard both in terms of studying and paying for. I certainly will NEVER apologize for it. I am also proud of my children's accomplishments for the same reason.”

What you say CM said is simply not what she said in her post. Why do you feel you have to be the final arbiter when you falsely attribute what others say and then attack it? In doing so you create a straw man fallacy: an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.

At least play fair when you engage in discussion!

I often told my student's that a wiser person than all of us confessed that the greatest impediment to my education was going to school. I say this now not to discourage the pursuit of knowledge; rather, to encourage its discovery outside the common constraints. Wisdom has no simple formula nor does age dictate its presence or absence.

Peace to all.

I bet your students slept alot in your class. You had to bore the hell out of them!

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I am better educated than most american people. That is just a fact. I don't know what the educational level is of those who post here.

What I do know is that when it comes to political debate (which is what I post about) I am much smarter than most of the posters here who often start from a place of hate for ________(fill in the blank) and then go from there.

It isn't hard to spot their posts: The Muslims are all terrorists and shouldn't build a mosque 2 blocks from ground zero.

People who receive government aid are lazy and just want cable tv and eating out.

Mexican immigrants are all illegal taking good american jobs away from us.

And the list goes on and on... I post facts and some opinion. And I am proud of my ability to do so. I spend a lot of time listening to and reading about the political landscape and what is going on. If others can't keep up, that's not my problem. But it is frustrating to me.

And you should talk about pride when your arrogance is staggering. You're righteous, your biblical interpretation is the one and only correct one. All of your biblical views are right. The catholic leadership will have to answer to God at judgement day. And if you're not righteous enough (like you) your prayers won't be heard.

Astounding that you could believe all this and then yap about MY pride. :cursing:

Not that I need to explain myself but I have a degree from the Culinary Institute Of America(not interested enough to pursue career), Mechanical Engineering degree from The University of Pittsburgh and recieved my Master Plumbers liscense after completing the required 4 years of schooling. I do love education! Now I have a fairly successful plumbing business going into my 6th year. I dont claim to be the smartest person here, nor do I care to be. Just because you are or where a teacher and the fact that you speak like your writing a book really doesnt make you smarter than anyone else. (Actually I hope you are smarter than most and I do appreciate your work because teaching is probably one of the most important jobs there is).

I dont need to know about philosophy or composition classes, I know my trade very well because thats what interests me, Ive been a certified trainer for the biggest plumbing co. in the world. Im on the preferred list with the BBB and Angies list. All my work comes by word of mouth.(enough bragging)

My point is, everyone has their niche, mine happens to be plumbing, mechanical field. Cleos, you claim to help with running dem campaigns so I would hope you know more than most. You say your more educated than most and that might be a fact but it doesnt mean your smarter than most! You seem to have more interest than most about this subject.

I work for CEOs of businesses, sports figures, lawyers, drs.,housewives, computer programmers, teachers and many others and its funny knowing in most cases theyre very smart people(in their fields of expertise)and for the most part know absolutely nothing about what seems so simple to me, plumbing. The funny thing is, the housewives seem to understand better than most.

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Actually you've said many times that you are all knowing about exactly what the bible means.

This is bull and you know it! I have NEVER said, and especially many times, that I am all knowing about exactly what the bible says. Prove it! I said that I am well versed in scripture and have been studying it for many years. ALL KNOWING? Never.

No other interpretations, including those of organized religions, could be correct if they differ from yours.

There has never been a need to interpret anything, that we have ever discussed, unless it is not clearly written. My disagreements with you on biblical things have always been clearly proven in scripture. You just don't want to believe what the word of God says. The example of praying to anyone but Jesus is one good example. The bible CLEARLY states that there is ONLY ONE mediator between man and God, and it is Jesus. Yet you insist that that can be interpreted differently. You still have not proven how so. If there's only ONE mediator, how can you pray to Mary and ask her to pray for you. Or how can you pray to Saints and ask them to pray for you. ONLY Jesus can mediate for us, or talk to the Father for us. When you pray to Mary or saints, (Whether they are "technically" alive or not), you dishonor what God himself has told you. There is ONE mediator.

And if you've been paying attention you'd see that my posts are almost entirely political and on that subject I do believe that I am more informed than most posters here because I make it my point to read about and listen to information about the political landscape in this country. I haven't seen many posters on the right who have the breath and scope of interest in politics that I do. Most post from an emotional base.

The difference between being knowledgable in scripture and being knowledgable in politics is huge. With politics, you take in information that may be true or made up, and you make a decision on whether you believe it or not by the source the info comes from and whether you yourself deem it credible. This is purely speculation on ones own part. That is why you have a left and a right. There is personal feelings involved in how you stand. Even so called proof on a subject is no proof at all. It could be generated from a politician who leans one particular way, and even "proof" from a government website could be lies, because they are all deceitful and corrupt and trying to lean the people in their favor and make themselves look good.

Being knowledgable Biblically is different. The word of God is the ONLY truth. Whether I agree with what God says or not, I have no choice or decision about it. I can not make it sway my way or anyone elses way. He says what he says and that's that. I can't say that I disagree with something biblically and then find another bible to obey. Like with politics, if you don't agree with the right, you go to the left, or you choose to be independant of either side. My opinions don't matter when it comes to what I want to believe it says. Being knowledgable 'biblically' is not like being knowledable 'politically'.

You said you are the biblical expert. Why do you consider youself so? Just because you have studied it? Well, I study politics with the same passion that you study the bible. So how does that make me different from you when you think you know more about the bible and your interpretations are the right ones? You seem very prideful in your comments about the bible to me.


