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The surgery journey begins

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Hi all!

I’ve been stalking this app for a while now, but didn’t post much until yesterday since I finally was approved. I just want a place to document my journey and I thought this might be the right place.

Today is my second of 13 days of my Optifast diet. Yesterday was really rough. I was head hungry and physically hungry. It switched around all day long. It wasn’t helpful that I manage an escape room and all the guys were bringing in fast food to eat all day in the back room where most of my work is done.

I’m currently on Metformin, Glipizide and Victoza for diabetes. I felt really shaky quite a few times during the day. I was able to test my BG one time before my monitor quit working. It was low (72) so I popped half a glucose tablet and felt better. I also had an on and off headache during day one.

Despite all that I made it through with no cheats! I thought for sure I’d wake up hungry, but I didn’t! That was a pleasant surprise.

Here goes day 2 of Optifast! Only 11 days to go after today. I just keep telling myself “I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.”

HW: 311

CW: 262

SW: We’ll see on May 10!

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Day 3 of the Optifast and things are still good. I’m not hungry anymore physically, but I still get little bouts of head hungry here and there.
Yesterday, day 2, I had a ridiculous amount of energy, but today I’m a little laggy. I don’t mind the laggy part, but the weakness is killing me. I went to buy more Water today and it was SO HARD to pick up a 24 pack! I needed 4, and by the third one my arms were shaking. Usually I can carry two of those bad boys at the same time, but apparently not anymore!
I’ve got my two week pre-op meeting in the morning tomorrow. I think I’ll get all my final appointments set then. The endoscopy and all that. But most importantly, I’ll have a chance to swap out the Optifast items I do NOT like (I’m looking at you Tomato Soup and apple cinnamon bars!) and get the ones I do like (sup chocolate shakes and chicken Soup? )
Now I’m starting to get nervous. I have terrible anxiety anyway and I’ve never had any surgeries or broken bones before (except in my face, which is a crazy story) so the anesthesia is what’s freaking me out the most.
I’m going to take some before shots tomorrow even though I really really don’t want to look at them! But I’ve noticed there aren’t as many progress pictures on this app as I thought there would be. I understand why, but as a person who was trolling this thing HARD for over a year, I would have liked to have seen more.
Well, I think I’m rambling at this point, so I’ll wrap it up with a deep breath to calm my nerves.

HW: 311
CW: 262
SW: We’ll see on May 10!

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Day 4 went well. I had my 2 hour pre-op meeting and my H&P with my surgeon yesterday. After 18 months of waiting, the process is suddenly FLYING BY! I go in for my pre-surgery testing on Wednesday May 2nd at 9am and then the endoscopy is Friday May 4th at 7 a.m. Then surgery Thursday May 10th. I got all five Optifast products down plus 2 servings of Jello and 96 oz of Water. Not bad considering I was at the surgeon’s office practically all day.
I’ve dropped 5 lbs in 4 days which is great!
The only bad news is that I had my first cheat on Optifast. :( I had 5 Fritos. Not five SERVINGS, but 5 chips. And I felt AWFUL after. First was the guilt of cheating and second I just felt bad physically. That will be the LAST and ONLY time I cheat! Ugh!
Now for the TMI portion of my day. Initially I had terrible diarrhea on the first 3 days of the Optifast. Now I’m entering the Constipation phase it seems. I’m going out tomorrow to buy some benefiber.
I’ve already ordered my flavorless Unjury Protein Powder as my nutritionist recommended using it with basically everything during the first 4 months after surgery. Handy that you can mix it in with basically anything.
I haven’t been taking any Vitamins since starting the Optifast since it provides 100% daily values of everything I need. But when I go back for my pre-op tests on Wednesday I’ll be picking up my Celebrate hair, Skin and Nails formula, optisource multi chewables and an extra 27 Optifast shakes. I’ve decided to continue with those shakes for convenience sake. I know I’m not going to want to be making shakes myself right after surgery.
I guess that’s it. Not too nervous since I was kept so busy today, but definitely having weird dreams regarding the diet and surgery. Since what really gets me nervous is the anesthesia part, I think being put under for the endoscopy will help alleviate that. I hope so anyway.
Oh! And I got all my orders from Amazon today! Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies, toddler plates, cups, bowls and silverware and a set of books to read while I’m in the hospital and also recouperating. I want to be up and walking as much as possible, but from what I’ve read on here, some people seem to be really worn out for a week or two after surgery and I honestly just can’t watch that much tv (although it’s been recommended by friends I binge on Stanger Things since I’m a loser who hasn’t watched it yet lol)
Anyway, I hope everyone with May surgeries are doing well. I haven’t been able to find any twins date of surgery wise, but hopefully I’ll be able to get advice and encouragement from those who have already gone through this.

