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Wanna come help me on your way to Slims????

Yanno, I've been itchin' for a fight... and my probation IS over, so... :)

Okay, y'all, I AM kidding. About the probation, that is. :wink2:

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Uh, just a suggestion... I have NO real-life experience in dealing with unwanted persons :) ...and I suggest you check with your respective surgeons before undertaking any witch-taming.:wink2:

Might there be a book? Witch Taming for Dummies, perhaps?

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DD has a decent job, and can support them, while the economy holds out for her--if it tanks, it will be hard for her. She DID call the police, but was basically informed that unless she had an issue that would lead to arrest they did not get involved. She recorded her call to them. In NM it is legal to record a phone conversation as long as one of the parties knows it is happening. I can record my call with you but cannot record you talking with someone else legally. So she did that, and she took pictures, and is taking her to her pediatrician today. She is angry. She is also thankful, he HAD a life jacket on her. They tend to cause problems in that area due to the way they fit, and as soon as you get in the Water, they pull up tight in the crotch---as they float. So she said she does not want to cause an issue that would make him loosen it too much next time for her to be safe, because there is no guarantee that there will not be a next time. He told her on the phone that they were with other people, with kids, and she did not want to get out of the water, and she did not tell him until the trip home it was hurting, and he told her to let her Mama look at it as opposed to looking at it, with all the people around. Then when she fell asleep, they just let her be. He acknowledged in the call that she was just laying in the seat with no restraint---his call was recorded too.

My DGD is up and around and dressed and having no real issues with it this morning. And was emotionally fine--not upset or unhappy--just her normal self. She is talking a lot about the cousins that were in town, and the other kids she played with at the lake.

DD is sticking to her guns and going to make him deal with a supervised visit for awhile, and see what he acts like.

CS and visitation is separate here too---but she is taking the stance that she is supporting the child, she has no extra $$$ to go back to court right now, and is simply trying to protect her. If he takes it to court, she will too. She beat him representing herself against his high dollar attorney last time!!

As for my MIL, and PG------she might just decide she wants to replace me, my MIL is somewhat of a fanatic herself religion wise. She does not shove it down your throat as PG does---but it is her church's way or WRONG.....period......She belongs to the Church of Christ, and there is no music, nothing but singing--no piano, or organ, nothing. When she found out our church has a young kids worship band, complete with guitars and drums, she about had a coronary! Women take a backseat in ALL things. Men run the church and the home. I have the utmost respect for my DH, and he IS the man of the house....same as I am the woman of the house and have my own opinions, beliefs and rights. Yeah she might like PG!!!LOL

Time to go to work.....Gah.........see y'all later!

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HeartFire, hope you start feeling well SOON! :)

Kat, I agree with everybody here about documenting. I used to work in the family courts until about March, and if I were here, I would not only document, but I would take HIM to court if I were her to restrict his visitation to supervised ONLY until he can start acting right.

And while she's at it, she needs to sue for the back child support. I don't know where they llve, but some states really crack down on that. A weekend in the slammer, and you'd be surprised how quickly the money comes in. You wouldn't believe -- some of these guys we had who had owed for YEARS by the time the mom brought them in, owing tens of thousands of dollars, and within 2-3 days there would be a hefty chunk of that paid at the counter in cash. Sometimes they have it, other times friends and/or family gathers it together. One guy's NEW GIRLFRIEND came up with over $60,000 at the window! Yeah, she'll see THAT again... :wink2:

But regardless, she seriously needs to document EVERYTHING. This last stunt could have resulted in DGD's death. I would let him threaten court -- bastard is doing stuff like this AND not paying child support? Yeah, bring it on. :ohmy:

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kat- that story is very disturbing.

document, document, document - pics included. your daughter sounds like she's going to have hard time w/her ex - lack of CS & all. sad.

yes michelle, got a new pup on friday...2 wks after having put down my golden.

she was found wandering the neighborhood for a wk - starved & covered in fleas.

we think she was dumped because no one was looking for her / no chip etc......so she's mine.

here is a pic of her - goose is her name.

enjoy your day off slim!!!

OMG, HOW CUTE!!!!! :):tt1::wink2:

I must have missed the post too, unless it was a FB thing. I haven't been on there in a while, probably since being at the folks'.

What did you name her????

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DD is sticking to her guns and going to make him deal with a supervised visit for awhile, and see what he acts like.

