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Blog Comments posted by Yvette1026

  1. Stairs are so very different... best thing I did since getting my surgery is moving to a place that has stairs lol I have NO CHOICE but to go up them lol...The first week was a lil' much.. but then I started getting used to them. Such a good work out.

    Zumba and any class you're not familiar with in the beginning is ALWAYS hard.. you can do it, soon you're be a Zumba master :)

  2. Ah the joys of medical billing. Well you have a few options... 1.) wait til it's worked out. 2.) hope they get it worked out and in good faith give you the surgery at the 10% rate and 3.) Get your surgery, let them bill you for the remainder and only pay your 10% if they cash it they're agreeing to your terms- you can put it in the memo or on the back of your check, etc.. 4.) Change surgeons - you're already approved, there's no real work for them to do, they'll be happy to have you. and finally 5.) let them bill you let it go 90 days, and as with all medical bills older than 90 days they'll be willing to give you a compromise - that is just enough to cover their actual costs. For example a 23000 bill being settled for 2300, or my mother's 892 ambulance bill being settled for 90, etc.. medical bills are ALWAYS trumped up, and they're always happy to get something.

    I know how frustrating this must be for you, but you do have options.

  3. The single incision method is new and not widely used. Most people will have 3-5 incisions, the number of incisions depends on how difficult it is to place the band in you. Did you discuss concerns about your incisions before the surgery? I spoke with my surgeon at length about my concern about scars, etc. In the end he did a great job 2 of my 4 incisions are invisible.

    It sounds like a cop-out but your doctors have a very good reason for telling you to read the manual, that way you are fully informed and not relying on other people or misinformation. It also sets the foundation for your lapband journey, because in the end he won't be there to walk you through it. He wants you to read it so you understand every part of the band, what to look for, what to eat, how to eat, etc... Getting the information yourself you're more likely to retain it than when someone gives it to you.

    I can't speak to your doctor's bedside manner but understand they have 100's and in some cases 1000's of patients, they cannot walk each person through their lapband journey. If your doctor is anything like mine he had 10 other surgeries the same day you had surgery. The office staff is there to support you and help you along the way, as well as sites like this and support groups. People tend to confuse the term doctor and surgeon... there is a difference. While they both have MD after their name the patient expectation is different, he's there to consult and execute a surgery, not provide the type of 1 on 1 care a regular doctor would.

    Hope that helps and best of luck to you, if you've just had surgery it takes some getting used to, but the best thing you can do is research and learn it for yourself.

  4. Yes yes yes! This is EXACTLY what I was talking about in my post to you! I avoided using the medical term on purpose but I am SO glad you went and researched it for yourself! This is great, steps in the right direction and motivation! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

  5. Congratulations and yes it's a pretty simple and painless process by day 3 I was back to normal. Welcome to the other side! Gum and flavored toothpicks helped me.. I know people will say no to the gum because of the air but I chewed it with now problems.

  6. Ok my dear, I've read a couple of your blogs and I have to reach out and encourage you to renew your mind to all of this. Until you do, it won't work!

    1.) Weight loss and gain is personal, there's no need to seek other people's approval or acceptance. 18lbs is GREAT, it's 18lbs closer to goal and 18lbs less fat than you were. Men, especially Dad's opinions mean a lot to us, but remember the only opinions that matter right now are yours and your health professionals.

    From your posts it seems like you're just now starting to realize the "fat" of the matter.. yes I said fat, in place of fact. It seems like you're just now truly starting to see yourself as fat which is a GOOD thing, even though it doesn't feel like it is! When you're able to look at yourself with such a critical eye, it will serve as motivation to do something about it.

    2.) Renew your mind. Ok so you're fat, you don't like the way you look in pics, you think the band is going to fail you, there's "no way it'll help you lose 100lbs". Stop right there my friend...can we say self-sabotage? When you speak defeat, you've already lost. You might as well eat twinkies and ice cream - they slide right through. So I urge and encourage you to renew your mind to a positive mindset. Take everything day by day, meal by meal, choice by choice. You didn't gain this weight overnight and you're certainly not going to lose it over night.

    The band is a TOOL, we hear/read it all the time and that's true. It's a tool to HELP YOU, but if YOU aren't ready for the help it won't do YOU any good.

    I really think you're at a pivotal moment in you're journey. You're awakening to the new you, change is never easy and it's so much easier to just give up. But YOU CAN DO THIS!

    Just think of it this way... just like in life, your path is yours and yours alone, your lapband journey is the same. Don't compare yourself to others, do what works for you and live your life. You didn't report the multitude of pounds you gained to anyone, so why report what you lose to anyone? Let them see for themselves.

    Yes the fact is, the bigger you are the more you have to lose for people to notice, but let them notice...Just go on with your days going down your path and doing what's right for you. Remember the only approval you need is yours and it'll feel SO much better when those "Wow you're really losing weight huh?" comments and compliments come your way because they'll be real and honest, not fished for or charity out of seeking approval.

    Stick to what works for you and in a year or so's time when you've lost that 100lbs and everyone is ooo'ing and ahh'ing you'll have nobody to thank but yourself. Do this for you, nobody else.

    Renew your mind...renew your mind....renew your mind! Accentuate the positive! :)

  7. Well congratulations on making the BEST decision you could ever make for yourself! To answer your questions:

    It varies depending on your insurance on what to expect. Typically a visit to the dietician will go over your diet, meaning what you eat and what you should be eating. The nurse will check your vitals, the psychologist will make sure you're mentally stable to have the surgery and have the mental/emotional support system necessary post-op to be successful.

    It's great that you joined the gym today, now just form the habit of going.

    On to the next thing.. you're drinking soda and sweet tea and being diabetic. You're only harming yourself, and each drink takes moments off of your life. That sounds dramatic but that's true.

    With the band, you WONT be able to drink soda, it will be very uncomfortable for you, pressure and gas pains. The sweet tea, I drink myself. HOWEVER, I limit myself to no more than 2 a week and if I make it at home I make it with Agave Nectar which is MUCH better for you than sugar.

    Think about those two children you have and think about what's best for them and know that you're making this awesome decision not only for you but for them as well.

    Eating healthy is not hard once you get into it, the benefits pay off. The minute you start seeing results the more motivated you'll become. Also fills do not hurt, most dr's numb you first. The pain is minimal, I was back to normal and pain free by day 3. Off all pain medicals after a day and half. If you've had two kids this is NOTHING :)

    It only takes your body 21 days to form a habit good or bad, so if you can work on forming good habits you'll be just fine! Again congratulations.. You truly are on the path to your new life.

    I'm 6 months post op and I would do this surgery again in a heartbeat.

  8. They're talking about things like eggs, tuna salad, refried beans, etc.. that you COULD swallow it without chewing but you would still want to chew it to break it up and make it basically slide through your band with ease.

  9. The band is supposed to ASSIST you with losing 2-3 lbs a week. 10lbs in 28 days is AWESOME! That puts you at the high end of losing for the month. Sounds like you're doing all of the right things if you've lost that much in a month.

    And you can have a cookie or two just not the whole dozen. Trying to omit things totally will set you up for failure. The band is a tool, use it wisely :) Best wishes!

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