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PJTP...Catching up, still!

Holy freakin' cow, Ebony, FANTASTIC! Gonna hafta set up a spot for you next to Lulu on my Hero Wall of Fame! :blushing:

Awww, shucks...:thumbup:

Okay, y'all, pouch test has officially started.

Yay for you! I am starting on Saturday - gotta go shopping first...

I'm afraid to get on the scale to see where I'm starting. Not only did I eat badly, but my cycle h as begun way early (nothing is on time anymore since going off the pill -- either ever six weeks, or in this case, less than a month), which of course will add Water weight.

Should I peek just to see where I'm starting? :w00t:

No! I agree with Lulu - you don't need to do that.

Thanks for the compliment, Slim! I'm really loving running. I'm even wearing my running shoes to walk in now - I like the cushioning better. I switch pairs every day to give them a chance to air out between wearings. My walking shoes are toast - put them on yesterday and both knees hurt this morning, so they are going in the garbage...won't buy another pair - I'll just stick with the running shoes.

Gonna be heading out for my lunchtime walk soon - it was beautifully cool this morning, hoping that held over for lunchtime...BBL!:sneaky:

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I am so lost on the HH / Xbanded w/e thing lol

so what did he call who and why?!?

First fill in 11 months is scheduled for next month....

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thats awesome Brandy!

mouth's good all - have another round of treatments at end of september - no pain - just wasn't smiling as big for 2 days - no problem now :blushing:

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Well, here I go again. Another long-a$$ post from me to catch up!

PJTP-I finally have a NSV! I bought (and fit into) size 14 pants!:w00t: They are khaki Dickie pants. They are a little snug on the thighs, but I have room in the waist! Holy crap!

I can't believe I missed this! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!

Almost like she totally set him up and he fell for it hook, line, and sinker, huh?

Yep, she's a stalker and she know how to push his buttons!

Morning all.

Heartfire-I am glad that you will get to take your trip. I completely understand where you are coming from on that one. I hope that you have an awesome trip! (don't pack the scale)

re the pouch test-I have done it a couple of times. I like it ok, but I can never seem to make it past day two. I have not completely absorbed how to NOT give in to my carb cravings, so I never get over them completely.

Thank you. I am REALLY excited about the trip, just wish I could afford it!

I never get very far with the 5-day either. :frown:

Just got in from my morning run...yes, RUN! I ran the entire course today, no stopping! :w00t::w00t::w00t:


I have my granddaughter for awhile this morning. She is more interested in playing with her doll house than Granny tho! I will take her to daycare on my way to work.

Maybe I can interest her in the new books I bought her, I just remembered them!!!

Have fun with her! Hope she likes the new books!

*i was nosy - had to go read the HH thread. if not mistaken he and failure/donna went at it in another thread.....that was a train wreck.

They've been going at it for awhile, in many threads. Can't understand why she wasn't banned too. She's just as bad as he is/was. Tho, admittedly, he's a bit more, umm, caustic, shall we say, than she is.

I kinda thought it might have had to do with her. I tried to tell him to ignore her. She's a dim bulb who really isn't worth it.

Yep, doesn't have all of her cards anymore.

Unfortunately, yes. If she bothers him that much I hope, IF he is allowed back, that he puts her on ignore. It's really not worth the upset and hassle.

Agree. And I really think he had some good things to say too. He was very supportive of people (most times) and even tho he lost his band, he really seemed to want it to work for others.

He just got up not long ago. Slept ALLLL day yesterday, and through most of the night. What has me concerned now is he is complaining of MORE arm pain than what he had before surgery. I'm hoping it's only because the nerves are a bit raw right now.

Oh. Prayers that it is just residual from surgery. That would suck to have surgery only to have it worse than when you started. tho I have heard of that happening. Usually back or neck/shoulder stuff tho.

Okay, y'all, pouch test has officially started.

Should I peek just to see where I'm starting? :crying:

Nah, I wouldn't bother. Well I would but I'm not normal and you really don't need too. You'll know if it's working by how you feel.

hmmmmmm i'm playing glouc now - but was xbanded HH???


think it was him - and now xbanded is suspended too - whooops!


