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I have survived!

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:smile:Well I am back, the couple has Wed and I survived it all. It was a fairy tale come true wedding, complete with their own written vows which made us all cry! They are off on a trip to Belgium, and Germany for two weeks Honeymoon.


All that food and I ate so little, I was so proud of myself and the control I have now. So many compliments on how good I looked, I so loved it and just let it soak in! Can't wait to share the photos with all of you in a week or so!


I had one person come up to me and tell me that the band is what his wife is looking into and that seeing me made her mind up. 16 months almost post band and lovin it! Bless you all!:cursing:

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Congratulations! Isn't is wonderful to have people tell you how great you look? and to know that it's true!

Can't wait to see pics!

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