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  1. 2 points


    The thought of my protein shakes and electrolytes makes me sick. Even just looking at them. I know I need to get my protein in as well as liquids but idk how. I can tolerate brother and water but I get nauseous just thinking of protein shakes.
  2. 2 points

    Food Before and After Photos

    Am jealous @GreenTealael. My grocery store no longer stocks the dukkah I really liked. Had a good balance of cumin, thyme & pistachios. So frustrating. This is my last box. Waaah!
  3. 1 point

    Energy post-surgery

    I was tired the 1st few weeks but that is to be expected after what my body just went through plus not eating very much those weeks too. But after my body adjusted to all of it I had more energy then I knew what to do with! Everyone is gonna be different & don’t NOT get the surgery because of what anyone says. Just make sure to follow your Drs instructions, you will find those very a lot too!
  4. 1 point
    The Greater Fool

    Portion size

    First, there is no amount of weight one "should" lose by now. Everyone is different. If you are on plan you are doing great. Focus on your plan not on your scale. Get rid of your scale, it will make like much easier. On to plan. Again, each of our plans are different. Some are better or worse but it's probably more important to learn the discipline of following a plan than the particulars of the plan. By 3 months I was at my "forever" plan, which was 3 meals per day consisting of 3oz protein, 1oz veggies. I can't always manage the whole meal. If I can't get past one or two bites I may try again in an hour or so. I dump on sugar and fats, so I learned pretty quickly to avoid those. Otherwise I could eat anything. Some foods, like most snack foods, anything potato, I could eat easily and in volume. For the first two or three years I avoided such foods completely until I could master moderation, which for me was a new concept. Surgery doesn't deal with 100% of our issues. What goes into our mouths is still a choice. @liveaboard15 I've commented before that your pictured food would be a perfect meal and it looks delicious. The great aspect of them is that even if one is eating the chicken (as an example) for 4 or 5 meals in a row, adding and changing the sauce can still create quite a variety of flavors. BBQ, Asian, Italian, Italian, Curry... Yum. Good luck, Tek
  5. 1 point

    Portion size

    Yes, you should be eating more than 2 tablespoons at three months. Best to check with your dietician though to be sure as plans & your needs do differ. I was told start with 1/4 - 1/3 cup slowly increasing to a cup as I was able which I reached at around my 6 month mark but it did depend upon what I was eating. I was barely eating 900 calories at that point. Remember not every portion is the same & calories & nutritional content play a part too as well as the density of the food. Oh & 30lbs is a good amount to have lost by three months. I’d lost about 33lbs at three months & my surgeon was very happy. So you’re doing well. Congrats.
  6. 1 point

    3.5 weeks PO Gastric Sleeve DUMPING?!

    I have eaten eggs multiple times before this episode without any issue whatsoever. I spoke with the surgeon's office and they said its definitely dumping and that food is going to be trial and error for a while, which is scary as heck.
  7. 1 point

    3 months post op and I'm done.

    Happy that you made the choice to have WLS. I'm going to give you a different way of looking at this. LOTS of people (meeee) have body dysmorphia. Crazy but when i was 232lbs (5'2") and i looked in the mirror.... I didn't see 232lbs. I saw what was in my head. In fact I decided to have WLS (lapband) when I saw a picture and didn't know it was me.... the feeling was awful.......... fast forward...... 143lbs (lapband) and all I saw in the mirror was the fat girl............ fast forward....... 2+ years after lapband removed 173lbs I didn't see how terrible I looked again............ Sleeved at 173lbs and now i'm at 125-129 and I still don't see the person everyone else sees in the mirror...... I got down to 120 and i got a lot of "your soooo skinny". It's crazy how the mind plays trick on us...... and yes i'm in therapy. So she probably doesn't see what you saw.
  8. 1 point

    3 months post op and I'm done.

    i dont think it is fair to cast your own opinion or feeling of contentness onto her.. both of you have different outlooks and thats okay - you shouldnt shame her for it.
  9. 1 point


    I really struggled during my 2nd week. I did something that I'm not proud of (chew & spit) because I found my liquid & puree stage to be very difficult. All I wanted was REAL food. However once I was able to switch to soft foods those thoughts started to go away & I felt much more content with what I was eating. the soft food stage brought back the normalcy I needed. I hope that helps you too. Just keep pushing!
  10. 1 point

    lean muscle mass building

    It's really hard for women to bulk up lifting weights. Doing more reps at lower weights pretty much guarantees you'll just firm up and feel and look better. Lifting weight burns calories more efficiently than cardio and doing both works best provides the best health result like preventing bone loss.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
