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I wish I was one of the sleeve patients that says' date=' oh they don't like sweets anymore, they just don't taste as good! HA! HAHA! Everything still tastes as good to me and I still enjoy food!! I am glad you do too!! I can't keep Oreo anywhere near my house (I think my children feel I am the meanest mom ever for never buying them!)[/quote']

Yeah, that's not me. Just ate a wedding cake cupcake on NOLA! :(

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Oh everything tastes good to me!! LOL...I haven't come across anything I didn't like (or that I didn't already dislike pre-surgery anyhow). I have to say, I really must hand it to you in the US, I know what the junk food was like when I was still there, I'm sure they've 'perfected' it even more since then. That stuff is HARD to resist. Even worse is all the yummy sugar-laden stuff that is awesome and not necessarily made like 'junk' food -- eg, Georgia's cupcake (OMG I EFFING LOVE CAKE AND CUPCAKES SOOOOO MUCH). I seriously count myself lucky that it's relatively easy to stay away from super junk here cos it's just not available, and what IS available isn't very tempting. I had a taste of my US life this weekend, though, when we went to a restaurant known for its spareribs and chips (more like fries, somewhere in between). I was skeptical cos they can't do ribs here to save their lives...but OMG, they brought me this gigantic plate with a PILE of ribs and a PILE of these crispy chip/fries and it was SO GOOD. And I ate WAY too much of it and wanted to die -- really, only the second time that's happened since surgery. But it was so tasty and so plentiful, it was nearly impossible to stop myself eating it. UGH I felt so sick after (still choked down a few bites of mint gelato though LOL...at least an hour later however).

That's a long-winded (what else?) way of saying that you guys are awesome for resisting that stuff on a regular basis. My hat's off to you!! Throwing away what sounds like a delicious puffy cake of some sort, getting rid of ice cream, forgoing yumminess left right and center I imagine!! You are my inspiration, all of you! :wub:

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Oh, and did I learn my lesson with the ribs?? NO I DID NOT. Last night I made myself a 'Chinese' chicken salad, the one with cabbage and sesame oil, etc. Because it wasn't a fasting day, I made it a bit more fancy, added more oil, added almonds to the salad etc. Then proceeded to eat way too much of it. And THEN ate popcorn my husband made (with ghee, so not a total disaster), and he sucks at making it so it was semi-burnt and semi-unpopped LOL...that didn't stop me eating that either. I must be hormonal LOL. But just imagine a gut full of WAY too much cabbage, some raw cauliflower from earlier in the day, and a bunch of semi-popped corn. Ouchie. I hope I don't have a bezoar now...!! LOLOL (ETA: OMG, I just remembered I ate some stalk celery and some coconut too -- I really DO hope I don't have a bezoar...I have all the raw ingredients in there, just need to swallow some chewing gum and too many tablets at one go...!!)

Today we're having a BBQ with my sleeved friend who lives here, the only one I ever knew prior to doing the surgery myself. She is interesting cos she is more than three years post-op, put on about 5kg from her lowest, but then leveled out there and maintains no problem. Makes me wonder if we're all just fighting the normal bounce back, who knows. I still want to fight it though LOL. She has several things she still can't eat -- most meat, anything fatty or greasy like sausage (BBQ staple here!), Pasta. For a loooong time she couldn't eat bread at all, but now I think she can do. Plus there are things she still can't stand the taste or thought of, to this day -- and she has vomited a lot all along as well. Almost like she has a band instead of a sleeve. Anyhow, some people really do have food changes that last...and yet she still had the bounce-back and seems comfortable with that and hasn't gained beyond that point in more than a year.

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:(. Glad it was just a cast and not surgery!

That's for sure. I'm really curious how much it's all going to cost in the end.

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I wish I was one of the sleeve patients that says, oh they don't like sweets anymore, they just don't taste as good! HA! HAHA! Everything still tastes as good to me and I still enjoy food!! I am glad you do too!! I can't keep Oreo anywhere near my house (I think my children feel I am the meanest mom ever for never buying them!)

Isn't that the truth. I never lost my taste for anything.

That's what's been so great about this diet. I'm not craving junk like I was.

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I am lucky, my children were very young when I had my sleeve (15 months and 3), so really, the way Mommy eats is just the way Mommy eats. I also do something similar to Laura. At supper, everyone is eating what I am eating, except I make the rest of the family a side like potatoes or rice. But everyone is eating chicken and I take lots of veggies, so my plate looks pretty full. But like I said, my kids are still young (4 and 6) and really don't pay much attention!

