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Slow Losers Unite!

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Hi Everyone,

My name is Anne, and I feel like a slow loser. I have three areas of weakness... sweets (which seems to be improving in the past couple of days), lack of exercise, and lack of Water. I just bought a cute 1/2-gallon water bottle. It looks like a 5-gallon water cooler bottle.

A friend of mine made some comments yesterday that really bothered me. She was speaking to me as if I don't give a damn, and as if I haven't made any progress. I came to the realization that she was comparing me to someone she knows who had gastric bypass. I had to remind her that weight loss with gastric bypass is more rapid. I've decided that maybe I shouldn't reach out to her any longer. Perhaps she was offering me "tough love," but it was unexpected.

I'm proud of myself for not having one drop of soda since two days before surgery. I do miss it, especially when I'm surrounded by others drinking it.

I feel like I've done a lot of worrying since being banded. I'm trying to relax and not worry so much. Some things are just out of my control, and I have to try to remember that. I have an excellent surgeon with an excellent track record, so I have no reason to worry about potential complications. I just hate when I read where someone required re-banding or a port revision. I also need to stop worrying about my skin. This has been an issue.

I would like to throw a question out there. Does anyone recommend anything for energy? I think some people suggest green tea. I've never been a tea or coffee drinker. I take a couple of medications that cause drowsiness, and I really need to find a way to boost my energy level.

Thanks for listening.

I'm so jealous at how well you're doing! You lost twice as much weight as I have and you were banded 4 months later than I was! Congratulations!

I have the same problem with people telling me I don't seem to have made any progress. And "tough love" my ass! Excuse my language! They know they're being condescending and it hurts more the way some people try to "help". Only we know how truly well we feel we are doing and pounds and inches lost is just a small part of this process to becoming a healthier person. Don't let others get you down.

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I don't use exact measurements when cooking most of the time. A bad habit that I need to change. When I get the portions figured out I will post it on my blog and let you know. In the mean time I'll just tell you what I do now.

I brown and season about 1.5 cups extra lean ground beef and 1.5 cups ground turkey, in a medium size pot. I drain and rinse a can of kidney Beans and a can of chili beans and add them to the meat. Then I add 1 can Tomato paste and Water (or V-8 if I have some) and a chili seasoning packet. Stir and heat.

After it cools, I scoop 1 cup servings into zip lock bags and freeze them. For a quick luck I put the frozen chili in a bowl, microwave, top with fat free sour cream, a sprinkle of cheese and four tortilla chips. Sometimes I can't even finish a whole bowl, it's so filling. I figure it's about 30g Protein.< /p>

You're so right, Doddie. The thing is that I have been going in about every 3-4 weeks for a fill. So I spend the first week after that going gradually from liquids, to mushies, to solids-- about one week per month. I don't know why the Dr gave me such a huge band but it taking forever to get to my sweet spot. Though, I think I may be close with this latest fill.

Congratulations on shopping for smaller clothes! How fun!!!

Oh, ick! Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt. Not fun at all. It's little moments like those that make me cautious about my eating and has made me curb some of my bad habits. I both hate and love my band for that. LOL!

I'm just glad you got it down and it didn't come up. It will probably get easier as time passes. It usually takes me a week or so to adjust to my fills.

Yep. Me too. Especially if it's something I really like. My band will "remind me" to slow down or else! I use toddler silverware to help me take smaller bites and that helps. I look at portions I used to eat and it just amazes me.

Thanks! It sounds really good and I need something I can freeze and eat on the fly!

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I had my first sliming incident today also. I ate a Lean Pocket for Breakfast which I always did before this last fill. Oh boy:eek::) what a nightmare. Must have been too doughy. I was "sick" for about an hour. Not violently ill but uncomfortable. I am going to start practicing some good chili recipes. Sounds like it is a good way to get some tasty Protein.< /div>

Sliming is the worst! It feels like someone is trying to tear out your esophogus (sp). It happens to me in public sometimes and I try to keep a straight face so as not to let on that I'm "choking!" I can't eat anything real doughy anymore, which is good because I'm addicted to carbs!

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Sliming is the worst! It feels like someone is trying to tear out your esophogus (sp). It happens to me in public sometimes and I try to keep a straight face so as not to let on that I'm "choking!" I can't eat anything real doughy anymore, which is good because I'm addicted to carbs!

NJ Gal, I was addicted to carbs until my last fill. This did it. I really have to eat slow and steady to get in all I need. I hope I fall into a routine and get used to this. I had tuna fish with mayo today and boy, that didn't want to go down to well either. No sliming just took forever.

