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HELP!!! Someone please reassure me!!!

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Yet again, the original poster is NOT 50 pounds overweight.

She's barely 30.

I was wondering how you know she is ONLY 30 or so lbs over weight? I know you keep saying that over and over in your posts.

After saying that, Agnes I don't necessarily think you NEED the surgery. But of course it is up to you... There is a reason why most surgeons and insurances would approve the surgery and why you are having to go to Mexico. you don't weight enough. Surgeons willing to do the surgery on you are doing it for the money. Just remember, find a doc close to you that will take care of the after care because many surgeons won't care for you if you go to Mexico for surgery. Some won't even see you if they didn't do the surgery.

I also think it was quit silly to have your "husband" (if it was really him, probably wasn't) ask about fills and how much work you will have to miss. If you know much about the surgery, then you should have informed you husband about that. And with work, well like any other surgery you will have to take "some" time off. It all depends on what you do.

I just really hope you are not doing this because of being vain. Do you have any co-morbities, Besides you feeling fat or crying because you can't wear regular close?

Just remember, I said it before, you posted this question on this forum for everyone, so you actually have to respect everyone opinion. Just because it isn't what you wanted to hear, doesn't mean it doesn't deserve respect..... Jennifer

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These are not my opinions. I really am appalled by the utter lack or research people will do and get a band. The OP did not even understand the fill process. That's basic to having a band, yet she says she's done her research. People come on here and ask what's a PB? How can you not know that before surgery? Do your own internet search which is what everyone should do. Also, access medical journals if you are able. I'm not saying bands are bad. I'm saying it's very, very naive to think it will last forever.

Once again, go to the complications forum. I hope others who are more well versed will come in here such as Wasa. Like I said, IMO I would never self pay a band.

Whose opinions are they then?? Did you find all this info in your research or did you get it from lay people like you in the complications forum? Or are these the opinions of this Wasa person?

Edited by jms462001

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Yet again, the original poster is NOT 50 pounds overweight.

She's barely 30.

HUGE difference. AND she has apparently NEVER had weight issues, other than right now.

This is not directed simply at low BMI people. But this poster has not "struggled" with weight loss, she simply wants a quick fix so she can be a size 4 again.

It's her choice, it's her money, but I will not support someone who is so foolish as to place her vanity above her own health.

And, the way I read it, that's exactly what she is doing.

And that's what she came in here for, reinforcement and support for something that she doesn't need.

She will be in for a rude awakening when she realizes had she just simply PRETENDED she had the band and done the 21-day liquid diet then mushies diet, along with the very important step of physical exercise, she would have lost all her "excess weight" and ended up with the same result, only without major surgery and with money still in her pocket.


She used the word regained twice which leads me to believe she has lost and regained the weight again as we all have done. Just because she has not done it 20 times does not mean she should wait until she does in my opinion. I wish I had been banded years ago. And, you cannot say she is only 30 pounds overweight. You do not know what weight is best for her. The weight she wants to be is still 15 pounds more than she could be at her height and still be at a healthy normal BMI. She knows what weight she feels best at.

We all came here to learn when we were preparing to have our surgery. I'm sure she has been researching and was probably hoping for some reassurance here.

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Yet again, the original poster is NOT 50 pounds overweight.

She's barely 30.

HUGE difference. AND she has apparently NEVER had weight issues, other than right now.

This is not directed simply at low BMI people. But this poster has not "struggled" with weight loss, she simply wants a quick fix so she can be a size 4 again.

It's her choice, it's her money, but I will not support someone who is so foolish as to place her vanity above her own health.

And, the way I read it, that's exactly what she is doing.

And that's what she came in here for, reinforcement and support for something that she doesn't need.

She will be in for a rude awakening when she realizes had she just simply PRETENDED she had the band and done the 21-day liquid diet then mushies diet, along with the very important step of physical exercise, she would have lost all her "excess weight" and ended up with the same result, only without major surgery and with money still in her pocket.


And, after that excessive liquid then mushie diet ended and her hunger returned, how fast do you think she would gain that weight back plus more? It seems like some of you have forgotten the struggles of losing weight and keeping it off. That's where the band really comes in to play. That's why I got the band. I know I can lose 50 pounds. I know I can be disciplined long enough to do it I also know that the day will come that I will get hungry, start eating, and eventually gain it all back. That is why I paid 17K to get the band.

And, to the poster who said there's a reason why insurance companies deny people. That's not necessarily true. They do not yet realize the advantage of bariatric surgery over waiting until they have to put out much more money for all the other catostophic health problems people eventually get from being overweight or obese. Or, they do realize, but they are counting on those people moving on before it's their problem. Thankfully, this is beginning to change slowly.

Edited by jms462001

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Has anyone thought that Agnes does not HAVE to go to Mexico but is going there because that is where it is affordable for someone who is selfpay?

Who say's that no US surgeon's will do the surgery? They probably will but at a much higher prices.

There appears to be a similar situation in the UK. I have noticed that a lot of Brits that have or are getting the band are going abroad to get it done. The majority seem to get it done in Belgium.

