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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by finallyncontrol

  1. welcome to the fun times!! If you cook for yourself it may be easier then if you are eating pre-packaged foods?? Also it depends how often you are eating...it is a fun game and making substitutes here and there. If you eat no more than 25-30 carbs per meal..so 75-90 carbs a day that is a good goal. Then you need to see how many carbs are in your snacks if you have up to 2 snacks a day...so that can add another 5-20 carbs per snack..so you need to be careful. A lot of people eat/drink large fruit smoothies but you have to remember fruit is nothing but carbs. I have fruit smoothies on days when I know the rest of my meals that day have lower carbs. I cook 99% of my meals so I know how my day is going to play out.

    Also, Amy has a very good point..tomorrow is a new day and new start! Do not beat yourself up!! This is such a huge thing that we are all doing! It will get easier and you will be like..ah ha I got it and then you will learn something else. You constantly learn with a band regardless if you were banded yesterday or a year ago or longer (I guess and hope to keep learning!!)

  2. Maggs that is beautiful picture!! First off you do not need a fill you need a slight unfill!! There is nothing wrong with you but stress!! Our bands do crazy things and stress can cause our bands to do the most craziest things. I hit my sweet spot for 7 months and was loving life...lost 60+ lbs with no problems..then in December I started having my period every two weeks for some odd reason and then my grandma passed away..and then BAM my band tightened like it never has..I couldn't eat two bites and I was starving. I only had 5ccs in a 10cc band and had to take 1cc out...so I lost a total of 130 lbs on 5ccs. Now with 4ccs in my band I am pretty wide open now that my stress level is back down.

    So I am so sorry to hear that Mark is going thru this!! I will be praying for him for a quicker recovery and his green card..you two need to be together!! Get a little taken out and your life will be so much better!!! Make better food choices and have them fill you up and then it might be not so tempting to eat the bad foods. I know when I am full then I am not so tempted.

    Take care and prayers are being sent your way!!!

  3. YEAH YOU!!! You sound wonderful!!! You sound more like my recovery!! I had surgery on Monday 11/23/09 (spending the night at the hospital) and then Thursday 11/26 I had 40 people at my house for Thanksgiving and no one could tell I even had surgery. Since then it has been really pretty good. I had one bad time and that was caused by one of my meds that made my potassium level to total bottom out and no one caught it until it was pretty much too late (had to stay in the hospital for 6 days) but the only way it was band related is that we need potassium or it will feel like you are having a heart attack and sometimes with the band you can be vitamin deficient. So you stay as positive as you are today and keep feeling amazing!!!!!

  4. Did your dr put you on a special diet after the fill? Mine always did 2 days liquid, 2 days protein shakes, 2 days puree, 2 days soft foods and then regular foods after EACH fill so it took a total of 7 days to adjust or allow the swelling to go down after each and every fill. Sometimes you know as soon as the fill is done that you cannot tolerate liquids and then you need some taken out. Every dr works differently but that is how my dr works so I knew when I hit my sweet spot and then didn't get any more fills actually until I hit my goal..only once did I get too much and had to have some taken out..that was when I knew the previous amount really was my sweet spot and should not have gotten any more put in. Yes, it is hard to figure all of this out and everyone is so different so you cannot compare everyone because what worked exactly for me may not work for you. I wish you the very best!!

  5. That is so awesome!! and as you said it your bean is the highest priority right now!!!! So many people are too afraid to gain weight but you really don't have to gain a ton! Keep using the tools you have already learned...it will be better for both of you and just think of the smoother delivery/recovery. Then as you said it breastfeeding does allow you to lose weight quicker!!!

    Very cool news!!!!

  6. It is your mind testing you and playing tricks on you!! This is a huge mental adventure that we have to go thru during the pre-op and then again once you are banded...most everyone says "why did I just do this to myself" right after surgery..it is your mind. You need to stay positive and keep focused on why started this process to begin with. Yes, I weighed myself each and every day (and still do). I got a huge high off watching that scale go down and it motivated me to continue that pre-op diet without cheating with no problems. I also was determined so shrink my liver to ensure that there would be no problems for the surgeon. I wanted to make sure that I was paving the best road possible for my recovery. The other thought I kept telling myself that if I cheated now that I was cheating myself out of a lifetime of being healthy, happy and able to do things I haven't been able to do in years. Coming on this site is perfect for what you did..we all are either where you are or already been there...so vent away!! I wish you the very best!

  7. Stick to your pre-op plan...mine was 3 shakes a day and nothing else!! So keep yourself busy doing anything and everything you can possibly think of that will take your mind off of food...clean out a closet, clean out your pantry...keeping only the good stuff, go grocery shopping for post op foods, stay online, WALK...walking is an excellent way to lose weight..walk the mall or your neighborhood (depending on where you live..you might be snowed in at the moment), stay focused on the big picture and remember that the more you shrink your liver the easier the surgery will be on the surgeon so the equates an easier recovery for you!!!

  8. I don't think you are doing anything to your band however soda does stretch it so I would stay away from that. As you know with the band it tightens and loosens due to many reasons...like your monthly cycle, stress and other things in our lives. We also know that taking and adding a minimal amount can change our band significantly...maybe you really only needed .15 taken out vs .25. I know I was doing fine after I hit my sweet spot at 5.0 in a 10cc band 4 months after being banded...hit my goal 7 months later (total of 130 lbs) and then 2 months later I started having my period every 2 weeks and my grandma passed away..I was little too tight and I really never quit losing since I hit my goal of losing 125 so my dr took out 1cc. So things do happen. I think maybe you should get .1 or .15 put back in..it doesn't sound like much but I know my band is very sensitive and maybe you are too? I wish you the very best!!! Take care!!

