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Blog Comments posted by marfar7

  1. I'm 9 days post op and still using liquid vicodin. Just got a refill yesterday. The dr told me I'd probly be extra sore cuz it took him 30 mins to dig my band out from growing into my stomach. Ochy. When I wake up in the morning, I feel like I was hit by a semi. Takes about 30 minutes for the pain killer to take effect. And I'm not usually a big baby either. No clue why it hurts this bad for so long....

  2. There's actually a section on lapbandtalk that does clothing exchanges. I've sent a couple boxes of 14-18 clothes out over the past year to fellow lapbanders. I feel better when they go to someone that needs them rather than to the Goodwill that overcharges for things (I just bought a pair of jeans last weekend at the GW and paid $9.00. Granted that same pair new would be about $40, but I think $9 for a pair of used jeans is overpriced!). I went straight from a size 14 to a 10 - never did buy any 12's! I just wore a belt with my pants/jeans till the butt in them became to droopy!


  3. Bummer! I LUV lobster! Alot less work than crab! I've only had it maybe 4 times in the past 3 yrs, but didn't have any problems with it. It might have been the way it was cooked. Maybe overcooked? I would give it some time and retry it. Things that you can't tolerate today may be fine ina few months. I can eat anything but pizza crust, pineapple chunks, and pancakes. I'm 3 yrs post op tho.


  4. I tried Spanx once and all it did was cause my belly fat to ride up to my boobs! I don't think girdles and the like actually work (at least on me). The fat has to go somewhere and for me, it was over the waistband of the Spanx! I've never heard tho that you can't wear them. They may not be very comfy the first week or so, but I don't think they would harm you!



  5. Eat a hard boiled egg really fast and wash it down with a couple of swallow of Coke. That's what being stuck feels like! I never felt anything like it pre surgery, so not sure you're feeling it either. It'll last for more than a couple of seconds, if you're truly stuck. Lately, after 2 1/2 yrs of vomiting to get thru a stuck episode, I've been riding them out (after my band slipped from too much vomiting). They definately make it more important to chew and eat slowly! Good luck!


  6. I find myself craving anyting pumpkin right now! I made a pumpkin cheesecake for our poker game last Sat (can't eat that all the time tho) and it was delish. I found if you mix a pkg of sugar free vanilla pudding, 1/2 can of pumpkin, 1 tb of pumpkin pie seasoning, and put that into separate cups, it makes a very tasty, yet low calorie, pumpkin pudding. Top that with a dollup of Cool Whip and you have something yummy (and a little healthy with the pumpkin) to snack on!

    Love, love, love the Fall!


  7. I agree. I started dating (after being widowed for 2 yrs) after losing about 75 lbs. No one ever said anything to me about how little I ate. No one will even notice, I promise.

    Besides, I'm very open with everyone about my surgery. I'm proud of what I've done and don't waste a second not telling others about it! I've never heard a disparaging remark.

    Good luck! Happy Jewish New Year!


  8. After the first 5 mths (I ha no restriction till my 3rd fill), I started losing 8-10 lbs a month. So, about 2-3 lbs a week I guess. I think it's perfectly normal. And after 3 yrs, I eat EVERYTHING. Including bread, rice, pasta, and an occasional soft serve from DQ! Luv their vanilla soft serve! I noticed your blog about Olive Garden and not eating breadsticks and pasta. Olive Garden is my FAV restaurant and I eat there about once a month. I usually get seafood alfredo (I know, a no-no in most bandsters diets) and chicken gnocci soup. I can eat about 1/3 of the soup, 1/2 of a breadstick and the alfredo makes about 4-5 meals for me. I get sick of it after a couple of days of eating it and toss the rest. And I can eat more now than I could, say, a year ago.

    You'll probably still be able to enjoy your fav foods, once you get the proper restriciton and you experiment a little. Just don't eat a food for the first time at a restaurant. Thats my advice! Otherwise you'll have to explain yourself to all the ladies in the ladies room who inquire if you're ok.

    Good luck!


  9. I couldn't wait for mashed potatoes. I just bouught the ones from the deli, already made. Just needed to heat them up. I savored every bite. Especially having been on liquids for 4 wks. I think u can also have scrambled eggs, egg salad, tuns salad, cottage cheese, etc, can't u? I could on the soft diet.

    I've never heard of making mashed potatoes with cream cheese. Sounds good, actually

    Enjoy ur food. Glad to hear ur progressing


  10. Ive been feeling the same lately. Im almost 3 yrs post band, but tsill have those bad habits to break. Until my unfill about 2 mths ago due to a slip,there was no way I could physically overeat. It literally gave me pain and i learned pretty quickly when to stop eating. But since my unfill (Ive had 2 1cc fills so far), I feel that I have decent restriction, but overeating doesnt cause me discomfort anynore. I go past that "full" feeling often. I think that I might need therapy for addicito n to food. It'd be smart to do it before I gain all my weight back becasue I'm not feeling pain when satiated. Oh to have that pain back! Especially at nite. Ive been snacking alot. Too much. Ive already gained 13a lbs and I really dont want to gain anymore.

