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Hi Guys.

Just another exotic & exiting day. Thought I would stop by and say howdy.

Diane - what a handsome boy you have there. Sorry about your Step Granny. It's never easy to lose a loved one - no matter how old. Hugs!

Sherry - you have to love those employers... they think that - since you have been doing the work of three people for so little money - they can sucker you into doing the work of four for only a small raise... NOT. I am thinking good thoughts that they won't do anything stupid like hire somebody dumb enough to work for the amount they were offering you... Hugs!

I am just not overly excited about bosses in general today... The new gal they hired instead of me started today - and my boss has been taking her around to various people having her train with them. He has passed by my desk with her several times - but has not introduced her to me.... Like I would bite her or spit on her or something... I expect the only introduction I get will be if I run into her in the bathroom. What. Ever. I have no animosity toward HER... I know it's all about the boss man. I might spit on HIM...

Allison - glad you hear you got a new job. Whatcha doing? Processor? Loan officer? I am an Underwriter. Have a Mortgaglicious day. Oh - and shameless is good... even though you probably work for the competition. :]

Chrispy!! Congrats on your new band. Definitely take those meds as prescribed - but take them! This is no time to be brave. I felt ready to return to work at my desk job by day 4. (I didn't - but I could have) Hope you feel better, soon.

Eileenie - we need to know how Olivia is doing. Hugs!!

Mandy - you Disney Chick, you... Sorry you are under the weather. I can't wait to see the pictures!

Cindy - it's true - I am the last person on earth without a cell phone. Seriously - If one can't get me at work or at home - one really doesn't need to talk to me that badly... I am ALWAYS at work... I will send you those numbers. It occurs to me that you probably don't have them.... DANG - you get a day off to go to the Fair... What a deal. Stinking mortgage companies don't give you any days off at all, if they can avoid it. Capitalist Pigs... :]

Well - lunch time is over and I have to get back to the old grind. Love you guys!!

(Ira? We really do want to know how your DW is doing. Please stop by.)

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Hi everyone!

Just got DH back from the Dr. He will be able to return to work on the 16th, light duty for another 6-8 weeks, then back to normal. Looks like he might be changing jobs before that time line is up tho. Part of him wants to stay on until the first of the year to get his next years vacation pay, and at the end of the year they pump another 4% into his 401K....but if the opportunity he has been waiting on won't hold, he'll just go now. Anyway, the Dr. was pleased with his progress, which is good to know. I can't help but worry, he worked harder than I thought he should in Texas, but there is no calm, easy way to build fences!!!

My DD....the nephrologist has discovered that her kidney is harboring 2 different infections types. She actually right now has e-coli and strep both in the kidney. They only found strep last time. But these are the same type of infection. So what he says is happening, is that when they bombard her with antibiotics, then a yeast type of infection (the 2nd form)takes up residence in the kidney, due to the abundance of antibiotics....making it a perfect breeding ground for other infections such as the e-coli one to grow very quickly as soon as the antibiotics are ended. There is a one time dose pill they give for yeast infections caused by antibiotics, called Diflucan or something like that. They are giving it to her every 36 hours during this round of antibiotics, trying to eliminate ALL infection rather than just bouncing from one to another. He said they will check her every day during this next 14 days, and if her numbers ever jump, or even rise as opposed to being controlled, then she is in the hospital with IV antibiotics. But he said she had held her own with all of these raging infections really well, she is just now starting to get down with it, she has a throat infection, and an ear infection, and even a place she had cut her ankle is infected. None of this is unusual they said, it still makes Mama nervous. DH said they have this round to get it cleared up, and if they can't then we will make arrangements for her to go to my SIL's in Denver and see a different group of Dr.'s regardless of what ins. says.

Thanks everyone for asking and being concerned over both DH & DD, it means so much...


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Good Morning and TGIF !!:clap2:

Oh what a lovely TGIF it is... no boss today :heh:

Nothing much is going on but work work work, we are so busy and its gonna get worse the next few months.. YUCK.

Olivia is doing good, she's such a little trooper. She can walk but she is not supposed to go up or down stairs. Its hard to get any info b/c my SIL is such the scum bag so we rely on Olivia to call the house herself.. nice eh.

I'm going to be teaching Pioneer Girls at a new chuch I'm going to on Monday nights.... 4th graders OY VEY!!! WTF is wrong with me LOLOL I bring my DD there and sit and wait for her anyway so I might as well make myself useful. I start this Monday... wish me luck.