I am so lost on the HH / Xbanded w/e thing lol

so what did he call who and why?!?

First fill in 11 months is scheduled for next month....

I put a link in my last post from last night, a couple of pages back. That was just the latest between those 2.

Best wishes on your fill!

mouth's good all - have another round of treatments at end of september - no pain - just wasn't smiling as big for 2 days - no problem now :thumbup:

Great news!! Glad it all went so well!

Hoping for goal or close to it before I meet any bandsters hehe

Pullin' for ya! Best wishes!!!

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Please don't anyone send me any fruit baskets! It takes chocolate to get on my good side.


But fruit is SOOOO good for you!!!


PJTP: okay I have a rant. Yes, here I go again. But it's STILL bugging me! Mainly b/c I'm still fighting DD on it!

So, last night, before dinner, we went to the lake to the farmer's market that's held every Wed. evening. There is a real estate group that hands out little bags of free popcorn and bottles of Water, all with their labels on it, as well as pamphlets, etc. Great. Have at it! Well, we always avoid this booth b/c of the popcorn.

Last night they were set up right next to the fruit booth and DH and I were getting bags of fruit while DD was standing next to us. I hear DD say something, then someone asking if she wants a bottle of water too. I'm all, WTH? Turn around, (this was kinda behind, kitty-corner to where we were standing) and the woman at the booth had handed DD a bag of popcorn and was now handing her a bottle of water!!!

I asked what was going on and she says "oh, I gave her a bag of popcorn and water, is that okay?" By this time DH is turned around and wondering what the heck is going on too. I flat told her, (w/out raising my voice, which if she knew me would have been a HUGE clue as to how PISSED I was), "No. It's NOT okay. She's too young for popcorn, it's a choking hazard." UGH!!!!

So we turn back around and DD has got a strangle-hold on her popcorn. DH and I have our hands full and can't take it away and there's nowhere to set anything to accomplish this! We finish up with the fruit and go back to the truck, all the while DD is grabbing popcorn out of her bag to get it in her mouth b/c she KNOWS we're taking it away as soon as we get to the truck!

She actually handed it to me at the truck. Tells me I'm not a bad guy, Papa is! (LOL!) It was his rule to begin with and she REMEMBERED that! So we get home and she can't have her popcorn back, so battle. Later we talk about how someday when she's older (7) she can have popcorn any time she wants and how we now have to have a NEW rule that says she can't take ANYTHING (and we gave examples) from ANYONE w/out asking one of us first!!

Today, we are STILL talking about the damn popcorn!!!!! She's mad b/c it got thrown away and she wants HER popcorn back! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm actually thinking of calling the office and talking to the broker/manager to just mention that they need to be careful when handing out their damn popcorn and how DARE they not ask the PARENTS first!

Anyway, rant over!

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hmmmmmm i'm playing glouc now - but was xbanded HH???


*...doesn't really help that I was going to ask that very question after reading/skimming new posts, does it?

I am so lost on the HH / Xbanded w/e thing lol

so what did he call who and why?!?

Ha! I'm not as bad as Brandy!!!

think it was him - and now xbanded is suspended too - whooops!

After one friggen post???? Someone's got their hand on the suspend button and is trigger happy!

Bring HH back!!! :thumbup:

Please don't anyone send me any fruit baskets! It takes chocolate to get on my good side.

I like fruit dipped in chocolate....yummm.....

Working on my sonic kids meal right now w/apples and caramel. And milk. I feel 4 years old.

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I am so mad...

Ordered a book for school. Started out as a mess to begin with because the instructor put his order in late, so the books weren't available. I ordered through the school bookstore and it was on backorder. That was a few weeks ago now.

On Monday I called to see if it was in yet because, as luck would have it, it is one of my next Monday classes -- not later in the week. No, they didn't have it, didn't know WHEN they'd have it.

I went ahead and found one listed as "NEW" through a vendor on Amazon whose name made it seem like a bookstore.

Three hours later I get an e-mail from the school bookstore that my book is ready to be picked up. WTH??