  9. That is a fantastic attitude!! Love it!! Just think after your fill it will come off even faster!! but keep in mind your philosophy is so correct..fast or slow..it is not going up!!! Always remember that!! And just as sapphire said mini goals are awesome...I lost my 130 lbs in 25 increments (well 4 25s and 1 30). If it is going slower than have your goals smaller...whatever it takes to make it rewarding.

  10. So happy everything went well for you!! The next six weeks can be up and down..just stay positive and you will be fine....this is time for you to focus on your healing and paving the road for your success. I wish you the very best on your journey!!

  11. Good luck with everything!! Also never say never!! Once you master this..you will learn moderation and portion control!!! I swear the only things I do not eat is ice cream and bread...ice cream doesn't like me and bread fills me up too much...but everything else I can eat but a couple of bites and I am done..so don't say never!! Make sure you walk as much as you can...keep on stylin..

  12. You are doing fabulous!! Pork is one of the harder ones to process especially for me!! It all depends on how it is cooked... for me it has to be perfectly cooked and extremely juicy. I do eat a lot of mashed potatoes so I will take a piece of the meat with a little bit of the potatoe at the same time..some times that helps it go down easier. Also, cooking it in a crock pot helps keep it moist as well. Keep up the excellent work!!

  13. I think everyone has pre-op jitters!! Just re-lax and everything will be fine! Think back to things that make you and your husband happy..plan some of those things..if it is movies great!! It could be that you take long walks together. I live near the beach so that is one of things we do, we also live near a really beautiful park so we walk thru there..a botanical garden..I think you are catching on..just beautiful things for us to do together outside. Then we have a beautiful (handsome) 3 yr old son who I can finally chase all day..so now I we spend all day outside in the yard playing, swimming or just doing anything we can think of.

    I know what you mean about date nights and meeting up with friends usually used to be "for dinner"...it is hard but you can be creative as well as even though you get banded that doesn't mean you don't eat again...you just chose more wisely!!

    Clothes fitting..well once I found the right size which I was shocked to find out I was actually a size 6..never thought I would get that small but I am and never felt better!! Anyway, once I found the right size..all my clothes fit great!! As I losing weight some things fit and some didn't but none were ever too tight anymore!!

    The chances of not surviving are so slim it is incredible!! Believe in your surgeon and have faith...with faith all with be right!!

    take care!

  14. Another thing to try is to have a protein shake in the mornings...I am not a breakfast person either but I know that protein is very important so I have a shake every morning knowing that I am starting my day off right.

    It does also sound like you are a little tight as well..taking a little out can do wonders!!

    I wish you the very best! Also you have done an amazing job losing the 130 lbs that is not an easy thing to do. Whatever motivated you to get there..whatever steps you took to do that..write them back down and take those steps again. Sometimes we have to start at the beginning again to see where we are missing those hidden calories or carbs or why are not able to eat. Good luck!

  15. First off you really cant compare because everyone loses weight at a different pace. I am a fast loser..I avg 3+ lbs a week or 13 lbs a month for a total of 130 lbs in 11 months..there was one month I didn't lose...well long story short I was in the hospital and gained 6 lbs and then had to lose those 6 lbs..changed my medication and I gained 9 lbs due to that change and had to lose those 9 lbs..so during that month I gained and lost 15 lbs...so I don't count that month in my equation. My doctors records show 13 lbs each month except the hospital/med change month and he shows a 1 lb weight loss that month.

    I have been maintaining this for the last 2 months now BUT please remember you should not compare...everyone loses at their own pace. I wish you the very best. Positive attitude's are key to success without that I would gain a pound..every time I got down..the scale went up..so I learned quickly to put a smile on my face and think positive!!

  16. Yeah I agree with MrsMustang..you are craving things you just cant have. Also, you need to make sure your head isn't playing tricks on you!! Make sure your belly is hungry before you eat unless it has been 4 hours. Taking your meds will get easier or you will just get used to it..not sure which it is. I know I am in the same boat. At first it took my a 1/2 hour to take my meds..finally I am down to a couple of minutes. Take care and keep up the great work!!

  17. You are AWESOME!!! Just seeing your snow makes me cold!! Your cat is way too funny!! I would be all over you dr..they should understand (but not sure they do) that it drives us insane when we can't get in when we WANT to get in!!! I hope you get in soon!! How is your book going..I am sure you have talked about it on your other blog..I want to be one of the first to get a copy that is for sure!!

    take care!!

  18. I use 1/2 cup of frozen fruit and 1/2 cup of Fuze Drink (slenderize only...all other Fuze has calories in it)..then add however much unflavored protein powder if needed. I get enough elsewhere so I don't add any but you could very easily. Change up the fruits and the drink flavors..it is wonderful!!

    My oatmeal...

    1/2 cup Quick One Minute Oatmeal

    1 Cup of water

    1/4 cup of raisins

    2 pkgs of sweet in low


    french vanilla coffee creamer (about the same you would put in one cup of coffee)

    mix oatmeal, water, raisins, sweet in low together...then spinkle cinnamon on it...microwave for 3 minutes. Pour a little bit of coffee creamer on it to cool/make it not so thick.

    This makes a tad bit more than one serving but not quite enough for 2.

    If you are in the puree stage...ANYTHING goes in the blender..just close your eyes if you have to to eat it! It all goes to the same place..you are just wanting to taste it! LOL

  19. You are already inspirational!! keep up the awesome attitude!! Love the 2 1/2 seminar at the hospital right before surgery!! Make sure the very minute they say you are able to get up and walk you stand up and start walking..the quicker you can get up and walk the faster your recovery will start! You can even ask if you can get up if you think you are ready and they haven't asked!! Keep us posted..they more you stay online and talk about it the better you will do (or at least I think so!! LOL). take care and keep on stylin'

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