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A day in the life of a former fat girl!

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8 days post op

I have lost 18 lbs in the past 23 days and feel amazing still! I am really liking this new feeling! I am rocking it out with my band not even FILLED yet! I know I will probably get hit like a mac truck with the nasty hunger monster soon, but am enjoying my weight loss today! 286 lbs actually was on MY SCALE this morning! AMAZING!!! I haven't weighed that (less) since who knows when! I was always in the 300's or not budging below 290 when I was busy starving myself! Unlike now, I'm not even hungry. I am moving TO MUSHIES tomorrow! YEA!!! I'm going to have an egg white and green bean omelet for breakfast! Yep, you heard me or read that right, EGG WHITES AND GREEN BEAN OMELET! I have wanted BOTH of those things for about a week now, so I figured what the hell, I'm gonna have them together for the first time ever! I'm TOTALLY up for trying new and different ways of eating....starting tomorrow morning at 9 a.m.   I may be crazy, it might totally suck, but if it does, I'll throw it away and make myself a protein shake instead. I'm NOT CARING about wasting food anymore...those days are OVER! If I don't like it, or I'm full, it's going in the trash....no questions or comments or GUILT will be allowed! I'm gonna try new things, be a new person, and throwing out that old bad habit of not wanting to throw food away IS starting my first day of mushies....   Food, I need you in MODERATION ONLY!!! You are NOT my best friend, you do NOT make me FEEL BETTER, and you ARE NOT IN CONTROL of my life anymore...sorry! You have been replaced with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR MYSELF and my new best friend, the BAND...betta recognize....or in this case REALIZE!!!




5 days POST op!

Ok, so during my two week liquid diet I planned to log what was going on with me every day, but then my boyfriend ended up going to the hospital and I had such horrible sciatic pain I couldn't sit in this chair at my desk! It was horrible, BUT I made it to Feb 1st, SURGERY DAY and it was WAY EASY and turned out alot better than I thought it could ever be! My doc took out MOST of my gas before sewing me back up and I felt GREAT! The nurse in the recovery room asked me to rate my pain and I kid you not, (still can't believe it myself) I told her ZERO!!! I woke up sleepy, but really didn't feel a THING! I feltl like I was just in that pre op recliner kissing my boyfriend "good bye for now". I am also SO relieved that only after 2 nights home I was able to sleep on MY STOMACH last night!!! I have not taken pain meds since the day I left the hospital either! I just am tired, but since I took a week off of work, can take a nap whenever I want! I am starting to REALLY miss eating REAL food though, I get hungry but am easily able to curb it with a protein shake, but really want to eat YUMMY FOOD. Don't get me wrong, my protein shakes are delicious and healthy, but hopefully you know what I mean by REAL FOOD!   I go to see my doc (LOVE HIM) on Monday and am going to ask him if I can PLEASE (!!!) have mushies at least!!! I would give ANYTHING to be able to just eat HALF of a chicken breast, or lettuce salad or tuna fish sandwich...JUST HALF! I have learned my lesson with over eating! LOL   Anyway, I hope for all of you reading this that have not had surgery my story gives you hope that it won't be so bad. FOLLOW YOUR DOCTOR'S ORDERS and ASK HIM/HER TO REMOVE AS MUCH GAS AS POSSIBLE BEFORE STITCHING YOU ALL UP!   Also, I have lost 15 lbs in the past 16 days and FEEL AMAZING!!!! YAY ME!!!   Rock it out all the way banded!!!!




Day 5 of Pre-Op Liquid Diet

So, it's 7:26 p.m. and today has been a great day as far as food goes, but HORRIBLE as far as my life! I have sciatic pain that would kill a horse and I am so afraid that I will have to delay my surgery if this pain doesn't calm down! I REFUSE to allow that to happen though. My doctor said the first 3-4 days of my liquid diet would be the worst, so I'm not going backwards! I have made it successfully to day 5!!!   I have had a protein shake (28 g), chicken and stars soup (3 g), 1/2 of a protein bar (12 g), lite yogurt (8 g) and will have another protein shake before bed (28 g). Total protein for today 79 grams!   I am NOT hungry, and feel VERY confident in my ability to do this once I am banded because let's face it, my stomach is still HUGE right now and I'm not even starving!   I worked out for 20 minutes on my elliptical and did 30 minutes of stretching to help ease my sciatic nerve pain...it worked some!   My boyfriend is in the hospital right now struggling to keep any food down and has pneumonia...so today has NOT been a good emotional day, but I didn't feed my feelings and can just admit that I'm SAD....not hungry about it!




Day 4 of Pre-Op Liquid Diet

So, it's 9:19 p.m. and I am not hungry at all! I just enjoyed my last protein shake for the day and am happily finding out that my family likes them too! I was thinking that if my family will trade in the sugary cereals we normally eat for skim milk, banana, protein shakes that would be SO AWESOME! That is definitely a start to my whole family getting healthy with me, and if you compare the cost of cereal to protein powder, I believe we would be saving money AND CALORIES!!! I can just see it now, each person have a hand mixer making their own breakfast! WOO HOO!   I'm actually going to invest in two hand mixers in order to be able to make a shake in the kitchen without disturbing the people that will be asleep in the future. I can DEFINITELY live with having these yummy protein shakes for the rest of my life! They fill me up for 4-5 hours too! I feel so happy knowing they are under 500 calories, good for me, and keep me full for a long time!   I had a protein shake w/ banana and skim milk for breakfast (28 g), tomato soup for lunch (3 g), lite yogurt (8 g) and 1/2 protein bar (12 g) for snack, and a protein shake (28 g) for supper. I also had 64 ounces of water today! Total protein intake for day four...79 grams!   I am going to bed feeling satisfied and like I CAN do this!   ONE PROBLEM! I am having SEVERE sciatic nerve pain and am so scared that if this doesn't get better it could delay my surgery! NO!!! That will NOT happen!!! (I hope!)   Please pray for me that my back/nerve gets better before I have surgery!




