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Potatoes Not Prozac!

So if you've read my last post I mentioned that I thought I had an addiction to sugar. Well I spoke with my weight loss therapist and she suggested I read the book Potatoes not Prozac! After getting about halfway through it, I knew it was right for me. Don't worry it follows the same eating plan as the band but it gives perspective to why we do the things we do and why even when we try all we can we don't lose weight. Check it out, I think you'll like it.





The past week I have consumed so much sugar its scary. I actually felt my body reacting to it as if I was in a trance or something. I mentioned it to my WLS therapist as I know my sugar consumption was sabatoging my efforts. With Easter approaching, I said I was going to go back on the liquid diet for a week prior to rid myself of the toxins and to get back to starting point. She felt I may not need to go back to liquids but that I should try a fast of refined sugars. I know, I know, I shouldn't have been eating them to begin with, but if I am going to do better, i have to be honest and I can honestly say I slipped back into my old habits with sugar. So today's my last hurrah. No I won't be binging but I consumed so much sugar that I cannot just stop otherwise I'll have a migraine like I did last weekend. So wish me luck. I will no doubt be blogging through this process as I know it will be a struggle.





Hello Everyone   i haven't been around much lately but I've still been keeping on. I had a follow up visit today with my surgeon who said I didn't need a fill, that I made good progress (no weight agined) but that I'd only lost 1lb since my last visit in November. I think that they're correct. I have been making horrible food choices. Chips, cookies and even soda when I want it. Yesterday I watched TLC's my 600lb life and i had a wakeup call. I don't want to be like that and I didn't have surgery to lose only 40lbs! I've still been active but I have to be more diligent about what I eat. I work out too hard not to receive the benefits! I feel like a failure even though they tell me I'm not. Its time to get back to work. Whose in it with me?!




Worse Day Yet & the Solution

Hello fellow Bandsters   Well let's see I haven't been around because life's been a whirlwind lately (see previous post) but I had to post about my worse day yet. After playing yo-yo with the same five pounds over the last five months, I went in and got a fill on Tuesday. I tried to stay on the liquid diet for the three days but with my active lifestyle it was very difficult so i ate a light dinner each night. Wed night I had catfish, no problems, and last night I had chicken and I didnt think there was a problem either. But then I woke up in the middle of the night for a bathroom run and while up I took a swig of juice and laid back down. Something was wrong the juice wasn't going down. I got up and made it to the bathroom before the juice came up. Being exhaused I just climed back into bed and continued sleeping.   Well today has been aweful! Everything that I've tried to eat/drink has come back up. I tried hot tea, came up. Cold tea, came up. A swig of Coca Cola, it came back up. Breakfast came up, lunch came up, snacks came up. So i hit up the site to see what suggestions were out there. I'd walked to work and on lunch and it wasn't helping. I tried jumping up and down and still no relief. Now mind you I'm not in pain but anything that goes down comes back up. I saw the post on women who experience tighter restriction during their menstrual periods, considered that to be the culprit but refused to continue to endure like this and didn't want to have any fluid taken out. Then i saw it. The post about papaya pills and pineapple juice (both enzymes). Off to the nearest store, a Walmart Express. To my relief they had pineapple juice. I started drinking as I walked back from the store and won't you believe it, it works! it works! it works! So if you ever experience the "stuck sensation" grab a bottle of Dole pineapple juice. 6oz is only 100 calories and its worth it!    




Life (heart health)

