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Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

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Didn't limbaugh say he was moving to Costa Rica if healthcare passed? What's keeping him? Let's start an online campaign to wish him good-bye. And good riddance.

Rush Limbaugh is not moving anywhere. I`ve driven by his Mansion on the Ocean in Palm Beach, FL where he "Broadcasts" his show. Funny how he was able to get a zoning variance to run a commercial office inside his Mansion located in a Residential Zoned area? Wonder if he would have protested if his "buddy" Al Franken was doing the same on" Air America" before it folded, in (his) neighborhood had Rush not been doing the same? If he does move to Costa Rica, will he still use his " domestic servants" to go drug/pill shopping for him or find a local doctor to write a prescription for Viagra (in the doctors name) so that he would`nt be embarrassed that he suffered Erectile Dysfunction should someone find (his) pill bottle? How vain but obviously non-virile these cold hearted, right wing Republican conservatives are. Remember Larry Craig, picked up playing (footsie) with a male undercover cop at the Minn/StPaul Airport Mens Room? He said, his foot entered the other occupants stall due to his (wide stance)! LMAO

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Cleo`s Mom, I`ve been carping on the same subject matter on and off this blog for months. These "Patriots" might just as well slip on their KKK (sheets) or their Nazi (brown shirts) and start (goose stepping). They always bring ideological matters up as a pretense to their protest, but their under belly shrieks of racial hatred. The Democrats and Liberals are going to take away their Guns. Obama has NEVER mentioned a word about any agenda to change gun ownership law yet there has been a (run) on ammunition purchases since he came to office. Next up, their favorite, Abortion or Pro-Choice, which by the way was supposed to have been settled years ago with Roe vs Wade. Don`t want an Abortion... don`t have one! The same Old Men that refused a Women`s right to vote want to control their reproductive rights as well. Its a riot, its always a bunch of ole white corroded broken down men that suffer (erectile dysfunction) and eat Viagra and Cialis tablets like M & M`s with no positive results and still can`t get it up, want to control a women`s right to make (her) decision. Until a male can get pregnant, regardless of what side of this issue your on, its a women`s issue..period! And like I`ve stated before, look at the makeup of those that attend the Pro-Life Rally`s. Almost All White protesters. Because of a long waiting list for (white baby`s), just ask Supreme Court Justice Robert`s, these Pro-Life protesters what to assure that every white fetus is delivered to allow an opportunity to a couple that is childless and waiting patiently for their turn in line. There is not shortage of available Latino or Black babies waiting to be adopted,....go figure?

Bravo Phil, couldnt have said it better myself.

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Rush Limbaugh is not moving anywhere. I`ve driven by his Mansion on the Ocean in Palm Beach, FL where he "Broadcasts" his show. Funny how he was able to get a zoning variance to run a commercial office inside his Mansion located in a Residential Zoned area? Wonder if he would have protested if his "buddy" Al Franken was doing the same on" Air America" before it folded, in (his) neighborhood had Rush not been doing the same? If he does move to Costa Rica, will he still use his " domestic servants" to go drug/pill shopping for him or find a local doctor to write a prescription for Viagra (in the doctors name) so that he would`nt be embarrassed that he suffered Erectile Dysfunction should someone find (his) pill bottle? How vain but obviously non-virile these cold hearted, right wing Republican conservatives are. Remember Larry Craig, picked up playing (footsie) with a male undercover cop at the Minn/StPaul Airport Mens Room? He said, his foot entered the other occupants stall due to his (wide stance)! LMAO

Hate and lies sell and he's living the good life off of it. Another big right wing hypocrite.

And BTW - you can get close enough to his mansion to see it? No gated community and armed guards?

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I haven't watched Rachel Maddow since the vote but I wouldn't be surprised if she is calling for Limbaugh to put his money where his mouth is and get the heck out of Dodge.

