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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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12/7/09 - 1 week down, 6 more to go!

Thats right, I just finished 1 week of my exercise plan and eating right! And I've stayed off the scales for an entire week. This in itself is hard for me to believe because I'm a total scale whore. I usually weight at least 2 to 10 times a day. And I haven't weighed once all week!   I'm not going to weigh until 12/14 - I will also measure to see if I've made some progress in the past two weeks.   Here is a recap of my week:   11/30 - 60 min of cardio and 60 min of strength training (lower body)   12/01 - 5 am cardio - HIIT 45 min   12/02 - 60 min of cardio and 60 min of strength training (upper body)   12/03 - 5 am cardio - HIIT 45 min   12/04 - 5 an cardio - HIIT 45 min   12/05 - 60 min of cardio and 60 min of strengh training (lower body)   12/06 - "Free Day"   I ate clean all week, Sunday is my cheat day or what I call a "free day". If I want a cookie I can have it, but just one, and I don't count my calories, I don't exercise - I try and make good choices, but I'm not obsessed about it. I am happy to say, I did good, even on Sunday!   Now my week 2 begins! I'm trying to do this plan until my 3 year band anniversary - 1/18/10. I want to be at goal, or close to goal by then. I'm tired of teeter tottering around the same freaken 10 lbs!   I am so proud of myself for sticking to my plan this past week, its got me motivated to continue with this plan. It also helps that I've had a buddy. I know I can't turn the alarm off at 5 am and go back to sleep because she is waiting on me. So, as much as I hate to do it, I get up and head to the gym! 3 days a week its 5 am and 3 days a week its evening or late afternoon.   I think my biggest fear is to step ont the scales on 12/14 and not see any results. It could happen, but I do feel my clothes fitting better, so hopefully my measurements will show a loss.   Okay, I'm ready to hit week two!





Well, I am doing pretty good now on the WW plan. I think the band and the ww plan go hand in hand. I am eating bandster size portions pretty much and eating healthy food. Going to the WW meetings is keeping me accountable. Its something that I need right now, and Its working for me.   I did lose 3.6 lbs according to the ww scales. Now, I do weigh with clothes on at the WW meeting, but at home, I weigh naked and first thing in the morning, so I'm always lower at home than at the meetings.   But according to the WW scales on Monday night, I weighed 172. I'm still up .4 lbs since joining WW. However, this week is the turning point! I can tell I'm starting to shrink and by my scales this morning, I've lost another 2 lbs! Yay.   I did go exercise last night, and I go to the doc tomorrow and hopefully I will get released to get back to exercising. I just got on the elliptical machine last night and took it easy for about 35 min. I'm ready to strength train and really work out hard, but I have been holding off until my 6 week post op check up. I don't want to cause any problems, and I've talked to too many woman who have had the hysterectomy who tell me to LISTEN to the doc, so I'm following their advice.   Anyhow, I'm doing good with the WW plan and so far enjoying it and hopeing it helps me lose the last 20 freaken pounds!   Wt this morning 167.5   Exercise - plan on hitting the gym for another 30 to 40 minutes tonight:thumbup:





Okay - didn't make it to the gym.....too much going on last night. I will say, last night was a beneficial meeting and I think we can progress form here.   I plan on going to the gym tonight, ABSOLUTELY NO exceptions!!!!   I stepped on the scale this morning and saw another drop so I was quite pleased by that.   Menu today:   Weight Wise Oatmeal   snack a few pretzles TBSP hummus   Lunch Slice of my Low Fat Meatloaf green beans   Snack Low Carb yogurt a handfull of granola thrown in   Dinner grilled talapia baby spinach   WT - 163.8




NOt sure about this fill

Okay - I just knew this was going to be the right fill. I do seem to get full quicker. However, I just don't feel it? I know, I should just be happy that I eat less.   In the past it has taken a few weeks for my fill to really kick in, so I'm hoping that will happen.   I'm very hopeful it will work, but I'm also scared this fill doesn't work. I'm running out of room for any further fills.   So, I'm not going to give up.   I had weight wise oatmeal this morning, only ate about 1/2 of it.   Lunch Tomatoe soup   Dinner Protein shake, maybe some smashed up beans I made too.   Exercise - 10:00 am 15 min on elliptical machine 3:00 pm - 15 min on elliptical machine




10/22/09 - I shouldn't be so nice!

