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My hunger started back. Not too bad yet as I try and eat small meals several times a day. But I still notice it. Anyone else experiencing hunger now that we're almost a year out?

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My hunger started back. Not too bad yet as I try and eat small meals several times a day. But I still notice it. Anyone else experiencing hunger now that we're almost a year out?

I just told my hubby the same thing yesterday. :( I wanted it to stay gone! Lol

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My hunger started back. Not too bad yet as I try and eat small meals several times a day. But I still notice it. Anyone else experiencing hunger now that we're almost a year out?

YES!! And it seems that the my typical 'meals' are no longer filling me up - so I am still hungry when I finish. I am trying to add fruit or vegis to my meals to help. I have not added any Snacks or small in between meals. Started a couple of weeks ago, and that is when the scale stopped moving. I have only increased my calories by about 100 to between 800 - 900. With the amount of exercise I get you would think I would still lose, but this just feels different. I am so close to my goal - only 7 pounds to go! Having lost 193, you wouldn't think 7 would matter!

Just made my appointment for my 1 year follow-up with bariatric specialist and the nutritionist. The appointment is on June 26th, we will see what they say.

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ok opened the thread

its under food and nutrition . start adding

WOW!!! Thanks! YOU ROCK!!! Enjoy your vacation!

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You are awesome!!!

Where are you heading for vacation? Hope you have a blast!

Upsate PA. a little town in the Poconos called Mountain Top. Relax and shed some technology. going to an old school amusement park. going to ride roller coasters (2 wooden 1 metal) all day until i puke :-) since i fit in them now looking forward to an excellent adventure.....

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My hunger started back. Not too bad yet as I try and eat small meals several times a day. But I still notice it. Anyone else experiencing hunger now that we're almost a year out?

I just told my hubby the same thing yesterday. :( I wanted it to stay gone! Lol

YES!! And it seems that the my typical 'meals' are no longer filling me up - so I am still hungry when I finish. I am trying to add fruit or vegis to my meals to help. I have not added any Snacks or small in between meals. Started a couple of weeks ago, and that is when the scale stopped moving. I have only increased my calories by about 100 to between 800 - 900. With the amount of exercise I get you would think I would still lose, but this just feels different. I am so close to my goal - only 7 pounds to go! Having lost 193, you wouldn't think 7 would matter!

Just made my appointment for my 1 year follow-up with bariatric specialist and the nutritionist. The appointment is on June 26th, we will see what they say.

I have noticed this lately as well. It seems as though I eat more than i use to. :( I'm still losing so I'm not going to complain too much, but I liked eating like a bird :) But I think by the one year mark I'm supposed to eat a "normal" plate according to my nut. which is a Protein, a starch, veggies, dairy and a fat... still feels like a lot of food at times though!

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Upsate PA. a little town in the Poconos called Mountain Top. Relax and shed some technology. going to an old school amusement park. going to ride roller coasters (2 wooden 1 metal) all day until i puke :-) since i fit in them now looking forward to an excellent adventure.....

Sounds like a lot of fun! Isn't it great to fit in the rides again?!! Have a good time!

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YES!! And it seems that the my typical 'meals' are no longer filling me up - so I am still hungry when I finish. I am trying to add fruit or vegis to my meals to help. I have not added any Snacks or small in between meals. Started a couple of weeks ago, and that is when the scale stopped moving. I have only increased my calories by about 100 to between 800 - 900. With the amount of exercise I get you would think I would still lose, but this just feels different. I am so close to my goal - only 7 pounds to go! Having lost 193, you wouldn't think 7 would matter!

Just made my appointment for my 1 year follow-up with bariatric specialist and the nutritionist. The appointment is on June 26th, we will see what they say.

That is exactly me too! Except my program has me eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. I do hit about 1000 calories a day and am scared to increase food because I have about 10 lbs I want to lose. I may try increasing my Fiber and see if that helps. I may try an extra 100 calories and monitor for a week or 2. I track religiously still which is good. I drink a Protein Shake for Breakfast because I hate breakfast and thought maybe if I eat 'real food' for that meal it will help?

I did step it up at the gym today. Change it up and confuse these last 10lbs. Lol

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That is exactly me too! Except my program has me eat 3 meals a day and 2 Snacks. I do hit about 1000 calories a day and am scared to increase food because I have about 10 lbs I want to lose. I may try increasing my fiber and see if that helps. I may try an extra 100 calories and monitor for a week or 2. I track religiously still which is good. I drink a Protein Shake for breakfast because I hate breakfast and thought maybe if I eat 'real food' for that meal it will help?