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As if we need any more examples about what the true nature of the teabaggers - here's another one:


Rep. Louise Slaughter's (D-NY) CHILDREN get death threat

Tue Mar 23, 2010 at 10:07:11 AM PDT

(via Balloon Juice)

It's starting. Both Reps. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and Louise Slaughter had their local district offices vandalized shortly after they voted yes on the health care bill. But WHAM reports a much more disturbing update.

Last Thursday she received a chilling recorded message at her campaign office.
is the word they used... toward the
of lawmakers who voted yes."

Do you see how f*****g sick these people are now? They are advocating violence towards the CHILDREN of Congressmen that voted for health care. Let that sink in. I fear all this is coming to a head, and that the epithets hurled at our Congressmen this weekend was only the beginning.

And yes, I squarely place the blame on Fox News and right-wing talk radio for fanning the flames of this violent mood in this country.

Balloon juice notes that a teabagging blogger has actually taken credit for inspiring the vandalism. It's an Alabama blog called "Sipsey Street Irregulars". His excuse to every sane person's charge that this can lead to violence is this:

Breaking windows is, by definition, violence to property. It is not violence to people.

"I’m advocating broken windows. I’m advocating vandalism," says Mike Vanderboegh. We spoke to him by phone from his home in Pinson, Alabama.

Vanderboegh is referring to his blog called Sipsey Street Irregulars. He says his invitation to "break windows...break them now" is behind the incident in Rochester and at least two others in Tucson and Kansas. The message to Democrats should be clear.


Vanderboegh denies his blog advocates anything but vandalism. "How ambiguous is it if I say break windows? Am I saying kill people, absolutely not."

We're dealing with a pretty sick puppy here. And as Balloon Juice's mistermix noted, the guy is actually on Social Security disability to boot. Now, he claims he's not responsible for any death threats, just the vandalism.

For any lawyers out there, if this guy is openly calling for vandalism of Congressional offices, isn't he breaking some law? Say, the Patriot Act?


DOMESTIC TERRORISM DEFINED- Section 2331 of title 18, United States Code, is amended—

`(5) the term `domestic terrorism’ means activities that—

`(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

`(:smile: appear to be intended—

`(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

`(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

`(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

`© occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.’.

So now the teabaggers are going after kids? Can they sink any lower? Probably.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Thank you god for letting him be from Alabama instead of Texas again!

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No I am not! I am glad to live in a country that allows freedom of speech though. And damn proud to be an American (with Healthcare) Thank you very much!:smile:

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They've proven over and over that nothing is beneath them. They're in a frenzy and they're out of control.

I've lived when there was anarchy and riots and killing and mayhem. I sure don't want that for the United States, but they're sure pushing the cap off the bottle that has kept the boiling turmoil within this country from bursting forth.

We need to march on the Limbaugh compound and Fox news and Rupert Murdoch's place until they stop the "inciting to riot" rehtoric.

coffee talk anyone?

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Thank you god for letting him be from Alabama instead of Texas again!

After Congressman Randy Neugebauer`s "shout out" the other night (Baby Killer) at Congressman Bart Stupak....a devote Roman Catholic/Pro Life/Anti-Abortion/Conservative Democrat from Michigan, I`d be ashamed I was from Texas too unless I was fortunate to be from Austin, (which does`nt even belong in that state). I think it would safe to assume if your going to stick an (enema) into the USA, the best place to insert it would be in Congressman`s Neugebauer`s district of Lubbock, TX. You would`nt even need to use KY Lubricant there!

PS Great name for the Product, using a States abbreviation for it! Isn`t that where Mitch McConnell and Jim Bonner is from?

Edited by phil1336
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Hate and lies sell and he's living the good life off of it. Another big right wing hypocrite.

And BTW - you can get close enough to his mansion to see it? No gated community and armed guards?

Its gated and has state of the art security in place! He needs it to keep "all the love" at arm`s distance from his devoted Dido Heads!

