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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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Good evening Violets..

We're back from Kris's. She had a pork roast, potatoes mashed with rutabaga and parsnips and candied carrots. I had some of the roast, about 1/4 cup of the potatoes and 4 baby carrots. Everything went down slowly. She had a cake from a baby shower today, but didn't serve that. She had made an eclair cake.. one of my favorites and I have to admit I had three spoonfuls. But then I stopped as I knew that was the first extra sugar I have had since Jan. 2. It tasted good and I don't regret having it. I did 20 minutes on the glider and bike today so hopefully that got rid of the three bites of no-nos.

Ethan had a ball with Uncle Nathan. They have a huge ball that looks like a bean bag, but has memory foam inside it and Nathan would pick Ethan up and toss him into the bag. Ethan just loved it.

The little guy is asleep on the couch and should sleep through the night. He had a longgggggg day and evening.

I have lapband support group in the morning and a dinner in the evening.

I'm going to watch Monk, then Psych and then heading to bed. Everyone have a good evening.. sleep well.

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So tired.. as you can see!!

We went to the mall, he wanted me to pick out my v'day present--a necklace. He wanted something to match the sapphire earrings he got me one year, and sapphire Bracelet I got last year. Can't tell from any pics I took, but they are sapphires!

Cleaned and cooked, and now I'm about to pass out. Ah.. being pregnant.

Speakin' of which, saw a couple drops of colostrum tonight.. that was bizarre.



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Kat, thanks for the update! I was thinking about you today...glad to hear the news. Please don't forget to take care of yourself during all this!

Judy, loved the video of Ethan. He is a natural talent!

Jane, enjoy your couch time! Good for the soul.

Went to the ENT today and I need a CAT scan on my sinuses and a full allergy test. Because I have been taking decongestants, I can't have the test for 10 days (and due to scheduling conflicts). I just pray I don't get sick again in the mean time!

Off to chill. I just got word from my chair and I STILL HAVE

F%^&ING EDITS...OMG...really???

So, going to veg out and watch tv tonight...will hit it in the morning!

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Great necklace Laura...you really look cute! I miss your face and can't wait to see it again!xoxo

Happy VD! hahaha

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I'm home, no changes really. Manda is hurting, and the incision looks rough. It is a couple of inches long is all, but they only clamped it in 3 places, hoping it will drain...she is having trouble opening her mouth she is so swollen....so we ordered her some mac & cheese, and some mashed potatoes, I am sure dietary thought there was an idiot in the room!

I am exhausted, but my Mom let Kinsey take a LATE nap, and now she is not wanting to go to sleep, she is calmly laying watching Disney----but not falling asleep. In my Moms defense, she is now down with the same stuff Kinsey has so she didn't feel good either, so they both slept awhile. Which is understandable. Rick stayed with Kinsey tonight while I did Manda's and my Valentines shopping.

I got the kids each a stuffed puppet that sings love songs when you make his mouth move. Kinsey will love it....Connor might, not so sure. Choices were limited, I just simply have not been in the mood to Celebrate anything.

Also picked up the flowers that Manda's friend had sent to her....he ordered them last week, so had them delivered to her work. So one of the guys brought them down from work, and I got them so I can take them to her tomorrow.

I am so tired, but sleep is difficult, I cannot shut my mind down, and I am afraid to take pills because I need to hear if Kinsey wakes, and be alert enough to go in and check her fever status. It is down to normal tonight, hoping it stays that way, she is getting very whiny and upset about not seeing her Mama. It was easy with Manda today, she slept and zoned out all day due to anesthesia, so she didn't complain about missing the girl....tomorrow will be another story.

Pamela---you WILL finish the diss, they are just messin' wit ya now! Sorry it is being a PITA. So tell us about Z......hell there is another letter, but I forget it!

Thank you for the Valentines Cards for both myself and for Kinsey. Judy she went gaga over the Fairy stickers, has one on her nightgown as I type! Michelle she claimed my pink heart card as her own, and I could not tell her differently. That is like a commercial she watches that has the cool kid in the lunchroom getting a singing Hannah Montana card. She decided she wants a HS Musical card. They do not make them for Daughters or Granddaughters---so she got one for a friend, we figured she can't read it anyway!!!

