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Stay in God's Presence~Win ALL the Battles you face in life!

:rolleyes:Well yes, Staying in God's Presence, that is the answer my friends. He helps us make all the important decisions in life if we will just rely on him and LET him help us.   The Word says that if we abide in the presence of God, He will defeat our enemies, and hide us in the day of trouble. God's attention is on us, but we must keep our attention on Him to enjoy the fullness of His presence in our lives. We must invite God to be involved in everything we do, and then remember to praise Him for His goodness.   And now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me; in His tent I will offer sacrifices and shouting of joy; I will sing praises of the Lord. Psalm 27:6   My lesson from this today has opened my eyes, I know that there is not a battle I can NOT win or you either if we stay in his presence.   I struggle with obesity! Even with the bands help, we need God's help everyday to live with this in our lives. People will try to sway you, your decisions, your efforts. There is jelousy to deal with, anger management, and we are impatient, but God is in our favor and in control. Praying for a peaceful day for all.:smile:




Went to bed Hungry!!!

:mad:I went to bed hungry and very dissatisfied.   There will be days when nothing agrees with you. Yesterday was my day.   I got out in the pouring rain, bought taco shells and came home to fix taco's for dinner.   I can usually eat something crunchy like the shell of the taco. Fixed myself one and could not eat it! So I ate the meat filling instead and a little tomato.   Waited awhile and drank some soda.   Felt good, went to bed, but back up at 3:30 AM it was a huge thunderstorm outside and my stomach was having one inside. I WAS HUNGRY!!   When my band gets tight, I sometimes have a cup of hot liquid, like tea or coffee. So I poured myself a cup of hot black coffee and enjoyed that, then I fixed three slices of bacon and two scrambled eggs! A big breakfast is NOT something I usually do. But today I am HUNGRY.   I am on the Adkins Diet with the high protein but with some added carbs. Trying to get back into ketosis this week. (fat-burning)   It is hard to get going again, but this is the week I AM going to DO IT. I so want these last 25 lbs OFF. I want 10 down by Christmas and the balance off by next March. My Anniversary is the 17th, St. Patricks Day! After this last 25lbs, I will look into the Tummy Tuck!   So I have a lot to look forward to! And to work towards as well.   This big breakfast should hold me for awhile today, if I can get it all to go down and stay down, if I overeat, I get sick. My tightness is just right, but I tend to keep eating when I am full, old habits die hard!!!   Hope you all are acheiving your goals and getting back on track if you are off. Remember to chew, chew, chew, about 30 times for meat, that is the culprit everytime for me! God Bless!:bored:




Another Gastric Bypass Friend has gained back 15 lbs!!!

I have two close friends who both had the Bypass surgery around 6-7 years ago. This was the same time I WAS considering it too.   They lost very quickly and stayed down for around two to three years. Both of them had vitamin defeciencies and health problems. I KNEW I did not want that! I watched one of them very closely, she and I are like sisters although we live about 130 miles apart.   She and I now wear the same size clothes! She is afraid that I will out lose her now cause she is gaining! Why? I did hear from someone or read it somewhere, that they will gain around 15 or so lbs back?!   She still looks awesome I might add! I still have around 20 something lbs I want to lose and hope to do it within this coming year. Started writing my foods down again daily. And I am getting started back with my exercise routine too so I am working hard for that last 20! Then I can get my Tummy Tuck and Boob Job!!!! Not too bad right now, so my hubby is balking on those extra surgerys but I will win this battle!!LOL This is for ME!!!!!!   Of course I will accept the Lord's Guidance in all these matters and we will see.   "The Lord says, "I will make you wise and show you where to go. I will guide you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8 NCV   God, I look to you for direction and counsel as I make important decisions in my life. Give me a listening ear to hear your voice and a heart that is quick to obey. Amen.   Hope you all are staying the course, keeping a journal and encouraging others along the way. :bored:




Dancing is Fun!!!AND great exercise, feeling Alive again!

:smile:WELL I went dancing over this past weekend and boy was it fun!!!!!   We celebrated with a friend her 60th Birthday Party, and had a blast. She is a breast cancer survivor and lost one of her breast already and the cancer has come back, so she is taking treatment again. Such a wonderful women and a great leader and motivator.   I am a Princess House consultant and she is our upline leader, I have known her and been in Princess House Products since 1999!!!   Well we always celebrate after every Rally and she is a Zone Leader and we danced the night away. We all dressed up in 60's attire on Sat. I was (and still am) an old hippie. It was nice to be in skinny jeans and a vest and an afro wig, and not in a Mama's and Papa's ~Mama's long dress covering up my bulges!!!!   I saw so many people from all over the deep south that I knew from my heavier days and they hugged me and told me how good I looked, and that is what I really needed to hear and gave me the motivation I needed to come back and get busy losing these last 20 or so lbs! I know it is the most difficult time of the year, but I can do it!!! Yes I can. And if you need Princess House Products and can't find a consultant, message me, I will give you an address online and e-mail to see the catalog, great Holiday specials RIGHT NOW!!!:smile2:




Lots of Traveling and it is Too Difficult to eat out anymore, I just can't!