Yes I am sure that ideally she would prefer to have the op closer to home but everyone has to make decisions based on lots of different factors one of which has to be the cost.It may turn out that in the long run it costs more. I do believe though from having read other threads that there are some fill centres in the US that will take patients that have had there surgery elsewhere.Maybe this is an option that she can look at.

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Just remember, I said it before, you posted this question on this forum for everyone, so you actually have to respect everyone opinion. Just because it isn't what you wanted to hear, doesn't mean it doesn't deserve respect..... Jennifer

Respect everyone's opinion...I do not think so when an individual who came seeking advice is told she has a "head problem"...I think it may be safer to say we can agree to disagree...but respect 'everyone's opinion...hmmm

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I dont understand why people have a problem with this.

Everyone here has dieted and lost and then regained? Everyone here has been to the gym and tried fad diets and regained?

How many times do you see the comment here "I WISH I HAD DONE THE BAND YRS AGO". Well its because you were not as big as you are now thats the reason.

If i was 17stone an getting the band 10yrs ago people would have said i was stupid. Well i can tell you(10yrs and 8 stone later)I wish like others i had it done yrs ago and stop wasting all those precious times when my weight affected my enjoyment of life.

What it boils down to is she is unhappy with her weight has lost and gained like us all and wants some advise. Just because she is not BMI 40+ should not mean comments like "not supporting you" and "vanity before health" etc are used.

Her money, her decision and perhaps when people can talk tp her about what this Operation really means to them she might think twice or fully decide 100% that that band is for her or not.

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Has anyone thought that Agnes does not HAVE to go to Mexico but is going there because that is where it is affordable for someone who is selfpay?

Who say's that no US surgeon's will do the surgery? They probably will but at a much higher prices.

There appears to be a similar situation in the UK. I have noticed that a lot of Brits that have or are getting the band are going abroad to get it done. The majority seem to get it done in Belgium.

Yes I am sure that ideally she would prefer to have the op closer to home but everyone has to make decisions based on lots of different factors one of which has to be the cost.It may turn out that in the long run it costs more. I do believe though from having read other threads that there are some fill centres in the US that will take patients that have had there surgery elsewhere.Maybe this is an option that she can look at.

BINGO!!!! :(

Thank you!

YES! There ARE doctors that WILL perform my surgery in the US, however they are 17-30K... and after MUCH research, I have chosen Mexico, not only for the much lower cost, but b/c the doctor I am seeing is very experienced and has done over 7 thousand procedures and has trained many US Surgeons... and there are doctors in the US RIGHT NEAR ME that will take patients that have had the procedure done outside the US.

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I dont understand why people have a problem with this.

Everyone here has dieted and lost and then regained? Everyone here has been to the gym and tried fad diets and regained?

How many times do you see the comment here "I WISH I HAD DONE THE BAND YRS AGO". Well its because you were not as big as you are now thats the reason.

If i was 17stone an getting the band 10yrs ago people would have said i was stupid. Well i can tell you(10yrs and 8 stone later)I wish like others i had it done yrs ago and stop wasting all those precious times when my weight affected my enjoyment of life.

What it boils down to is she is unhappy with her weight has lost and gained like us all and wants some advise. Just because she is not BMI 40+ should not mean comments like "not supporting you" and "vanity before health" etc are used.

Her money, her decision and perhaps when people can talk tp her about what this Operation really means to them she might think twice or fully decide 100% that that band is for her or not.

I appreciate that THANK YOU!!!

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Yet again, the original poster is NOT 50 pounds overweight.

She's barely 30.

HUGE difference. AND she has apparently NEVER had weight issues, other than right now.

This is not directed simply at low BMI people. But this poster has not "struggled" with weight loss, she simply wants a quick fix so she can be a size 4 again.

It's her choice, it's her money, but I will not support someone who is so foolish as to place her vanity above her own health.

And, the way I read it, that's exactly what she is doing.

And that's what she came in here for, reinforcement and support for something that she doesn't need.

She will be in for a rude awakening when she realizes had she just simply PRETENDED she had the band and done the 21-day liquid diet then mushies diet, along with the very important step of physical exercise, she would have lost all her "excess weight" and ended up with the same result, only without major surgery and with money still in her pocket.



Yet again, the original poster is NOT 50 pounds overweight. ..UMMMM, AND HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW THAT? DO YOU KNOW ME?? NO!!!!!!



This is not directed simply at low BMI people. But this poster has not "struggled" with weight loss, she simply wants a quick fix so she can be a size 4 again. AGAIN, SERIOUSLY?!! YOU DONT KNOW ME!! I HAVE STRUGGLED! MORE THAN YOU KNOW! DO I WANT TO BE A HEALTHY 4 AGAIN? OF COURSE! IS THAT THE ONLY REASON? NO!! I just dont want to wait until I am 100 pounds overweight! and everyone on here would be lying if they said they didnt want the vanity in addition to the health....

soooo for your information...

1) I have had and chronic asthma all my life

2) I had a HEAR TATTACK at age 26 and have been on meds every since! so you have some balls trying to tell me that I don't care about my health!!