Suzanne, I took Manda her card today, but she was so woozy all day it is still on her bedside table, I am sure she will be thrilled with it tomorrow. Thank you for thinking of her.

I wore my Terry earrings to the hospital today----and had 2 compliments on them.

OH I have to tell you what I did! Originally Manda's surgery was scheduled with the grouchy Dr. at 1. Then during the pre surgery questions they discovered or reminded themselves of her heart issue. So they moved it up, because a cardiologist was going to be in house at the hospital until noon.

Manda had ask me to stop and get a plastic spacer for her nose ring ( a tiny diamond chip), since she would have to remove it for surgery. So I was meandering around getting Kinsey ready and she calls that it has been moved up to RIGHT NOW!!!

She does not want to lose her piercing, so I hauled butt! Farmington is about 11 miles away. So I flew. Sailed into a parking place and then I RAN!!!! I RAN from the parking lot, through the food court, to Hot Topic......breathed in there!!! Bought the spacer and RAN back to the car!!! Got stopped at every damn light possible! She calls and tells me to come straight to the OR holding! So I get to the hospital, and the only spot I see available quickly is not the last parking space in the row, but the 2nd to last. So I slammed her into park, and off I RUN again! I RAN all the way to the hospital, and at the front desk they escorted me to OR holding, where they were all waiting---and I got the spacer to her, and got to see her and kiss her before she went off to surgery!

So she has surgery, the Dr. comes out and is talking to me, and I feel someone behind me, I look around, and it is an old friend, our parents were very close, we lived in a small very rural "camp". El Paso Nat'l Gas Co. had these camps all over, out in the boonies, where the gas had to be processed. The one we lived in until I was in 2nd grade, had about 35 houses, and a dozen mobile homes, a huge play ground, and a community center. It was 75 miles to the nearest town and 96 to a decent size place! IT was great for kids, because almost all the men working there were starting out their careers, and beginning families, so there were tons of kids, and always someone to play with. The only traffic was the people living there, and they seldom drove....a trip to town every couple of months. And in the winter the snow and mud would be so bad they would air drop supplies to us!!

So anyway the woman standing over my shoulder was one of our old neighbors!! We played together for years. While we were talking, this couple walked by, and it was the guy that lived on the other side of me out there!!!

He and his wife had their first baby the same day I had Manda, our Moms were best friends, and had their first grandbabies on the same day!

Anyway so wierd, that we all 3 were there at the same time!

Sorry I am rambling---I find myself doing that to avoid thinking about things.

I am going to try to go to bed.

Will check in tomorrow!

Happy Valentines Day Violets---I love you all!


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Hi everyone

what a crazy busy week, and i guess now that everyone around me has been sick for a month... and they are all better, MY turn :thumbup:

I was on 3 times last night reading and catching up but passed out at 8:30, i'm up and showered and going to be late for work but what can you do - i'm the only one in town so at least i'm going.

so much to say, so little time (at the moment)

Jane - i'm so glad your bloodwork is good and your fill is good.

Kat - It sounds like things are looking up a little. I was cracking up reading about you going to get the plastic filler, that brings back such memories... and trust me, if she didn't want to lose it, much better to have a filler than have them re-insert, that huts so much more. LOL still giggling - thinking of you running like crazy for filler...

Tracyk - glad dd is so much happier at her new school, that is great, sorry about the pipes

Terry - hey there sister... see you were in a funk... better today

Pamela - how goes it on that side of the country, my mom just got back last night from Pasadena (sp)

Judy - I'm sorry about all you are going through, but glad you are such a great gram and Eathen is happy and enjoying his special time with you guys

Haydee, Tracyks, Michelle, Suzanne.. I know i'm forgetting someone... Heather, sorry now i'm really late and out of control, and still sitting here drinking coffee in my robe with soaking wet hair.

Hi and welcome Suzyt? right

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Good morning ladies....Happy Valentines Day!

I woke up this morning to roses w/ lilies and 2 of my fav books and a promise of more to come :rose: :thumbup:

Today is our anniversary and we are going to Coushatta in Louisiana this weekend. We are leaving soon so I need to get packed.

I finally weighed this morning since TOM is almost gone and I have lost 2 more pounds. I felt like I had...I am happy :rose: I know the work isn't for nuttin'.