CS and visitation is separate here too---but she is taking the stance that she is supporting the child, she has no extra $$$ to go back to court right now, and is simply trying to protect her. If he takes it to court, she will too. She beat him representing herself against his high dollar attorney last time!!

Kat, word of advice -- she can TRY to implement supervised visitation, but if he decides to snatch the child and not adhere, she can't do anything about it because it is not a court order that the visitation be supervised. She can't get any sort of legal help, police or otherwise, if he says NO to the deal and takes the child and runs. And if that happens, I'm sure your daughter's natural reaction would be to go after him, and it can land HER in trouble. I would be very careful with that if I were her.

We had people come in without attorneys ALL the time. If she has proof and believes the child is in danger, she will likely win against ANY attorney out there. I would just caution her to do it right so that it doesn't color the seriousness of this situation for a judge.

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Okay, TOTAL scale victory: Decided to get on the scale today just to see how things were going (took everybody's advice and did NOT get on it before starting the pouch test), and I'm at my low, 227.5, again!! And I'm only on day 3/5 of the test -- I say 3/5 because it SHOULD have been my final day, but because I had that dinner on Friday, I started over again on Saturday. :wink2: VERY happy!! I have no idea how much I gained while away, but it was nothing but carbs -- pastas, candy, ICE CREAM, chips... it never ended.

And... school starts for me today! Don't know yet if I'm excited or scared sh*tless. :) I'll be taking my computer with me because my Mondays are kinda jacked up -- one class from 1:20 to 4:00, then the next one from 7:20 to 10:00! Ugh... Gots-ta have something for me to do, so I'll check in.

Omg, I've gotta add: Y'all remember hubby had surgery. Well, it was doc's orders that he not smoke to help with healing. So before hubby got home, I hid all his cigarettes AND his truck keys so he wouldn't leave and go get some. Actually he's been doing pretty well -- externally. In other words, he hasn't complained much and has not been bitchy with me. However, every once in a while, especially yesterday, he was like this sad little boy, saying how hard it is for him, he really wants a cigarette, and he's not dealing well with it. He finally asked me last night for one cigarette, promised he wouldn't light it, because he needed the hand-to-mouth. I suggested he just eat some chips and dip (he hasn't been eating tons since getting home). Said he didn't want food.< /p>

I said I understood how he's suffering, but what if, upon coming home from my band surgery, I said I just wanted to hold and smell a burger, would he do it? Or, in correlation to him wanting to smoke "just one," would he have given me a burger to eat? He said if I really wanted it, yes. WHAT? lol I said he'd be stupid to do so, but of course his answer just suited his purpose.

I recommended rolling up some paper or using a pencil or something. So... he grabs a straw, plugs one end with cotton, and I could see him downstairs when I went up to bed, sitting here sucking on that damn straw. It was so pathetic, but I was laughing because it looked so sad and silly. I'm not sadistic, and my reaction wasn't that... I just wish you could have seen.

Edited by BethFromVA

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PJTP - good morning!

Went to San Antonio this past weekend. Gained 3 pounds!!! I wasn't even THAT bad, but DH said it was probably the drinks we had.

Ahh...the drinks!!!! I'm not a fan of Watermelon, but watermelon mojitos - I'd have given it TWO THUMBS UP if I could have. As it was, one hand was clinched tightly around the drink while the other was waving the waiter down for another! LOL

So...slimfast today, gym tonight and hopefully back on track the rest of the week!

Happy Monday, all...

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PJTP...Good Monday Morning, everyone! :biggrin:

Oh holy hell... as you're telling me this, I'm thinking in my head, "Isn't this the same b*tch that borrows all manner of stuff from y'all?? And she can take SD SHOPPING??"

Lordy, Slim, I think I needs to come-a down there. Show her the err of her ways. :biggrin:

The car is running and I've got a kick-MIL's-a** bag packed...where we going?

I suggest the Old MIL Hex...we can prolly find some eye of newt on eBay. I used the last of mine on a doctor hex just last week...:blushing:

I know some folks that can make that happen tout-de-suite...just lemme know...

Come on! You want me to draw a map to her house?:biggrin:

Just send me the address - Mapquest works great!

Yeah, I was thinking you can't use that stuff on people like that. They CREATED the curses that that stuff is used for.

Maybe some holy Water? That oughtta have her melting like the wicked witch of the west. :biggrin:

Holy water, incense, oil for "anointing" (meaning anointing my fist so when I smash her in the face it gets on her too)...