3) My cardiologist stressed to me that i should be at my LOWEST WEIGHT POSSIBLE (115) before I start a family! So you think i havent TRIED ALL I CAN to lost the 50 lbs? since YOU think it's so darn easy? I cannot have a baby bc i cannot get this weight off. SO FOR YOUR EFFIN INFORMATION, HEALTH IS MY #1 PRIORITY!

And you will be the one for a rude awakening when Kharma comes back to bite you :biggrin:

Edited by Agnes

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Agnes its ok, people can only judge what you said based on what you wrote. Its easy to be judgmental when you base what you write from someone you dont know.

I think its obvious from what you have written you are making the right choice as i said before if i could have had the band yrs ago i would have not waiting till i was 41 to get it done. 10yrs wasted because i thought i could struggle through the gym and dieting. Making myself unhappy when the solution was available all the time.

Stop worrying yourself with it all, you have made your decision, just keep in touch with how it goes ok and good for you. Forget stressing yourself and look forwards to changing your life.

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I was wondering how you know she is ONLY 30 or so lbs over weight? I know you keep saying that over and over in your posts.

After saying that, Agnes I don't necessarily think you NEED the surgery. But of course it is up to you... There is a reason why most surgeons and insurances would approve the surgery and why you are having to go to Mexico. you don't weight enough. Surgeons willing to do the surgery on you are doing it for the money. Just remember, find a doc close to you that will take care of the after care because many surgeons won't care for you if you go to Mexico for surgery. Some won't even see you if they didn't do the surgery.

I also think it was quit silly to have your "husband" (if it was really him, probably wasn't) ask about fills and how much work you will have to miss. If you know much about the surgery, then you should have informed you husband about that. And with work, well like any other surgery you will have to take "some" time off. It all depends on what you do.

I just really hope you are not doing this because of being vain. Do you have any co-morbities, Besides you feeling fat or crying because you can't wear regular close?

Just remember, I said it before, you posted this question on this forum for everyone, so you actually have to respect everyone opinion. Just because it isn't what you wanted to hear, doesn't mean it doesn't deserve respect..... Jennifer


also think it was quit silly to have your "husband" (if it was really him, probably wasn't) ask about fills and how much work you will have to miss. If you know much about the surgery, then you should have informed you husband about that.. My "husband" really was my husband. I was away this past weekend visiting my father & erick was doing some searching online and found this site. He called and told me about it and that he signed me up so that we can ask questions to those who have been through it. i DID do my research, however he wanted to ask those that actually had the surgery to see if it may be different from what we have read or heard.. He cannot believe how judgemental and straight up vicious some people on here can be. Everyone has THEIR own reason for doing the surgery.. i shouldnt be at fault if ALL my reasons dont match someone elses.

I would only wish EVERYONE who has done or is planning on getting the surgery only the best! Its so unfortunate we all cant be like that.

Edited by Agnes

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Agnes its ok, people can only judge what you said based on what you wrote. Its easy to be judgmental when you base what you write from someone you dont know.

I think its obvious from what you have written you are making the right choice as i said before if i could have had the band yrs ago i would have not waiting till i was 41 to get it done. 10yrs wasted because i thought i could struggle through the gym and dieting. Making myself unhappy when the solution was available all the time.

Stop worrying yourself with it all, you have made your decision, just keep in touch with how it goes ok and good for you. Forget stressing yourself and look forwards to changing your life.

I appreciate that! Thank you! i will def be in touch

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That is why I paid 17K to get the band.

And now we have the real reason why you're so bent out of shape over my posts.

Yes, I researched the things I talked about. You can do the same. Simply google lapband reoperation rates. Simply go to the complications/removal sections of this forum, of obesity help, of thinner times, etc. I am not going to do your research for you. I am a registered nurse with a bachelors degree, tyvm. I don't just fall on every word an MD speaks.

As far as the part that was my opinion, I stated IMO right before I said "I would never self pay for a band."

Coincidentally, about an hour after I posted this, another poster in the support forum at 3 years out is talking about how she feels like she's dying. Of course, she will need another operation. Do you think I'm making that up to?

The OP understood exactly what I was saying and was not upset with me for being upfront.

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And now we have the real reason why you're so bent out of shape over my posts.

Yes, I researched the things I talked about. You can do the same. Simply google lapband reoperation rates. Simply go to the complications/removal sections of this forum, of obesity help, of thinner times, etc. I am not going to do your research for you. I am a registered nurse with a bachelors degree, tyvm. I don't just fall on every word an MD speaks.

As far as the part that was my opinion, I stated IMO right before I said "I would never self pay for a band."

Coincidentally, about an hour after I posted this, another poster in the support forum at 3 years out is talking about how she feels like she's dying. Of course, she will need another operation. Do you think I'm making that up to?

The OP understood exactly what I was saying and was not upset with me for being upfront.


everyone is entitled to there opinion, even if I dont agree with it! Its just sad to see how some members on here are just down right mean! :(

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        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

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        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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