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Are We ready for a Black President?

Are we ready for a Black President?  

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OK, not getting into Obama being muslim or not...actually I don't believe he is, at least now, and he obviously belonged to a Christian Church for many years, not exactly a good one, in my humble opinion, a church that is led by a man who give Christians/Christianity a bad name among other things to say the least, really... I think I would give Obama more credit if he would've been a member of a decent muslim church/sect...

I absolutely don't care that he is black , like someone posted above, I vote for the candidate that I believe can do the job right and who is of course as close as possible to my political views, which is how many of us vote.., wether he/she is white, black pink or yellow it not an issue for me..

I want to add that I find the fact that a black man and a woman were running for the presidential nomination amazing, just great, it's a step forward for sure and I'm very happy for that. I also don't think is an issue being a muslim, hey, freedom of religion, I'm ok with that too, but to say that muslims have gotten a bad rap because of the president that we have now? Well, that's ridiculous, muslims have gotten a bad rap due to the radical muslim groups that have committed crimes against humanity, those have given muslims a bad name which results in muslims getting a bad rap, that doesn't mean that all muslims are criminals or that they deserve the bad rap, but unfortunately those are the consequences, same thing has happened to christians, etc.... so blaming George Bush is just not accurate.


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It is hard to read that statement .... what will it take for people to realize that he is not a Muslim....:thumbup: i mean c'mon.

Like the post before me i mean not to offend .... but first he has Wright issues(his Christian pastor) and then father pflager( a catholic priest) where is it coming from that Obama is a Muslim .... I'm not getting it?

Amen. I dont think race, religion, sex or anything matters. It's what they're doing for us!! I am a 100% Obama supporter. Love him to death and I will be so disappointed if McCain wins. We don't need another 4 years of what Bush did. :thumbup:

I think everyone is giving Obama way too much trouble because he is black and has different beliefs. Why is everyone so against him it seems?

All I know is I am incredibly happy that Obama is the presidental nominee for the Democrats. WAY TO GO!!:biggrin2:

Obama all the way.:tongue2:

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i think john mCcain is a good man, i actually like him - however his intent to carry on GW's policy abroad is the single reason, i feel he will not win. i sure hope not at least. i've been an Obama fan for a while now, i think this last run of the Democratic race was probably one of the best things that has happened to the US polical process in a LONG TIME! look how many more people registered...look how many more people are involved / actual care.

john mCcain does not speak to me, we do not share similar views...i joke that if he puts hillary on his ticket he might win. hubby & inlaws don't share my humor - but i'm a lone NY liberal in TX & have to crack a joke here / there.

My preference would be a Obama/Edwards ticket:smile:

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Obama/Edwards would be nice, I myself don't want Hillary for VP.:tongue2:

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I would hope that we are ready for a Black President or a Woman President (personally I think it's terrible that this question has to be asked in the first place - it shows that sexism & racism still exist)

On the day that he declared himself the Dem candidate (cuz he has the #'s) - I went and told my grandchildren to watch his speech. That this was a special day - a day in History that will be written about in our history book - it's about time that a women & or a man of color even have a chance to be the President of the USA.

Hopefully one day we the people will get it together and understand we are the same no matter the color of our skin or if we squat or stand to pee.

Edited by IndioGirl55

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I remember when i first created this post i was frustrated because my father ( who was in the Civil Rights Struggle) was so pessimistic about Obama s candidacy that i literally depressed me. I mean honest to God I never thought that i would see this day in my lifetime... simply on the basis that i know the history and i know the recent past and it hasn't been too positive of a out look.

I am play uncle to 9 neices and nephews and to thing that when they hear me or their parent say that you can be anything you want in this world if you live right and work hard enough and not have it laced with complete BS...:thumbup: i mean it make me want to go into my old neibor hoods and telling some of the people i once knew who never thought working hard is worth it, i want to grab them point and Hillary and Obama and say look at them... the times have changed ... there are more options.

the only thing that i can wish more for at this point is please God let him win the Big Show.:tongue2:

BTW... my father still doesnt want to put even in the slightest hope that Obama might win. I just think of how i say on news stations how the World reacted to the news of the DNC nomination... There is so much hope...

I Hope and Pray that my father is proven Wrong.

Edited by TheWatcher

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I know I don't think for most people but when I read I don't care what color, pink or poka dots or what religion or sex it sounds more like people just saying what they want you to hear, sometimes. After my daughter took a class on racism in America at her university it makes you question almost everything you say and think! What do you think will happen in the black community if B. Obama is elected? Positives? Negatives?

I know it can't erase past slavery and oppression but what things do you think will change. My youngest brother's first born son is black and was adopted at birth, my niece lives with a black man and has a child by him as white people my family is fairly liberal and my eldest brother is a B. Obama delegate for his state.