:cursing: It just does not agree with me anymore. I just throw money away to try and eat out! Don't eat the bun, the frys or the soda that "Come" with the "DEAL"!   Paying high prices for meals I take home to the dog! I just noticed today and my husband said something to me that Su Su is getting "FAT"! He wanted to know what I have been feeding her???? OMG I am making this dog FAT eating the foods I CULL   She is going on a diet and the leftovers in the Garbage Disposal!!! LOL   There are so FEW places I can eat out, and I know exactly WHAT I can have there too. But tomorrow I am on the road again with a group of my friends traveling for another celebration and friends 60th BD Party. She has had breast cancer and it is back, we are dressing in 60's clothing and singing "My Girl" for her and giving her 60 Red Roses for our love!   She is special. I know I will "Brown bag" my lunch and get my protien shake in before I leave in the morning, just got to think ahead with the lapband that is all. Snacks I can have in the purse, check, protien powder in zip lock bags, check! Does anyone out there do what I do???? It helps to keep my weight in check, I am not losing any longer. Got to try to settle down and get back to my routine and diet and more exercise, got Disney out of the way, spent time on the road with my daughter and new granddaughter and now off with friends, So after this weekend, no more traveling till Thanksgiving!!!!   Then it will be Home Again, Home Again, Jigggety Jog!!!:thumbup:




Went to Disney~Playing with Grandchildren is so much FUN!

Losing these extra pounds is wonderful!   One of the things I wanted to accomplish is being able to get down and play with my grandchilden!   My oldest grandson Dylan just turned 7 and I took him to Disney World~all four parks in five days. We took one day off to swim in the pool and get in the hot tub and shop!   I was able to walk without giving out of breath, ride ALL the rides with him, even Splash Mountain and Mission Space, (although I can say I have been there~done that) which were very scary even for me.   I FIT in all the rides, did NOT have to have anyone PULL me out of them, Had a BLAST at 58! I just realized, that I FEEL YOUNGER!!! Taking off weight is Wonderful, no I have NOT lost 100 lbs, NOT met my personal weight loss goals yet, but I AM getting there with the help of the LapBand AND I am reaching the goals I set for my life changes and it feels good. I did not overeat on this trip, we bought groceries and cooked at the Condo, I took Crystal light for my water, snacks that I could have in my backpack, and it was all good. I did have a little of the Funnel Cakes and a Dole Pineapple soft serve as a VACATION TREAT! We had a great week. Then last night went out to eat in Destin/FWB at Fish Lipz on the Gulf of Mexico. I had the appetizer of Crab Cakes, they were so fresh and delicious, All I could eat! Drank water later, FULL! Everyone else had Ribeyes, Salads, potatoes loaded, I ate slow all went down and stayed down. $9.00, I was a cheap date, LOL Enjoyed food and friends we seldom see. I never knew how much fun is was to PLAY until NOW! Thanking God for the Band!:thumbup:




The Flu is going around~Lapband Patients Beware!

:eek:It freaks me out with the winter approaching. Catching a flu bug can be very dangerous.   I have been down with the flu for the past three days, and although I felt so bad, I never threw up. I was so afraid that I would start throwing up and not be able to stop. I did get sick to my stomach, and dizzy but fought the throwing up with all my might. Thankfully I had gotten a re-script on the nausea meds given to me by my Dr. before my cruise. I took one of them, let it dissolve on my tounge and it really helped.   Repeated vomitting can cause band slippage. So I recommend to all band patients to keep some anti-nausea meds close at hand! I lost over 4 1/2 lbs from this sickness, certainly NOT the way to take the weight off though! I could barely drag from the couch to the bed and DREADED having to get up to go to the bathroom. I think my resistance was down because of the work I did for the wedding of my daughter a week ago. I got TOO tired. We do have to keep a schedule, I have learned that and when we get off schedule, we PAY for it! Well I am on the mend to full recovery today. Back on track again and Praying that all goes well the rest of the week, today is my oldest grandsons birthday and I am scheduled to go to Disney this weekend with him, so maybe I will have the strength and they won't have to push me in a stroller! LOL Here's to a great day to all of you.:thumbup:




Proud Momma Today!