Well, last night my sons gf came over, she wanted to cook for us. I let her too. :huh2:   So anyhow, she grilled steaks, baked potatoes and made a salad. I measured my steak out (3 oz) and filled the other half of my plate with salad - skipped the potatoe. Anyhow, I couldn't eat it all, got too full, but then she made dessert.   Okay, I thought, I'll just eat 1 cookie, after all, I wanted to be nice after all, she went thru all this trouble. Well, 1 cookie turned into 3. Later that evening I decided let me see how many calories and points a cookie is.   HOLY CRAP, 170 cal each and 4 weight watcher points each! I blew my entire day with 3 freaken cookies. And to tell you the truth, they were not that great! Oh they were good, but not good enough to blow my entire day on.   Lesson learned, I shouldn't be that nice! I should have let my son and the rest of my family dig into them and I should have grabbed my SF jello cup!   So, this morning, scale was not that kind - shows I'm up 1.3 lbs.   Wt 164.9 (yesterday was 163.6)   Today is a new day, and I will not be that nice again! I've got to remember the three little words "No thank you".   Exercise   3:00 pm - 20 min elliptical 8:00 pm - 1 hour circuit training/stretching





Wt 180.3 - its going down!!!!! I'm drinking my water!!!!   I was in a lot of pain yesterday, and turns out a I have a bladder infection, so I need to keep drinking my water. I hate getting old, I swear, I feel like my body is falling apart. My back hurts so bad, my kneck, my knee, grrrrrr. I want to have the energy I used to have. It wears me out just to clean my house anymore. I know the more weight I lose, the better I will feel. That should motivate me to continue my journey.   Menu today   Bfast 2 boiled eggs, 2 thin bacons with mustard & mayo mixed in together. Made a bacon/egg salad. good   Mid-morning coffee w/cream   Lunch tuna - mustard celery stick   Dinner grilled




6/11/09 - Day 4 of 84 day challenge

OMG, shoot me now and put me out of my pain!!!! That's exactly how I feel, my butt hurts so bad, it hurts to sit, it hurts to walk, I'm in so much pain.   Those lunges yesterday did me in for sure! I had such a great lower body workout yesterday, but I sure feel it today. Ouch, I'm hurting!   But, onward we go with the challenge, I will not quit, I will not stop, I'm going all the way to the end!   Today:   Menu Bfast - protein shake, added a TBSP of peanut butter to it   M2 - peach, string cheese   M3 - hummus, carrtos   M4 - salad, grilled chicken   M5 - turkey chilli,veggies   M6 - WW ice cream bar   Exercise - Cardio, HIIT,   Wt - didn't weigh   Notes - I'm sooooooooooo sore! :crying:





I made it to the gym last night! Yay! HOWEVER, did not make it up this morning. grrrr. Still working on it, but not there yet.   My plans today:   10 am - 20 min on elliptical   3:00 pm - 20 mim on elliptical   No exercise tonight - going to a meeting and home to bed.   wt - 169.8





I have a headache like no other today. Its the kind that makes your entire body ache. I have a lot of neck problems that are the result of a rear end pile up (I was the first car, and then 4 others smashed into me), so I had bad whiplash. Well that was about 7 years ago, and it has come back and really bothers me. I've been seeing an upper cervical specialist, they are a little different than the regular chiopracters, (sp?), His office is closed on Tuesday's & Thursdays, so I am dying this morning. I really need to get in to see him to have my neck adjusted. I think that is what is causing my headache. It starts at the back of my neck and shoots all the way up and around to my temple, it even goes down to my shoulders.   Anyhow, I managed to stay off the scales this morning, a big accomplishment for me. I am trying to go until next Monday before I weigh. Or at least wait a few days. I am too obsessed with those scales, we have a love/hate relationship. lol.   My menu today:   Bfast   sugar free frozen big train with extra shot of expresso (I needed the caffeine today)   Lunch Ground lean beef with salsa, broccoli   Dinner 1 cup of bean soup with some lean ham - thick soup   Suppliemnts - multi vitamin, Quickslim 30   Exercise - hmmm, need to do it, but not sure if I will today.





