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Weight regain...I don't know where to start.

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Yes I totally understand where everyone is coming from. My issue has always been the sweets and whenever I begin eating sweets again I regain and I’m so disappointed in myself. I will say I Started a vegetable and Protein diet reboot back in March of 2020 and by June I was down the 40 lbs that I had gained as well as I had finally gotten below my smallest size. When I first had the surgery I stalled at about 243 and then maintained for four years at around 250-260. When I started this reboot diet March of 2020 ( five years post op) I was about to get down to 229 and that’s lower than I had ever been. So I say from my experience that you can do it if your body will respond! Go for it and if it doesn’t work that’s when you may need to reach out to your Bariatric doctor for redirection. I honestly thought that I wouldn’t be able to get the weight off again. I feel so blessed! I have recalls struggled these past few years after having my kids with keeping myself on track and caring for my sleeve. I want to make it my focus again! Who’s with me?!!! :)

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On 11/19/2020 at 3:38 AM, Ann Parde said:

Other than after hitting my plateau, I starting feeling sorry for myself and slowly started grazing on things I shouldn't have.I wish I never gave into those temptations because once I did the floodgates opened!

That's the Nemesis of every restrictive diet. Why should that be different after surgery?

And I also wonder why treatment teams don't seem to talk about "flexible control" more often. Or do they and patients simply dismiss it?


I need to retrain my 'tool' and mindset.

If by "retraining your mindset" you mean letting go of the absolutes you're definitely right.

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2 hours ago, OAGBPal said:

Not a veteran here, but thank you for this post. I battled against a pretty severe eating disorder for years and years (I eventually won!). The black/white mindset is setting off all my alarm bells when I read some people's program plans and the way they're being instructed.

NO alcohol EVER!! NO caffeine EVER! No nothing EVER! To top it off, the parroting of these impossible restrictions usually comes with a dismissive tone to really let people know they're heretics for even asking if there's a chance they'll get to sip a glass of Bordeaux at their wedding anniversary in 4 years' time.

The only thing this achieves is this: it sends patients off into the abyss the second they inevitably find themselves straying from the plan, whether 2 months or 2 years down the path. Why not teach about balance, moderation, self-love, and most importantly; self-worth?

I live by two rules: 1) I have a right to be here. 2) I can forgive myself for everything; I'm trying my best. It took decades to get to that point, but oh man, it works for me.

This is so worth a full quote!

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2 hours ago, OAGBPal said:

Why not teach about balance, moderation, self-love, and most importantly; self-worth?

I think it might be (I can definitely be wrong though!) because of the pattern a treatment team is set up. Patients talk about their nutritionist, their surgeon, their coaches who set up their exercise plan - and the psychologist that had one talk with them to clear them for surgery as a necessity.

While these people are very important - they are there for the "technical side" of things. They tell people what to eat, what exercises to do and how to perform them without causing injuries and they perform the actual surgery and maybe some of them regard complete abstinence combined with scare mongering and a patronizing attitude as an adequate strategy to "keep patients on track", no idea.

However, a surgeon or nutritionist or exercise coach usually know zilch about disordered eating. A nutritionist worth her/his money should be able to spot some red flags when it comes to disordered eating and should then refer to a specialist. That, however, requires two things: a nutritionist worth his/her money and a patient not trying to hide disordered eating. And yes - it's quite easy to hide it if you know what you have to say to fly under the radar.

I have no idea what people talk about with their therapists - but this therapist usually doesn't seem to be routine part of the treatment team (I think that's ok, extensive therapy shouldn't be mandatory; should be offered though if patient wants it).

Edited by summerset

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I am 10 years out from a sleeve. Sleeved at about 300 lbs. Started at 320. 5'3" and I was 54 years old. I lost total of 150 pounds to 170. Then life happened. Lost my mom, then my younger brother then my dad.... and divorced and single parenting and moving and working and well.... I gained back to 220.

