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NJ July 2008 Chat

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Betty - That's great to hear that the ekg was ok. I know those things can definately be sensitive and if the do dads are placed slightly off it will throw off the test. You'd think if the technologist that did the test saw something funny (believe me they know something isn't right) that they'd check the placements and re-do the test right there and then. UGH! Anyway, I'm glad this time it worked out and don't fret...August 8th will get here pretty quick. Congrats!

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Betty, geez! THAT would be scary! to be old you'd had a previous heart attack! glad the readings were wrong on that and that you're ok!

Sherry, you're right...Aug. 8 will be here before ya know it!

Where is everybody else?????

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Sorry I've been missing gals, I've been at my beach house since Monday, WITHOUT without wifi hookup, but I took care of that yesterday, I signed up for that Verizon wireless, so, I'll be connected anywhere, I'm loving it. I was having a terrible case of withdrawls. I started to just sign up with my local cable company, but decided on the Verizon wireless, so I can use it anywhere we travel.

Diane, thanks for catching me up on all the NJ news last night.

Betty, I'm so glad you're ok, and I'm so excited for you! Just make sure they get them small enough the first time. Are you going for perky too? LOL

Sherry, I love the new avatar. Waiting for Diane to post hers.

Kat, where are you? Did we make you mad?

Hugs all

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I really should have DH take another picture because my hair hasn't been like that for a while now lol. I got the cut that is cropped in the back and longer in the front...of course 85% of the time I have it pulled back in a head band anyway. Just CAN'T STAND hair in my face lol.

I'm worried about Kat as well. She's a regular so I hope she's ok. I don't have her number to give her a call just to say we're thinking of her. Anyone have it and can do that?

Must be nice having a beach house :) I just love the sitting and watching the Water. Good thing because DH has that new metal detector toy so I end up going with him. At least I can enjoy the beach :teeth_smile:

I'm home from work today, took the day off to get the house spruced up for tomorrows cookout. I have to start the pulled pork too so I'm not running around like crazy tomorrow to the point of exhaustion before the party even starts. Hmmm probably end up doing that anyway lol but, still. I ordered my rolls already, making my shopping list now although I got most of the stuff I need already. We've had terrible storms this week but today should be nice so I can get outside and clean up the yard and decks. Have lots of freaking house cleaning to do because I live with TWO guys so ya'll know what that means :) Anywho I'm very fortunate in that I have friends helping by bringing some things for the cookout. Chrispy is making Beans, pulled bbq chicken and a dessert....God bless her. She's my adopted sister :wink_smile: And my friend Maddie is making Pasta salad and a trifle yummm another adopted sister :rolleyes2: I'm making the pulled pork, coleslaw, macaroni salad, Desserts, got all the other supplies whew I'm already tired and I'm not out of this chair yet lol.

Ooops had to leave, Milkman was here (minds out of the gutter ladies haha). We have a local diary and they started to deliver here. The chocolate milk is sinful...yeap I'm drinking a glass right now. The milk comes in the glass milk jugs and really is fresh. Problem is I have to plan it right or the milk goes bad by the following delivery. Yummmo

So I really should be cleaning right now but, man I just hate it. Wish I could win a maid for a day kinda thing lol. Would love to have one come by once a month and give the place a good scrubdown but the budget doesn't allow it. The budget is going to get even tighter OUCH because my EX got laid off UGH. With that happening and DS headed for college yeap...need to buckle down after this party of ours.

Haven't been riding on my bike because of the weather. I'm craving it but, doesn't look like it will be happening soon with everything I need to do lol. Speaking of.....dang nabbit I should get going. I miss you gals :thumbs_up:

Oh yea the weight thing lol ...that thing that brought us here in the first place. The scale isn't moving around this part other than the wrong direction. Eh I'll worry about it again after the party lol.

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Hello Y'all!

It is damn hot here, and by Sunday it is supposed to be 104 degrees! Our pool is like bath Water, it doesn't cool you off at all. It sounds like a good weekend for staying in the house! lol

I have seen Kat posting on other threads today, so I think she sounds just fine. I think she has just been busy!

Sherry - Your party sounds like fun, and the food sounds yummy! I have been doing some riding, but not this weekend, dh can go all he wants to but I am not going out riding in that heat!