Thanks for your reply (and Coops and Laura-Ven too!) I mention this mostly because my 12 yo has been feeling "fat" and she is mostly taller and larger than other girls her age. She is very athletic and she is the kind of kid who eats enough at one sitting (like a full 'adult' size meal) and then totally forgets about food for hours! My 11 yo is quite a bit shorter (not quite 5' yet, in fact I think she is about 4'9") and she is my grazer. She has horrible eating habits and we definitely have to remind her about sugar intake, etc. But she eats a tiny little amount (still can't finish a kid size meal in one sitting) and then an hour later she is looking for food again. Sigh. So I just don't want them thinking that 500 cals a day is NORMAL. They know all about my surgery (they were 8 and 9 when I had it) and my youngest even gives me a hard time sometimes because I can be the "food police" and she calls my stomach my bananna or my "squirrel" stomach. Hahah.

And Cheri, I noticed your username too, very funny!! :P:D

PS, How do you change it?? I can't seem to figure it out for the life of me!

I think you can go to your profile and edit it there. There is a black button on the right and you can click it to "edit" your profile info.

All in all it looks like everyone is doing very well!

Coops! A small! I will never get into one of those, I was in a large at my lowest after surgery weight. Just a big gal. You are doing awesome!

FYE- ME too! LOL! Coops you are awesome!

And expensive! I have a $2500 deductible on my ins. so I'm going to end up with a huge bill.

I also knew it was broken but not how. Sorry OD. That sucks. The only upside to paying your ded. is all the rest of your bills from now until Dec. will seem small. Time to go get any refills, have blood drawn, have a checkup, get it all in before Jan. when everything resets. Sorry about the wrist. :(

Well, checking in from vacation. Yesterday was a "travel day" so 4+ hours in the car to get to my mom's house. And there were pretzels and popcorn in the car. And dinner with my mom. And I tried to log everything (including the small scoop of ice cream after dinner) and clocked in well over 1800 cals. Sigh.

Today is a new day.

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Well, checking in from vacation. Yesterday was a "travel day" so 4+ hours in the car to get to my mom's house. And there were pretzels and popcorn in the car. And dinner with my mom. And I tried to log everything (including the small scoop of ice cream after dinner) and clocked in well over 1800 cals. Sigh.

Today is a new day.

I think its so important to log all that stuff, even when your off plan, or its hard to figure out the cals... just to remain conscious of the cost of any different situation, GOOD FOR YOU! Hoped you enjoyed yourself!

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Yep, logging everything. The 1/4 to 1/2 "dressed" Radastas Only NOLA Poboy and couple bites gumbo and cupcake!!! :). Was surprised to see I was still only around 1385. Not bad.

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Good day all my fellow 5:2 girls :)

Lots of good reading here I spent the last few minutes catching up.

One thing I find interesting that some people lose their "taste" for certain foods post op. or have "dumping" like swizzly's friend even three years out!! I'd say that person is lucky and definitely in the minority?

I for one can eat anything no problem... In my earlier months I stayed away from certain things out of fear, but I know now that if I wanted, I could eat them (rice, bread,sweets,fried) no problem. Its about TRYING to stay away now..

I assuming its safe to say most of us have "sleeves of steel" too?

I was lamenting last night because I over ate dinner, it was healthy, just to much, but even stuffing for me is just painful, no throwing up like some.

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Thanks for your reply (and Coops and Laura-Ven too!) I mention this mostly because my 12 yo has been feeling "fat" and she is mostly taller and larger than other girls her age. She is very athletic and she is the kind of kid who eats enough at one sitting (like a full 'adult' size meal) and then totally forgets about food for hours! My 11 yo is quite a bit shorter (not quite 5' yet, in fact I think she is about 4'9") and she is my grazer. She has horrible eating habits and we definitely have to remind her about sugar intake, etc. But she eats a tiny little amount (still can't finish a kid size meal in one sitting) and then an hour later she is looking for food again. Sigh. So I just don't want them thinking that 500 cals a day is NORMAL. They know all about my surgery (they were 8 and 9 when I had it) and my youngest even gives me a hard time sometimes because I can be the "food police" and she calls my stomach my bananna or my "squirrel" stomach. Hahah.

I think you can go to your profile and edit it there. There is a black button on the right and you can click it to "edit" your profile info.

FYE- ME too! LOL! Coops you are awesome!