So I immediately write the Amazon seller and tell him what happened and say that though I hate to do it, I need to cancel the order. The book bought through the bookstore had already been paid for, and I figured I caught it early enough that the order hadn't been processed.

Somebody writes me and says he is writing for his brother (the seller), and he offered to ship me the book first-class at his cost rather than media mail to ensure I'd get it on time if I would just keep the order as is. Okay, it cost me a few bucks more (his book was $3 more than the bookstore's, then there was $3.99 shipping). That sounded do-able.

I get the book today, and it its NOT new. The reason this is a problem is that this book comes with a one-user computer access code which I NEED for the class, and the code has been used. So... I'm sitting here with a more expensive book than the one through the bookstore, and it's useless to me.

I've already written him that his false advertising has caused me a lot of trouble. The thing is, somebody could have easily TOLD that this book was not new because there was a sticker on the inside of the book with the access code, but it also had an e-mail and password that had been inked out with marker. The second I saw that I thought, "THIS book isn't new!" and I had a sinking feeling the code was not usable.

WTH is it with people?? I guess this is how he tried to make the sale, lying about it being new because probably most if not all classes require the computer access with the book, which makes it a one-shot book.


I wrote him and said he was to take this book back immediately AND cover the cost to ship it back or I would be notifying Amazon AND doing a charge-back on my credit card. I just RE-placed the order through the bookstore. Which ALSO really pisses me off because I was just there yesterday, picking up another book I had ordered, plus some scantrons I needed, and I returned the damn book on the spot knowing this one was coming! :thumbup:

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Michelle....how old is DD? I agree w/you that folks need to ask the parents - even if she was older. I ask parents before anything, and if the kids ask me for stuff while they're visiting my house I say to ask the mom/dad first.

Even with toys, or non-edible things....you always ask the 'rents first!

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I'm with you too, Michelle. Wow.

And I don't recall how old DD is (four?), but we'd be going at it too. My daughter tried that once, shoving stuff in her face that she KNEW I was coming for or that she couldn't have, and she got walloped for it. When I say no, it's NO, damnit, not no-only-when-I-can-reach-you no.

I know I sound like a hard-ass (shock, I know), but my thought always was, what if she was putting poison in her mouth? She has to listen to ME, not do whatever she can get away with until I can get to her.

Not telling you what to do... just relaying my own frustrations with my own DD from when she was young.

She was notorious for finding drinks people had left on the ground outside a building and grabbing them to take a swig. :thumbup:

But yes, I would definitely be talking to somebody around there. Nobody should EVER give a child something without checking with the parents. What if she had a life-threatening allergy?? That lady could have killed her.

Edit: Sorry, I know this sounds like it's judging you, and I swear that was not my intent. :crying:

Edited by BethFromVA

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i think i ate popcorn while running w/scissors @ 4....:thumbup: KIDDING, well not sure - but it sounds like me.

*****non parent comment - so you ya'll can kill me later*****

if your w/DD while she eats the popcorn i see nothing wrong w/it - same as an apple/watermelon seeds....???

restricting this one food group to her is like telling us we can never have a chip again - we want it that more.

back to my dogs who let me lecture them ALL day long w/out issue:tongue2:

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I'm with y'all and Michelle. You NEVER give a child something to eat without checking with the parents first - especially when they are RIGHT THERE!

Heck, I don't give kids anything - not a cookie, or a drink, or anything - without checking first. You don't know what their situation is...

We had a family at our church - the little boy had a real sensitivity to wheat and such, so most baked goods were off limits for him. Didn't stop him from asking though...even though he knew it would cause him big-time tummy problems, he still wanted them because he wanted to be like everyone else.

Poor little punkin' - one of our members got good at making gluten-free stuff he could eat, and she always made him something special. Made him feel much better...

My DD is so conditioned to ask first that even at 18 she still double-checks some things with me...:thumbup: Guess I brainwashed her but good! :crying:

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back to my dogs who let me lecture them ALL day long w/out issue:tongue2:

....says the woman with the dog who has food issues (like there not being enough on God's green earth) :thumbup:......I love RED!

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      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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