:rolleyes:Well I did do something right, I have one of the most beautiful daughters in the world. We have only got the sneak preview photos to add today from the wedding, (took over 1,500) and I will go broker (yes I said broke-er! LOL) buying them when we see them all. This guy is great. You can see his work at chrisvisualphoto.com   :thumbup::wub:[ATTACH]424[/ATTACH]   :wub:[ATTACH]425[/ATTACH]   :wub::wub:[ATTACH]426[/ATTACH]   Just click on the photo to enlarge them. The lighting he uses is fantastic.   You will see more with ME in them in a week or so. They are on a Honeymoon to Belgium and Germany at the present time, son-in-law is full German and still has relatives they will visit with while there. My baby is off to see the world and has the whole world ahead of her!:tt1:




I have survived!

:smile:Well I am back, the couple has Wed and I survived it all. It was a fairy tale come true wedding, complete with their own written vows which made us all cry! They are off on a trip to Belgium, and Germany for two weeks Honeymoon.   All that food and I ate so little, I was so proud of myself and the control I have now. So many compliments on how good I looked, I so loved it and just let it soak in! Can't wait to share the photos with all of you in a week or so!   I had one person come up to me and tell me that the band is what his wife is looking into and that seeing me made her mind up. 16 months almost post band and lovin it! Bless you all!:cursing:




Throwing up~~Again! Nerves?

:confused:I hope it is just a case of the jitters and or my nerves, I have had a very hard time keeping food down today, and I want to eat, cause I am HUNGRY!   I start burping and then here it comes! After this wedding, I am going in to the Dr. if it does not calm down.   The rehearsal was a hit, but the dinner was not, Spaghetti and meat sauce, Garlic Bread, Salad with all the trimmings, cheese cake, cookies brownies you name it, it was all there, could not eat at all, just drank some tea, finally I got a little cheese cake down to stay! Oh well, will try tomorrow, the wedding is Sunday, my daughter looked so radiant tonight, I took a ton of photos but was so sick and throwing up, did not realize I was not in one photo tonight!!   Praying for things to get better.:frown:




Crazy for Corn Chips???

:confused:Don't know why but I have been wanting to eat corn chips lately. I know I should not, but they just make me want them so bad, and they go down so easy!   Well one time I was Crazy for peanuts, just had to have them, and they went down fine. Now I eat raw Almonds, although they are rough on the teeth!   This is a crazy time for me, I have been adorning a wedding gown today for my daughter, just glued on Hundreds of Swarovski stones to the dress, it is absoultly georgous! She is going to be so beautiful, I have to try not to cry, but it is going to be a sad day as well due to the fact that my best friend her future Mother-in-law Rita passed away back this March with a massive heart attack and then two weeks later her future Father-in-law killed himself over it. Now my Son-in-law has no parents and this wedding is the only HAPPY event for him this year. He is such a good man, and we have known his family all our lives. Rita was 56 and Fred her husband 57. So very tragic. This is all she wanted was this wedding and grandchildren. She will be with us in spirit and every time I hold my grandchildren, I will hug them for her and Fred!   Pray that God will bless this union and make a happy day for our children, life is a circle that keeps going round and round, and how did I get here from these crazy corn chips?   Nite all.:confused:




Enjoy the Good Life!!!

:smile:A Good Life is a choice!!!! There are guidelines for a good life!!!! There is a world full of peace and joy for all of us. Blessings will chase you and find you wherever you are!!!   If you are a Christian and believe that is true, you believe what the Bible tells us and that there is a God Above watching over us! I DO!   The Bible contains guidelines for that good life! God has PREARRANGED and made ready a good life for you!   Psalm 4:7-8 You have put more joy and rejoicing in my heart than(they know) when their wheat and new wine have yielded abundantly. In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You, Lord, alone make me dwell in safety and confident trust.:confused:




Listed Under BEST BLOGS!! Thanks to all of YOU!

:smile:Well I was looking under BEST Blogs today and Found MYSELF on page 13! Did you know you could go back a read through older blogs from people who have had surgeries years ago?   That is what I was doing and found myself there too, thanks to all of YOU! And a lot of you guys are there too! This website is so helpful to me, I tell anyone who is interested in the lapband in the least bit, to log on to this site!   So far I have blogged 129 times with 388 comments! Check it out you could be there too!!!! Have a wonderful banded day!:confused::thumbup:




What is our Standard to Compare to?

