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All july 2009 bandsters

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hey July bandsters!!!!! 7/7/09 here and I've been away from the boards for awhile..stopped coming because no one was here! Glad to see us coming back!

Here's my biggest issue..i also posted this in another forum so if you've already read it, that's why :)

Since my last fill in September I have been at 10.5cc's in a 14cc band. It was my sweet spot! I was never hungry, I could only eat a very small amount and I'd be satisfied for 4-5 hours, and I was losing easily. No getting sick at all....but that all changed as of last wednesday/thursday. I had a stomach bug and since then I have not been able to eat ANY food. Even if it was a tiny amount, mushy, and i ate it slow (and even if it felt ok going down)...one hour later it was back up and all liquid ...plus every night i was not sleeping because of acid reflux. It was waking me up and I'd get sick..THEN i could sleep...i needed to sleep and knew all of that was bad for the band..so i had to go in yesterday. The other doctor in the practice (my surgeon was in the OR all day) explained that after a bad stomach bug (ie vomiting) and/or upper respiratory infection it's common for your stomach to become inflamed and unable to tolerate anything...which means you NEED an unfill to be sure you don't hurt yourself! I only wanted like .25cc taken out..he took out 3!:o I wanted to cry right there...I completely understand WHY it had to be done but it's frustrating at the same time.

Now I have to go to a bairum swallow next friday to make sure i'm all clear..THEN on the 23rd i can go back and be filled back up...only i don't think want to go back to 10.5...i think 10 or 10.25cc's is plenty for me.

But what's the most scary part about it all? I'm now down to 7.5cc's (which i haven't had this little in my band since this time last year) and i'm HUNGRY...and I can EAT. And it's only been 24 hours since my unfill! It's scary...very scary at how quickly you get hungry. I'm trying not to stress and I'm staying away from foods I know I can't eat when my band is at it's sweet spot. But OMG i'm going to have to work really hard the next 2 weeks so that I can at least maintain until I get my fill back....

Since surgery I'm down 52 total....and just in this past year (jan 2010 till now) I've only had 3 fills....one if feb, one in may, and my latest in sept as i said above....i've done really well with my fills and I know that 10.25-10.5cc's is my 'sweet spot'...i just need to get back to that..AND i need to exercise...i've slacked so much! I'm fine with the eating...but i'd be down so much more if i just moved my ass

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We really need to stay in touch with each other. I come to this site all the time as I need to be in touch with others dealing with the same issues as I am. How are you all making it to goal? I was 251lbs day of surgery and 169 lbs right now (82 lbs) but getting any more off is so hard. I might have to cut off arm or something. I would be happy in the 150's but my body does not want to go there. Help??


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well i finally got my fill and im happy to say im back losing. i had not been to the dr in 5 months, i know i stayed away to long. i have to start back working out and watching what i eat. i also need to continue coming to the boards for support. that really helped me alot in the beginning.

how is everyone else doing?

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Yes you need to come back it's loney here. Not too many July 2009 staying in touch


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I was banded July 8th, 2009. I had up to 5cc's but then could only eat thin broth type Soup and not anything more. I got an un-fill to 2.5cc's and am happy with what I could eat. I'm down a total of 64lbs and am at 208 (12/14 for my build) and am very happy where I'm at. I do vomit, have always done so when I eat something I don't chew well enough. I too feel like I fell off the wagon after my scare and I don't want to get another fill.

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Hello Everyone!

My name is Melanie & I am a July 2009 Bandster. I haven't visited this site since sometime last year, but I need to get back on track. I lost around 80 pounds in the first year, then got lazy and stopped keeping my food journal, lost my drive to exercise and haven't lost any significant weight since last summer. I actually gained a few pounds over the holidays. chocolate is TOO EASY to eat!!! My doctor's wife, Amy, is the teaching nurse and she is great. She is so encouraging and talked to me about getting back in "Active weight loss". I started my food journal again about 10 days ago and it makes a difference when I keep up with it and look at the # of calories & fat grams I have been eating.... It is kind of scary that I can have a lapband and take in so many calories.... but amazing when I really follow the "rules" of no liquids with meals, eat the quality Protein first, and then get some veggies/fruit in, I get full and stay full. I didn't have this surgery at age 50 after being overweight most of my life to fail at this point..... Amy says you can either "work the band" or "let the band work for you"..... I want to let it work for me, not just work around IT.... Any encouragement will be greatly appreciated. It has helped me tonight to just sit here & read the comments from others who have had their band as long as I have and see I am not by myself in this journey....

