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Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

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uggg, still not getting it right and tossing after I eat. I am eating a 1/4 only but it seems when I take a sip of Water an hour later I get sick....makes for a miserable hour or so until it passes...having this three times today is not fun.

Ali, month two was the most difficult for me. What sort of foods are you eating? I still can't eat eggs unless it's poached. Hardboiled come back up, scrambled aren't good. They don't have enough Protein anyhow to waste the space. I can't do tuna because it sits like a brick.

Find a few things that work for you and stick with it. If you're hurling all the time, try greek yogurt because it's soothing on the stomach and add some Protein Powder to it if you can. I'm trying to remember what I lived on. I still hurl often if I'm not very very careful.

Cottage cheese sits ok with me. I eat a lot of small shrimp because they are so tender. At your stage I could eat 2 oz. Today I can manage 4 oz. What I've found is that the wetter the food is, the easier it goes and stays down. Shrimp cocktail sauce works. I eat white fish like Tilapia. Again, at your stage I tended to weigh things and 2 oz was plenty or too much. chicken thigh with BBQ Sauce was ok. I ate a ton of lean ground turkey with a spoon of sour cream and a spool of salsa. Ground beef the same way. Coat everything to help it go down.

I can keep food down much better now. Just really test what works and what doesn't. I just started eating some lettuce this week and it's fabulous! :smile2:

Last night was my worst experience since surgery. I take Twinlab multi Vitamin capsule. Last night I took one when I got home from work. About an hour later it had already dissolved in my sleeve, then came back up. I don't think I'll ever be able to face that bottle of vits again!

Small bites and stop as soon as you start to feel full, even if there's still part of that 1/4 cup on your plate. I think I got sick so much because I wanted the rest of that 1/4 cup of food.

I promise that it gets better!

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Seriously, has anybody tried the "food addicts" group? I think I'm going to look into it for real. I THINK about food 24/7 and I can't seem to get a grip on it. I'm ok if I don't eat at all but once I start I'm a mess - can't stop! UGH!!!

Candra, Chris's mom is in FAA or whatever they call it, she lost a crudload of weight and has been very very successful with it. There are many, many, MANY things she can't eat, she has a "quit date" just like AA or NA, but she's totally doing it and really close to goal - like closer than I am, and I had flippin' surgery! The dedication it takes if profound, but she's rockin' it :smile2:

Hi everybody!!! I still haven't weighed, LOL. Layoffs here at work, the ax (narrowly) missed me but it cut off some very dear friends and things are really sad around here :smile:

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Thanks Lee; I really am at a loss. Yesterday when I ate my pureed chicken and gravy I felt fine. It wasn't until I went to drink some Water almost an hour later that I got sick. I have just been incredibly thirsty so its very hard to wait that hour. I am going to try some different things today as I need to find something that works.

After surgery I couldn't take my chewable vitamins--those made me sick too. I went to my regular vitamans and cut them in half for the first few days now I can swallow the pill without issue. I can do my chewable Calcium but no way on the Vitamins.< /p>

Wish me luck today!

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We should be moving in this weekend. Finished touch ups of the ceiling, and painting baseboards today. I'm so glad to have those horrible tarps off my floors. The house already feels so much cleaner.

Our dog's name is CONAN, THE POMERANIAN. (Like Conan, The Barbarian). Yeah... guess who named him? He was already named when I got home. He sure is a needy little sucker! I can hardly get on the computer. He doesn't wake us up at night, he sleeps in the crate in the family room and he'll whine for a little bit when we put him in.


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Morning all...............Riley layoffs announced at 1:30pm today here too. I am not on the list but my good friends are and I am feeling sad and grateful at the same time. Sorta guilty too.