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JProtein is what curbs the appetite and maintains muscles and veggies create sugars and sugar makes you lethargic and hungry. Think as a furnace, you stoke the furnace with kindling (sugar) for fast burn then you put longer burning coal (protein) on. So stoke up on Protein.< /p>

The other thing is, I lay you odds that all of us are hooked on soda drinks. They were our comfort soothers. To get rid of an addiction or habit take time and effort. Keep on saying no to yourself.

As for you less than displomatic know it all friend, find another friend. With friends like her who needs enemies. Doddie

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Hi Everyone,

My name is Anne, and I feel like a slow loser. I have three areas of weakness... sweets (which seems to be improving in the past couple of days), lack of exercise, and lack of Water. I just bought a cute 1/2-gallon water bottle. It looks like a 5-gallon water cooler bottle.

A friend of mine made some comments yesterday that really bothered me. She was speaking to me as if I don't give a damn, and as if I haven't made any progress. I came to the realization that she was comparing me to someone she knows who had gastric bypass. I had to remind her that weight loss with gastric bypass is more rapid. I've decided that maybe I shouldn't reach out to her any longer. Perhaps she was offering me "tough love," but it was unexpected.

I'm proud of myself for not having one drop of soda since two days before surgery. I do miss it, especially when I'm surrounded by others drinking it.

I feel like I've done a lot of worrying since being banded. I'm trying to relax and not worry so much. Some things are just out of my control, and I have to try to remember that. I have an excellent surgeon with an excellent track record, so I have no reason to worry about potential complications. I just hate when I read where someone required re-banding or a port revision. I also need to stop worrying about my skin. This has been an issue.

I would like to throw a question out there. Does anyone recommend anything for energy? I think some people suggest green tea. I've never been a tea or coffee drinker. I take a couple of medications that cause drowsiness, and I really need to find a way to boost my energy level.

Thanks for listening.

Hi Anne, You have done so many good things for yourself and are losing more than enough weight. Give yourself a break. You're doing great!

As for your clueless friend... You teach people how to treat you. Teach her you won't allow people to speak to you that way. I have had this same issue with my mother. She thinks negative comments will motivate me. Now every time she says something stupid I call her on it. She doesn't even realize she's doing it half the time. Ugh!

Brag about your victories. You have a lot to be proud of!

It happens to me in public sometimes and I try to keep a straight face so as not to let on that I'm "choking!"

In public is the worst. I was out to luch with the family once and spent half the time spitting my drool and slime into a toilet :biggrin:

I had tuna fish with mayo today and boy, that didn't want to go down to well either. No sliming just took forever.

To some degree, though not as bad as you mention, it should take a while for things like tuna or well chewed chicken to go down. The guide my Dr told me is take small bites, chew really well, eat about 1 cup of food, don't eat for longer that 20 min. and it should take about 3 hours until you are hungry again.

With more solid foods I take a few bites and then have to wait for a small burp before I can eat more. I can tell I'm full when I start to get discomfort and often I will hickup or my nose runs. Weird, huh?

My NSV: I made it to water aerobics this morning! This is a big personal victory and I'm proud of myself. :)

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The other thing is, I lay you odds that all of us are hooked on soda drinks. They were our comfort soothers.


I have absolutely NO addiction whatsoever to soda. I guess I;m one of the lucky ones. I've never felt a need to have it and all I ever drink is Water and occasionally some iced tea. I'm so grateful I'm not a soda drinker!

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I have had this same issue with my mother. She thinks negative comments will motivate me. Now every time she says something stupid I call her on it. She doesn't even realize she's doing it half the time. Ugh!

OMG! My mom does the same thing! She has been doing it ever since I gained the weight. She's always so negative with her "constructive criticism." I can't stand it when she does that. I guess she believes I will do better if I have someone jumping down my throat all the time :wink2: But it actually sometimes makes me worse off because I feel depressed about what she says to me. But I guess they really mean well by it, right Band Chick? LOL! :)

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Hi Everyone,

Finally, a little snowfall here in Baltimore! My sister-in-law thinks I'm crazy... she has to deal with much snow near Chicago.

Thank you all for your support and feedback. Dare I say, I think I'm starting to find my rhythm for exercising again. Yesterday I got some pointers for tricep work from one of the guys at the office. Today I bought a pilates circle and 10-lb dumbbells (they were on sale). I already have 5-lb dumbbells. I'm not ready to commit to another gym membership, so I've set up my own little exercise area at home. I've got my stereo and a small TV with my exercise bike.

I've been thinking about the energy issue. A few more women suggested iced tea. I'm going to shoot an email to my nutritionist. I wanted to ask if any of you are aware of any potential complications with caffeine and our lap band? I've done my share of research, and I'm aware of the risks of caffeine, especially dehydration. I tend to think that I'll be ok as long as I'm drinking enough Water.< /p>

Rock on!