Beanie, good for you for exercising.. you go girl.

Darcy love, how are you feeling? are you still glowing or is that part over?... no seriously hon, how are you?

Cindy, the fair sounds lovely... have a great time.... do I hear fried candy bar?

Dianne sorry to hear about g'ma ;) not a good way to visit NJ eh.

Sherry hang in there, your heart will tell you the right thing to do with that job.

Kat thats wonderful that DH is going to return to work soon.. I'm thrilled that he is getting better. My stars !!! Your poor DD... she is in my prayers. Is she in any pain thru this?

Mandy welcome home... how was your trip?

Allison, i'm so happy to hear your job is going well. Its always difficult to return to work when there's little ones home, but going to a job that you like makes it 1000000x easier.

I'm heading off to the halloween store to look for a poodle skirt for DD. Pioneer girls is having a sock hop LOLOL.

Oh.... just one more thing. Please pray for those Amish (sp?) familes that lost their DD's... :D It just breaks my heart :girl_hug:

BBL hehehehehehe.

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I'm already praying, Eileen. Did you hear that one of the grandfathers went to the house of the man who did the shooting, to invite his wife and children to the funeral of his granddaughter. He offered the forgiveness of the families, and she accepted the forgiveness. Amish funerals are by invitation only (which is why the invitation was significant). May God bless all of them, and the family of the man who caused all this suffering.

Beanie, say hi to Big Tex, and hope we'll see each other there!

Eileen, good luck with the Pioneer Girl thing...is it kinda like Girl Scouts but at church? Tell us more! That Sock Hop sounds fun!

Kat, thank goodness your DH is doing so well! I am worried about your DD, though. Did she eat spinach? I'm with you and DH, be pro-active, and don't let insurance rules make decisions for you! Do what has to be done, and sort it out later.

Lots of work problems in our group...there must be a new management style called "Spineless" being taught to managers, whether it is in education or corporate-world. Where's my soapbox called "Problems Caused by Political Correctness?" Everyone's so afraid of offending someone, they cannot even make decisions anymore.

Darcy, I miss you.

Pat, I miss you.

Patty, can't wait to hear what your attorney says.

Anne, how are you? I miss you, too!

Sherry, how is that 1 1/2 pounds? Gone already? I am sitting here making all kinds of strange noises! It's time for lunch!

Chrispy, hope you are healing up all nice and fine!

Allison, you made it to the weekend!

Mandy, are you feeling better yet?

Tonight I am going tile shopping for the floors in our bathrooms...that's kind of fun, and kind of confusing! We are getting ready to put all new floors in the whole house...have I told ya'll that already? I'm excited like crazy, but OMG! I have to move everything! Well, WE have to move everything, since it wil be a team effort, of course! I don't know when we will get this off the ground, but pretty soon, I hope.

Gotta run, as usual, it's lunch time!

Hugs, Cindy

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Good Morning :)

Cindy hope you had fun shopping for your flooring. Thats something that the g'pa invited the family to the funeral.... it would take me forever to forgive something like that.... they are truly amazing people.

I wanted to drive to the shore today but its cloudy out and I'm so tired anyway. TOM is here and I'm just so lazy on Saturdays, i think its b/c I'm racing all week that saturdays I fall apart LOLOL.

No WL for me this past month WTF!!! so I need to really stop this shit and get serious... I'm only fooling myself. I do need another fill, I know that would help b/c I can eat an entire slice of scilian (sp?) pizza w/no sweat and food is going down way to easy.... feels like the beginning before my fills kicked in. Ohhh but I don't wanna go LOlOl, but I will. Holidays are here and I don't wanna gain frig frig frig !!! I'm nevous to go b/c the fill doc's are new uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!

But next week I'll make an appt to go....sasssafrassss.

How are you guys doing?

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Goooood Mornin'!

Just a lazy Saturday morning here in MA. The guys just left to work on my friends house and me, mom and SIL are going to head out to the craft store, farm stand and Savers again :) I need to find some jeans that will fit this butt of mine. I bought a pair of jeans on clearance at Walmart and didn't realize they're this new Mid-something things. They're aren't those low rise belly showing things but, they don't come all the way up over the hips and above? YUCK I feel like I'm losing my draws lol. So I need to find a few pairs to hang in...Savers should be a good place to start. Not sure what I'm looking for at the craft store but, I wanna do something. Cooler weather does this to me...I get in that crafting, baking mood lol.