Menu   Bfast - 2 slices of bacon, 1 boiled egg   Lunch - 1/2 of multi grain tortia wrap, filled it with baked chicken, mustard and fresh spinach leaves. very filling.   Snack - Fresh strawberries   Dinner - Spinach salad with strawberries, grilled chicken, sunflower seeds, and balsmic dressing (just a little)   Exercise - am Elliptical 20 min HIIT 3:00 pm - elliptical machine 15 min 9:00 pm - Gym, did 45 min of circuit training, worked entire body out Wt - This morning 181.4 - it is moving down, but soooo slow.




6/10/09 - Day 3 of 84 day challenge

So far I've stuck to my plan. Now, I'm only on day 3, but hey, I'm still proud of myself. :crying:   I'm soooo sore today from my upper body workout on Monday, but I do a lower body workout today, so shouldn't be a problem.   I'm already seeing changes, I know it sounds impossible, but I really feel skinnier, even if the scales haven't moved much. So I know that I'm building muscle and working off some fat!   Today's plan:   M1 - yogurt mixed with cottage cheese   M2 - hummus, veggies   M3 - stuffed bell pepper (only 1/2), edamame beans, cantelope   M4 - peach, string cheese   M5 - 3 oz chicken breast, spinach   Snack - WW ice cream bar (I'm addicted to these and they are only 2 pts!)   Exercise - Lower Body workout   Wt 160.7 - grrrrr up from 159, but I'm okay, my body does that quite often. I drop, then bounce back up, then drop again a few more pounds. So I'm not upset at all.:frown:




Maximum results from Telly

How to Lose 22lbs or 10kgs in 28 Days Without Starving or Training Like an Olympic Athlete!' By Stephen Smith BSc   If you seriously want to lose 22lbs or 10 kilograms in 28 days then you must perform all of the principles exactly as recommended. Unlike the recommendations in my book, ‘Look good, feel great!', where you can pick the principles you want to use and ignore the rest and where you can even modify the principles to suit your lifestyle, these principles must be followed exactly as they are outlined. If you want extraordinary results, then you must be willing to put in an extraordinary effort!   I realise that some people may be thinking, ‘But it is impossible to lose 10 kilograms of fat in a month!' I agree- it is! However, the truth is, it is impossible to only lose fat on any type of weight-loss program. You will always lose a combination of fat, water, stored carbohydrate and some muscle.   Furthermore, most people who want to lose 10 kilograms in the first place are generally retaining excess fluid anyway, so a system that helps get rid of the excess fluid is certainly going to accelerate their results.   Perform 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise morning and night. Yes, you read that correctly, morning and night- 2 sessions a day… every day! No excuses. We're all busy, we all feel tired some mornings, but if you're serious about getting amazing results, then you must be willing to do everything necessary.   When we talk about aerobic exercise, we're talking about exercise! Not walking around the shops, doing the gardening or doing housework. It must be exercise, which means your breathing rate increases, your face goes red, you sweat, you get tired- simple!   Some examples of aerobic exercise include: walking (pounding the pavement at a brisk pace- not dawdling), cycling (stationary bike is ideal), swimming, rowing, stepper, cross-trainer, aerobic classes, boxing, etc.   Use ‘thermogenics'.   There are several very effective thermogenic supplementson the market that can accelerate your progress towards your goal. Those containing caffeine, green tea extracts and an extract from a plant called coleus forskohlii are the most effective. They will boost your metabolismand promote the release of fat from the fat stores. ‘Scorch' by MAN Sports is a good example. It contains a combination of 7 powerful herbal ingredients specifically designed to boost your metabolism, burn body fat and increase your energy.   Unfortunately though, thermogenics are not ‘magic pills'. You can't expect to take a couple of thermogenic capsules and then go home and eat pizza and drink alcohol and expect to get results. Thermogenics only work when their use is combined with a good nutrition and exercise program.   Take 1-2 capsules twice a day; once prior to your morning exercise session and once with your lunch. Don't take them later than 4:00pm in the afternoon because they may keep you awake at night.   Before using thermogenics, see your doctor first and obtain their approval.   Do not eat anything for 30 minutes after the completion of any exercise.   As a result of using the thermogenics combined with the exercise, your metabolism will remain elevated for some time after the exercise session is finished. This means your body will burn fuel at a faster rate than normal.   Any exercise causes the body to use carbohydrate (muscle glycogen and blood glucose) as a fuel source. This means that after the exercise is completed the carbohydrate stores in the body are low and the body will be forced to use fat as its fuel.   If a meal is eaten immediately after the completion of the exercise session, the blood glucose level will rise, inducing the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. One of the effects of insulin is to stop fat burning in the body. Therefore, wait 30 minutes (but no longer because cortisol will rise) before having your next meal.   Perform a weight training workout 2-4 times a week.   Lifting weights is the most under-estimated way to lose fat fast! Now, before you start saying, ‘But I don't want to get big muscles!' or ‘I don't want to look like a man!', consider the following.   The main purpose of lifting weights when your primary goal is to lose body fat is to preserve the muscle massyou already have. You see, muscle is the ‘engine' within which the fat, or ‘fuel' is burnt and maintaining or even increasing your muscle mass slightly will help ensure your body fat is burnt off efficiently.   If you don't lift weights, your body will quite happily lose both fat and muscle as you drop the kilos. Lifting weights forces your body to maintain your muscle mass, therefore keeping your metabolism elevated and turning your body into 24-hour-a-day fat-burning machine!   Incidentally, it only takes two 30 minute sessions a week to obtain the muscle preserving benefits of lifting weights.   Have 5-6 small meals a day.   One of the most common strategies people use to lose weight is to skip meals. Whilst reducing food intake is certainly an effective way to lose weight, having fewer meals is not the way to go. Many overweight people say, ‘I don't know why I'm overweight, I only eat once or twice a day!' Unfortunately, this is exactly why they are overweight.   Having a mild calorie restriction is effective because if you consume less calories than you burn each day you will lose weight- simple! However, skipping meals forces the body to invoke its ‘Starvation Mechanism' because it thinks it is entering a famine. As a result, the body slows the metabolism to preserve energy. It also increases cortisol output and cortisol is the most powerful catabolic hormone in the body, which means it goes around the body breaking down lean tissue, particularly muscle. A loss of muscle slows the metabolism even further. Skipping meals also results in an increase in appetite, which forces you to eat larger amounts of food when you do eat. In addition to all these factors, the body also increases the activity of fat-storing enzymes, lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and fatty acid synthase (FAS), so when you do eat the food gets stored as fat. All of this results from simply skipping meals!   By having a small meal every 2-3 hours throughout the day, your metabolism stays elevated and your body will happily burn fat all day long. Unfortunately though, most people are conditioned to having large meals and they automatically assume they will put on weight if they have 5 or 6 meals a day. The fact is, the ideal portion sizes for most people are actually quite small and in order to lose weight fast it is essential that you never feel full from a meal but you do feel satisfied.   Also, most people find it difficult to have a meal every 2-3 hours throughout the day because they are so busy with work and/ or family commitments. Here are some suggestions to ensure you get your 5 or 6 meals a day.   • Plan and prepare your meals the night before   • Use meal replacements (protein shakes or bars)   • Select foods that are quick and easy to prepare and consume   Ensure each meal contains protein.   Protein is a component of all cells and makes up over half the dry weight of the human body. Furthermore, the human body is a dynamic structure, which means it is constantly building up and breaking down tissue. Just imagine a bath full of water. At one end of the bath the plug is pulled out and at the other end the tap is turned on full. The water level in the bath doesn't change but there are ‘new' water molecules entering the bath and ‘old' water molecules leaving the bath all the time. The human body is exactly the same. If the body breaks down more tissue than it builds up, then it is said to be in a catabolic state. This results in the metabolism slowing down due to the loss of muscle tissue.   Having a portion of high-quality protein every few hours throughout the day provides the body with a constant supply of amino acids- the building blocks of the body. This prevents the catabolic state, promotes an anabolic state (tissue building) and therefore keeps the metabolism ‘fired-up'.   If only carbohydrate or fat is consumed for a meal, for example a piece of fruit (carbohydrate) for the mid-morning meal, then the body will still enter a catabolic state because it doesn't have the building blocks (amino acids) to re-build body tissues. Protein, as its name suggests, is of primary importance.   Reduce your intake of high-density carbohydrates.   Most high-density carbohydrates like bread, pasta, rice and cereals cause a rapid rise in blood glucose. This invokes the release of insulin from the pancreas, which in turn stores the glucose. The body stores glucose in the muscles and liver as glycogen and once these sites are full, the remaining glucose gets stored as body fat. Not only this, but insulin also stops the body from mobilising and utilising fat for fuel (burning fat).   So if you want to maximise fat loss, you need to keep insulin to a minimum and the best way to do this is by reducing your intake of starchy carbohydrates without cutting them out altogether. Cutting them out totally is a philosophy of many low-carb diets on the market. However, these are very hard to sustain long-term and may lead to nutrient deficiencies.   Each day, have a small amount (1-2 serves) of high density carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, cereals); a moderate amount (2-3 serves) of medium density carbohydrates (starchy vegetables and fruits); and a large amount (5-6 serves) of low density carbohydrates (fibrous vegetables). [For a complete list of carbohydrates, see pages 136-138 of the book, ‘ Look good, feel great! ]   Do not have a Treat Day.   Since you are expecting an extraordinary result, it is essential that you put in an extraordinary effort. Accordingly, for the next 28 days you must follow the plan exactly as it is outlined without deviating. This means you can't allow yourself to indulge in any ‘forbidden foods'. This also means avoiding alcohol for the entire 28-day period. I know this may be hard for some people but let's face it, it is only for 28 days!   By committing to the plan and disciplining yourself to see it through, you are ensuring that the results will follow. Plus, the disciplines you create to help you achieve your physical goal will have a ‘carry-over benefit' to other areas of your life as well.   I wish you the greatest success in achieving outstanding results!   * Before using any nutritional supplement, speak with your health care professional.