Good Morning All   I haven't been around lately because life has been moving really fast. I've done things in the last few months that I never thought I'd do prior to being banded. The "new me" was finally confident enough to leaev my job of 13 years for a better job with more opportunity at a new company. The change granted me a promotion, financial increase, and a whole new outlook on life. I also moved out of the suburbs into the city to further enhance my social life. Wish me luck as I am now a city girl open for new friends! I had my year out appointment and was disappointed by the numbers. the doctor said I'm good, but not great. At this rate it will take me 3 years to hit my goal instead of 2 and he said I've been at a plateau for the last 6 months so now I'm really watching my intake in attempts to break through the cycle. He said i probably could go for a fill but woudn't do it then becuase there was so much going on in my life that he didn't think it was a good idea. So now I'm back in the gym 4-5 days a week and walking on the weekends outside. I must say I enjoy walking on the lakefront so it doesn't seem like exercise.   While all that is good I relly want to talk today about heart health. 2 weeks ago today my mother went to the doctor to follow up on bronchitis. While there the doctors realized that her blood pressure was extremely high 225/160 even though she was medicated. The doctor couldn't get it down with a shot or pills so they took her to the hospital where it took three days to get her pressure to a normal range, then the test began. Thankfully the hospital wouldn't give up on figuring out what was causing her high readings. After several test they found she had a leaking heart valve and surgery was necessary to complete it. Once they were inside they found that a 2nd valve was 25% damaged as well. My mom's not a heavy woman and she doesn't drink, smoke or anything like that but the doctors said this occurred as a result of her having Rhuematc fever as a child. I'm sharing all this to say listen to your heart! When we reviewed my mom's symptoms the only thing we could say is she was often out of breathe after climbing stairs but we attributed it to the bronchitis. I thank God that they found it and was able to fix it. She has a long road of recovery before her but I'm certain she will make it. I asked my surgeon if this was heriditary and he said no and the best thing I could do for my heart was to lose the weight.   So in this weight loss journey keep moving its a win/win situation. Not only will you have a slimmer physiche but your heart will thank you!




Lap Band in the news

In case you haven't seen it, CNN is running an article on Corey Harrison of "Pawn Stars" who loss 115lbs in a year after getting the lap band. Check out the article:   http://www.cnn.com/2011/SHOWBIZ/TV/07/11/pawn.stars.corey.harrison.ppl/index.html?hpt=hp_t2




Behind the curve?

Good Morning fellow bandsters. I'm beginning to wonder if i'm falling behind the curve? My weight is going down. I'm actually going to schedule an appointment to see the surgeon for a fill. I know they think I'm at my sweet spot but I don't think so anymore. I am able to eat more and I'm able to eat breads again as well. I haven't gone in prior to now becuase so much has been going on. My sister's wedding, the Avon 2 day walk, and two other weddings. So now that things have calmed down we'll check in with the doc and see what he says. I was banded in September and have only lost about 45 pounds. Started off so great and have gone down to a trickle. I have been doing nothing but exercise as I prepared for the 2 day walk. I completed a 5K, did the 2 days (26 miles) amongst other exercises, but no weight loss!!! What's going on?





Hello All   Sorry I haven't been online for a while. To say my life has been busy would be an understatement. I'm writing today for suggestions. As many of you know I am gearing up for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in about a month. Tomorrow is a 10 mile training walk which got me to thinking...anyone have suggestions on what I should eat prior and during this walk (and the 39 to come) so I am full on the right foods and make it through?   Thanks!




Migraine Help!

Some please help me. I suffer from seasonal migraines thanks to swift changes in air pressure (sinus headaches). Prebanding I would take Excedrin MIgraine to get relief, but since being banded I was told to stay away from NSAID's which Excedrin happens to be. I've tried Sudafed, Sudefed PE, Sudafed Tripple action, but nothing is working. I've had a headache going on four days now with little relief, can anyone suggest an alternat medication that won't put me at risk for developing ulcers in my pouch?   Thanks




Sweet Spot & Post-Op Psycho-therapy

Good Evening All   I had an appointment earlier today to see my surgeon for a follow up. After talking about my experiences over the past weeks, I was told by the nurse practioner that I was finally at my sweet spot and she would not be adjusting my band anymore. I'd lost 5 pounds since my last visit and she said I was right on track. While the band advertises loosing 2lbs per week, she said in their office they typically see 1/2 to 1 lb per week and I was averaging over 1lb. I don't have to go back for a follow up for 6 months (my band anniversary) unless I feel I need to get in earlier. I must admit I am a little nervous about going on my own and not having those monthly appointments to make sure I'm on track, but then again its time to cut the apron strings. Besides I know I can always make an appointment if needed.   I must admit there has been a lot of other emotional issues that have arised since I've started losing the weight so i am looking to go see a therapist for post-op care. I'm sharing this just in case there's someone else who may be wondering if the emotions and "issues" they are dealing with are unique to them or maybe trying to ignore them; don't. If needed, get help dealing with the issues that made you obese in the first place or tool or not; you'll end up right back there.   Best Wishes to All!