:smile:One time I was comparing myself to the way I used to be, and I thought, I am not doing too badly.   Then God said to me, "But Who is your standard? How are you doing compared to Me?   I said, "Lord, I have a long way to go!"   Refuse to live beneath the standard that Jesus has set for you. Keep your eyes on Him and tell Him, "Many...are the wonderful works which You have done...no one can compare with You".(Psalm 40:5).     His intention was......that (we might arrive) at really mature manhood less than the standard height of Christ's own perfection), the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ and the completeness found in Him. Ephesians 4:12-13     I trust that all of you are having a wonderful Sunday today and finding time to be thankful for all that you have accomplished and how far you have come!




I love my life! Very happy today!

:smile:Life is Good. Look all around you and you have so much to be happy about!   Fall is in the air in Florida. I am 94 lbs or so lighter than I was last year this time. I am so happy today. I have a beautiful family with a beautiful daughter getting married in 12 days! Live is good.   My new dress fits and looks nice on. I don't feel FAT in it or trying to HIDE a part of my body I don't like!!! I love my life now, thanks to the band and the positive changes in my life, I am very happy today~oh wait did I say that Already????  




Upset Stomach is not good with the Band!

:eek:Up since 3 Am with an upset stomach! Not feeling good at all, can't sleep! I have been having a lot of digestive problems these past few days, and now this!   Going to call in tomorrow to see what I can take for it?   Any suggestions? Most meds don't swallow well anyway. But need to get back to normal soon, my daughters wedding is just 12 days away!!! :smile:




I sat on the Couch with TWO other people!!!

:thumbup:Well now. Last year only one other person could sit on the full size couch with me on it too, Comfortably that is! Tonight all my husbands relatives stopped by to see us and I actually scooted over so two people could sit on the couch with me!! 94 lbs does make a difference in the size of the couch. Going to get up early, only 15 days till my daughters wedding! Made about 400 buttermints and dotted them with tiny icing rosebuds and leaves for the wedding. I only ate a couple! They had to be tasted!!!! My granddaughter who is three had way too many! LOL Tomorrow morning I have to finish the hand sewing of the pearls on her dress. She is going to be a beautiful flower girl too. Tomorrow night, going to Destin, Florida with a best friend for a Vince Gill Concert!!! Yayyy! Not my Birthday or hers, just a break for these hard working girls. I have not been to a concert in years. It is at the Beach!! It was nice to fit in with my in-laws who were always so nice to me before to my face, but felt sorry for me being so FAT before, they never told me but I knew it! I hope my husband was proud! He FINALLY told me I look so good to him! This whole year I was fishing for that compliment from him, he matters the most to me, the love and support of my life. He said it two or three times. My head was swelled and my heart too! God Bless you all! Good Night!:smile:




Success? Does 10 Sizes smaller equal Success? I think so!!!

:biggrin:Big grin today, Wow I am amazed with this thing called a LapBand, now it really is not around your lap, or even around you stomach???At the top of the stomach just below the esophagus!!! But hey who cares??? It IS THERE, doing its job. Sometimes I don't like it~that is when I am stressed and food is not making its way down like I WANT it to! Probably should not eat those foods anyway. But it has worked a change in my life this past year. We are never satisfied are we? I wish this I wish that, I want to change this and that, but you know what? Success is not in the number of lbs you have lost or even in the number of inches you have shed or even the number of sizes you have reduced to~~True Success is being happy with who you are in the skin you are in and being healthy, I am all of these and more. Thank you Lord for showing me the way, sending me the means to pay for this wonderful LapBand Surgery! Life could not be better today! YAYYYYYYY! I pray for all of those just getting to work on having this surgery, just had the surgery or years past this surgery that you are happy and content and know that whatever or wherever you are along this journey, that you be Happy with life!:thumbup:




I found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

:smile: I found a dress to wear to my daughters wedding. I went shopping with my daughter today and I just found the most beautiful dress and jacket. It is a beige gown with a flowing a line skirt, JUST the right length, fits so well. My bust are TOO BIG! I had to get a size 14 (I think this came out of the Jr.s dept) and it is a little tight in the boob section, but hey! I guess I had rather have this problem that not have any thing in that dept. to fuss about! LOL   Anyway the bodice is heavily sequined and beaded and the sheer gorgette is light and airy and feels wonderful. So I am HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY again and I can now begin to move on to finishing this wedding planning!   Food is on the agenda, did a little shopping today, I made sure to add some of the foods that work well for me, some nice almonds instead of walnuts or peanuts or pecans for me, they are lower in carbs and I can have more of them, and they have NO Salt! We are having pork and beef k-bobs that are seasoned with cajun and asain sauces. Pure protein and easy to eat on a stick! Side dishes include green beans and fruit salsa, and texas cavier! All high fiber, low carb choices. I will have to steer clear of the Chocolate fountain! UGH and the Punch too, loaded with sugars. Wedding foods are so rich!!! I am taking some diet sunkist for my "Punch"! I may have a glass or two of Champaigne or Wine. The wine made here in our town is soooooooo good! Beach Breeze is my favorite!!!! So maybe a tiny bit of Beach Breeze for a daughters wedding will be just right!   God Bless you all on you efforts and successes this week.:thumbup:




So who Didn't watch the Season Premier of "The Biggest Loser"????