Changing my post since my post posted twice. Weird.





Well, I went to the gym last night. I received a 7 day free trial to the new Gold's Gym that opened up about 1 1/2 miles from my house, so I decided to go try it out. Even though I belong to another gym, which is just 1 mile from my house, I figured a change of scenery might be nice. Well, now I'm thinking about joining the Gold's gym too. It was really really really nice.   I went into the "cardio" room. It is a huge room with a freaken movie theater in it. Its like being at the movies, with surround sound and its dark. I jumped on the eliptical and before I knew it, I was into the movie and looked down and had done 45 min on the eliptical. Burned almost 400 calories. I loved that!   The bad thing is they do not have a "family plan" like my other gym does, so if I join, I will have to just join and pay additional and keep my membership at my other gym too so I can go with my family when they go.   Even though they rarely go......my 16 year daughter has been going a lot lately. She just won't get up in the mornings with me. I need a morning partner to help encourage me to get up! My weight this morning was less than yesterday. I seem to be dropping again.   wt 168.1   My exercise plans for today are: Exercise - 10am 20 min on eliptical Exercise - 3pm - 20 min on eliptical Exercise - 9:30 pm - 30 min on eliptical   Next week I will focus on getting back to stregth training 2 to 3 days a week. I will still need to do 5 days of cardio but I do need to add my strength training in.