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As if we need any more examples about what the true nature of the teabaggers - here's another one:


Rep. Louise Slaughter's (D-NY) CHILDREN get death threat

Tue Mar 23, 2010 at 10:07:11 AM PDT

(via Balloon juice)

It's starting. Both Reps. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and Louise Slaughter had their local district offices vandalized shortly after they voted yes on the health care bill. But WHAM reports a much more disturbing update.

Last Thursday she received a chilling recorded message at her campaign office.
is the word they used... toward the
of lawmakers who voted yes."

Do you see how f*****g sick these people are now? They are advocating violence towards the CHILDREN of Congressmen that voted for health care. Let that sink in. I fear all this is coming to a head, and that the epithets hurled at our Congressmen this weekend was only the beginning.

And yes, I squarely place the blame on Fox News and right-wing talk radio for fanning the flames of this violent mood in this country.

Balloon juice notes that a teabagging blogger has actually taken credit for inspiring the vandalism. It's an Alabama blog called "Sipsey Street Irregulars". His excuse to every sane person's charge that this can lead to violence is this:

Breaking windows is, by definition, violence to property. It is not violence to people.

"I’m advocating broken windows. I’m advocating vandalism," says Mike Vanderboegh. We spoke to him by phone from his home in Pinson, Alabama.

Vanderboegh is referring to his blog called Sipsey Street Irregulars. He says his invitation to "break windows...break them now" is behind the incident in Rochester and at least two others in Tucson and Kansas. The message to Democrats should be clear.


Vanderboegh denies his blog advocates anything but vandalism. "How ambiguous is it if I say break windows? Am I saying kill people, absolutely not."

We're dealing with a pretty sick puppy here. And as Balloon Juice's mistermix noted, the guy is actually on Social Security disability to boot. Now, he claims he's not responsible for any death threats, just the vandalism.

For any lawyers out there, if this guy is openly calling for vandalism of Congressional offices, isn't he breaking some law? Say, the Patriot Act?


DOMESTIC TERRORISM DEFINED- Section 2331 of title 18, United States Code, is amended—

`(5) the term `domestic terrorism’ means activities that—

`(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

`(:smile: appear to be intended—

`(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

`(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

`(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

`© occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.’.

So now the teabaggers are going after kids? Can they sink any lower? Probably.

I've been saying for a long time that we have more to fear from the right wing extremists in this country than the terrorists from other countries.

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I've been saying for a long time that we have more to fear from the right wing extremists in this country than the terrorists from other countries.

These people are domestic terrorists. If Timothy McVeigh hadn't been put to death for being a domestic terrorist, he would be a member of the tea party.

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AHH... that ment your daughter signed up for the war right? last I heard there's no draft sooo what is your point again? before you counter with the hero thing my boyfreind fought in Iraq.

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First of all, I am not your dear. Secondly, when someone or some group is racist, I call it like I see it.

When a group holds up signs with the N word, calls black representatives racial slurs and spits on them, then I accurately call them racists.

And BTW, I knew it wasn't your last word on the subject.

Was it really the WHOLE group? Or was it some guy? One person. But go ahead and call that one guy like you see em.:smile:

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Was it really the WHOLE group? Or was it some guy? One person. But go ahead and call that one guy like you see em.:smile:

These were all separate incidences -

- the N sign guy- 38 days after Pres. Obama was elected. This guy being an organizer of the tea party

-the guy who threw money at the person with parkinson's

-the people who shouted and harrassed and called the man with parkinson's a communist

-the teabaggers (plural) who called black elected congressmen racial slurs

-the teabaggers (plural) who called Barney Frank an anti-gay slur

-the teabagger who spit on a black representative (he declined to press charges)

-those who advocate an overthrow of the government

-those who advocate throwing bricks through the windows of those who voted yes to healthcare.

So you can add terrorists to the list with racists. But hey, you said you stand with them. No surprise there. Just like there was no surprise when it wasn't your last word on the subject. :thumbup:

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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