I don't mean to be petty over the mis spelling----it just feels like a slap in the face. She KNOWS, that is what gets me......I honestly would prefer she just ignore the day. But the whole passive aggressive thing, and her martyr attitude, makes her HAVE to give me SOMETHING, and she makes her little dig with the spelling. Just being that way.

She sounds like she knows exactly what she is doing and its definately her passive-aggressive thing going on...what a snarky thing to do!

DD just called and her ex had my DGD for the weekend, brought her home, sunburned to a point of blistering, hungry, and asleep in the back seat of a truck, with no car seat, not even a seatbelt. Then when he left, she told my DD her "girlie parts" hurt. My DD about had a heart attack, but upon inspection, she has a raw strip, about an inch wide, all the way across her lower body, and up onto her lower back---it is from the crotch strap on her life jacket. She says she told them it hurt, but they wouldn't fix it.

I just wanna kill him - what a doofus! Don't you know when a child complains about stuff like that, you get SOMEONE to look at it? I know people are paranoid about that stuff with non-custodial parents and children, but I'd rather risk some uncomfortable questions than to have the poor little one hurting...:cursing:

Cherry on top, he informed her he could not afford to pay her, either CS or his half of the day care. He has not paid CS in over 6 months, and his last 2 checks to daycare have bounced.

Can we say "deadbeat"? :biggrin:

She told him, he no longer could take her on his own. When she asks to see him, she will meet him at McDonalds or something, that until he regains some responsibility she is refusing visits. He is pissed! He is threatening court---I told Manda to take some pics and tell him to bring it on.

Get it all documented and GO TO COURT...he's not gonna learn his lesson from a slap on the hand...

Then her BF pissed me off, acting like she was being too lenient, and getting on her case. Back off it is not his business!!

Getting on HER case for WHAT exactly? It's not like she could have stopped what happened...

AND she does have a court order giving him visitation, so if she can show she is attempting even with the problem to maintain a relationship with them, then she is better off, and DGD loves her Daddy (who knows why!!!). The BF has full custody of his kids who have not seen their mom in years, but it is not all cut and dried like that---he needs to leave himself out of it.

Or at least ask the question "Would you like to hear my opinion on this?" My hubby asked that question multiple times before we married regarding my DS and his BF(Biological Father). Often, I didn't want to hear his opinion, but it was nice to know he wasn't just going to push it on me.

Made me sick at my stomach, lost my dinner, just thinking of someone not taking care of my little DGD makes my soul hurt.


That is so hard...I think I'd be certifiable if I thought someone hurt my DGS...even if I don't see him like I want to...

It's not petty, Kat, it's intentional. You'd almost like to say, "Gee, I'm sorry you apparently have Alzheimers/dementia/memory issues." :biggrin:

As for the DD and the ex: OMG. Somebody needs to whip his ass.

When we going down there, Beth? I got your back!

Wanna come help me on your way to Slims????

Just tell me when and where...I got a Louisville Slugger in the trunk, ready to go...soaked it in gasoline so we can burn the evidence when we're done. Knew watching CSI would come in handy...:sneaky:

Had a good weekend - activity wise. Lots of house-cleaning on Saturday, a little more on Sunday, then a political fundraiser on Sunday afternoon for a good friend.

H was hovering all weekend...the comedy club on Friday night was fun - laughed a LOT, and it was just what the doc ordered. A little bittersweet because if I hadn't been so pissed at H, it would have been even more fun. He was right by my side all day Saturday, made himself scarce during the fundraiser and took DD to see Final Destination at the movies. Wanted to get all cuddly last night...I just ain't there yet, though I must admit it's getting harder to be mad at him and keep my distance.

Damn my heart...I SO want to forgive and try to forget, but I can't right now. My heart is still bruised and sore, and for him to try and act like nothing is wrong and nothing's changed is just not what I want right now.

He still won't really talk about it...it's like he's made some kind of decision to try and work through it in his own mind, but I don't know what he's thinking, so to me, his behavior is suspect.

When I get like this, I tend to shut down - that's my protective response, but may not be the right one for this situation. We did run together on Sunday morning - and it was okay. We joked about our various aches and pains (extended the run distance as well) and he kept saying how proud of me he is for not giving up on running. Sometimes his work schedule prevents him from going with me, but I'm a runner now - I'll go with or without him.