So they came back with a counter offer at work and I took it. It was 1/6 shy of what I asked for but, not so much of a difference that I'd pass on it. She did say after 90 days they'd review me again and if I was doing well put me in for the difference but, I told her I'm realistic and told her 6 months would be a better judgement time. I told her I was just asking for her to be fair salary wise. I know it wasn't truly her that set my pay it was the VP and there are budgets etc. I'm smart when it comes to business but, also know I need to get the bulk of it now because it's hard to get the raises later lol. They made the announcement Thursday to the company during a company meeting and many sent congrats but, many eh. You know how it is. I"m ok with that, everyone is different, some just surprised me though especially my staff. I do realize they are worried about who will become their supervisor next etc. They're used to me and I spoiled them a bit but, I'm still taking care of the same account and will be working with them closely just not their boss anymore. Actually I won't have anyone under me.....that's kinda weird to me. The transition will take some time as I have to train my replacement(s) and also be trained. I'm looking forward to it and I thank you all for your well wishes during those stressful days.

Eileen - it really is a hard decision sometimes with the fills. I've only had two but, I wasn't too sure on getting the 2nd one. Glad I did even though it took until this week to finally be able to eat more normally. I almost got an unfil but I think the last 2 pounds loss helped. One thing about a fill....you sure get a big burst of weight loss right after being on liquids :lol: I'm certainly not ready for another yet though. Still got something stuck yesterday after only a few bites YUCK. Good luck

Cindy - How did you make out with picking out your floors? Did you find something that just POPPED for ya? I find it hard to pick out colors when all you get to look at are little squares...should of seen me picking out colors for my house to be painted lol. It's beautiful now though my BIL did a great job. I gotta take a pick...of course we have no lawn so things look yucky lol. Lawn was dethatched and all dried out. We just had it airated and reseeded.

Kat - That's great about your DH and your DD is in my prayers. Sounds like you have your hands and heart full. I'm thinking of ya gal :)

Bean - Sorry about the boss thing for you and the new hire. Geesh I swear employers don't often think of the ramifications of the things they do. We have alot of weird things at work as well...like salary ranges, job duties seem all out of wack. Seems the more people complain the more they are rewarded? Now go figure! The people who work hard, don't complain...don't stick out so they don't get more? It's frustrating but, I have to think for myself...I go in, give what I think is appropriate and then some, I get along with everyone, listen to them all but, don't add to their complaining. I just want to get my work done and done well...hmm must be why I had to fight for this job huh? hahaha oh well. My new boss and I also have alot in common in that thinking. We both seem to be magnets and sounding boards for people at the company. God must have me in there for a reason aye? :)

Mandy - I'm glad you had a good time in Disney..pictures please :)

Diane - Sorry for your loss. I hope your trip went ok. Thinking of you. Hugs

Allison - Congrats on the new job and liking it :) Always scarey starting a new one isn't it? lol

Betty - What ya cooking girl? It's cool here in MA and all I can think of is making beef stew, baking a pie etc which made me think of you lol. I love hearing about your cooking on weekends or for parties :) Any recipes to share hee hee

Chispy - How are ya today? hope you're feeling better and able to get some Breakfast in :) I'm gonna stop by this weekend sometimes to say HELLO to ya and compare battle scares hahaha

Pat, Patty, Ira, Mary, Darcy - How goes it? Hope all is well.

Well I've hogged the thread enough I better get shoppin lol Love ya!

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I have a few minutes before getting ready to meet the family for Breakfast, so thought I would check in with all of you!

Thanks so much for all the support of my DD & DH. As for DD, she is having kidney problems, but it has not infected the urinary tract, or her bladder, so while she has severe lower back pain, and the general icky feeling of having infection, she does not have the burning upon urination, or the frequency urges, or the contractions all associated with the UTI. Which is good, but it also allows kidney issues to be ignored for too long. She thought she had strained her back playing with the baby (she is almost 2...wonder if she will ever quit being the baby???).

Lasty night we went to dinner with friends, just went to Chilis. Ate some Soup, and shared DH's meal!!! We decided to go bowling, which we hadn't done in years, not since the kids grew up! We had to wait for a league to finish so we shot some pool and then bowled a couple of games. Hopefully I burned more calories than I scored points!!! I barely broke a hundred the second game!!! The first I didn't make it!!! DH made it through the first game, and then about 5 frames into the 2nd and he said he was feeling it so he quit...I finished bowling for him then--and imagine this I beat him!!!