:frown:I was so sad for the ones who did not get picked to go to the RANCH! A lot of folks looked like they could use the help.   I tried not to feel sorry for anyone there, but I could not help it, I wanted to bleed for them. I am so grateful every time I watch that show for what I have now. I would not want life any other way. I admit I need to be exercising more now, that is a downfall of mine, but I know that the LapBand was a lifesaver for me. When I saw the girl talk about her brother who tried out for The Biggest Loser and he died five days later, that just woke me up.   We can not wait! I am so glad that I have shed nearly 100 lbs! I thank God every day that I made this decision. The facts that were quoted tonight about Metro Atlanta, out of all the deaths 1/3rd of them are related to heart attacks associated with obesity.   Boston was the next worst town! I guess they don't have the room for much gardening. When I visited Boston last year, I was so tired from walking and I just thought that folks from there would stay slim getting in all that walking everywhere!?   Well this is really going to be an interesting season, and it is so motivational. Makes me want to get on track and stay there and exercise more, I am gonna love Tuesday nights for awhile.:thumbup:




My dress didn't fit, but that's OK!

:eek:Not because I did not lose the weight, but because they made it WRONG! I feel so much better, it was only 5 inches off!   I don't think staying in the gym for two weeks would make any difference in the fit. 5 inches is a lot to reduce in a week, then it still would just fit!   So off shopping I go tomorrow! Looking for that perfect dress for the wedding.   It will be an experience! I plan to have a good day with my daughter. I love her so much! She has a lot to learn in life, but I hope she goes about life with an open mind, there is so much to soak in!   Still trying to get that protein in! Going to cook a steak and have dinner with my hubby!:thumbup:




Throwing up EVERYTHING I have eaten today???

:thumbup:Somedays I don't know what triggers it? I just can't eat well at all, not even drink well without throwing it all back up. I had to pull off the road today to let it out, and I had a friend with me, it was really embarrassing! Things that I normally do not have any trouble at all with are NOT staying down! I mean this one time today a wave of nausea came over me that I swear I was PREGNANT again, and that ain't EVER happening again! LOL Anyway, Back to the Protein Shake tomorrow and the water, then to soft food and we'll see. Why is it I can digest peanuts and popcorn when nothing else will stay down?:cool2:




Getting Excited about The Wedding Dress!

:smile:My dress will be here today or tomorrow hopefully!!!   I can't wait to try it on, it is beautiful! I hope that now with the weight loss it will be a wedding I will feel good about how I look! When my son got married I was in too few photos, and that is sad. But I dodged the camera, needless to say that was not fair to my son for his memories later on when I am no longer around. (which will be a long time!!!)   If it fits, I will take photos and post! Hope you all have a blessed day!:thumbup:




That doggone Crunch n Munch!

:eek:Well I was tempted and GAVE IN to it, with some Crunch n Munch last night. After a day with my girlfriend who is a small petite person who always eats anything she wants, the box of Crunch n Munch was purchased and SHARED on the way home from a road trip. It WAS delicious, but this morning I WILL NOT get on the scale. I bum myself out! Well I got up early this morning and began exercising and cleaning out my car, the trunk and next to wash it! It got too hot out right now, so I came in to Blog a bit. I am going to work off the doggone Crunch N Munch till it is GONE! LOL Don't do like me, don't give in to temptation! It is hard tho when the smell is right there in the front seat with you! God Bless Have a great sunday, going to take my daughters Boston Terrier "Socks" the first granddog home to my daughter who just had the Baby AVA! She will get to meet her new Sister today, I hope they will get along and Socks won't be too jealous~socks is 11 years old in human life! :wink:




Our newest Grandchild is here! Ava Born Yesterday!!!

:wink:[ATTACH]384[/ATTACH] Well she is here and Granny could not be prouder, our Miracle Granddaughter. We prayed 10 years for her and God is good! [ATTACH]383[/ATTACH] She is going to have copper colored hair like her Mom I hope. [ATTACH]385[/ATTACH] So contented. Babies are Gods way of saying the world will go on!:eek:



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