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Hi Everyone,

My name is Anne, and I feel like a slow loser. I have three areas of weakness... sweets (which seems to be improving in the past couple of days), lack of exercise, and lack of Water. I just bought a cute 1/2-gallon water bottle. It looks like a 5-gallon water cooler bottle.

A friend of mine made some comments yesterday that really bothered me. She was speaking to me as if I don't give a damn, and as if I haven't made any progress. I came to the realization that she was comparing me to someone she knows who had gastric bypass. I had to remind her that weight loss with gastric bypass is more rapid. I've decided that maybe I shouldn't reach out to her any longer. Perhaps she was offering me "tough love," but it was unexpected.

I'm proud of myself for not having one drop of soda since two days before surgery. I do miss it, especially when I'm surrounded by others drinking it.

I feel like I've done a lot of worrying since being banded. I'm trying to relax and not worry so much. Some things are just out of my control, and I have to try to remember that. I have an excellent surgeon with an excellent track record, so I have no reason to worry about potential complications. I just hate when I read where someone required re-banding or a port revision. I also need to stop worrying about my skin. This has been an issue.

I would like to throw a question out there. Does anyone recommend anything for energy? I think some people suggest green tea. I've never been a tea or coffee drinker. I take a couple of medications that cause drowsiness, and I really need to find a way to boost my energy level.

Thanks for listening.


Stop reading about all the complications unless you actually have one. I was doing that for a while and it just brought me down. I haven't had any problems so I've decided not to read ab out them. Not that I'm being insensitive, I truly feel for those more unfortunate.

I am a slow loser and too have a hard time getting in all the water, and exercise, ugh!! but I do love green tea. I also drink Decaf tea. However my coffee MUST be leaded!!! :laugh:I asked my Dr about it last Thurs at my appt. and he said that as long as I drink no more than 2 cups I should be ok. That's all I ever drink.

Your friend that is comparing you to GB, if you choose to keep her your friend, give her some information on the LB and how it works. If she is your friend, she'll read it and be more supportive. If not, then at least you tried. I think you are a brave, and strong woman opting to take such a lifechanging step to good health... YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!:wink2:

As for energy, I make sure that I get my Protein, even if I have to drink a shake, that is soooo important and I also take a high potency b-12 sublingual tablet daily.

Just keep in touch and we'll all be here for each other.:)

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Good morning everyone!!

I will have to catch up on all the posts. I am so glad I have a thread to post on that makes me feel so good!! Have a great day everyone and thanks for all the support and advice.

PS - 4 mile walk yesterday and did 18 minute miles. The exercise continues and the scale stays the same:rolleyes::)

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Hello Everyone,

I am new to this thread. I think I'm a slow loser. I wouldn't be if I would make better food choices, probably. But, I am still trying to find that self-destruct switch to turn it off. I'll let ya know if I find it. Anyhoo, just been doing this thing on my own and only yesterday checked this out and found a LOT of support. You guys have really motivated me. I felt that since I wasn't losing much then I must have failed at this along with every other diet and sceme to lose weight. You know, you try so many things before coming to the band it gets ingrained in your head that this will fail too. I am sooo glad to find you guys. I was walking every morning and God "blessed" me with a Plantars wart on the bottom of my foot. I have had to have it frozen off three times and needless to say it has put a damper on the walking. Does anyone have some suggestions for excersice in the house? I will be back to walking in about a week, but I would like to get some excersice somehow.

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The only way I can stand to exercise going to the gym. They have tvs in front of all the cardio machines. I plan my exercise according to what is on tv. Like today, I went in an hour before my favorite soap ( yes, I am addicted to all my children for 30 years now). I did all my weight machines and then did my cardio and watched my show.

I gave up soda a long time ago. Those artificial sweeteners are no good and the soda with sugar has way too many calories. The only thing I drink is Water. I do drink high Protein hot chocolate that I buy from my

doctor's office. It's delicious and has 25 grams of protein. I tried adding Protein Powder to the sugar free swiss miss but it wasn't nearly as good.

I am very happy to report that I only gained one pound while I was in Arizona. Yay band! I was really eating a lot of bad things the last couple of days because my dad stresses me out, but my meal portions were so small that I guess that evened it out.

I am hoping now that I am home and back on track, I can lose a little more and get closer to my goal.

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my soap is days of our lives, and I love the gym too. Just cant seem to get myself there, all these obstacles keep getting in the way, I'm hoping to overcome this latest hurdle in the next week (getting another car, mine is losing its transmission). So, once I get my transportation worked out, hopefully I will get to the gym and hopefully jumpstart my metabolism and get the scales moving!!!

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I'm not trying to take away from this thread because I really enjoy it, but if anyone has been banded over a year and is losing slowly, I started a thread for us in the same sub-forum. You can find it here.

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