My husband on the other hand is more or less inclined to go the McCain route. I decide after debates on what to do and sometimes vote my conscious and sometimes vote my wallet. I'm just being honest.

Just curious of your opinion of what changes may occur for the US black population if Barack Obama is elected president. brandyII, (born in Wash.D.C.)

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What an intresting thread.

I read all the posts and if I am not mistaken, Watcher was not the person who first brought up slavery. It seemed to be an assumption on the part of others that slavery is what is making Watcher angry and feeling that he can't trust white Americans.

Well, I'm not a black man or even a black woman. I do not feel that I am qualified to say how a black person in America should feel about living in America. I have not been discriminated against for being black. I may have witnessed discrimination (and I certainly have) but I have never felt what it is like to be discriminated against just because my skin color is dark.

I have been discriminated against because I am a woman (in the work force, a lot). I have been discrminated against because I am white - by 3 black girls on the streets of Richmond. Although I couldn't understand their anger at me - since I felt at the time that I was not a racial bigot - I understand now that as black girls in the south, they had felt what it was like to be treated poorly just because of their skin color. I understand why they resented someone who was acceptible just because they were white.

The one thing that I liked that Jesse Jackson started was the slogan, "I'm black and I'm proud." It was a strong message for black America and if we elect Barack Obama it will be another strong message for black Americans.

It will also be a very powerful message to white Americans who have lived the stereotypical white life and who have distrusted black people and who have ignorant ideas about what skin color can tell you about a person.

Skin color alone can't tell you whether a person is good or bad. Americans have pre-judged people based on the color of their skin for hundreds of years and many continue to believe that skin color is important in one way or another.

Until we can have more interpersonal racial relationships and until we give up our ignorant beliefs about race, we will have racial discrmination in this country. That has to stop and we all need to understand that change begins with us. That's one reason why a forum like this is a good thing.

Both black and white participants can learn and change the way they think about skin color. Thank goodness for communication and education!

I am an Obama supporter. I do not want to see Hillary as his running mate. But that has nothing to do with her sex. I trust Hillary about as much as I trust McCain and that is not at all. Both of them have sold out to get the presidency. Neither of them will affect a change in the policies that are harming America so much.

P.S. The garbage about Obama being Muslim is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the number of outright lies that have been posted on the 'net about him. I am sure that the lies about Obama will only get worse the closer we get to the general election.

And unless you want to continue with the Bush policies about the war, the environment, immigration, insurance and all the rest, you need to become knowledgeable about the real Obama and about the changes he wants to help us make. And if you want to have the possibility of a united, strong America again, you better be darned sure that you get out and vote. Remember what happened in 2000 and 2004! We need an enormous landslide so that none of their shenanigans will keep the best man for the job from being elected.

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What an intresting thread.

I read all the posts and if I am not mistaken, Watcher was not the person who first brought up slavery. It seemed to be an assumption on the part of others that slavery is what is making Watcher angry and feeling that he can't trust white Americans.

Well, I'm not a black man or even a black woman. I do not feel that I am qualified to say how a black person in America should feel about living in America. I have not been discriminated against for being black. I may have witnessed discrimination (and I certainly have) but I have never felt what it is like to be discriminated against just because my skin color is dark.

I have been discriminated against because I am a woman (in the work force, a lot). I have been discrminated against because I am white - by 3 black girls on the streets of Richmond. Although I couldn't understand their anger at me - since I felt at the time that I was not a racial bigot - I understand now that as black girls in the south, they had felt what it was like to be treated poorly just because of their skin color. I understand why they resented someone who was acceptible just because they were white.

The one thing that I liked that Jesse Jackson started was the slogan, "I'm black and I'm proud." It was a strong message for black America and if we elect Barack Obama it will be another strong message for black Americans.

It will also be a very powerful message to white Americans who have lived the stereotypical white life and who have distrusted black people and who have ignorant ideas about what skin color can tell you about a person.

Skin color alone can't tell you whether a person is good or bad. Americans have pre-judged people based on the color of their skin for hundreds of years and many continue to believe that skin color is important in one way or another.

Until we can have more interpersonal racial relationships and until we give up our ignorant beliefs about race, we will have racial discrmination in this country. That has to stop and we all need to understand that change begins with us. That's one reason why a forum like this is a good thing.

Both black and white participants can learn and change the way they think about skin color. Thank goodness for communication and education!

I am an Obama supporter. I do not want to see Hillary as his running mate. But that has nothing to do with her sex. I trust Hillary about as much as I trust McCain and that is not at all. Both of them have sold out to get the presidency. Neither of them will affect a change in the policies that are harming America so much.