I also knew it was broken but not how. Sorry OD. That sucks. The only upside to paying your ded. is all the rest of your bills from now until Dec. will seem small. Time to go get any refills, have blood drawn, have a checkup, get it all in before Jan. when everything resets. Sorry about the wrist. :(

Well, checking in from vacation. Yesterday was a "travel day" so 4+ hours in the car to get to my mom's house. And there were pretzels and popcorn in the car. And dinner with my mom. And I tried to log everything (including the small scoop of ice cream after dinner) and clocked in well over 1800 cals. Sigh.

Today is a new day.

I don't have younger children but I have a 25 year old daughter and and 31 year old son living here and my daughter has learned to eat smaller portions and my son fluctuates back and forth. But recently I find him telling his girl friend that she needs to cut her portion sizes down. So they are learning by watching their mom still. :) BTW, sons girl friend is addicted to food also and is putting on weight now. This really pushes my buttons too. Fear strikes it's ugly head.... :(

Good day all my fellow 5:2 girls :)

Lots of good reading here I spent the last few minutes catching up.

One thing I find interesting that some people lose their "taste" for certain foods post op. or have "dumping" like swizzly's friend even three years out!! I'd say that person is lucky and definitely in the minority?

I for one can eat anything no problem... In my earlier months I stayed away from certain things out of fear, but I know now that if I wanted, I could eat them (rice, bread,sweets,fried) no problem. Its about TRYING to stay away now..

I assuming its safe to say most of us have "sleeves of steel" too?

I was lamenting last night because I over ate dinner, it was healthy, just to much, but even stuffing for me is just painful, no throwing up like some.

I thought this too and then one day I was mindlessly eating and got a HA. I thought that I would take a tylenol with Cod to stop the HA with 2 bites of a Protein Bar. I had been so proud of myself for getting in more than 100 ozs of Fluid too. well, short story short, my stomach started spasm, my colon started spasm, I thought it was from the Tylenol with Cod and had the intention to go into the bathroom and throw it up. I got dizzy, passed out on the floor, woke up as my right leg was in mid air, started throwing up and had severe diarrhea at the same time. I was a total mess...... Looking back, I realized it was the first time I had ever slimmed too......It was totally gross........I still find myself eating mindlessly. I know that I need to measure my food out but am too lazy to do it. I need a swift kick in the behind to stop this........ so, remember, dumping can still happen this far out....

I'm holding stable at my highest bounce and will be fasting tuesday again. :P I really need to get back to 150 lbs. Today I will be preparing my foods for the weeks and not eating out. Premeasured foods to be thawed out on a daily basis...... :P Now all I need is the discipline to stick too it.... :P

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Busy food weekend but calories kept to 1500 each day. Weekly weigh gives me loss of 1lb, the lower number I saw after my fast day did not reappear unfortunately but I do know it is there because I have seen it!

It is 10.30 and I haven't decided whether to do a fast day today or not. I have a lot of flexibility this week as I am on my own til Friday morning but I will have to be careful to stay focused. I will have to log in each day to make myself accountable.

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Busy food weekend but calories kept to 1500 each day. Weekly weigh gives me loss of 1lb, the lower number I saw after my fast day did not reappear unfortunately but I do know it is there because I have seen it!

It is 10.30 and I haven't decided whether to do a fast day today or not. I have a lot of flexibility this week as I am on my own til Friday morning but I will have to be careful to stay focused. I will have to log in each day to make myself accountable.

Congrats Cathy!

I'm finding even trying to stay low-cal while up visiting family is JUST not working. I failed to even count/track calories yesterday. Good news is we head home on Wed. so I can hopefully get back to "normal" soon!

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three days now I have tried to fast, without success. day before yesterday was supposed to be a 500 cal fast day, I think I had closer to 700. fail. Today was supposed to be a fast day and I had 1400. mega fail. so tomorrow will have to be fast day :(

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My normal days are tues and Thursday..

I almost fasted yesterday because Saturday night I ate too much dinner (fish,broccoli, pluot) and felt sick all night and morning... I went for a strenuous hike and felt awesome with no food?

I then came home and ate a chicken and kale salad, fast day! Nope had a cookie then a massive spoon of peanut butter!

Yep fasting on Tuesday...

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I'm in my ninth week now? Is anyone keeping track? LOL...

So am I the only one who hasn't lost ANY weight doing this? I was, this morning, back up to my highest weight since originally getting to goal (72kg). I'm still keeping on, but wha...?? I have had a few social occasions that were full of food and wine, but I've also been tracking non-fast days and most of them have been quite reasonable 1600-1800 days as usual.

I'm trippin...

Edit: My fast days have ALL been in the 500-cal range and I've never (yet) had to ditch one cos of eating instead. So I've had legit fast days in the double-digits now.

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      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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