HW: 311
CW: 262
SW: We’ll see on May 10!

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Ok. End of day 7 of the pre-op diet. Had my EGD today and apparently everything is just beautiful according to my surgeon! Very happy about this since I’ve seen a lot of posts about hernias and polyps and such.
Turns out that I’m a fun person after anesthesia. After all the worry, it was great. Went in, got the IV in my arm and a warm blanket. Got wheeled into the room and talked to anesthesiologist and surgeon. A nurse told me, “the propofol works really quickly.” I remember I doubted her for a second and then..... NOTHING. But according to my mom and the nurses I was a fun time when I woke up. I guess the first thing i said was “WGAT THE HELL HAPPENED???” And then I proceeded to laugh like a loon. [emoji23] Lets hope I feel that well when I wake up after surgery!
Other than that, I did get permission from my surgeon to drop 1 or 2 Optifast items a day in favor of one to two servings of fat free Soup with a scoop of Unjury powder in it. Thank god! I could only get the chocolate shake and Peanut Butter bars down, and I wasn’t able to get 5 in without getting nauseous. I was told it could be because of the large amount of artificial sweeteners in everything. So I had a cup of soup with everything solid stained out and a scoop of Unjury and bam! 29 grams of Protein. I’ve also started adding the powder to my crystal light. 2 teaspoons gets me 8g of protein.
It’s funny that I feel less worried about the whole surgery now that I’ve done a mini anesthesia. I know it won’t be a walk in the park, but I just feel more secure.
Surgery on Thursday 5/10/28 at noon. Now it’s the waiting.... [emoji23]

HW: 311
CW: 258
SW: We’ll see on May 10!
First goal weight: 191 lbs
Second goal weight: 159 lbs
Goal weight: 142 lbs

5’6” 34 yo female in NC

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THREE DAYS UNTIL SURGERY!!! Let me tell you (and myself in case I forget or get feeling sorry for myself later) that the excitement IS REAL!
After today, it’s only the Optifast shakes for 24 hours. No more Protein Bars or Soups or anything. But I can do this.
I’m a little discouraged by the past couple days. I’ve been drinking over 100oz of Water a day with 5 Optifast products and 2 servings of Jello. The first 6 days, I dropped a pound a day. But now, I’m stalled. Is it the water? I’m not peeing nearly as much as I was in the first week despite drinking more water now than I was then.
I feel like my hormones are all out of whack now. I have the worst period I’ve had since my early 20’s. Heavy, crampy and nonstop for 5 days now. I have the Nexplanon implant in my arm, which I’ve had since January 2017. After 4 months I had completely stopped having periods and it was a magnificently glorious time in my life. Now it’s like all those missed periods are getting together for one giant party. It’s awful. They also brought 5 nice pimples with them. They weren’t there yesterday, but I looked in the mirror this morning and BAM! Say hello to my little friends!
I’m just feeling really down. Have I done something wrong? Why can’t I lose those few extra pounds? Am I bloated? Too much water? Too much Protein? Just crazy hormones? WTH?
My surgeon doesn’t have a weight loss requirement for me before surgery Thursday since I’ve already lost 53 pounds on my own, but I feel like I’m a failure before I’ve even really started. Is this foretelling my future? Am I going to be a mess who can’t even lose weight after having a sleeve?
I’m excited by the surgery getting closer, but the overwhelming feeling now is that I’m disappointing everyone but myself most of all.

