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Lapband LaLa

LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Lapband LaLa

  1. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And that is SO HARD for me to say. But my health was at risk and I guess I was SO caught up in the sheer madness of finally making this decision that I felt NOTHING would happen to me. It's part of why I followed the rules to a "T"! Perfect bander.

    But then again you are asking me when I am "reeling" from this and I am in a complete emotional frizzy.

    I just want to be honest!!!! SHARE my story and maybe help someone else see that there COULD be complications even if you doing everything right.

  2. OH yes, yes, yes I DO UNDERSTAND. I was just unbanded Wed June 20th after three years of being banded. I am at a bit of a loss right now. I did everything right. A lapband A++++ student. So now what do I do without it? I'm not sure. But I want you to know I do understand and I am sending you so many love vibes right now! I wish I had magic words to say but I do know this...you are NO LAPBAND FAILURE!

  3. I remember the first time I realized I really did have eating issues.

    For the most part all of us know we overeat, but I had been strict enough in the past to lose weight and one time I even got down to 199lbs! Yes, yes...so I thought, naw it's genes, it's this, it's that.

    It was not until after I had my lapband for about four months when it really hit me that I was a TRUE emotional eater. In my heart I knew this was a piece of my weight issues but I thought I had it under control.

    It was the first football game of the season...and I love to watch football with my hubby. I'm not a big fan, I just love spending the time with hubby.

    Well in the past we'd order pizza, pasta, make cookies, popcorn, candy, soda...you name it...we ate it. I now see I liked that time to EAT just as much as spending time with hubby. And EATING PLUS HUBBY....man what a JOY!

    I actually got ANGRY! :) Yes ANGRY because Lilith (my lapband) was holding me back from enjoying the game!

    HA.....Realty Checks....we need them.

    Keep pressing forward, this growth has been amazing and I feel like a new woman, you will too!

    Surgery Date: May 21, 2009

    Starting Weight: 280lbs

    Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup:

    Follow my progress thru photos:


  4. I am SO proud of you. What an amazing step! And it's a positive step in the right direction. Two years ago, I refused to take photos with my husbands band. I am the lead female singer. His project was fantastic yet I could not share in his joy because I was 280lbs and there was NO WAY over the RAINBOW I was going to be pictured with my handsome talented hubby looking the way that I did! Then after the CD came out, I got hurt all over again, because....I WAS NOT IN THEM! :) Everyone said, where are you Laura and I did not want to explain to them the trama of it all. See where we put ourselves? Our weight can really keep us trapped.

    But now....OH YES, he is working on his 3rd CD and GUESS WHO'S GOING TO BE IN THE PHOTOS!!!!!! HA! GOAL is SWEET and the lapband has been the best thing I have ever done for myself!

    So keep posting those photos because now they are going to tell your story and show your journey!

    So...I AM PROUD OF YOU!:)

    Surgery Date: May 21, 2009

    Starting Weight: 280lbs

    Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup:

    Follow my progress thru photos:


  5. (April 10, 2010) Back from Italy. What a horrible, horrible trip it was. 17 Days of pure hell! I am sure some will beg to differ but I did not enjoy the food at all. Pasta, bread, pizza EVERY DAY!!!! It's all so bland and so blah! Every shop is stuff we all should really avoid. I pretty much given up all that stuff and then I get there and it's all there was to offer. Every other shop is a restaurant, but they all have the same menu with the same stuff. UGH!!! There were a couple of nights we found other types of places and believe me...I was never so happy to see Mexican and Irish Pubs!!!! If I see another piece of bread or pasta I am going to scream. My husband felt the same way so I know I am not over reacting! Also they charge for water and you better let them know if you just want plain water because sparkling water is HUGE!!!!! Even over there they trip when you tell them you do not wish to have a drink with your meal.