3 weeks post op

Yesterday marks my 3 weeks post op. I've lost weight, I've lost inches and I feel pretty good. My port side is still sore, it is actually has a slight burning pain today. But not too misserable.   I went to see my gynocologist and told her I had the lap band surgery, she was pleased. She has seen great progress from people. I also weighed 214 on her scales, with my jeans on and I feel constipated. So Naked, I might weigh less:clap2: .   One problem I am having is I am waking up extremely early in the mornings. I wake up refreshed and ready to go. Monday I woke up before the alarm at 5:30, same with Tuesday. Wednesday & Thursday I woke up around 4:30. Now this morning, I'm wide awake at 3:30 am! I didn't go to bed until after 11:00 - I was caught up with Larry King, Nancy Grace on the Anna Nicole death. So I probably didn't get to sleep until midnight. That means I only got about 3 1/2 hours of sleep last night. I'm not sure why I'm waking up, not sure if its the C-pap machine doing it or what? But for the life of me, I cannot go back to sleep.   I got up at 3:30, looked on the internet on Ebay - Then I found myself hungry, so I had a SF pudding snack with protein powder mixed it.   One other thing I'm noticing is in the mornings, I find myself dry heaving. Not sure why, but feel a little nausious in the mornings - NO, I'M NOT PREGO. :confused:   My menu today:   4:00 am - SF pudding with a heaping TBSP of protein powder 7:00 am - 1 egg over easy 12:00 pm - 1/2 cup of cottage cheese 4:00 pm - 8 oz protein shake 8:00 pm - soup with shredded cheese (1/2 cup)




I hate the scales!

I'm having my DH & daughter hide the scales again. I am mad at myself for even weighing. Okay, I'm done venting.   Last night I made it the gym:   30 min on treadmill 1.33 miles 2% incline 2.7 mph   Menu yesterday   Bfast - shake lunch - 1/2 container of refried beans snack - 3 crackers with brie cheese spread on top & a few bites of homemade refried bean dip dinner - 1/2 cup macorroni & cheese





Didn't weigh this morning, so not sure what the scales are going to say. I was just in a big hurry so didn't even think about the scales.   Menu today bfast coffee/cream   Lunch chicken breast   Snack sf pudding   Dinner chicen breast/salad




Getting back on track

Wt 234   Oh, its so hard to get back on track. I did so good with eating on Friday & Saturday, and partially Sunday. Then Sunday night, broke down and had some yummy cheesecake.   I brought my lunch to work today so I can stay on the LC Atkins track. I'm basically going to follow the Atkins plan until after I'm banded, then I'll do more of low fat and low carb.   Todays menu:   Breakfast scrambled egg/cheese 3 slices of thin bacon   Lunch Chef salad   Snack LC yogurt   Dinner Turkey breast green beans   I tried to get up at 5:00 am to make it to the gym, just couldnt drag my fat butt out of bed, I went to bed too late last night and I needed my sleep. So, I plan on exercising tonight at the gym. - I MUST get back to exercising!




Day 5 of my 84 day exercise challenge.

I've been doing good with my exercise challenge and I have some restriction too. I'm so happy I could cry! Its been over 18 months, but this time, I think I might hit my sweet spot. I am sure hoping it last. Usually I get a fill and it last a bit, then it disappears! I pray this one last!   Exercise today: 30 min on Elliptical (352 calories burned)   Lower body workout - Quads, hamstrings, calves, abs, inner and outer thighs)   Wt - 181.9 (Monday it was 186 lbs!) And TOM came today so I'm happy to show a loss.