    Good luck with ur therapy. Let us know how it goes. At least you figured it out before being banded.


  11. Youll get there. I promise. It took almost a year for me to get from a 22 to a 14. Couldnt wait to go shopping in the normal sizes again. It doesnt seem like it took that long before they were too big. I only wore my 14's for a couple months. I'm now in an 8 but long to be a 6senior (actually, a 6 at Eddie Bauer fit perfectly, but its the only place :( ) you'll probably whiz past those 14's faster than u realize.

    Good luck and have fun shopping


  12. I know how you feel. After a slip, last month they took out 1/2 of my 10cc fill (a 14cc band also) and let it rest for 3 weeks. Last week, I went in to get a fill and they only put 1cc in. They decided to fill it slowly. And I've gained about 8 lbs this past month. I'm eating like a moose. Still working out at the gym, but apparently thats not enough. Can't wait to get filled again next week. Hoping that'll make a difference! Good luck to you! I'm glad I have a band too, don't know what I'd do without it!


  13. Well. To put medicaid and medicare in the same category is wrong. Medicare paid for my srgery. Im not afraid to admit it. What did i do to deserve it? Joined the Army, injured my back in Iraq, and had 4to back surgeries. So, yes, I get a VA pension and social security forever. This includes Medicare coverage. Had I wanted to travel 6 hrs away, the VA wouldve done the surgery for free.

    So to put medicaid and medicare on the same level is wrong. Most people who have Medicare earned it. I think i certainly did


  14. I guess I'm not understanding why he didn't take out the hernia while he was in there? Then place the band? IO'm so sorry. But the first poster was right - you're not a failure. You will get there. I'm going to thank God tonite for my band for sure


  15. Stephanie is right. It makws the food wash thru ur band quicker, not letting u get as full. But I'm 2 1/2 yrs out and physically CAN'T drink for at least 30-60 mins after eating. I'll throw up. I read a lapband book about a yr ago and found its called the "cork effect". The food lodges in my esophagus making a cork and if u drink, it'll all come back up. I drink right up till the time I eat then I can't for about an hour.


  16. I wasn't put on any specific diet either. In fact, I wasn't told to lose any weight either - but told not to GAIN weight. I went to Outback the nite before surgery for my "last supper". Yummy ribs. 4 weeks of liquids after my surgery were long enuf on liquids, thank you very much. Not everyone is on a pre op diet.


  17. I also drink coffee daily. My doc said forget about the fancy Dutch Bros treats - and get plain coffee with Splenda and creamer.I saw the nutritonal facts for Dutch Bros - their large frozen coffee thingy has 500 cals! Wow! Thats a meal and a 1/2! So I do still drink my small skinny hot caramelizer with an extra shot about 3x a week and make coffee at home and have about 3 cups a day. It's been 2 1/2 yrs for me and I haven't hurt my band. I also drink thru a straw, eat bread, pasta, and rice - I guess I'm a rebel. One thing I DON'T do is to drink while I eat. I can't. Make me vomit immediately.

    So I guess the moral of the story is: Drinking coffee is fine but try and keep clear of the calorie dense fancy ones at the coffee house. They'll suck your daily calories down in one cup.


  18. I also got banded with Medicare. Only needed 1 comorbitity (HTN) and didn't have a waiting period at all. In fact, I had my seminar on Sep 15th, saw the nutritionist and psych on Sep 20th and was banded on Oct 1st. I wish I had done more research before tho. Not that I'm not happy with my 104 lb loss - I am. I wish I knew then that until my band was adjusted properly (about 5 mths) I wouldn't lose any weight. I thought it would magically come off.

    Just wanted to let you know that I was Medicare also and I had no waiting period. This was in OR - but I don't think it matters for Medicare


  19. Congrats on the date! My husband died about 4 yrs ago and I started dating again about 18 mths ago - when I weighed about 200 (down 50 lbs since surgery). I think I told pretty much all of my dates what I had done. I was pretty proud of myself. In fact, the last guy I dated (I just married him on Dec 3rd!) we had something in common. He had just gotten done losing 80 lbs thru lo carbing it. I've now lost over 100 lbs and I don't care who knows. None of the gys ever thought I was weird, they all congratulated me actually. So if it does slip out, don't worry about being "weird". They'll be happy to know that you're on your way to a healthier and happier you!


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