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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2019 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Weight last bump

    Stalls are a normal part of the process, even though we hate it and we may be doing everything right with exercise, water, protein, and calories. They still happen. Don't let it worry you.
  2. 2 points
    Thank you :-) So empathise! Had another one I didn’t give in to the previous week. Drove myself to central Newcastle for a specialist appointment. Wasn’t without tension finding it, parking and getting done what I had to get done and really felt I deserved a ‘reward’. In my consultancy road warrior days used to regularly treat stuff picked up from service stations as somehow lesser calories cos I didn’t have much choice of places to grab food. So nearly swung into the McDonald’s that day, but pictured the nutrition charts and swigged down the drink instead. Starting to trust myself more :-)
  3. 1 point

    Scale weirdness

    Does anybody know why the stall and how do you get out of it. The first two months I lost 34 pounds and now for two weeks have lost nothing. They did move me to a full diet introducing 1 food at a time, but I have not been interested in trying anything yet, so I am not doing anything different just can't loose any more. This is so frustrating!!!
  4. 1 point

    Stuck food

    As long as it dissolves the jerky and not you. Remember the kids song " I Knew an Old Lady who swallowed a Fly" Sounds a little like it. But I hope things work out. before you need to go the E.R., mine would give me no chance to explain, cha cha cha!
  5. 1 point


    It is awful but it will pass, 2 or 3 days of pain for a lifetime of losing weight!!! Sign me up I’ll take it!!!! Good luck to you
  6. 1 point

    Onederland, 5 yrs ago. Now...

    I'm sorry you have had such emotional upheaval in your life. ((hugs)) But with all due respect, you and I both know that your reply is steeping in a very large, very hot, steaming cup of rationalization. ((hugs)) Life happens. That's the bottom line. Our resources get taxed. We become emotionally, spiritually, and possibly nutritionally "overdrawn." But here's where the logic error happens: If A>C, and B>C, then A+B>C By this logic, NO ONE would ever maintain their weight loss from WLS because we would all succumb to the stress and inevitably revert to recidivism and the old behaviors that caused us to get fat in the first place. But the reality is that although it often feels like a Herculean task, we CAN change our bodies, minds, spirits and become empowered for those times when we are beset with LIFE. Right? So A+B is not always > than C. But it doesn't happen passively. And as I said above, WLS isn't a passive experience (unless you want to eat and lose as much as you're gonna lose from the surgery alone, then after 3-5 years when life intrudes and diet fatigue takes root, and the poor habits of a lifetime begin again, you just passively allow the regain to occur. We all must devote as much or more time to doing the head work on our inner fat brain. Cuz seriously. Once we have a fat brain, we always have a fat brain. We're simply travel in and out of remission. Right? It's understanding THAT premise, and embracing it, that allows me to work on making deeply ingrained changes in my thinking, emotions, behaviors, with food and in minding those things, it truly allows me to refill my spirit and recharge my mind and energy stores. But we first must START by accepting the premise and stop the rationalizing. Glad you've lost the 2# it's a great start and can't help but give motivation!!!! Woooot!!! WTG!!! Keep doing what you're now doing and you will see how quickly you can regain control and lose the extra fat!!!! Yay!!!
  7. 1 point

    6 Months update!

    Amen, sister! I pray every day for God to let me to continue to lose weight and be healthy and I thank him for getting me through surgery with no complications.
  8. 1 point

    Surgery release question

    I haven’t met the surgeon yet. Getting ahead of myself I guess. I’ll meet him in 3 weeks which seems like forever since I’ve wanted this done over 20 years ago. My insurance covers it finally!!
  9. 1 point

    Today is the big day

    Heyyyy everyone! Today is my surgery day. I am currently in the pre-op waiting area. Got my IV in and took pain medication. Waiting for my drugs and then off to the operating table. A little nervous but I'm sooooo ready!!!! Let's do this
  10. 1 point

    Wish you had known before?

    I'm a month out from WLS. I wish someone had told me that will still like candy and salty/fatty things and not to cheat ever or it's all going to be for naught. I didn't spend $14K for a new life just to ruin it again. You'll still need just as much discipline to break head hunger and breaking bad habits as you did before. I don't even want a snack sometimes, but I'm still standing in front of the refrigerator staring into the shelves looking for something that I don't need or want. It's very hard to get past that....VERY HARD...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