I did step it up at the gym today. Change it up and confuse these last 10lbs. Lol

Let me know if you find the secret. Right now I am just trying to ignore the hunger and keep the calories down. I have tried switching up my workouts, that has always worked in the past. Not working this time though. :(

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It will be one year this month since my gastric bypass surgery. I loved life before but I extremely love life even more now. When I started this journey I was scared and iffy about the whole thing. I just kept thinking to myself it's major surgery. They're going to cut your stomach in half and it doesn't even work for everyone if they don't follow the rules. Can I follow the rules or am I going to be part of the 1% togo through this and fail. However, while I was playing mind games with myself I knew I had to do something. My health was slowly declining with my rapid weight gain. I had sleep apnea, pre-diabetes, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) which consisted with severe menstrual problems, the longest time ever went without my cycle was two years and when I did get it, it was extremely heavy. Crazy Hair growth which already did not bode well with my confidence and fertility problems when the time came when I want to have kids. Heart failure in the future, really bad depression and couldn't lose weight.

Well with that all said and done I started on with my research. While I researched I exhausted every other avenue first. I did the gym, weight watchers, diet pills nothing worked. Doctors as my OB/GYN, endocrinologists Kept saying you got to lose weight. " no shit Sherlock I'm trying but you're not helping." So I sat with my primary care physician and was like Doc I want to get healthy and lose this weight. I was originally looking into lap band but we discussed it and I decide on gastric bypass and he gave me a number for Dr. Matt Kirkland and I went home and made my appointment. As soon as I got off the phone I just knew I made the right decision.

Now almost at my one-year mark I can't stop smiling. I'm not going to lie it's been a struggle it has not been all roses and candy. (However that saying goes LOL) it was a psychological battle as well as emotional and physical. In the beginning you're looking at everyone enjoying food. And if you eat to much or not the right thing you're upchucking everywhere. Once you get past the hard parts and finally learned how to eat again and what to eat it becomes easier. I no longer get breathless walking upstairs or hills. My legs or feet don't hurt standing in long lines of the grocery store. I have a lot more energy. I go hiking, bike riding, long walks and I'm not even tired when I'm done. The best part of it all is I no longer have diabetes, or apnea, and my cycles are regular now. I'm not taking any meds besides the Vitamins I have to take everyday.

I made it to my goal weight I've lost a total of 134 pounds a whole other person woohoo!!! I can't believe it. It feels amazing.

My goal is to maintain this and not lose anymore. It has been an awesome journey so far, now I can definitely see a future ahead. I just got to keep looking forward. Keep on moving, never give up you'll love the end results promise! Just got to keep the smiles going ???? Live the life you'll love to live!!

Highest weight 275lbs.

Surgery weight 258lbs.

Current 1yr. As of two weeks ago 141lbs. I have my yrly check up the 4th



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It will be one year this month since my gastric bypass surgery. I loved life before but I extremely love life even more now. When I started this journey I was scared and iffy about the whole thing. I just kept thinking to myself it's major surgery. They're going to cut your stomach in half and it doesn't even work for everyone if they don't follow the rules. Can I follow the rules or am I going to be part of the 1% togo through this and fail. However, while I was playing mind games with myself I knew I had to do something. My health was slowly declining with my rapid weight gain. I had sleep apnea, pre-diabetes, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) which consisted with severe menstrual problems, the longest time ever went without my cycle was two years and when I did get it, it was extremely heavy. Crazy Hair growth which already did not bode well with my confidence and fertility problems when the time came when I want to have kids. Heart failure in the future, really bad depression and couldn't lose weight.

Well with that all said and done I started on with my research. While I researched I exhausted every other avenue first. I did the gym, weight watchers, diet pills nothing worked. Doctors as my OB/GYN, endocrinologists Kept saying you got to lose weight. " no **** Sherlock I'm trying but you're not helping." So I sat with my primary care physician and was like Doc I want to get healthy and lose this weight. I was originally looking into lap band but we discussed it and I decide on gastric bypass and he gave me a number for Dr. Matt Kirkland and I went home and made my appointment. As soon as I got off the phone I just knew I made the right decision.

Now almost at my one-year mark I can't stop smiling. I'm not going to lie it's been a struggle it has not been all roses and candy. (However that saying goes LOL) it was a psychological battle as well as emotional and physical. In the beginning you're looking at everyone enjoying food. And if you eat to much or not the right thing you're upchucking everywhere. Once you get past the hard parts and finally learned how to eat again and what to eat it becomes easier. I no longer get breathless walking upstairs or hills. My legs or feet don't hurt standing in long lines of the grocery store. I have a lot more energy. I go hiking, bike riding, long walks and I'm not even tired when I'm done. The best part of it all is I no longer have diabetes, or apnea, and my cycles are regular now. I'm not taking any meds besides the Vitamins I have to take everyday.