    Then we were robbed in France!!!! They took everything! Watched us close then in just 20 short little minutes, broke into the car, yanked the whole set of luggage, computers, ipods, dirty clothes and all!!!! So a full afternoon was spent at the French police station! Try making a police report in different languages! We were reduced to drawing photos! Thank GOD they did not get our passports or money, but I was left with the clothes on my back. For some reason my husband had put his dirty clothes in a different bag and put it behind the driver’s seat. Mine were in a different compartment in my luggage. So he had three outfits and me....NOTHING BUT WHAT I HAD ON!!!!

    So, you would think since I have lost 125lbs and now a size 10, I would not have trouble finding clothes! WRONG AGAIN my American friends! We are considered big!!!! So after about 40 stores I gave up. I had to wash my underwear in the sink every night and blow dry them with a dryer! After a few more days I was able to at least get more underwear. Every other day my husband had to leave me in the hotel room wrapped in a towel while he went to wash my clothes! I am going to burn them now; I never want to see that outfit again!

    What's so bad is....all the clothes they took were NEW!!!!! Most less than a month old. I had two outfits that still had tags on them.

    At this stage in my life...I have come to understand I AM AN AMERICAN GIRL and I can take or leave Europe. It's going to be a while before I want to ever go back over and explore.

    Italy and France do not have 24 hour stores, no fast food, no variety, and no Wal-Mart!!!!!!!!!! (ha) I never thought I would miss any of those things until they were taken away. You do not appreciate what we have here in America until you start visiting the world. You would not believe how unimportant the Internet is to them....AGGGHHHHH!

    Enough of that horrible story....onto the next thing.

    So now we are back but within a day I caught the worse flu I have ever had. Fever, aches, nausea, you name it...I had it. And because of the nausea, I had to get totally unfilled. I have nothing in my band right now. I have lost more weight! I am down to 150. Today is the first day I have been well enough to even get out of bed.

    The last month has been....well....is there really a good word other than HELLIASHOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, we were blessed to not be harmed. For that I am grateful, and if anything it made hubby and me grow so much stronger. We really only had each other! Hey...ain't nothing like keeping a 6 year old from picking your husbands pocket on the metro! (Yes, that happened and I caught him!)

    So now the journey begins to replace our stuff. We did have travel insurance and my advice to you if you travel is to do the same! It's worth it.

    I know, I know...some will say...look forward to shopping...but you know what...it's something about having someone take all your stuff. It was yours, it was not theirs and the hassle of replacing it takes a lot of energy and time. Yes...I am still a bit bitter and it is going to take a while to get over it!

    So...I guess I better end now or else I will just keep on and on and on.

    Hope my next post will be a better one.

    Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:thumbup:


    Surgery Date: May 21, 2009

    Starting Weight: 280lbs

    Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup:

    Follow my progress thru photos:


  6. (March 13, 2010) It's been a couple of weeks since my last post but I have been one very busy woman!

    Since my last post I turned 40 on Feb. 23rd! I danced the night away with about 10 of my good girlfriends. We took a free Salsa class and then danced, danced, danced. It felt so good. I wore a gold, mini-dress and some high heels and carried a wand! Oh yes....I acted like the Goddess that I am and I was very proud of myself. I felt it was like my first birthday all over again. There was no shame in the way I felt. I looked good and I knew it. Vain....yes but hey, you only turn 40 once. I celebrated the whole week and enjoyed life to the fullest.:glare:

    I have also has some difficult experiences with Lilith (my band) in the last few weeks. I experienced first-hand how anger and stress can make your band tighen with a vengence. I don't get angry much but I was upset with a lender who was not giving my client the attention she needed. This lender started to yell at me and I was NOT going to take that so I made sure I put them back in their place. Well, by the end of that episode, I was shaking, my head was pounding and Lilith (my band) was in an uproar! For the next few days I tried to stay calm but I could not get water down and I had acid reflux to levels I have never EVER had before! So off to the doctor I went. I had a full 1cc taken out. That took me to 4.0cc's. Well, I still was throwing up and experiencing bad reflux so just a few days ago I went back in and let them take out another .5cc's. SO that put me at 3.5cc's right now. I can't say it was bad either. Finally that fire in my belly calmed down and Lilith loosened her grip. But during that time I lost an additional 10lbs. I was already at goal but now I am in the 155 weight range. I don't think it looks bad on me, hubby says I still look great so maybe I will stay between 155-165 and feel ok. I am not really going for the emaciated look so I am trying to be careful! I don't know.....but I do know I don't really want to lose it like that again! Can you say.....ANGER MANAGEMENT???:)

    My size 12 jeans are too loose now, I was getting away with wearing them without looking too baggy but not now. Hi-Ho Hi-Ho it's off to shop I go.....(giggle):)

    Since I have reached goal, I have been trying to focus on the positive changes in my life. Things you take for granted but notice when you now blend into the "normal" world.

    Things like....

    • Using a regular sized towel to wrap around you while you are getting ready in the morning.
    • People looking you in the eye when they talk to you.
    • Men whistling at you.
    • The way you feel in your clothes.
    • Getting a good nights rest because your body does not always have body parts falling asleep to deadness.
    • Liking the image that looks back at you in the mirror.
    • Shopping in the regular sized stores.
    • Feeling sexy for no reason
    • Knowing you can fit into a airplane seat (I have a trip coming up, more later)
    • Accepting compliments without shame.
    • Feeling good in room full of women! Women can be so catty sometimes, but I can hold my own now! I no longer hide in the shadows!

    I could go on and on. This life of mine....of yes....this life of mine if finally happy and content.

    There are a few other things I am watching close. My periods are all out of whack. I had two, just two weeks apart! Gotta see if I can get more vitamins in.

    I am also just no longer intrested in food. Yes, I know that's weird. Sometimes I think I have cravings but when I get a bite it just does not taste the same or feel the same. Do you know what I am talking about? Sometimes eating was just totally emotional, it tasted good because it was a release. At this point of my progress I can really and truly say....I can take food or leave it.

    Well friends.....I am off to Italy! I will be gone until April 1st. A full 17 days to relax, unwind, enjoy my husband and see the world. It's my first time overseas! And....I will fit into the airplane seats! (HA):wink2:

    Thanks for all the wonderful comments on my photos! I truly felt beautiful for the first time in my life and now I have those photos to help me remember that feeling!

    I will tell you all about my wonderful adventures when I return! Love you all BUNCHES!

    And as always.....I AM BLESSED!

    Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:smile2:


    Surgery Date: May 21, 2009

    Starting Weight: 280lbs

    Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup:

    Follow my progress thru photos:


  7. What a wonderful ride this week has been! On Tuesday we had a great performance and I got a few new pics of me singing!

    Then I had a whole new photo shoot! I have never felt so beautiful in all my damn life. For once I felt like the person I always wanted to emerge. She is here....oh yes she is!

    I had a wonderful photographer and she made me so comfortable in front of the camera.

    What a wonderful new life this is.

    I turn 40 this week! I feel better than I did when I was 20!

    I am going to have a party on Friday with all my girlfriends. We are going to take a Salsa class and then dance the night away and I am going to make a poster of all my new photos so share with everyone!

    Happy Birthday To Me!

    Come share in my joy!


    Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:)


    Surgery Date: May 21, 2009

    Starting Weight: 280lbs

    Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup:

    Follow my progress thru photos:


  8. I had to share this with you all. After all you all have been a huge part of my journey.

    My husband and I performed at the Orion Music Festival in Utah in January 2010. We were featured on the TV show in Park City.

    For the first time in my life, I was happy with the way I looked. Look! I have a waist! :) You have to remember just the year before I refused to take photos with the band because of my weight!

    I hope you enjoy! Ain't no stopping me now! It's a YouTube video.

    Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:frown:


    Surgery Date: May 21, 2009

    Starting Weight: 280lbs

    Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup:

    Follow my progress thru photos:


  9. You are going to hear this over and over in this forum. The lapband is a tool. It's the truth. You must be willing to make the changes in your life to let your tool work.

    You have to get right in the head to make this work. You can do it. I have faith in you!

    Find things you love and are different, like belly dancing, water aerobics, zumba....etc. They are fun and you are dropping pounds!

    It's all up to you. Enjoy the journey.

    Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?001_tongue.gif


    Surgery Date: May 21, 2009

    Starting Weight: 280lbs

    Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, COthumbup1.gif

    Follow my progress thru photos:


  10. (Feb 10, 2010) When you are in the middle of your journey and trying to hit your weight loss goal, it is on your mind all the time. That's what you focus on.

    Once you hit that goal you have to readjust and refocus on just maintaining. There is where I am.

    There are spots I need to work on to tone a bit more and now how so I eat to maintain? Do I exercise a little less each week?

    These are the things I have been trying to wrap my little brain around.

    I just came from the doctor's office to have a teeny little bit of fluid removed. I have not been very comfortable the last week. I fell back on just eating soup because I threw up a couple times since last week's unfill. This now puts me at 5.0cc's in my band.

    What I was finding was this....I'd go to bed and have acid reflux a lot. I'd eat solids and then the next day my tummy would hurt. So I just did not feel comfy.

    I was so scared to go in for this unfill today. What if they take too much and I get hungry again? What if I eat more than a cup of food? Will my cravings return?

    Lord....what a journey!

    Since I have not been able to eat much in the last few weeks I was too exhausted to exercise daily so I did what I could, but now I am feeling better and have started back on the treadmill 60 minutes each day. I want to return back to my Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer next week.

    I do not want the rest of my life to be focus on food and the scale! Anybody else scared of this?

    OK...I am freaking out a bit but it's only because I am so happy with where I am and I'd like to stay here!

    On a good note, I have a photo shoot scheduled for late next week and I am super stoked about how these photos will turn out. Keep your eye out for the new me!

    Also....does anyone eat the frozen meals. SmartOnes, Healthy Choice, etc. If so can you get a full one down? I had one for dinner and I could not even eat half of it! I have not had one in about a year now, to be honest it was not that good.

    (Feb. 11, 2010)*****This note was added after original posting. I got a list of good frozen meals from my nutritionist. I have attached it for everyone. Enjoy

    Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:thumbup:


    Surgery Date: May 21, 2009

    Starting Weight: 280lbs

    Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup:

    Follow my progress thru photos:


  11. So happy for you! And the freaked out feeling is normal. I am still tripping. My husband, son and sister all said they have to keep their eyes on me when we talk because if they turn away they freak out when they look back at me. HA!

    I don't even recognize myself at times. It freaks me out.

    My husband shared our Hawaii trip photos with some of his other band members and they asked him who I was! They were serious!

    I think it's going to take a while for me to get use to this but it sure is FUN!

    Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:thumbup:


    Surgery Date: May 21, 2009

    Starting Weight: 280lbs

    Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup:

    Follow my progress thru photos:


  12. Thanks for posting. I won't be a year out until May 21st but I have hit my goal and now my focus changes from losing to maintaining. It's nice to hear from someone who had been banded for three years. When you are first banded you focus so hard on losing, losing, losing and it's important to see the road ahead.

    Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:thumbup:


    Surgery Date: May 21, 2009

    Starting Weight: 280lbs

    Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup:

    Follow my progress thru photos:


  13. I hate to beat a dead horse, but more protein. Try adding Beneprotein to your meals as well. As far as I know you can only get it online. I get mine from Walgreens online.

    Also try running mashed potatoes if your doc allows, it stays in your tummy longer. Helped me.

    Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:thumbup:


    Surgery Date: May 21, 2009

    Starting Weight: 280lbs

    Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup:

    Follow my progress thru photos:


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