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Not that I need to explain myself but I have a degree from the Culinary Institute Of America(not interested enough to pursue career), Mechanical Engineering degree from The University of Pittsburgh and recieved my Master Plumbers liscense after completing the required 4 years of schooling. I do love education! Now I have a fairly successful plumbing business going into my 6th year. I dont claim to be the smartest person here, nor do I care to be. Just because you are or where a teacher and the fact that you speak like your writing a book really doesnt make you smarter than anyone else. (Actually I hope you are smarter than most and I do appreciate your work because teaching is probably one of the most important jobs there is).

I dont need to know about philosophy or composition classes, I know my trade very well because thats what interests me, Ive been a certified trainer for the biggest plumbing co. in the world. Im on the preferred list with the BBB and Angies list. All my work comes by word of mouth.(enough bragging)

My point is, everyone has their niche, mine happens to be plumbing, mechanical field. Cleos, you claim to help with running dem campaigns so I would hope you know more than most. You say your more educated than most and that might be a fact but it doesnt mean your smarter than most! You seem to have more interest than most about this subject.

I work for CEOs of businesses, sports figures, lawyers, drs.,housewives, computer programmers, teachers and many others and its funny knowing in most cases theyre very smart people(in their fields of expertise)and for the most part know absolutely nothing about what seems so simple to me, plumbing. The funny thing is, the housewives seem to understand better than most.

Oh and you made it sound like its going to be an activity center for everyone, I heard its going to be an Islamic activity center and mosque, not that it really makes a difference but again stupid people might hear its for everyone and be more accepting(Newt Gingrich was who I heard it from), whether right or wrong it doesnt change my opinion!

Also, you never answered my question. Is it ok to change the federal immigration law and allow illegals who are already here to become legal?

If you answered yes, why wouldnt it be ok to change the zoning laws so the mosque cant be put there?

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Just go back and look at the posts about mexican immigrants or Muslims or gays and many of your posts about those on welfare or government aid and the hate will be self-evident to those without blinders. Hate, loathing, disdain and a sense of superiority. It's all there. So keep posting your silly right wing cartoons. Doesn't change a thing. :cursing:

I did not post anything about muslims or mexican immigrants, for one thing. I just wanted to clear that up.

And in defense of what you say, I want to remind you that just because a person does not approve of, or agree with what others do, or how they act does not mean that they HATE them. When you say that it is "hate" you really make yourself look stupid, and like you can't come up with anything else, so as a final grab, you label them. (Haters)

So, your neighbor who listens to hard rock at 3AM every night. You "hate" them? Or is it that you don't like the fact that they wake you at 3AM? The family member who steals from you. You "hate" them? Or is it that you don't like the fact that they take your things without asking you first? Seriously! I thought you being as educated as you are, you would understand the difference.

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I am confused by this post.

I went back to see what Cleo's Mom actually stated:

Cleo’s Mom wrote: "I understand your posts. On these boards I sometimes feel like the character Gus, the Texas Ranger, from "Lonesome Dove" who was well read and who spent much of his time going after Mexican horse thieves and who said: "Just once I'd like to shoot at an educated man".

And later in response to your alternative and colloquial version of Proverbs 16:18 that "Pride cometh before the fall"; [“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” (King James Version)] Cleo’s Mom said, “I absolutely am proud of my education for which I worked hard both in terms of studying and paying for. I certainly will NEVER apologize for it. I am also proud of my children's accomplishments for the same reason.”

What you say CM said is simply not what she said in her post. Why do you feel you have to be the final arbiter when you falsely attribute what others say and then attack it? In doing so you create a straw man fallacy: an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.

At least play fair when you engage in discussion!

I often told my student's that a wiser person than all of us confessed that the greatest impediment to my education was going to school. I say this now not to discourage the pursuit of knowledge; rather, to encourage its discovery outside the common constraints. Wisdom has no simple formula nor does age dictate its presence or absence.

Peace to all.

You may be confused. But I am not. She said that she was smarter than anyone else who posts here.

[Cleo's QUOTE]I am better educated than most american people. That is just a fact. I don't know what the educational level is of those who post here.

What I do know is that when it comes to political debate (which is what I post about) I am much smarter than most of the posters here [end]

She feels like Gus: "Just once I'd like to shoot at an educated man."

So, what I said she said, is what she said!

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I did not post anything about muslims or mexican immigrants, for one thing. I just wanted to clear that up.

And in defense of what you say, I want to remind you that just because a person does not approve of, or agree with what others do, or how they act does not mean that they HATE them. When you say that it is "hate" you really make yourself look stupid, and like you can't come up with anything else, so as a final grab, you label them. (Haters)

So, your neighbor who listens to hard rock at 3AM every night. You "hate" them? Or is it that you don't like the fact that they wake you at 3AM? The family member who steals from you. You "hate" them? Or is it that you don't like the fact that they take your things without asking you first? Seriously! I thought you being as educated as you are, you would understand the difference.

Shes talking about me (Mexicans, terrorists), I told her I dont like Muslims(hate, whatever)and she accused me of being racist and assumed I dont like Mexicans. I explained to her that Mexicans didnt blow up 3-4000 of my fellow citizens and I dont have a problem with them. Then she got mad because I dont agree with putting a mosque at or near ground zero and of course she disagreed because the code allows it!

No, she does hate!

Long story short, she had a hissy-fit because I didnt agree with her!

Oh, then, Will-be-healthy called her stupid or duped and she got mad at me!

Anyway, Amen to this post, I agree!

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