I'm sorry I haven't been on but it's a very busy time right now. I received .5CCs at my last appt and man what a difference that little bit makes. I think I'm at my sweet spot. I can't eat much without vomiting becuase I'm too full. I also can't eat too fast or I'll vomit. Its really making me slow down and pay attention to my chewing and what I'm eating.   My weight isn't going down as much as I thought it would, but I must be slimming/toning becuase I keep getting compliments and folks keep asking me how much I've lost. I think its a side effect of all the exercising I've been doing so I'll take it as a positive and keep moving. I am happy to know that I am a standard size 18. I can pick up an 18 in a dress, pants what ever and know it will fit. I can't wait until I can say that about a 16 and then 14th. I know its coming.   Hopefully I'll be out of this plateau soon and the weight loss will resume. My nutritionist told me she thought i'd be a stair stepper. Someone who hangs around a certain weight for a while then go down all of a sudden. I think she may be right.




Another visit; another fill?

So I have another doctor's appointment today. My guess is they will give me a .5cc fill and I hope it helps. Last time the doctor wanted to give me 1.5cc but when I drank the water afterwards it came back up so they took out .5cc. Hopefully the fill works becuase I cannot seem to break through this plateau. I go up, I go down, I'm exercising non stop but I'm still not losing like I thought I would so we shall see what he says today...wish me luck.




Exercise tips

OK as most of you know I am training for the Avon 2 day walk in June. This past weekend I participated in my first training walk. It was indoors at a local outlet mall, and I must say, I am worn out! I had no idea that 4 times around this mall was 7 miles!. I thought I'd just drop this in as a tip. Most malls open early for walkers. Even if you can't make it during the week, its a great thing to do on the weekend. THis mall opened at 7 and I was out by 9 after 4 laps, a full hour before the mall opened. And best of all its free! You don't have to worry about your finess level or paying for a gym, there were people of all sizes, ages, and fitness levels walking. There was a couple walking with sticks for balance, an elderly gentleman walking with a shopping cart for balance, everybody goes at their own pace. Just some thing to consider!




I finally See it

OK so I've been kind of suffering from image distortion. I knew I'd loss over 30lbs but didn't really see it. Well I took a Zumba class and it was only five of us in there at the most so I had a pretty good view of the mirrorw. I caught a glimpse of myself and was suprised at the reflection looking back at me. I can honestly say that for the first time I saw what others have been seeing, I am slimming down. I know I have a ways to go, but I am counting this as a victory!




New Goal!

OK so since I'm on this journey to get myself healthier and to move forward in my life, I thought it was time to reach back and help others. I will be participating in the Avon 2 Day Walk for Breast Cancer. It will be a challenge to train for 39 miles in 2 days but I figured the training walks will help get me prepared for the big 2 day and keep me on my fitness goals (win/win). The only thing is I am required to raise over $1800 for the Avon Foundation, so forgive me for asking, but if you're able, please donate at my link below:   http://info.avonfoundation.org/site/TR/Walk/Chicago?px=5864757&pg=personal&fr_id=2030   There's a training walk this weekend for 7 miles so wish me luck. Its mall walking so at least I won't be cold!




Clothes are Tricky!

So here I am on my weight loss journey. I'm doing pretty good if I say so myself. I'm losing at a healthy weight and that's whats most important. I've learned to take the good comments and forget the bad. Yesterday at church someone said to me "every time I see you, you look good and gooder" I smiled and said thank you. Then today at work someone actually mentioned how big my clothes were and asked if i was looking weight. Again I smiled and said yes and thank you. Even though I think she was being snide, i took it in stride. I still don't know what clothes size I am though. I've had a lot of things taken in becuase when I go to the store, I buy the smaller size and its snug. The larger size is too big, I guess that means I'm in the middle. The Goodwill has become my location for transition clothes. You'll be suprised of the great finds. I actually got a Jones NY black pants suit for $9.50! It's perfect for work. OK I guess that's my only updates today. talk with you all soon.   Oh PS I signed up to walk in the Avon 2 Day walk for Breast Cancer here in Chicago. I hope some of my fellow bandsters are able to help me reach my fundraising goal of $1800. I'll post the site once I have my log on.    




