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    M@E reacted to jccanada in This little thang..   
    Probably doesn't mean much to many of you, but the protruding collar bone that has recently make its presence to me... is a HUGE ordeal!
    Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App
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    M@E reacted to LittleBill in The drinking light is lit   
    Tonight is going to be snort of bourbon night. It may be a big snort.
    This morning started off with the impending visit of a friend of mine. He needed to go to the sawmill I frequent to get some lumber he was not able to source local to his own home. He lives about two hours from me. About 15 minutes before his anticipated arrival, my father called me to inform me that their well pump had gone Tango Utah, and they had no Water. Both my parents are in their eighties. They live a little more than an hour north of me.
    Without going into all the sordid details, I managed to get my friend his lumber, and shuffled back to NJ, from whence he came, all the while coordinating between a plumber friend of mine and my father, who has an innate distrust of anyone he doesn't know. I am usually the one on deck for doing his plumbing work, but I told him we were hiring out if I had to pay for it myself. Oh yeah, the sawmill is located in "dark country". There is no cell service there. Not even texts get out of the cellular black hole there. So in addition to being monkey in the middle, I had to get it done while traveling in and out of phone service.
    One of my major accomplishments, perhaps even an NSV it is so big, was teaching an 82 year old man how to use his phone to take a picture and TEXT it to me so I could inform the plumber of what was actually going on. And I talked him through it over the phone. I did get the privilege of standing in an unheated basement in the mountains (read high temp of 15 degrees today) to help with the work.
    One other detail for the day is my friend had sleeve surgery almost six years ago. It did not work for him because of his intractability when it comes to his eating habits. But, he has experienced a rebirth of determination watching my success so far, so I have been counseling him as to how to mend his rotten ways (Jethro Tull reference there for those who might recognize it).
    So yeah. It's time for a snort. I'll be back on my strict diet again tomorrow. I am invoking the 80/20 rule laid down by the folks at my program. They never did say what those 20% bad calories could be, and I have been cleared for booze. The drinking light is lit. If I am not careful, I'll be lit too.
  3. Like
    M@E reacted to Clementine Sky in PB&J   
    At this point your stomach is likely healed enough for you to tolerate a PB&J. So you can eat it, but as to whether you should, that really depends on how you make it and your overall dietary choices. Dollops of sugar-laden jelly with processed Peanut Butter on two pieces of white bread isn't a healthy option, but there are other ways to make a PB&J that are more nutritious and will have less of an impact, especially if your other meals are high in Protein and lower in carbs. I always make PB&Js when I'm flying because I've been in too many situations where I've gotten stuck on planes for long time periods. (That just happened last week, actually, when I was stuck on a plane for 8 hours due to the shooting in Florida). I get Peanut Butter from Whole Foods that is freshly made and lower in carbs. There's also a terrific New Zealand brand that I love called Pic's that is really low in carbs and tastes terrific, but it's been harder to find it lately. I'll add a tiny bit of low sugar jam. This past time I made it with Lingonberry jam that has 8 carbs for a tablespoon serving, but used less than a teaspoon. I put it on bread that is higher in Fiber and Protein, like Ezekiel's, and I cut it in half and make it into two servings instead of one. For a while that had been my go-to lunch when I was incredibly pressed for time. I had a healthy Breakfast and dinner, and exercised faithfully, so I still made my goals.
  4. Like
    M@E reacted to Little Green in Does anyone regret surgery   
    Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts, good and bad, on this thread. It really helps people like me who are in the planning phase of things.
    I agree with @@HurricaneU that the weight loss is usually the easier part, but it's the weight maintenance that's difficult. I would see WLS as a tool to help maintain a loss. I do have to admit I would be upset if I lost slowly, though. So I understand why that's so frustrating. I guess that is something I should get prepared for in case it happens to me.
    As for people who look "tired" or older after losing a lot of weight... I guess I figure I'm getting this surgery as a way to be fitter and do things I can't do right now. Shovel snow, climb up into the attic, set up/break down during camping, help my friends move, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. So maybe I will look like a tired, saggy old hag afterward but as long as I get strong enough to live the way I want to live physically I will be OK with that.
  5. Like
    M@E reacted to highfunctioningfatman in Does anyone regret surgery   
    I enjoy being out with friends. My enjoyment just doesn't involve mass quantities of food now. Yes I eat but I find that I'm more involved in the conversation than I've ever been and I feel like I get so much more out of the time that I've spent.
  6. Like
    M@E reacted to Sandra86says in Hello, friends! 8 months PO!   