Pat - I was wondering where you were! Glad you got the internet so you can post no matter where you are! At this point, if I get to go ahead with the surgery I am more concerned with getting them smaller than perky. I image they will be somewhat perky because they have to move the nipple on mine. I told him I didn't want them rolling under my arm anymore! And I don't want to throw them over my shoulder. lol I am just ready to do it and I sure hope my PCP doens't stop me from having it done. He is pretty strict with stuff like this.

Well, going to go kick it back and relax just a little before the dh gets home.

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Betty, I'm thinkin' that you PCP will be "on board" with you on this....just a feeling. If I were able to do it, I'd have to have them moved up too! LOL!

Sherry, thinkin'of you livin' with the two guys just reminds me of what it was like when my young son was living at home with me & DH. I love him dearly and ARG! GRRRRRRRR! "pig stye" room! ...it gets better, he finds his way and moves into his own place and then you and DH have a playground that's all your own! Sure love my boy and sure love my privacy and cleaner house too! (AND I gained a guest room, LOL)...sometimes it seems like that day will never come, and then it does :thumbup:

I know now why the scale is moving in the wrong direction! I'm an IDIOT! I do real well all day at work and then I come home and feel like I have to take a bite or tablespoon of everything under the sun AND eat a dinner AND drink beverages with lots of sugar/calories....bah! Idiot.

Pat, home from the beach? did you win anything when you went to the horse races?

Donna & Trish, how goes it?

TTYL gals!

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Ahhhh sipping a nice freshly made White russian...and I'm wondering why the scale isn't movin? heh heh...No I'm not wondering...like you Diane I know why but, that's just going to have to wait until after the party. My friend just told me about a watermelon martini so I had to run out and get the stuff to make it. She's going to make it while she's here at the party tomorrow. Watermelon Vodka, Watermelon Smirnoff Ice and Watermelon Pucker. Whew......I'm relaxed already hahaha.

My pork is pulled just waiting for the sauce to thicking up a bit then I'll mix it together and refridge it overnight. Then back in the crockpot tomorrow for the party. Chrispy already pulled the BBQ chicken too and she's making Beans :thumbup: I got most of the house cleaned, the yard cleaned, volleyball/batminton net is up, canopy is up and lawn furniture all set to go. Pool is looking inviting and exceptionally full after all the rain we've had. Its suppose to be around 87 here tomorrow PERFECT weather for a party. Yeap. Oh got my Sangria Slushes in the freezer too. Anyone ever have those? OMG they are sooooo good and since it's slush it's refreshing too. You can get them from Tastefully Simple....just had a house party so I could pick them up hee hee. (Oh my this White russian is hitting me already whew...good thing I'm not a bartender...the bar wouldn't make enough money WAY too much alcohol lol)

DH just left at 9:10pm to go on a ride to Providence RI with is buddy (and my chiropractor lol). Some motorcycle meet that happens every friday from 10pm to 12 am. Eh have fun guys :cheers2: Having my own party here right now lol whew.

Betty - I think it's awesome that you're ready for this. Do you think your PCP will really give you a hard time? Just tell him/her you can't breath at night cause they are choking ya lol. man.....I can't wait to have perky boobies again :cornut:

Pat - that's cool that you'll be able to access your computer anywhere. You'd be amazed actually at how many people have unprotected internet connections and if you have wireless you can use theirs lol. DH and I were mapping out a motorcycle ride for us and his friends so he has a GPS on his laptop. I drove and he had the laptop and he kept saying geesh I can connect anywhere out there lol. He was actually able to tell me the names of the peoples connections too. Then we got to our house and my name popped up but it said SECURED so no one could use it :Banane53: Good thing he set it up lol. He feels bad that people are out there with no protection for their computers but, we can't really knock on doors and tell folks because he's worried then they'll think we were in their computers even though we would never do that. So be careful :hurray: Get a good computer guy...gal :party:

Eileen - I know you post on weekends but, I wanted to say HELLO my friend. How's it going?

Kat - I hope you're doing well. Good to know you're out there in LBT posting some things so at least we know your'e ok. I miss ya :woot:

Hmmm everyone else on vacation? Advanced only does so much lol. Hidey Ho everyone! Hope you're enjoying your summer so far.