HW: 311
CW: 257
SW: We’ll see on May 10!
First goal weight: 191 lbs
Second goal weight: 159 lbs
Goal weight: 142 lbs

5’6” 34 yo female in NC

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Oh jeeze. Sorry to all the guys out there who just came and ended up reading about menstrual cycles. Sorry! [emoji37]

HW: 311
CW: 257
SW: We’ll see on May 10!
First goal weight: 191 lbs
Second goal weight: 159 lbs
Goal weight: 142 lbs

5’6” 34 yo female in NC

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Here we go! Tomorrow is the big day! I’ve got my bag prepped, I had my first hibicleanse shower and I’ve had my last shake and Jello. No nerves yet, but super excited! I don’t know if anyone is actually reading this yet since it’s the boring pre-op part, but tomorrow morning will be my surgery day picture posting. I’ve got my highest weight photo ready to go as well. I just haven’t wanted to look at it because I’m ashamed.
But tomorrow my new life begins and I will have to be brave in so many ways. If I can bring myself to post those pictures on this site where anyone can see them, I’ll be in a good place.
I hope to put in some thoughts about the surgery tomorrow after it’s all said and done. Hopefully I won’t be too drugged out, nauseous or in pain.
If you’re reading this now, or if you read it in the future, just realize that the pre-op diet is hell, but absolutely worth every headache, every craving and every hangry moment.
It was nice to get well wishes from all the people I’ve told. Which honestly were a lot [emoji23] Even my wonderful boss and his lovely fiancé will be coming to visit me tomorrow. I’m glad I had so many people I could tell about this and that support me fully.
Well it’s definitely time to TRY to sleep. TRY being the big word in that sentence! If you do read this, wish me luck even if it’s only quietly in the back of your mind.
And to future me: YOU DID IT AMANDA!!!

HW: 311
CW: 257
SW: We’ll see on May 10!
First goal weight: 191 lbs
Second goal weight: 159 lbs
Goal weight: 142 lbs

5’6” 34 yo female in NC

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Here we go! Tomorrow is the big day! I’ve got my bag prepped, I had my first hibicleanse shower and I’ve had my last shake and Jello. No nerves yet, but super excited! I don’t know if anyone is actually reading this yet since it’s the boring pre-op part, but tomorrow morning will be my surgery day picture posting. I’ve got my highest weight photo ready to go as well. I just haven’t wanted to look at it because I’m ashamed.
But tomorrow my new life begins and I will have to be brave in so many ways. If I can bring myself to post those pictures on this site where anyone can see them, I’ll be in a good place.
I hope to put in some thoughts about the surgery tomorrow after it’s all said and done. Hopefully I won’t be too drugged out, nauseous or in pain.
If you’re reading this now, or if you read it in the future, just realize that the pre-op diet is hell, but absolutely worth every Headache, every craving and every hangry moment.
It was nice to get well wishes from all the people I’ve told. Which honestly were a lot [emoji23] Even my wonderful boss and his lovely fiancé will be coming to visit me tomorrow. I’m glad I had so many people I could tell about this and that support me fully.
Well it’s definitely time to TRY to sleep. TRY being the big word in that sentence! If you do read this, wish me luck even if it’s only quietly in the back of your mind.
And to future me: YOU DID IT AMANDA!!!

HW: 311
CW: 257
SW: We’ll see on May 10!
First goal weight: 191 lbs
Second goal weight: 159 lbs
Goal weight: 142 lbs

5’6” 34 yo female in NC

I’m so excited for you.. Keep us updated

Yo-Yo Girl from New York City :)

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I am here at the hospital. Just a little wait until I go back to the pre-surgery room. Got here early just in case. I’ll try to post again when I wake up and get moved into a new room.

HW: 311
CW: 257
SW: We’ll see on May 10!
First goal weight: 191 lbs
Second goal weight: 159 lbs
Goal weight: 142 lbs

5’6” 34 yo female in NC

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IMG_0878.JPG IMG_0877.JPG IMG_0880.JPG
Welp. Here are the dreaded before pics. I can hardly believe I was 55 pounds heavier than this when I started the journey! But here they are as promised. Today everything changes!

HW: 311
CW: 257
SW: We’ll see on May 10!
First goal weight: 191 lbs
Second goal weight: 159 lbs
Goal weight: 142 lbs

5’6” 34 yo female in NC

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Hope all went well for you!

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I can’t wait to hear from you [emoji847]

Yo-Yo Girl from New York City :)

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