3rd time is the charm

As they say, third times the charm, this is my third time out of the 180's. So this time it is for good!   This last fill I got is so wonderful. I am full of a relatively small amount of food. I can still eat, meat, bread, whatever, just not that much of it. I'm still debating whether to get another fill. If it continues like this until next month, I don't think I will.   My weight this morning was 179.1. I'm just ready to get to my goal weight of 145, or even my doc's goal weight he wants me at 155lbs.   I did not exercise last night, it was a long night and I knew I had to get up this morning with the kids to get them off for their first day of school. I will go tonight for sure.   Today was my son's first day of his senior year and high school and my daughters first day of high school. They have not been in the same school since she was 7, so they are excited to be going to the same school again.   Well, off to work I go.




Starting LC today

Even though my surgery won't be until probably January, I'm not waiting around to get on a good eating program. I am hoping to lose another 20 pounds by the time the surgery rolls around.   Today's menu:   Brunch (got up at 4:30 am to get a deal at a store, then came back and went to bed and didn't get back up until 11:00 am) 2 slices of roast beef, left over from dinner last night unsweetened tea   Dinner grilled bell pepper & onions roast beef   No exercise today - but planning on getting back to the gym on Monday, or sooner   Wt this morning 235.2





Last night I had a GREAT LBWO. Then went and set in the hot tub for about 15 min, then sat in the sauna for about 10. Felt so good! I feel so good about getting my MOJO back and putting my entire soul into my exercises.   Wt this morning - 179.2 - grrrrrr - I'm ready to see a big drop in my numbers! I keep bouncing from 178 to 179 - haven't lost any weight since 6/12!   Menu today   Bfast - 1/2 cup cottage cheese/ 1/2 cup mixed fruit (Strawberries, pinapple, kiwi fruit)   Lunch - protein shake maybe - not sure   Dinner - ground turkey / spinach   Tonights workout out will be:   20 min on treadmill UBWO   I am going to try and get to the gym earlier tonight, I didn't get in bed until after midnight last night. I'm sooooo tired today.




6/09/09 - Day 2 of my 84 day Challenge

Yay, I did it! I got my happy fat butt up and went to the gym at 5:00 am this morning and did my cardio. Per the BFL challenge, I am to do my cardio 3x's per week first thing in the morning.   So, today was cardio day, I sure didn't want to get up, but I forced myself up and did it. Feels so good to have won this morning! I didn't let my evil twin talk me into staying in bed, lol. Usually I get this little voice in my head and that says "oh, come on, you don't have to get up, you can work out tonight". But this time, I just got up and did it. Yay!   Menu today:   Bfast cottage cheese mixed with yogurt   Meal 2 hummus (2 TBSP) carrots/tomatoes   Meal 3 Turkey meatloaf edamame beans   Meal 4 peach string cheese   Meal 5 Stuffed Bell Pepper   Wt - Didnt weigh this morning.





Bfast - 1 egg with cheese   Lunch - 1/2 container of Taco Bueno refried beans (203 calories)   Dinner - 1/2 cup instant mashed potatoes




Fill #10 - I think I'm finally where I need to be!

Okay - I just came from fill #10. The doc did something different, he usually takes all my fill out and then refills it. But since I've had so many fills, he just added to it. I was at 3.5 cc, he filled me .4cc, which gives me 3.9 cc's. I remember the last time I had pretty good restriction was at 3.8 cc, then he filled me to 4.0 cc's and all my troubles began.   All along, I've always thought 3.9 cc's would be the perfect spot. Well, finally after 15 months I'm at my sweet spot - or at least I think I am. Its still too early to tell. I will be on liquids all day today and possibly tomorrow, then I go on mushies for 2 days, then to regular food.   He had me eat some jello while I was there, I can still feel it in my pouch, I ate about 1/2 of the container, and I was stuffed. Now, the problem is, I'm always tighter in the am and loose in the evening, so tonight will be the real test.   Menu today   bfast - jello   Lunch - tomatoe soup - puree   Dinner - protein shake   Exercise - 3:00 pm - 15 min on elliptical machine



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