Well...time to go mix the sauce in with my pulled pork. Tomorrow I'm going to have to get up early to clean the bathrooms YUCKO I just HATE that job! and the livingroom. DH said he'd wash the kitchen floor for me so I"m holding him to it. Then I have to prepare the rest of the food and bingo I'm done. Hopefully it will all be done and ready well before 1 so I can relax and enjoy my company. Unfortunately if it's hot....I won't wear a bathing suit in front of all these people. Not that confident in my body that's for sure. Don't mind in front of immediate family and bestest friends but, hubbys friends...ummmm...VP of my company......My clients...no that's ok :clap:

Love you gals...hope you have a wonderful weekend and I hope to be in here again on Sunday at least :) :w00t::Banane20::tt2::wub: love these things :lol::w00t::thumbup:

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Ok Just added the sauce to my pulled pork...OMG ladies this stuff is out of this world super moist and tastey. Not too spicey :thumbup: Anyone who likes it spicey can add crushed red pepper to it. Here is the recipe in case anyone is interested. It's so easy peasy because it's made in the crockpot :crying:

1 medium Onion

1/2 Cup ketchup

1/3 Cup Cider Vinegar

1/4 Cup Packed Brown sugar

1/4 Cup Tomato Paste

2 Tablespoons Sweet Paprika (? I used regular paprika)

2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

2 Tablespoons yellow mustard

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

4 pounds boneless pork shoulder blad roast (I used pork loin since it was on sale $1.99 a pound at my Stop & Shop)


In 4 1/2 to 6 quart slow-cooker pot, stir together all ingredients except pork. Take pork and cut into 4 pieces, add it to the slow-cooker and turn to coat it well with sauce. Cover slow cooker with lid and cook pork mixture on low setting for 8-10 hours or until pork is very tender.

With tongs, transfer pork to large bowlo. Turn setting on slow-cooker to high: cover and heat sauce to boiling to thicken and reduce slightly.

White sauce boils, with 2 forks, pull pork into shreds. Return shredded pork to slow cooker and toss with sauce to combine. Cover slowcooker and heat through on high setting if necessary.

Spoon pork onto buns. Some serve it with coleslaw on top or pickles. me...I eat it just the way it is no bun lol.

ENJOY it's so dang yummy and it heats well in the micro after too :wink2:

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Good Morning Y'all!

Just finished loading the smoker with lots of good meat, I like to do that so when I come home in the evenings I only have to worry about the trimmings to go with it.

It is going to be 105-106 today, so no gilling for me! I got most of my work done yesterday, so as long as I don't get any company today I can finally get some r&r!

Sherry - how did your party go? Hope you had lots of fun! Thanks for the recipe, it sounds really good!

What's everyone doing today?

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Hey Betty - The party went really well and I'm POOPED with a TRASHED kitchen. UGH. Fortunately, DH helped me clean up and my refridge is full with stuff people left. Now later on I'll have to go through it all and see what I should keep and what needs to be thrown away. SO much stuff! The pulled pork and BBQ pulled chicken were completely gone by the second sitting later in the day. People brought Desserts and my goodness where the heck do I keep it all...IF I should even keep it. I've got tomorrow off of work so may just finish all this stuff today and then sit by the pool tomorrow and read a book. OH YEA BABY relaxation time. But today.....we just got done cleaning up the kitchen we have the decks and refridge to do but, we're off to help friends move. Tired but, they'd be there for us so we want to help them too :) Oh by the way the watermelon martinis were awesome :mad2: Want the recipe for that? hee hee

Watermelon Martini:

1 bottle Smirnoff Watermelon Ice

2 shot glasses Watermelon Pucker

2 shot glasses Watermelon Vodka

Pour into glasses...for garnish you can use a sliver of watermelon.

Yeap quite relaxed last night :biggrin: Oh keep Pucker and Vodka in the freezer extra cold that way yummm lol

Ok off to help our friends. Love you folks!

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Hey Girlies!

Remember me? Rodeo is almost over, and I'll be back. Thanks for the message Betty-----I have not caught up on posts, going to go read them, and will be back!

Missed you all!


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OK, wow, where to begin???

Our tri-city area hosted the huge rodeo I was helping to prep for on the June thread, and it has been going on for the last 10 days or so. Great fun! HUGE amounts of work!!! I go back and forth, and continue to try to keep Kinsey with me when I can, she loves it so much! I would come home, and reply to what I get on email, and do my best to hit a couple of unanswered posts as a moderator, and hit the sack!