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im still here, i was gone i know for at least a month but i always manage to find my way back. i set a goal for myself that im hoping to reach without too many slip ups.

i hope everyone is staying positive even in their struggling.

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:rolleyes: Omg i haven't been here in AGES. I soooooo need encouragement ! Honestly, i have not done well with my band - well let me back up - i lost about sheesh - maybe 35 or 40 lbs - but so much of that was during the pre-op stuff! I have been so disappointed ! I was banded in July of 2009 and then due to a leak in the port - i found out in 11/09 that i was "leaking" - so no real restriction for any length of time! I ended up having to go back in for repair at the end of December 09. I have gone for regular fills - and finally i'm at a point where i feel a restriction..but the weight doesnt want to budge! I was losing again, slightly..and now..i seem to be heading up again. I dont know. It me..i have begun to snack again at night and i need to stop that. But i've just been so discouraged - i tried for so long - and one of the reasons i stopped posting is that it seemed everyone was doing sooo well, that i felt somewhat a failure! I was sooo ready to work this band - and did - and just didnt seem to have the success so many others were having!

I am not ready to give up. My 11 cc band (or is it 12? I need to go look at posts - i dont recall!) is at about an 8cc fill. When and if i do go in, i'd probably only get .5 of a fill - because a little does a lot. I'm thinking of doing that - its been months since ive been back to the doctors office.

To be honest, i need to look at all my stats on my ticker...bite the bullet and go weigh myself and see where I am - and TRY not to beat myself up because a year later i'm at the same spot!

I recoginze alot of you from back in July of 09 - i'm going to read some of the other categories and i hope to reconnect with all my buddies here. I need support defiately..and i need to know that I can do this and that i can be happy for all of you that have done so well..and hope i can get there soon.

I've missed this group!


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Hello ladies,

I've been missing in action for the entire summer but, now more than ever I need to get it in gear to lose these last 15lbs. I was banded July 1, 09 and I'm down 102lbs and I'm scheduled for my Tummy Tuck on Oct 27th...so, exciting but, yet that has motivated me to get back on my spin bike. Time to follow the rules,journal my food and decrease the carbs. Continued success everyone :blushing:

Omg! I didnt see this message!!! you've done amazing - that is awesome!!!!!

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Hello July 09 Bandsters! I have been MIA for a while. No weight loss in forever; in fact, I have probably gained some weight. It's time to get this party re-started. Seems like you have all done well. I am going to start working the band TODAY! I have been snacking, eating carbs, just going back to all my bad habits. Starting today, it's Protein first, no drinks with meals, and no sweets! Thanks for the motivation just reading over the last few posts. I will weigh in tomorrow and it will be what it will be! EEEK!!

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I do not want to discourage anyone, that's for sure. I will give you my update, however, on my journey. I was banded July 09 also, was happy with my weight loss the first year. My port had flipped about 10 months after my surgery, had it corrected. The weight loss slowed down, but I take part ownership of that. Two weeks ago I started having pain under my left rib cage. I thought possibly I had pulled a muscle, so just really didn't do anything about it. It continued for about 5 days, so called my family doctor and went in and had xrays done and an ultra sound. That was on a Friday and was told if pain got worse, got to ER. The pain did increase and went to ER on Monday AM. Test were taken and discovered I had abscess all around my lapband, and the band had eroded into my stomach causing a hole. Surgery scheduled for next day, abscess and lapband completely removed. In hospital for 5 days and now home recovering. It was a complete surprise to me. Mentally, I am going to treat this as if I still had my band. Right now my scales are at the lowest they've been, and I just feel optimistic that I can continue to lose weight. I'm thankful that I went to the hospital in time and didn't delay any longer. I wish all of you the very best, just continue to be aware of your body, and just remember, this isn't anything to play around with.

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I do not want to discourage anyone, that's for sure. I will give you my update, however, on my journey. I was banded July 09 also, was happy with my weight loss the first year. My port had flipped about 10 months after my surgery, had it corrected. The weight loss slowed down, but I take part ownership of that. Two weeks ago I started having pain under my left rib cage. I thought possibly I had pulled a muscle, so just really didn't do anything about it. It continued for about 5 days, so called my family doctor and went in and had xrays done and an ultra sound. That was on a Friday and was told if pain got worse, got to ER. The pain did increase and went to ER on Monday AM. Test were taken and discovered I had abscess all around my lapband, and the band had eroded into my stomach causing a hole. Surgery scheduled for next day, abscess and lapband completely removed. In hospital for 5 days and now home recovering. It was a complete surprise to me. Mentally, I am going to treat this as if I still had my band. Right now my scales are at the lowest they've been, and I just feel optimistic that I can continue to lose weight. I'm thankful that I went to the hospital in time and didn't delay any longer. I wish all of you the very best, just continue to be aware of your body, and just remember, this isn't anything to play around with.

