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I'm in the same boat as many. My class at the YMCA is off for August so I don't have that push to go. Then when I do it kills me and makes me not want to go even more. Plus I pulled a calf muscle good and that's been causing problems. Then on the food side been eating sliders since I have problems with anything else. Don't know if it's me not taking small enough bites, getting so hungry I eat too fast or what. So needless to say I'm not losing. Feel like I'm failing my band. It's a cycle now, I feel hungry and when I find something that will go down I eat that. I need some healthy options for when the band is tight...off to research the boards!

Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk

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On the plus side, school started today and people I haven't seen for the summer are surprised. Had a little girl just stare at me for the longest time, I just smiled and said hi!

Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk

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Hi everyone! I too have a job interview today, so wish me luck too! I have to say, I feel much more confident at 211 lbs than I did at 284 lbs!

Meredith- GOOD LUCK!! You'll do awesome, and congrats on the size 16 practically 14!!! Yay!!! And that NSV, that's a biggie, I HATED flying when I was larger, so embarrassing.

Savannah- Oneder(ful)land, LOL, 7 lbs, that's just a few weeks away! Good for you! Getting to the green zone in your head is a great accomplishment, as I have seen written, we have a band around our stomach, not our head, and that's a hard thing to tame, so good for you!

Chrissy-me too on the sliders- popcorn and of course, ice cream. I am having to really eat more slowly and chew chew chew- things I'm so not used to doing. I know when I got this surgery I vowed to not eat sliders, that I would chew my Protein and eat healthily, not crap- so I just have to keep that in my head. I also decided I would absolutely not lie to myself and I would log everything I ate, even the crap sliders.

As far as the BM thing- I'll bet it's just your body finally adjusting. I think being regular is a good thing. Have you upped your liquid intake at all? that could help in that department. I think it's a good thing.

Kymie- I hear you! I too get too hungry and then take to big a bite my first bite and don't chew enough then get stuck then eat something crappy later. I just have started stopping myself before that first bite and reminding myself to eat small bites (it helps to cut things up into small bites before I start eating- it gives me time to remind myself, then they're all ready and cut up small!). I'm also trying to insert a snack- usually greek yogurt- in the afternoon so I'm not starving at dinner. I also (as I said to Chrissy) log everything- EVERYTHING! As to exercise, it's important- but with a pulled calf muscle take it easy. Maybe walking, if it doesn't hurt, or stretching or just upper body, but try to get back in the habit- I totally know what you mean by it's a cycle. Greek yogurt is good for a tight band, for sure, and it's got a lot of protein. Also cheese- I love sharp cheese, or I heard those laughing cow cheeses are good. Good luck, hang in there, and you're NOT failing the band! It's a process, and heck woman, you've lost 75 lbs in a little over 6 months!!! Not a failure!! Just keep on plugging along, there will be ups and downs.

Had a good sweaty zumba class last night, then a kind of restless night stressing about this interview. And being at work, knowing I'm being laid off, sux. But I WILL get this job, I am a great fit and I will do a great job in the interview!! LOL


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Oh, and Kymie- one thing that helps me- I allow myself a cheat day on Sunday night, I eat 1 (and truthfully sometimes 2) HUGE bowls of ice cream. I don't have any at all any other day, and I do look forward to that cheat- just knowing I have it scheduled makes it easier to not overdo it during the week!

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Thanks Nicki...I think its just my body adjusting too. Of course, there might be a lot of Fiber in all that dang popcorn I've been eating! LOL!! But I'm counting it so at least there's that!

Kymie...I'm trying to psych myself back up to exercise as well...especially now that school is back in session. Hoping to start my gym membership back up in a couple of weeks...that way I can exercise in the morning while its still dark out. I'm not really comfortable walking my neighborhood in the dark and I don't have a treadmill. Maybe I can get into a groove of walking or biking in the evenings when I get home from work. I did, today, bring a change of clothes to work and I'm going to FORCE myself to walk for at least half of my lunch break. The great thing about working in downtown Nashville is that there are good slopes AND level places to walk...a good variety of a work-out...and lots of people watching too! :)

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Hi All,

Glad to see some of us finally are finally posting. I know it's a busy time of year for parents getting their kids ready for school, last few weeks of vacay for some and just busy lives.

I mentioned here yesterday that I had a job interview scheduled for this morning and went out yesterday to buy a pr of black slacks. Well, as I was getting dressed this morning, I went to cut the tags off the slacks I bought and realized I took the size 14's instead of the 16's as I felt the 14's were just to tight. Oh no, minutes away from leaving, what do I do??? Fortunately, I bought a new pr of Spanx {smaller size as well}, put them on, put the slacks on, and WOW, I looked awesome and felt it all during my interview! So glad I made that mistake. :-)

Nicki: I hope you had a good interview and I'm sorry to hear about your upcoming lay off. I hope you get something as soon as you can and equivalent to what you are doing now.

Chrissy & Kymie: I can relate to the eating situation with you both. I sometimes wonder if it's me not chewing, taking big bites or do I need another unfill. I only have approx 2.8 cc's in my band so I can't imagine that's it. Who knows.

chicken is definitely no longer a friend to me although yesterday I did have some general tao's chicken and lemon chicken from the Chinese takeout at Wegmann's. Had no problem. Made lemon chicken thighs the other night and had a stuck episode. I'm basically eating Sante Fe Rice & Beans by Smart Ones. Chrissy, like you, if tuna fish becomes a problem, I'm in big trouble. Have it every day whether it be for lunch or just a quick forkful for a snack.

Kymie: I second the motion on what Nicki posted re: you are NOT a failure. You're doing awesome. We all are while learning to re-train ourselves 99% of our bad habits. I'm leaving 1% to still enjoy the bad foods every once in awhile in stead of enjoying 24/7. One day a week, I too treat myself to soft serve ice cream, or my favorite comfort junk food, Cheez Doodles.