Playing it by ear right now...still have my independence plan in the works, but for now, I'll stay put and try to work through MY feelings.

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kat - not sure, but i think your DD can petition the court re - CS w/out having to hire an attorney. i would check into that - beth gave some good advice, that if no order is in place re- visitation restriction.....he take her and she have no recourse..??

beth - yeah, i posted too many pics of her (name is goose) on FB this wkend.:biggrin:

glouc - i got the watermelon mojito recp from dana, they are EVIL - but YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!

*in removing tag mode*

DH and i did some retail therapy yesterday - lots of new gym clothes, new tennis shoes, jeans & more flip flops ..... pretty sure puppy will nab a pair of two:biggrin:

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PJTP...So-so news on the job front...

Recieved a message this morning regarding the recent interviews I had done:

The physicians have decided to continue the search. We will be in touch when a decision is made.

Not what I wanted to hear, but then, with the job market the way it is, I guess I can't blame them for wanting to keep looking. I just don't think I WOW'ed them like I had hoped I would.

The search continues...still no word from the first place I interviewed with...why people are so rude I have no idea. At least let me know what's going on! :biggrin:

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She is super cute Lu.. Noway did you post too many pics of her. More more more <3 her.

Like I said on FB I don't think she could of came at a better time for Steve :biggrin:

Uggh off to find the couch to 5k thread AGAIN.. seriously plateau, me being too lazy, too many liquid calories, and snacking have gotta stop.

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PJTS (posting just to say) – hi!

For those who missed me, thanks, I missed you too. For those that didn’t miss me, OUCH! For those that didn’t even notice I was gone, Double OUCH!

Now, to get caught up (my last post was #15156 – you guys have been busy):

Reunion – never gone to one. My 40th will be coming up in a few years, perhaps then.

Purses – Nope. Don’t carry one usually. Only when going out special (that is, maybe 1/year)

Running – not gonna happen.

Triathalons – Never.

MILs – don’t have one. My mother is a great MIL according to DH and my sibling’s spouses (present and past)

Scale victories – YAY!

Scale lack of movement – it will happen. Patience. Buy new scales. Buy new batteries. Move the scale. Don’t move the scale. Avoid the scales. Blame menopause, Water, exercise, salt, spouses, life….

Facebook – nope. It would be you guys so why go to another place for the same people? Obviously Im missing something.

Pics/personal info here – nope. Just too many weirdos in cyberspace.

Voices in head – Doesn’t everybody hear them?

Marital stresses – hope you can work through them, or find the solution (whether together or apart)

Struggling – I can SOOOOOOOOOOO relate.

Job hunts – hope they are successful

Home renovations – love to do them, hate living through them (and yes, I know that is somewhat schizophrenic but having multiple personalities helps me cope)

Sales – Well as I hate shopping, a sale is of limited value to me.

Children – new or soon to be – Congrats

School – for those that have children heading off to them – another sign of them becoming adults; for the adults returning to it – have fun!

Surgeries – Good luck; hope they are successful

Drinks – alcohol is our friend! Mojitos/Ginger O’s/other KC /Lu concoctions – yumm!

Animals – putting them down is sad; happy for those adopting

Karma – gotta love it!

Men - (enough said)

Our get together in 2010 – when? Where? Who’s organizing?

TV shows – not into them – any of them. Not reality, not cooking, not talk shows. News if I missed my internet and newspaper for the day.

Summer – it is gone (never really arrived here); of course in Aussie it is coming – your ‘winter’ pics look better than this summer here though, Fanny.

Hair – thinking I need a new style, but HATE the growing out phases. Gray IS a color!

Mushrooms/other phallic symbols – no comment required.

Bandiversaries – congrats!

Sports – nope

Pain meds – I prefer the alcohol kind, but any in a pinch.

Sizes and weights – I will NEVER understand. People who are shorter than me, the same weight as me are in teeny-tiny (that is, single digits) sizes. Me, Nope. How is that possible? Oh well.

Pictures – have been taking lots and some have been taken of me. To me, I look the same. Still fat.

Feeding others dogs/kids/plants…it’s wrong. Permission first. Otherwise expect grief and/or lawsuit.

Relationships – do what is right for YOU. Not your family. Not your child. Not your parents. YOU!

Family drama – sorry for those having them.

So, what’s happening?

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It was one truckload of posts I had to read to catch up! I'm sure I missed some topics, but think I hit most of them.

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        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

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        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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