P.S. The garbage about Obama being Muslim is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the number of outright lies that have been posted on the 'net about him. I am sure that the lies about Obama will only get worse the closer we get to the general election.

And unless you want to continue with the Bush policies about the war, the environment, immigration, insurance and all the rest, you need to become knowledgeable about the real Obama and about the changes he wants to help us make. And if you want to have the possibility of a united, strong America again, you better be darned sure that you get out and vote. Remember what happened in 2000 and 2004! We need an enormous landslide so that none of their shenanigans will keep the best man for the job from being elected.

my God...

You get it...

:thumbup:you really get it i owe you a beer:thumbup:

Im sot really sure what else to say ... thank you

i remember some of the post... there was a lot of info shared i think you are right on the money:tt1:

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It's also refreshing to see that Obama is not taking money from lobbyests now also!:)

I admit I didn't read all the posts but some of them were a bit annoying and so I skimmed a bit, brandyII.

Edited by brandyII

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I am humbled by your response, Watcher. I hope I really do get it. God I can be stupid sometimes. And it has taken me a long time to figure out why black people are angry and why white people fear blacks so much.

You know the one good thing that has come of the Dubya presidency is that everything that has been wrong in America has become even more obvious. It's pretty hard for us to continue to stick our heads in the sand and claim that we're fair, unbiased and good people when we elect someone like him. We've been all about greed.

We decided a long time ago that welfare was invented for black people. We resent black people because we think they're all on the dole and that we're paying for their $500 tennis shoes. We think that black people are committing all the crime in America. We think that all a black person has to do is to work hard and they'll become Oprah or Barack.

How ignorant can we be to allow discrimination against black people to continue and pretend that we had nothing to do with allowing it to continue? Everytime we say we don't understand why black people are still angry today, we are allowing it to continue.

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What an intresting thread.

I read all the posts and if I am not mistaken, Watcher was not the person who first brought up slavery. It seemed to be an assumption on the part of others that slavery is what is making Watcher angry and feeling that he can't trust white Americans.

Well, I'm not a black man or even a black woman. I do not feel that I am qualified to say how a black person in America should feel about living in America. I have not been discriminated against for being black. I may have witnessed discrimination (and I certainly have) but I have never felt what it is like to be discriminated against just because my skin color is dark.

I have been discriminated against because I am a woman (in the work force, a lot). I have been discrminated against because I am white - by 3 black girls on the streets of Richmond. Although I couldn't understand their anger at me - since I felt at the time that I was not a racial bigot - I understand now that as black girls in the south, they had felt what it was like to be treated poorly just because of their skin color. I understand why they resented someone who was acceptible just because they were white.

The one thing that I liked that Jesse Jackson started was the slogan, "I'm black and I'm proud." It was a strong message for black America and if we elect Barack Obama it will be another strong message for black Americans.

It will also be a very powerful message to white Americans who have lived the stereotypical white life and who have distrusted black people and who have ignorant ideas about what skin color can tell you about a person.

Skin color alone can't tell you whether a person is good or bad. Americans have pre-judged people based on the color of their skin for hundreds of years and many continue to believe that skin color is important in one way or another.

Until we can have more interpersonal racial relationships and until we give up our ignorant beliefs about race, we will have racial discrmination in this country. That has to stop and we all need to understand that change begins with us. That's one reason why a forum like this is a good thing.

Both black and white participants can learn and change the way they think about skin color. Thank goodness for communication and education!

I am an Obama supporter. I do not want to see Hillary as his running mate. But that has nothing to do with her sex. I trust Hillary about as much as I trust McCain and that is not at all. Both of them have sold out to get the presidency. Neither of them will affect a change in the policies that are harming America so much.

P.S. The garbage about Obama being Muslim is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the number of outright lies that have been posted on the 'net about him. I am sure that the lies about Obama will only get worse the closer we get to the general election.

And unless you want to continue with the Bush policies about the war, the environment, immigration, insurance and all the rest, you need to become knowledgeable about the real Obama and about the changes he wants to help us make. And if you want to have the possibility of a united, strong America again, you better be darned sure that you get out and vote. Remember what happened in 2000 and 2004! We need an enormous landslide so that none of their shenanigans will keep the best man for the job from being elected.

I absolutely loved reading this BJean! Couldn't agree with you more.:tongue2: Sometimes I think we should all be completely colorblind so no one is judged for their skin color, people would still find something else to not like someone for though, they always do. Thanks for such a wonderful post.

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Thanks a lot froggi! Does anyone ever ask you to plunk your magic twanger?

In the 50's, there was a shoe commercial for Buster Brown shoes. Once the magic twanger was plunked, a little frog jumped up and said, "Hiya kids, Hiya, Hiya, Hiya."

Hmmmm, loses something in the translation. :biggrin:

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