About a year and a half ago I decided I needed to make changes. Small ones. and little by little I got control back. I didn't do a major diet, I didn't do a fast or liquids only. I just started eliminating one lousy food and then another... and replacing one bad habit with a good and positive one. No cheap chocolate. Only good expensive chocolate. And one or two pieces is enough when it is really good chocolate. No potato chips. Air pop popcorn. Salads. fruit. Veggies. Protein. More Water. I have never been a soda drinker so that was not it for me. Just rebuilding good habits. I lost 45 pounds in 14 months. Not fast. But steady. And I took breaks to see what it would take to maintain that weight. Since September when I got back to 175 I have lost another 2 pounds. I will be 65 in two months. I know I will never be THIN. I don't need to be. But I am stronger, healthier, happier and maintaining my weight at a level that I can for the rest of my lifetime. Eating well. Moving more.

You can do this. Figure out what will work for you. Then do it.

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3 hours ago, BriarRose said:

I am 10 years out from a sleeve. Sleeved at about 300 lbs. Started at 320. 5'3" and I was 54 years old. I lost total of 150 pounds to 170. Then life happened. Lost my mom, then my younger brother then my dad.... and divorced and single parenting and moving and working and well.... I gained back to 220.

About a year and a half ago I decided I needed to make changes. Small ones. and little by little I got control back. I didn't do a major diet, I didn't do a fast or liquids only. I just started eliminating one lousy food and then another... and replacing one bad habit with a good and positive one. No cheap chocolate. Only good expensive chocolate. And one or two pieces is enough when it is really good chocolate. No potato chips. Air pop popcorn. Salads. fruit. Veggies. Protein. More Water. I have never been a soda drinker so that was not it for me. Just rebuilding good habits. I lost 45 pounds in 14 months. Not fast. But steady. And I took breaks to see what it would take to maintain that weight. Since September when I got back to 175 I have lost another 2 pounds. I will be 65 in two months. I know I will never be THIN. I don't need to be. But I am stronger, healthier, happier and maintaining my weight at a level that I can for the rest of my lifetime. Eating well. Moving more.

You can do this. Figure out what will work for you. Then do it.

I started to respond "Yeah, COVID is really surging here too" and then I looked at your profile on the side panel. I'm in California too, so yeah, LOL. 😂

I'm in a similar place as you - I've reached my weight loss goal and now I'm experimenting and learning how to maintain. I used to say I'll never be thin but then I woke up one day and I was pretty thin! LOL I have excess skin on my tummy and until I get that removed I won't really feel thin, but the rest of my body really is. Sometimes I don't recognize myself when I catch sight of myself in a mirror. I walk 1.7 miles every day and I strength train three times a week. I occasionally allow myself a treat but I mostly eat clean from day to day. I still weigh myself regularly because I've seen so many people say they started to gain in their second year. So I'm staying alert but so far, all is well! Happy new year!

Edit to add: this is my silhouette in the window. Sometimes I think my reflection is someone else!


Edited by Jaelzion

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I’m in a similar situation as the op. 8 years post op and almost back to starting weight. Looking at a revision possibly

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On 01/03/2021 at 15:21, jearl75 said:

I’m in a similar situation as the op. 8 years post op and almost back to starting weight. Looking at a revision possibly

I’m 6 years out and I not only regained but I gained double what I lost. It took from 2017 to Nov 2020 to get back to a size 8 at 170lbs. I use to be a size 6 at 170lbs. I can’t get any smaller and I’m okay with that. My point is you can do it. Start by eliminating the problem foods one by one. You don’t have to swear them off just only eat them on occasion and if they make you go off track find a healthy option to replace them. After a while your sleeve will kick back in to action. It takes longer but remember the sleeve is only a tool and we have to use it in order for it to work. I went from about 300 lbs to 170 this time around. So I know you can do it too! After yo-yo dieting for a year. I went vegan for a year and lost a ton of weight. After a year I went back to meat. I even supplemented one to two meals with ensure plus and I ate a regular dinner. I have my restriction back. I’m just trying to maintain now. My best friend is now motivated to get back on track. She’s now lost 15 pounds. She doing shakes and Portion Control and healthy choices. It’s different for us all. Find what works for your life so you can really maintain it. If you don’t like what your doing or it’s too restrictive it won’t work. Try new recipes really get into the lifestyle. Milk Street recipes are really fun and takeout taste but way healthier. Try it. Have fun!! You can do it and we will Celebrate every success with you! ❤️