Fill too tight

Hello All I'm sorry I haven't been online but it's been a busy couple of weeks. I went in today for another fill and the doctor was going to give me 1.5cc's. Afterwards they gave me some water to drink and it would not go down! I was sitting there talking to the nurse practitioner and I just felt aweful. All of a sudden the water came back up. Thankfully there was a sink in the room so I didn't get any on either of us. They took out 5ccs of saline so my fill ended up being only 1cc. They think i'm getting to my sweet spot so hopefully I'll be there soon.   I have a question. About how much weight do you loose in a week with the band on average?




Overeating and Vomitting

OK Sunday was my first experience with overeating and vomitting. I got up and had some broccoli, chicken, and cheese caserole for breaksfast. I started my day and left for Sunday school. On my way to church I thought I was still hungry so I stoped at White Castle and ordered two cheeseburgers. Given how small they were, i thought they would be the right amount. OMG in the short drive from the restaurant to my church I thought I was going to die. I only ate about half of one sandwhich and it felt so bad in my back and I was burping trying to make it go down, then all of a sudden up it came. NO food just acidic juices...it was not a pleasant experience...lessen learned: do not eat again unless its at least 3 to 4 hours later. its just not worth it!




1st Workout in New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I can say we are all blessed if we made it to the new year, so let's rejoice and be glad in it.   I had my first workout today of the New Year. The class was called Total Body Cardio and it was a series of 30 second intervals where we did everything from jogging in place, lunges, crunches, butterflies, squats, you name it we did it. It was a great class to get the juices flowing and my energy up. My instructor knows that I had the surgery and he asked how much weight i've lost and another girl in the class keepscomplimenting me that its coming off so like anything work having it takes hard work.   I also spent Saturday with a friend of mine that loves to cook. We went through a few cookbooks and made some healthy receipies. We made chicken enchallada caserole (sp), chicken chili, black eyed peas with navy beans and turkey, and I have more receipies to try on my own.   My resolution for this year is to be more consistent. Consistent in cooking my own meals, bringing lunch, and maintaining my workouts. Whose with me?!




3rd Fill

So I saw my surgeon today. He gave me another fill. This time only 1cc for a total of 5cc's. I told him of my frustrations. With all the exercise I do, and how I know I'm not eating no where how much I used too or as frequent, how is I'm not losing more weight? He said that I'm doing well, I've lost 30lbs, and reminded me that if it wasn't for the band,where would i be? I thought about it and agreed. He encouraged me to have more patience and to keep doing what i'm doing. They also took blood work to see where my protein levels are and my vitamin D and we'll go from there. I am proud to report my pressure is down a lot! Hopefully when I follow up with my primary care physician, i can be taken off of blood pressure pills all together.   What about you? Did your weight come off fast or slow? How soon after where your medications altered or eliminated?




Eating and Drinking

HI All   I have a question that I hope you don't think is too silly. I know we're not supposed to eat and drink. Wait 30 minutes after drinking to eat and 30 minutes after eating to drink again. Well I just had lunch and i soup and a half sandwich. It was a veggie soup with broth which made me wonder, is that the same as eating and drinking?   Thanks




Fish Oil

Good Morning All   I was wondering does anyone know of a fish oil pill that is small in size? I've been taking fish oil for three months prior to my banding, but now since having my 2nd fill, its a little harder to swallow the large pill. I'm looking for a smaller option.   Thanks!




2nd Fill & Support Group

Hello All Well last week was a busy one for me. On Wed I attended the local lap band support group sponsored by my surgeon's office and it was interesting. I met a young lady whose very close to her goal weight, even with a thyroid problem, and its taken her just about 2 year. With it being resolution time, i also met a lot of people who are still "considering" the band and were still weighing their options...all in all it was a good session. If you are not a part of a support group, you should consider joining one. We only meet once a month and its just for the band (bypass has their own session) the info and comraderie you obtain is great.   The next day I had my second fill. This one was done by the nurse practitioner and I must say she was much more gentle than the surgeon was. Heck I guess he's use to people being under anesthesia so he's rougher. Anyway I got 2 more cc's for a total of 4 in a 10cc band. I must say i can feel the difference. I don't know if I'm at my sweet spot or not, but I eat less and have to slow down. I was rushing on Sunday and took a few bites out of a McGriddle from McDonald's and the pain the ensued was scary. Once the food finally passed down, i threw the rest away and drank a protein shake for breakfast instead. What can I say its all a learning process.



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