What I'm realizing with our band, it is definitely finicky, and has no rhyme or reason. Keep posting, working out and loving the band.

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Did Grear today. 9 glasses of Water (so far) today, Protein shake for Breakfast, metabolic research center Tomato basil Soup for lunch, chicken thigh for dinner, couple pieces of fried potato, and some peas and corn. I feel full and actually got to eat chicken! I really watched myna ire sizes, speed and chewing and it worked great. Took forever to eat, 30-45 minutes, but I feel so much better and satisfied. Does take some will power, but it's worth it.

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Hello Everyone, just thought I'd drop in and say hello it's been a good long while. Summer schedule has been rough! I have LOTS to catch up on with you all.. Last couple months weight loss has been slow since I cut my exercise down almost 1 maybe 2 days a week. However I felt so good this morning I got out the shower and stepped on the scale and saw 199..I almost screamed I knew it would go away once I got dressed so I just cherished that moment.

Just wanted to share and I'll make sure I spend some time catching up with everyone's posts..

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NJ2NC: Great to see you back on here. That is awesome that you've reached onderland. Take a picture of the scale for prosperity! I did because I thought for sure from my past that I would go back up again and never see it again, but lo & behold, it kept going down. Great accomplishment. I'm sure you're walking on clouds today.

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Hi everyone! I got the job, not sure of start date, sometime in the next week or so. All good. It's a transfer really to a sister division. A longer commute and not as much money, but it's better than no job.

NJ2NC- HI!!! Congratulations on Onederland!!! That is awesome, I agree with Meredith- take a picture!!! I know I will.

Meredith- awesome on size 14!!!! How did your interview go? It's amazing how much more confident I was being "smaller."

Kymie- yeppers on the willpower! But, at least to me, it's a little easier than without the band, especially when I see results.

Chrissy- exercise seems to be really important to my weight loss to, dang it!

Well, I got the job but there's some drawbacks- but there's a YMCA about 7 minutes away from the office and so I will have to work out on my lunch- I will have to be to work earlier than now and it's about a 40-45 minute commute, so no working out in the morning, and there goes the time I have been able to spend with the kids in the morning, so I don't want to come home and take time away from them by having to still work out. Sigh- it's not perfect but beats not having a job!


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My phone was out in the car at the time! I will see if the scale will be merciful tomorrow morning and get that photo..I'll be traveling up to NJ tonight into tomorrow morning hopefully my mother-in-law have a working scale..cause God only knows what the scale will be come Monday morning when I get home after all her cooking (and no knowledge of the lapband)..

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Back down the few pounds I've gained the last few weeks, good to see! Now to just get over that hump.

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Kymie: awesome for you. I've been at a plateau for a good 6-8 weeks. Albeit, I hadn't exercised diligently during that time but was active just the same. I'm ok with it b/c I haven't gone up which is awesome in itself! Back to the DVD's, treadmill and the neighborhood with the beautiful weather these past few days.

NJ2NC: Stop by the Jersey Shore, I have a WW digital scale if your momma doesn't! Enjoy your trip and have fun in the sun!

Nicki: Kudo's to you on your new job! That is awesome, despite some of the changes, you have a gret attitude. Make lemonades out of lemons. It sounds like you have it all covered with work, family and you! Good luck to you.

I had a great interview, and like you, I felt so good inside my thinner skin, if you will. They had a few more interviews as I was the 1st. Hopefully, I set the bar very high. LOL I did get a text yesterday morning from one of the supervisor's in on the interview saying it was a GREAT interview and thehead of HR LOVED me! So, I'm praying it's the right fit for all and I get the job. It's everything I want and more!

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Meredith and Nicki: Congrats on some great interviews and to the new job for Nicki (and I'm putting it out there in the universe for Meredith too!). A little confidence can go a LONG way!

Kymie: I'm on a plateau as well...haven't been exercising like I used to. I do have a free week's trial at the fitness center that is located in the same building as my doctor's office, so I'm looking forward to trying that out. Like Meredith, I'm just glad I haven't gained more and I keep reminding myself how far I've come in such a short time. I'm so thankful for the friendships and encouragement we have for each other on this board!!

NJ2NC: have a safe and fun trip. You will do fine with the MIL's meals! And congrats on Onederland!! yay!

I have a check-up on Monday, so we'll see how that goes. Here's an NSV for you....I actually had someone tell me this morning that I looked like I didn't need to lose anymore weight! Wow! wonder what she's gonna think when I hit that primary goal of 100 pounds gone?? LOL.

Everyone have a blessed day!!

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Thanks for all the well wishes. I have a funny story. I was talking to a former co-worker who just had lunch with a guy I still work with. He said to her, during the lunch, that I was looking really good!! LOL. All the women I work with have made comments, but none of the men, but it's nice to know they notice!! LOL

I am so concerned that I wont' be Able to keep up with my exercise with this new job. But I'm not going to stress, I"m just going to make it a priority and get it done however. I just tried out a zumba class during work- luckily when I switch offices there's a y really close, much closer than the one I went to today. I'm kind of lame duck right now so don't mind going longer for lunch :).

Meredith- good vibes on the job interview! I know how nerve wracking they are. Let us know how it turns out.

Chrissy- that's a great NSV! You'll kick that plateau, the marathon not a sprint concept, LOL.

NJ2NC- just tell them you're watching what you eat. They don't have to know about the lapband, just know you're not going to be "consuming mass quantities" (isn't that from the coneheads?? LOL)

Kymie- good for you for kicking those lbs to the curb!

Good for all of us, hanging in there and making it work. I feel so much better not being heavier than I was at the beginning of the year!!!


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