I lost 5 pounds and the restriction has let up just a bit. I am faxing in my food log today. I am stuck again on that number. I am only eating about 600- 900 calories a day so maybe that is it? If I eat more than that I ache down where the band is.............can't complain. I had to remind myself to eat yesterday cause stuff is sitting for a long time in the pouch and the thought of adding anything in is not appealing?? I love it when I am like this!! Love having to remind myself I need to eat three meals. But I do feel it fading out every day. Can't complain about 5 pounds after seven months of bandster hell. But darn it 10 would be nice too.................I go back on June 3, 2010 and have to be down a bit.

Today..............hmm. I am thinking about food today and not as tight so I will be sad if the restriction fades out. But than I will get another fill so it will all be good. Guess what started the obession with food..........SALAD last night........of all things!! Could salad be a trigger!! I sure hope not!! ;-)

CANDRA: I am thinking about the Overeaters annoymous. Seriously. I read through the twelve steps a few days back and realized I have not even conquered 1 in regards to food. So I think it would be very interesting to find out more. I am a Food addict too!! Dr. Baggs was so kind as to let me know that........but I agreed!! ;-) LOL.

PAM: your kicking butt. You probably one of the reasons I decided to get off my butt and start working it again. Don't wanna be left behind. your gonna be under 200 really soon and I am gonna have to kick butt to get there with you............LOL


I sent you the stuff for the fills center. I wish I was a doctor and I could give you a fill!! LOL. But the danger with being able to give fills.........at least to myself.......is that I could cheat!! Hope you and Auds are doing well.


Wanna hear about the fill center and how you liked it. I liked mine. They just called me yesterday to ask about my weight loss and how I like the doctor. They are good about calling me three days after a fill to see how I am and than a couple weeks after that to check in. Kaiser should do that do but they are just to busy. I am gonna stay with Kaiser and try to work the program with them. I can't afford the fill center right now but I can always go back if I need to which is nice. I talked to them yesterday and they agree I should be with kaiser if i can be.

EVERYONE ELSE I MISSED-- I have a meeting and have to get back to work. LOL. Hope you all have a great one.

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Hey there good people... Well, yesterday was day 2 at the gym! My shoulders are sore. Today, my friend, Dawn, couldn't go and wouldn't you know it, I didn't go even though I could. Im I really so pathetic that I need a babysitter LOL

Riley - I'm glad to hear that Chris' mom is so successful. I heard they are really strict but I think I need some help. I tried OA about 15 years ago but had such a hard time with it. I had a sponsor who was very harsh and, as much as I hate to admit this, I can't get into the "Higher Power" thing. I can't turn my life over - I tried. that said, I'm wondering if I can manage this time.

Tina - It's scary how much we're alike and we're not even related... or are we? Do you know who your daddy is? LOL. I use to belong to Alateen but we never had to do any of the steps - it basically just let us know that we weren't the only ones with F*'d up parents. I have no idea who or how I've hurt others behind my food addiction let alone how to make ammends for it.... decisions, decisions... Decisions!!

Pammie - I'm so happy for you. You deserve all the success that you can handle! I wish I could afford that class you're taking. sounds like It's really helping.

Nicole - Good luck with the fill center. Keep me posted. I think once you get a fill you'll be in love with your band again.

Coco - well, I can't say anything or else I will spill your news - I thought you said you were going to log on & post - hurry up!!

Ali - this whole thing, band or sleeve is such a learning process. You'll get it down soon - although, I haven't yet. hahaha

Heather - I'm so very happy for you, your fella - the new new house and Conan (he's too cute) Now, post some pics of your house - can't wait to see it - When we first bought our little house it seemed so overwhelming to be a grown up - before that, I felt like a kid still with a job and a place to rent - but now I have a mortgage and a career - woo hoo! It should be said that I was 34 before I became an adult LOL. Still don't really feel like one though.

Oh, yeah - speaking of salad - i had no problems eating anything I wanted for the last few months but last night I had a salad and it all came back up - it was so weird! I was able to finish it an hour later with no problems - went down smooth. so here's what I'm thinking..... when I walk or work out my hands swell. Is it possible that my esophagus swells too cuz it was when I got home from the gym that I couldn't eat? Sound stupid??

