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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by fool4dance

  1. Why are tuna salad, cottage cheese and eggs bad for you?

    All three are on our nutritionist list as good proteins. She doesn't even recommend non fat cottage cheese, just low fat or 2%. She also says egg whites are awesome but limit egg yolks to 2 a week. Tuna salad with low fat or fat free mayo is recommended. On her list is the little tuna to go packs with light mayo, pickle relish and crackers. I do one a week it would seem.

    Interesting how they are all different.

  2. People say unkind things when they are blind to others feelings or they don't understand what is presented them.

    Lap-band, like anythign else in life, works for those who work it. The band alone won't work for anyone. Living with the tools as our guide will make us succesful.

    Dang your doing something right if you've lost 36 already. Just keep doing you and your success will be your response. :)

  3. Your band didn't slip, your fine. As you heal the swelling will become less obtrusive to digestion. You are going to become more hungry and find yourself able to take more in. You won't have any restriction until you go for your first fill. Between surgery day and fill day, it's simply healing time. It happened to me and I stressed about it till I came here and got information. Food will become the same way when you start eating. At first and ounce will hold ya. Later on you may find your hungrier and can eat more, sooner. It happens to everyone.

    At my fill Monday I learned that the average is for people to lose the first week to three weeks and then to basically maintain the last three. I also learned that they don't really think of losing starting till the first fill.

  4. I easily second that it's no big deal. I got my first fill on Monday but had no restriction. I went back in today and was stuck 3 times. First they inserted 2 cc's. Then I couldn't swallow anything so they took out .5 cc's and I tried water again, still not working. They had to then stick me again to take out .5 cc's more. Though I'm now a little irritated by my port it really wasn't a big deal. Heck waxing my eyebrows and lip are far worse and I do those too in the name of beauty!

  5. What you should do is be proud of yourself and stop letting others dictate your rate or success. Every person will do this differently. Everybody will respond completely differently. Accept that you are doing something everyday to improve your health and make that your empowerment plan.

    Family means well but they aren't always right.

    Continuing to be happy will get you there faster than any feelings of failure. I'm proud of you for doing right by and for yourself!

  6. Careful about BCBS. I too have it and was approved quickly. Sadly though what I was told would be my portion of payment, and what in actually are my portion, are extremely diffferent amounts. I owe a lot of unexpected money. They kill ya on the medical supplies and other fees.

  7. I too had my first fill yesterday. I recieved 4.5 cc's in a 10 cc band. I haven't really felt much of a difference.

    I can't say that the needle bothered me as much then as it did after. My port sight, needle sight were sensitive all day yesterday.

    I am going back tomorrow for a little bit more. I am not really feeling any restriction.

  8. Gabby. Stick with what is requested of you. What your undergoing is normal. Many people only lose the first week to two after surgery and then spend the remainder of the time simply recovering. Your body is healing, let it do it's work.

    The weight loss will come. Have patience and let the program work as it was designed to. Lap band is a marathon, not a sprint.

  9. Just filled today. I feel nothing. About 10 people did it this mornign and everyone had a different experience. I feel no restricition. 2 had to have saline removed immediately.

    Everybody is differently. Nothing hurt and it's really quick.

  10. And take the journey with you. I found both opposition and support from those that love me. Some were with me with the 150 pounds lost 3 years ago and wonder why I don't just do it again. I tried to patiently remind them that I have gone up and down so many times on the merry-go-round that I just wanted off. This is my tool to be used with everything else i already know.

    Welcome aboard! I find out more helpful here than I ever do the Doctor.

  11. Your band isn't loose, your esophagus is just healing so the swelling is residing. As you heal you will be able to eat more. Weeks 1 -2 are loss weeks. The rest of the weeks till fill the doctors are happy if you are able to maintain. I am 3 days away from my first fill and I could probably eat like I did presurgery if I let myself, though untoasted bread still hurts me. I do try to stick to the good proteins and eat more often if necessary. I've lost 25 the first 4 weeks and last week and this one if I maintain, Im happy. Don't carb load, snack on a string cheese or lean lunch meat if you need to.

    Not to say that I've been perfect. THis week I had 5 potato chips with my tuna the other night. It happens. As a pmsing woman I suspect 4 peanut m&m's will work there way into my life today. Good thing my coworker is a deprived sweets junkie and will finish off the bag for me.

  12. My sister refers to it as my dwelling period. I'm not usually one to doubt myself. I make a decision and go balls to the wall. But week 3 I cried everyday. I was so angry. I couldn't believe that I did this to myself and I wanted it done with.

    I'm still not losing but hopefully that changes with my first fill Monday. I lost for my first three weeks and the last two I succeed in .6. It's not a gain and it's keeping me under 300.

  13. Ok. That makes sense. I think that I was dissapointed when my surgeon didn't even do my post op appointment. Her nurse asked my if I was ok and that pretty much summed up the appointment.

    The same nurse will do my fills. Hopefully she will have a bit more time in the future.

    I am anxious about my fill Monday. I'm bigger than a lot of the people here. Hoping it's not too hard to find the port under all that stuff!

  14. Doubts. Ah yes. Fears too, plenty of them. The morning of the procedure I began to cry. My nurse came in and asked if I was ok. My reply. I'm not ready to do this. Will you notify my surgeon. Being a very wise nurse she replied "sure" and headed out of the room. Lucky for me I was still sporting a fancy IV so had to wait for her return. When she finally returned it had completely subsided and I was ready to go again. I told her so. She chuckled and said good thing I forgot to tell your surgeon, winked and left the room. I was perfectly calm from that moment on or so I thought. When they came to wheel me away the same nurse asked me if I was ready. I smiled, replied not even close, and winked! I wasn't ready and yet I was so very very very ready. I had been for far too long. Just nervous! I mean I really thought it was going to be unbearable pain. And nicely surprised, it wasn't!

    Knowing this isn't a quick fix helps. I have succeeded at losing just to fail again and again. This is for life. This is the tool that I am missing. The aide to teach me full. I'm an active person. I'm a healthy foods eater. I never know how to reach fool. This is my tool from which to learn and improve everyday!

  15. I started walking everyday this week for 50 minutes and I've gained 3 pounds. How is that possible. I'm almost 5 weeks post op and no fill yet. I eat 4 - 5 ounces, 4 times a day with a protein drink everyday. Not sure what my calorie count is. I cried this morning and feel completely defeated!

  16. I thought I had it rough till I came here. My doctor did a liver panel on me presurgey, it was great. I didn't have to do more than 24 hours of clear liquids presurgical, many people seem to have to do 2 full weeks. I also started softs/mushies on the 6th day after surgery. I've healed great. I asked my doctor why the difference. She told me that she prefers we start getting in animal proteins and less synthetic proteins. Every doctor is different.

  17. They are only right, if you let them be right.

    You chose to do this because you believed in yourself. You chose this to maybe achieve goals, reach dreams, find hope. YOU CHOSE THIS. Now do it the best that you can everyday. Nobody will do this perfectly!

    Everytime you ask yourself, are they right? Ask yourself what you will do to make them wrong!

  18. I didn't tell my parent's either. My mom is a drama queen/hypercondriac and won't be supportive anyway. Somehow it will be about her. I also didn't tell my little brother. I will probably tell him eventually. He can make all the comments he want's since it's already done.

    I told those that will support me and offer positive energy. My coworkers don't know.

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