Eileen--I sent you an email about the poodle skirt--did you get it? I began wondering afterwards if I hit the right box on my email, I also have a cousin Eileen. I picture her sitting there wondering why she would want a poodle skirt, for either Jason who is 18 and 6'6", or Eric who is 15 and 6'3"!!! LOL Good luck on the fill quandry!!!

Cindy--how's the tile go? I am jealous I want a new house!!! How wierd!

I swore this was it!

Sherry--Congrats on the job!! Not having to have people working directly under you, or at least not being responsible if they don't do the work, sounds like a good thing!

Chris--hope recovery is going smoothly!!!

Patty--hope you hear soon from the lawyer.

Betty--I agree...whats cookin'?

Mandy--glad you are home safe, did the kiddo do ok while you were gone?

Beannie--where ya off to?

Allison--hope the new job makes you happy!

Darcy--where ya at? Off playing with the pups???

Diane--sorry I am so long in expressing my sympathies, it is something we are never fully prepared for the finality of. I am so sorry for your loss...big big hug.

Anne--Mary--where ya at????

Ok time to get dressed..will check in with y'all later!!!


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It started with a scratchy throat......now I have that hoarse cough and both nose holes are plugged and I can't breathe. Am I sick? :)

Man O man I tried to beat it but it got me anyway. I have this weekend to get better, cause I can't use sick days until surgery(whenever that is).

I am thankful that my boys are taking care of me and helping with chores. When the mail comes in we are waiting for movies to arrive and that will help pass the afternoon. Just wanted to tell ya all that I haven't died yet.


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Hey Everyone... Just got back from the cabin and I'm tired as a one armed wallpaper hanger. :lol: Rake leaves....burn ... rake... burn... AND... the darn things were falling and filling the places we raked! Oh well... was still fun. Picked up the van friday... it's a Hyundai Entourage and omigosh... it's beautiful! I had no idea that the gold would look so pretty and the the salesman had been such a poop head and was worried about the customer survey so he added black pin striping. :) Now... I have to read the owners manual to try and figure out what all of the pretty buttons do...hehehehe.

Patty..so sorry you are sick...hope you feel better soon!!!!

Kat... Hope the treatment that they have planned for your DD works fast kills the infection!

Eileen... So glad that Olivia is recovering well... and what a bummer that your SIL is putting her in such a position. Bonking your SIL on the head. :)

Luv and Hugs...

I'll be back tomorrow to do personals... I reek of leaf burning smoke!

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Here is a link to my pictures http://s35.photobucket.com/albums/d174/piercedqt78/

I am in some of them. The teen aged girl in the pictures is my 17 year old niece. I had a great time, and I am finally feeling a little better today. I had a great time, I will post details when I am feeling better. ~Mandy

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Hi everyone, I am Kathy's friend Michele ( fellow Lapbander myslef) I am writing you this sunday afternoon to let you know that Kath'y husband Rick is in the hospital on life support at this time and is in need of all our prayers. To let you know a little bit what happened, he felt sick and threw up massive amounts of blood and kat took him to the hospital where they say he tore his esophagus where it attaches to his stomach. at that time last night because he has been on blood thinners for his heart they werent sure if they could stop the bleeding and if he would even make it through the night. they put a balloon in his stomach and in his esophagus to stop the bleeding by pressure and are giving him stuff to thicken his blood and hope his heart holds up through this all. they dont know at this point if they can even operate. Tomorrow or the y next they will try and remove the balloons, he may have to be air flighted to phoenix if all else fails. she has had a very rough night not knowing if he's going to pull through. she does have lots of support here with her, but she asked me to type a note so you will all add him to your prayers. thank you all. im not sure when she will be back online you can email me @ mickydooley@msn.com for any updates over the next couple of days. thanks michele

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Michelle, if you check this thread for our responses, PLEASE let Kathy know that we are praying really hard and very sincerely for her husband Rick, and for her and all her family. That is terrible news, and I'm so sorry to hear it. Give her a big hug, please? I'm just at a loss, he was doing so well.

I will update on other things later...it just doesn't seem as important right now.

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I haven't read any of the posts except the one with Kat's DH. My heart goes out to you Kat, and of course we'll keep you in our prayers.

I'm sorry I haven't posted, but I have had company all weekend, and just haven't got to get here. I have to hurry now, but I will catch up later.

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      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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