OMG! That is sooo scary! I am so glad you didn't wait any longer. Do they know why this happened? And do you know what lingering effects you might have? I think you have done wonderful in your journey. From all your other posts, it sounds to me like you have made a lot of lifestyle changes so I just know you can make this work and continue on your path to great health.



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Hello friends.

I guess I will add my update. I think I will start with my last fill last June. I haven't been to my surgeon's office since then. Everything was fine. Had not lost weight in a while but I was maintaining. I had hurt my knee in a fall so I stopped exercising. Well, right after I got my fill in June, the Sh*t hit the fan at work! Basically, they announced they would be 'restructuring'. They just finished about 3 weeks ago. During this 'restructure' of our office, we would have weekly meetings where we would find out if our job still existed. Every week, after eliminations, our jobs would change. It became the most competitive environment I have ever seen. Basically, it became a contest to see how many projects we could take on. How many hours we could work and how few days off we could take to prove our worth. Smack dab in the middle of this, we lost a co-worker. She died at work. I was one of the people who found her slumped over the desk. That is all I am going to say about this other than to say it was the most prolonged, stressed out time of my life.

Needless to say, I ate my way through it. I still didn't eat large meals, but I snacked my way through it. I have already lost 9 lbs but I am looking at a net gain of 14 lbs from my lowest. Angry with myself that I didn't have any other resources to deal with all this but happy that it wasn't more! Oh and happy that after it all shook out, I still have a job and insurance!

So for the last couple weeks I have had some interested twinges and aches. My mind automatically goes to the band. I decide I need to suck it up and head to the surgeon's office to have everything checked out. My surgeon does an annual upper GI, xray, and comprehensive blood work which I completely blew off last year. I decided I needed to make sure all was ok. I made the appointment for May 3rd. Bloodwork to be done in advance so it is there when I am. Procedures are done at hospital immediately followed by appointment where she can pull up results on computers. Cool, huh?

I had my bloodwork last Thursday. Sunday, (Easter) I was feeling somewhat uncomfortable. Did not eat much... just tiny amounts. I had some uncomfortable twinges after dinner. Not possible I over-ate. I only had a tiny couple of bites. I will shorten this up some. By 9pm Sunday, I was writhing in pain. It was in the middle of my stomach towards the right. After speaking to surgeon's on call service, they said it sounded like my gall bladder but wanted me to wait if possible and come in to the office in the morning. By 930, I couldn't breathe, I was in so much pain and went to the ER. Monday afternoon, a general surgeon took my gall bladder out. It was inflammed and infected.

My appointment for the upper GI and xray had to be moved to June which I am unhappy about. I am nervous about my band and just want it checked.

I have made changes to my ticker so that it is current. I own whatever damage I have done. I really wanted to be at my personal goal of 145 by my two year bandiversary. That is 47 lbs away. Not possible but I am ready to move forward.

Wishing you all the best.... hope more July bandsters come out of the woodwork and share their stories. The good, the bad, the ugly, we need to hear them. It is nice to know we are not going through this journey alone.

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Omg Lisa! I hope you are doing better! I had gallbladder surgery some years ago - i know the pain that goes with that - so I'm glad that part is over for you!

I do understand the stress you have been under - my boss, who i worked for for 10 plus years, also passed away in the office on 12/17 - and I was the last one to talk with him, and in there when we were trying to recusitate (sp?) him - so the emotional impact of that, i can relate to :(

I am confident we (you and i both) can somehow get back on track and conquer this weight thing..i have to be positive, we've gone through alot to get here!

I made my appt with my doctor for another fill in June - it was the first appt I could get! I plan to ramp up my exercise and try to stop the snacking once again...I would love to lose about 40 lbs - that would take me below 200 on my 5'7" frame - and although thats still alot, i'd be thrilled to be under 200!

Please keep us updated on what your next appt brings..and know that your not alone!

Anyone that wants to email personally, please feel free: bobbie045@aol.com.

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    • ChunkCat

      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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