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On 12/19/2020 at 2:36 PM, sschoch30 said:


I had my surgery in October 2014. I went from a 14/16 plus size and 244lbs at 5’5.5” to a size 6 170lbs. In 2015 I became disabled and depressed. I lost my career and independence, social life... I was put on many medications that caused me to gain 60lbs in two months. After 1 and A half years I weighed over 300 pounds. I was disgusted. The medications were damaging my liver so my husband suggested to go vegan. Three years Later I’m a size 8 and I weigh 169 pounds. I don’t even know how I did it but I did and I wanted to share it with you all. Because you can do it to! Just never give up and make small changes and soon the small changes will become your new habits. I was only vegan for one year. Then I started ensure plus and cooked a healthy dinner. My health problems do interfere with my appetite so I guess that helps a little. But I have my restriction back and my latest report from the doctor was that all my labs are normal including my liver. The picture shows me in July 2017 and me in December 2020. I’d like to stay in touch with the others who are striving to maintain your health. I’m looking for a support system because I don’t have anyone else who’s been through what I’ve been through but I know you’re out there.


Just wanted to check in with you! How are you doing?

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Hello everyone. I was wondering the same thing. I had my sleeve in 2016. I had issues with GERD from the beginning since I had heartburn from time to time before my surgery. I was 207 on day of and 147 at my lowest 11 months later, and I was skeletal! I did love being so lean yet I still had horrible acid. My surgeon had suggested I had the gastric bypass but I worried that as I aged I would waste away in my senior years.
Then COVID hit. No gym, just hunkering down at home. I have gained 25 lbs during quarantine. I also had a baby in September. I’m 5’1 and hate the weight on me. And the GERD keeps me from sleeping.< br /> Would I be able to get a revision that Medicaid will cover? Also, my sleep apnea is back.

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On 11/19/2020 at 6:12 PM, Ann Parde said:

I really do need to get back to basics. Protein, vegetable, small amount of carbs. You guys have given me hope and motivation! :) Thanks GradyCat!

Omg Gradycat we got sleeved the same month 2 years ago ! I also have gaine 12-13 lbs with covid and some family tragedy . Working to take it off now and once I stop eating sweets after 7 it seems to be working . I feel so depressed about it but know I still have lost 60lbs and I will get this 10 back off ...protein first !

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Hi...I was sleeved in June 2009. I'm 5'5" and went from 232 to 121. I regained 20 pounds after 5 or 6 years and maintained pretty well. Then Covid. I'm now up to 176...not happy. I know it's my own fault. Too much beer, too many chips and potatoes. I started working out again (at home but with a trainer) 2 weeks ago. I'm happy about that. This week I really started focusing on eating better. I'm logging my food again and staying away from potatoes and the beer. I've lost a whole 1.5lbs...but it's a start. I'm still in 8's and 10's but I want to be back in 6's.

It's incredibly encouraging to see that some of you all have similar experiences. I hope we can learn a lot from each other! I'm glad I found this place!!


Sent from my SM-G973U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

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I always go back to shakes. The only ones that taste good to me and keep me full for two hours is Ensure plus. Has 5G more sugar than recommended but it’s lactose free so it doesn’t hurt my tummy. I gained my weight back x2 and lost it with shakes, good food choices, Portion Control and normal activity. I went from a 24/22 to a loose Size 8. Took a few years but now it’s just the way I eat. Occasionally I have a naughty week but I always get back on track.

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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