Have a great one and I will see you all Monday evening. MUAH! (((hugs)))

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Happy Valentine's to All my Violets.

Up and getting ready to go to the Support Group meeting.

Other than that, not much going on.

I kept teasing my hubby that I wanted something big and chocolate for Valentine's. Yup, you guessed it. A big huge box of chocolates. I said "Are you out of your mind?" He said "you asked for it". Than he told me I could take it to the support group meeting and share.:thumbup:

TracyK, Have a safe trip and a lot of fun.

Everyone have a great day.

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Too funny Suzanne!!! Maybe I will drive up after work and help you with the chocolates! Lets see a 8 hour round trip for chocolate? If i didn't have plans tomorrow......

Thanks for the card Judy, I love it!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone has a great Valentines day!!!!!!!

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Good Morning, Violets and Happy Valentine's Day. The Bobster just went out to pick up a half box of fuji apples that the Lion's club is selling. I think that will be my Valentine's gift.. lol I already told him not to get me anything today. I got Ethan a little monkey with a couple of truffles which are my favorites, but they are sitting on the kitchen island. He didn't want any yet and I'm not going to have them near me.

TracyK.. Happy Anniversary and congrats on the weight loss!! :thumbup::Banane20: Two banana boobies for 2 pounds gone!!

I'm off to my support group meeting. I ran off a paper with 10 food myths and facts for them. Well, at least it's better than bringing them a box of chocolate!! lol

Everyone have a great day!

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Happy Love Day, My Hearts!

I received roses from my dh yesterday ( guess he should travel more often, huh?), and cards & candy from the kids this morning. Then we hit the ground running... left @ 8am & by 10 had already delivered the two of them to 3 different activities! I'm now ensonced @ Panera on the laptop, enjoying a latte while I wait for ds's soccer ref course to conclude (I couldn't face MORE driving to get all the way home & back, so I decided to treat myself to an hour here!)... then we'll grab some lunch & head out to dd's riding lesson. Up & down and up & down I go today... I'll probably spend 5 hrs in the car today... only to end up right back where I started!! Such is life!

How wonderful! As I sit here typing, a barbershop quartet is singing... serenading someone here @ Panera! The whole place has stopped to enjoy them! What an unexpected delight!! They are wonderful!

I hope that each of your days is full of unexpected, loving delight today. I love and treasure each of you... smooches!!

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Happy anniversary Tracy and congrats

how nice. I'm going to lunch with someone special then coming home to have dinner with my friend and her daughters. Since i've pretty much been on my own the last few V-days, and her hubby goes to Daytona every year, we have dinner and drinks together.

I'm going to make scallops wrapped in bacon and shrimp scampi for dinner and i'm going to make chicken parm for the kids

with cosmopolitians, chocolate martini's and buttery nipples... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I am going to try really hard to do the mediterrian diet starting next week. That is how i lost my pre weight so i had a friend email me the basic guidelines from our Dr. and i'm going to do a 1200 cal diet.

anyway, hope you all have a great day, i'm going to lock up and hit the road. everyone left so ... i'm leaving too

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Happy Valentines to all my sweeties!

We have a banner day planned...dissertation, leftovers, and Susanne taking one more day to get better. We will try to go out of the house tomorrow. I did wake up to coffee in bed and a beautiful and personal card. We promised to not get any gifts. A few years ago, she bought me a personalized perfume bottle. It is one of my most cherished gifts it looks so pretty on my perfume mirror!

OK...gotta run!


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Jen, can you email me the details of the diet? I am interested in taking a look. Thanks!! xoox

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Good afternoon, Violets..

I'm back from support group.. had my lunch (bet you can't guess what it was) and ran off the 5 day pouch test with some recipes for 3 people in the support group. We had 4 gastric bypass people and 4 lapband people. Lots of interesting talk and I gave them a sample of the White Cran/Peach Ocean Spray to go packets for their Valentine gift.

Ethan and I split an apple and it tasted so good. I took the peel off cause that doesn't go down for me.

The Bobster sent me a really cute Hoops and YoYo card in email today. It made me smile...lots.

I bought the stuff for the salad for dinner tonight and will put it together at 3. No word from Ethan's parents. They better get back here before we have to leave at 5!!

Hope everyone is having a good day!

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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