Day 3 of Pre-Op Liquid Diet

I had my pre op class and labs done today. I also attended my last weapons class for the bariatric center's requirement before surgery. I am OFFICIALLY DONE with all of the pre req "dr" stuff, except for having a visit with my primary care doctor next Friday to go over last minute things before the BIG DAY! I am SOOO EXCITED for this surgery! I have lost 6 lbs in 3 days of being on this liquid (no solids) diet and I feel great. I am having some issues with what I believe is my sciatic nerve, but hope that will get better over the next couple of days with the anti inflammatory and muscle relaxers I'm now taking.   Anyway, this post is about my diet, not about other issues, so today was HORRIBLE as far as my hunger goes, OK, maybe I'm exaggerating a tad! I was hungry today, like hungry where you want to eat televison commmercials and I had to stop myself from "dreaming" about a double quarter pounder. I even went as far as to talk to my boyfried about how I wanted to have a steak and steak fries. I don't even like steak! LOL! I did have a cup of beef broth and IT WAS AMAZING!!! I even had my son try some and he ended up getting a cup of it too! It was cute! I was so hungry today only because I had to fast all the way through both bariatric classes, labs, AND glucose testing. They made me drink this NASTY orange syrupy stuff, WAIT TWO HOURS SITTING NEXT TO A PLATE OF GIANT COOKIES IN THE LOBBY (!!!), only to find out that I wasn't lying about NOT being diabetic! My blood sugar was 94! Come on people!   I got up at 5:00 a.m. for my two hour drive to the hospital/bariatric center and I was FINALLY allowed to "eat" at 1:40 p.m.!!! I had a chocolate protein shake (25 g), 1/2 of a protein bar (7.5 g), lite yogurt (8 g), cream of broccoli soup (3 g), a cup of beef broth, and a banana protein shake (30 g) to fuel my body. I only drank 30 ounces of water today due to getting a late start...   Although between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. I was really hungry for "real food" I managed and am happy to say I leave you this evening at 10:42 p.m. with a satisfied feeling!   Day four, here I come and I'm SIX POUNDS LIGHTER!!! Watch out now, skinny chic comin' at cha! LOL        




Day two of Pre-Op Diet

So today I had a great day of eating NOTHING! LOL!!! I wanted to feed my emotions a giant cheeseburger and fries, with a side of chicken strips from the local Casey's store! BUT I didn't! I am proud of myself for staying strong! My boyfriend got admitted into the hospital right before I went to work today to work 13 long hours! He's ok though, just needed to get hydrated and his blood sugar back to normal. I'll be sleeping along tonight   So I had a protein shake w/ banana for breakfast around 10 a.m., another one for supper around 5 p.m., and a yogurt, and some sugar free jello around 9:30 p.m. My tummy is growling, but I'm not hungry, just a tad gassy, it's weird. I didn't get a workout in today, but feel good about eating liquids only. OH! I also had 64 ounces of water both days and a YUCKY flinstones chewable multivitamin UCKY!!!   So, I have my pre op class tomorrow as well as my last required diet/nutrition class. I'm SO HAPPY there is no snow in the forecast and I pray it stays that way!!! My 2 hour drive there and 2 hour drive back already causes me much anxiety without the snow! I will have my panick attack med on hand in case I need it, but really pray I don't!!!   Anyway, thanks for reading about my day and DAY THREE HERE I COME!!!!   I'll be in classes until 10:30 at the hospital and then have to have labs drawn FASTING, so I won't get my first liquids/food until around 11 tomorrow! That's gonna be tough! Leaving my house at 6 a.m. for dr appts/classes and not being able to eat/drink anything until 11 a.m. and THEN when I can, it can only be LIQUIDS!??? WTF! LOL,   I'll get it done though.... I have to!   Good night all!




Day one of Pre-Op (Liquid) Diet

Ok, so I had a protein shake for breakfast, a protein shake blended with a banana for lunch, lite yogurt and 1/2 of a protein bar for a snack, before ending my day of eating with tomato soup and sugar free cherry jello for supper! I work as a counselor at a residential treatment center so the kids and my co-worker had HOMEMADE lasagna, green beans, and the EVER SO WONDERFUL garlic bread! Talk about torture, BUT I MADE IT!!!   I'm proud of myself and actually was only hungry once today and a little now, but am going to bed soon, so I'm not eating anything else. OH! I also worked out for 25 minutes on my elliptical before going to work today! It felt AMAZING! I LOVE to work out, even though I'm fat! IMAGINE how it will feel to work out when I'm smaller!   I'm excited/nervous for my banding, but really want to get these two weeks of one last DIET out of the way! This diet would NEVER work for long term...once you've realized diets don't work, it's almost embarrassing to have to tell someone your on one!!!   So, anyway, that was my day. Off to sleep now!   Night everyone!



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