JES - what's up with you girlfriend?

Have a good friday all

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I GOT A FILL!!!! YAY..... It was so awesome! They did a barrium swallow to start with and my Fluid went thru so fast she made me take another sip lol. I got to watch which was so freakin RAD... Then she layed me down and made me do a crunch and took out 4 of my 5ccs and then put 2 more on top of that so I was at 7. I got up took a drink and did another xray and it was like molases going down. I was gurgling and feeling some pressure so she decided to take 1 cc back out because 2 was too much. So now I am at 6cc's YAY... I am so freakin happy.

So I brought my binder with me and both of the ladies were in shock at the fact I didnt get a fill at my 6 weeks. Their way is, if you havent lost anything in 3 weeks you need a fill. SO if I lose and then platue come back because im ready for more. SHe seems to think one more fill and I will be at my sweet spot. They gave me a packet to take home that has a totally different view on this whole thing. They said they dont even allow toast... SO since I am no longer with Kaiser I am going to follow their plan and see how it goes. They were also totally shocked that the Dieticion has a say on who gets a fill or not. Crazy!! I am on liquids tonight and then I can try to eat in the am. They measured me and weighing in was MY decision. I am so happy I found this place. I left my binder there because they wanted to read it. Lol...

It really does motivate you when you feel like you have a support system who believes in you instead of walking out of the Dr office wanting to cry.....

So yeah thats my big news... Im ready to ROCK THIS BAND......

Happy Thursday everyone!!

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Hey Candra yep we are alot alike!! And guess what my hands annoyingly always swell when I exercise. LOL. And the 12 step stuff is hard!! I have never really done it.....just that since I think I have control of food and not food having control of me...........that got me thinking .....cause the first step is that food is a problem for me........ok I think that is true!! LOL. So maybe..

Than Dr. Baggs saying it is an addiction straight out like he did got me thinking too......next time I see him I want to ask a few questions I just thought of. I am sure he has seen it all.

I think the biggest thing for many of us that you can know how to recover and do well and yet not do it. Cause you can't cure an addiction with the head it has to be cured with the heart...........And it is so easy to know what to do and yet not actually FEEL it!! I think the feeling is about letting go and that is hard for many of us. Me for sure..........Dr. Baggs and I talked about that a bit. How you can read every book (which I have) and do tons of research and even work in the field of addiction and still when it is you..........you have to go with the heart and with the feelings or else the knowledge won't help. It has to sink into the skin......and for some of use control freaks that is scary, uncomfortable stuff. Just my thoughts this week....

I am sick as a dog had to come home from work. Terrible cough and my lungs hurt. Had pneumonia twice really bad so when I get sick it always goes to the lungs. I have no apetite and am trying to eat something cause my bottom tummy is growling. THe top tummy doesn't want anything right now. LOL. I think all the coughing is not making my band happy.

Faxed the food logs in and gave Kaiser my personal email. MIght be easier than phone calls that always seem to come during work hours when I can't talk. So the coffee and cinnamon twists............and a 100 calorie bag of Cookies two nights ago. Still under 900 everyday but I don't think that matters as much as the fact I did it. The salad made me crave sweets really bad last night........today I am craving carbs like crazy!! Salad again? I don't know.........

NICOLE: Dr. Jenkins in Auburn will take fill patients too. And the Fill Center was great. They still email me once a week with helpful tips and support group stuff.


???????? I think I know actually???????


I wanna see your home too!! So exciting!!


Hope all is well!!