I made it to my goal weight I've lost a total of 134 pounds a whole other person woohoo!!! I can't believe it. It feels amazing.

My goal is to maintain this and not lose anymore. It has been an awesome journey so far, now I can definitely see a future ahead. I just got to keep looking forward. Keep on moving, never give up you'll love the end results promise! Just got to keep the smiles going ?de03 Live the life you'll love to live!!

Highest weight 275lbs.

Surgery weight 258lbs.

Current 1yr. As of two weeks ago 141lbs. I have my yrly check up the 4th

Amazing transformation, just like a butterfly :-) i so happy for you. Thank you for sharing this. it made my morning

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Im going to put this out there. i know i still have a ways to go before i hit my goal weight and im healthy and happpy. and i know its a marathon not a sprint....etc etc.

So with all that being said. while admiring myself in the mirror ( not an easy task ) i noticed i'm a little lopsided. is anyone else loosing "unevenly" ? im sure it will balance out EVENTUALLY but in just curious if anyone else has noticed anything similar

Edited by Weight Warrior

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Im going to put this out there. i know i still have a ways to go before i hit my goal weight and im healthy and happpy. and i know its a marathon not a sprint....etc etc. So with all that being said. while admiring myself in the mirror ( not an easy task ) i noticed i'm a little lopsided. is anyone else loosing "unevenly" ? im sure it will balance out EVENTUALLY but in just curious if anyone else has noticed anything similar

I don't linger very long in front of the mirror. I will take a look today after my shower. I just got back from a bike ride. I'm going to need to up my time if I want to do a triathlon this year. :( I bike soooo slow especially on hills.

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It will be one year this month since my gastric bypass surgery. I loved life before but I extremely love life even more now. When I started this journey I was scared and iffy about the whole thing. I just kept thinking to myself it's major surgery. They're going to cut your stomach in half and it doesn't even work for everyone if they don't follow the rules. Can I follow the rules or am I going to be part of the 1% togo through this and fail. However, while I was playing mind games with myself I knew I had to do something. My health was slowly declining with my rapid weight gain. I had sleep apnea, pre-diabetes, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) which consisted with severe menstrual problems, the longest time ever went without my cycle was two years and when I did get it, it was extremely heavy. Crazy Hair growth which already did not bode well with my confidence and fertility problems when the time came when I want to have kids. Heart failure in the future, really bad depression and couldn't lose weight.

Well with that all said and done I started on with my research. While I researched I exhausted every other avenue first. I did the gym, weight watchers, diet pills nothing worked. Doctors as my OB/GYN, endocrinologists Kept saying you got to lose weight. " no **** Sherlock I'm trying but you're not helping." So I sat with my primary care physician and was like Doc I want to get healthy and lose this weight. I was originally looking into lap band but we discussed it and I decide on gastric bypass and he gave me a number for Dr. Matt Kirkland and I went home and made my appointment. As soon as I got off the phone I just knew I made the right decision.

Now almost at my one-year mark I can't stop smiling. I'm not going to lie it's been a struggle it has not been all roses and candy. (However that saying goes LOL) it was a psychological battle as well as emotional and physical. In the beginning you're looking at everyone enjoying food. And if you eat to much or not the right thing you're upchucking everywhere. Once you get past the hard parts and finally learned how to eat again and what to eat it becomes easier. I no longer get breathless walking upstairs or hills. My legs or feet don't hurt standing in long lines of the grocery store. I have a lot more energy. I go hiking, bike riding, long walks and I'm not even tired when I'm done. The best part of it all is I no longer have diabetes, or apnea, and my cycles are regular now. I'm not taking any meds besides the Vitamins I have to take everyday.

I made it to my goal weight I've lost a total of 134 pounds a whole other person woohoo!!! I can't believe it. It feels amazing.

My goal is to maintain this and not lose anymore. It has been an awesome journey so far, now I can definitely see a future ahead. I just got to keep looking forward. Keep on moving, never give up you'll love the end results promise! Just got to keep the smiles going ???? Live the life you'll love to live!!

Highest weight 275lbs.

Surgery weight 258lbs.

Current 1yr. As of two weeks ago 141lbs. I have my yrly check up the 4th



Happy Surgaversary! It is truly amazing how life changing this year has been!! I am glad that you are doing so well. Keep up the good work - and it is work! Celebrate LIFE! You have earned it!


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One year post op today! 130lbs gone forever!!!

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    • ChunkCat

      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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