We managed a couple of camping trips before the rodeo hit---had so much fun, did a motorcycle rally in Grants NM--on the famous Route 66. In fact, there was a string of busses traveling Route 66 to connect with I 40 and they had no idea there was a motorcycle rally going on. They had 66 down to 2 narrow lanes between row upon row of bikes. When these busses hit town, they were mobbed!!! It was the Dallas Cowboys heading to CA for training camp!!! They actually got out, signed some autographs, and finally got escorted through town without taking out any bikes!! I didn't go close, I am not big on large rowdy crowds like that, so I took pics from afar, and it is pretty funny, all the athletes stand heads taller than the crowd!!!

Betty---reduction surgery!!! I want to, but I don't......I am recovered from my TT. I go to the PS on the 4th for my final check up and release, and he will do my after shots, then I will email them to share with those that want, not sure I want them up on the WWW. Ya know what I mean???

My DD--Manda is seeing her cardiologist the end of next week and they will decide if surgery is delayable or not. I am pretty worried. She is starting the swell cycle again. That is due to the RA.

My DD--Abbey, is on complete bedrest. She is 14 weeks pregnant, and her placenta is torn. She has been bleeding for over a month now. They doppler her daily, from home and heartbeat is strong, and when the OB did the ultrasound the baby did not appear to be in any stress. The tear is not near the attachment sight nor near the umbilical attachment. But it is not healing like they had hoped. Currently the baby is small and not super active, the concern is as space decreases when the baby grows and begins really kicking, it could increase the tear, and cause her to bleed out, before the baby is viable. If that happens it would be a mid term miscarriage. We are keeping our fingers crossed. They do not want to do another US until mid August, they say bouncing the sound waves off the placenta might make it worse!

Our DS---they are good! Thank goodness 2 out of 3 is bad enough!!

Rick and I are fine. As I say, I have healed great, scar is still ugly purple, but.....my belly is so much flatter I am thrilled!! I swell terribly bad on the left side where the muscle repair took place, he said I could expect that to last for months---wonderful!!!

I took my folks up to the mountains on Friday, and set up a camp for them--their church was having a retreat----and they are not set up with camping things. We donated use of our camp trailer for the rodeo, so Mom and Dad were relegated to a tent!!! I took them up and set them up on Friday, and just got home from bringing them back. I missed Rick terribly on the set up and tear down!!! They seemed to have a good time. And they of course loved bragging what a good daughter I was to do that for them----even if I didn't stay for church!!! LOL

Weight is sitting tight at 175. I know I need to reduce caloric intake or increase exercise----neither sounds very appealling right now!! My eating has been horrible through the rodeo. All those damn food vendors! OMG! I dreamed of the chocolate dipped cheesecake---seriously!! In my dream I was trying to figure out a way to serve it even though it was too hot out! I need mental help!!

I need to get busy, I have to go pick up the unused hay---and we need to tow the trailer home.

Sherry----reading your newest post.....have you tried lactaid to see if that helps the acid issues? I read about your chocolate milk----and it led me to wonder if perhaps you make an extra amount of acid due to some sort of lactose intolerance. My Mom has killer heartburn if she does any sort of dairy without lactaid. And Protein drinks, and yogurt, cheese a lot of the bandster things we do-----------are dairy laden. It won't hurt you if that isn't the problem, and they dissolve quickly so should be band friendly.

Oh heck it is starting to rain-------I gotta go girls-------I will be back, I missed you. When I don't get email reminders at night, I seldom make it anywhere.

Hugs to all of you!!!!


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Kat, so glad you checked in and that you are well! I didn't realize that you are a moderator. I thought I'd remembered something about you being asked and then time elapsed and it didn't happen....maybe I'm remembering incorrectly....anyway, cool - moderator! Fantastic numbers on the scale! You must be really hot now (especially after TT and all!) I thought I remembered you saying something about being tall too. anyway, good to see you posting in here again :teeth_smile:

Sherry! congrats on a fabulous party! Biggest problem for me is that I wasn't there! Everything sounded fan-tas-tic! how may people, do you think, were there? good luck with all the "after-work" stuff.

Pat, Betty, Chrispy, Donna, Cindy, Trish and Jessica...Hope you're doing well!

G'night all!

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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