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Ah COCO.........yea. I so loved the fill center and agree with everything you said. They made me feel like I needed a fill not like it was my fault. They were quite shocked and upset about what was going on with my fills at Kaiser. They told me to file a compliant with Kaiser and I sorta think they read my binder and called and complained too. They treated me so well and made me feel like I was a success even when I gained three pounds. THey also said the same thing if you hit a plateau and don't lose for three weeks it is time for a fill..and if you gain for SURE you need a fill. I am so glad you like them I think they have the same philosophy as the one I went to. IS this through FILL CENTERS USA? that is who I use they offices all over the country.

THe general philosophy in lap band world is if your NOT losing or plateau it is time for a fill. If your losing at least two pounds a week you don't. That is why Kaiser is so confusing. They do it backwards. My fill doc said that was not ethical...........but I am not gonna negetive it gets me in big trouble on this forum. But that is why I filed the compliant becuase I had research and second opinions to back me up. And I am losing now and doing great just a week after a good fill!! Makes a point it is hard to think it is not YOUR fault when the band is to loose and your not losing or gaining. Just that the band isn't being used like it was designed to work.

COCO I so hear ya IM me later............and I actually thought you were gonna announce you were pregnant!! LOL. I hope that is not TMI but I thought..........;-)

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Hey Ladies!

Looks like we are all doing well!! I had a couple Snacks today, it’s so hard being around people and eating. Afraid of puking so I eat small but end up snacking later. Received email from my boss today asking if I want a few months work in Miami. Let’s see; military issued Kevlar, helmet, uniform, free combat flight to Middle East and other crap or a Speedo and a towel. Ok Speedo = Gross. Thirteen years ago I took the uniform off and it hasn’t fit since. It soon may fit again but hell no. This kind of stuff comes with the line of work I do but I’ll pass on the Middle East. It might take me a few days to decide Middle East or Miami... Yeah right...I said Miami no problem, but we shall see as nothing is writen in stone. Stay tuned as the folks here in Virginia keep talking about me gearing up and helping out in the sand box…

Congrats Nicolie on the fill!! I think I need one.


Edited by skiingj

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You guys are all so thought provoking; I knew that this journey would be more than eating less calories and you guys are helping me relize that early on in my journey and I am learning from you.

Tina & Candra, I think its great that you guys are tackling the big issue..that will help you with long term success.

I just saw the email seeking a facilitator for the Point West support group and I think anyone on here would be great as you all have a wonderful gift to share.

Ok, I had a much better day today. Breakfast I ate a scrambled egg with a bit of cheese and I dipped it in sugar free marina sauce that is delious! I kept that down no problem. I felt good all day and never even thought about lunch. I just ate dinner and had 2 oz of turkey in the same sauce and it seems to be doing well. My only issue is I am so thirsty but I will not drink before 1 hour as that seemed to get me yesterday.

So since surgery I have lost 14 pounds--not bad for being only 2 1/2 weeks ago. I am happy with that. My total weight loss since orientation 1/26 is 50 pds! Yeah for me!

Happy Friday!

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50 is good!!

Ali you could lead the group at Point West?? I thought about it but I don't really like being up front that much. I sorta want to be in the group and not leading it this time around. Maybe later.

I always tackle the big issues even when I try not to!! LOL.

JOHN- No way I would go to the middle east and I also am NOT eating in front of people this week. I make funny faces when I get to full.........and people wonder what is wrong with me.

CANDRA: We think so much alike........I feel like I am reading my own post sometimes!! Where are you?

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John I don't think a fill would help you much!! LOL.

WHat is the follow up appointments like with the sleeve?? HOw many times in a year? Sounds like you throw up alot at first??

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Ha, Tina. I don't think I am leader material at this point...I am still getting my hands around this big picture stuff. lol

John, what a decision, Miami or ME? good luck chosing! lol

As far as follow up apts, I have a one month and a three month and that's all I know of. That was one of the main reasons I switched to the sleeve, is I am not a fighter and if I had to go to Kaiser and beg for a fill and fight for myself it wouldn't work for me. That's why I admire you guys so much is that you are working for what is right.

I am so glad I didn't pb today!

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      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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