    Haven't been on this app since a few weeks after my surgery (4/19/16)! I am officially 100 lbs lighter and off all meds... Forever thankful I had the courage to take care of myself! Take care and let's make 2017 ours! To better health!
  7. Like
    M@E reacted to tenseintexas in Protein goals   
    Good for you! My dr isn't really strict about Protein either.... But I try hard in hopes I won't lose tons of hair hopefully you will be able to handle meat better later on!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Like
    M@E reacted to TheRevisionedVagabond in IM SO PISSED!   
    Oh I hope I can get a picture of mine. I vlog and I would love to show everyone interested! Lol!
    Follow my
  9. Like
    M@E got a reaction from Treadmillwalker in Before and After Pics   
    Hi picture with heals taken today 8 weeks post op. Picture in flats taken day before surgery. Start weight 240lb current weight 203lb.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Like
    M@E reacted to Dub in eating too much   
    Hey.....I didn't want to come off like a jerk in my prior post.
    I simply want to pass along some of the same helpful instruction/advice that I was given along the way by people here that cared enough to help a brotha out.
    You can kick ass if you choose to.
  11. Like
    M@E reacted to sweets0211 in Increased water+protein= 11pound this week!   
    I am 4 years out from my surgery in Dec 2012. On Dec 29th, 2016 I got on the scale and noticed my weight was slowly climbing. I was back up to 172.6 pounds. My average weight is 155 pounds. I increased my Protein to 120 grams( I have yet to meet this daily goal, but I'm close) and I'm drinking at least 100oz of Water. I weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 161.2 pounds in just 5 days!!! I am back to weighing my meats and not drinking juices. I feel so much better going back to the basics. I'm going to start seriously exercising/weight lifting in the morning again (haven't done this in over a year). My goal is to break my plateau of 155 pounds and get down to my initial goal weight of 140 pounds. Good luck and God Bless to everyone. WE CAN DO THIS!
  12. Like
    M@E reacted to LittleBill in My horrible experience at a restaurant.   
    Just to add on to this thread here. I have encountered many more waiters and waitresses than I can remember. Some of them are not the brightest, but just about all of them are motivated to provide good service. There have been a few, though, who have received my ire...
    Mrs. LittleBill is extremely sensitive to gluten. All it takes is a few milligrams to make her sick for days. And it isn't like she is feigning it. It's the kind of thing where she will become ill, and then we have do to some forensic work to figure out what she ate that caused it.
    We've had waitresses ask if she wants white bread since she is allergic to wheat. We have had them theorize that the heat from the deep fryer will kill the gluten, rendering it harmless. We get all kinds of cockamamie stuff.
    Fast forward to bariatric surgery. I can't drink and eat at the same time. I can't eat most of what is on my plate at any restaurant. I can't even try to 'splain it to the server, because it is a lost cause, and it really isn't any of their business. So here is what I do.
    First, I order Water for my drink. I can even sip some of it depending on how long it is going to take them to produce the food. Second, I order something that is bariatric friendly - i.e. Protein rich and very little, if any bad carbs. And I plan to take at least half of it home.
    Finally, I deflect any questions by saying that my satisfaction will be reflected in my tip. I am a generous tipper. These people work hard, for very little pay, and often for people who have an entitlement attitude. It costs me very little to give them a few extra dollars, and they remember me the next time I come in. And, servers share information about customers. In the diners we frequent, even the noob waitresses treat us well. Part of that comes from being nice to them, but part comes from the veterans saying, "These are good people". Word really does get around, on both sides.
  13. Like
    M@E reacted to Micoxv in I need to do this, no matter what   
    A little pic at 8 months.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    M@E reacted to My4Brownies in My horrible experience at a restaurant.   
    If you can't get a card ...check Amazon for an alert Bracelet with your on it info which I bought for only for emergencies.. Never thought to use it for anything else..on the front is my name, birth date n seafood allergies..just in case I'm an coherent... Safety first Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App

  15. Like
    M@E reacted to gryffen in My horrible experience at a restaurant.   
    You can get OPA cards to download which let's you order smaller sized meals but DO NOT automatically entitle you for discounts. Very similar to Gluten Free or Lactose free cards. Fridge Pickers Wear Bigger Knickers ????
  16. Like
    M@E got a reaction from My4Brownies in My horrible experience at a restaurant.   
    Anyone know if they have a similar card in the UK?
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    M@E reacted to izzy13 in October 2016-Surgery Date. Where are you now?   
    October 12th, I started the process at 225 lbs and was 211 on surgery day I'm officially 171 lbs as of this morning so 40 pounds total. It comes off pretty easy, I started at the gym last week and found I have a completely different mindset then before surgery. Before I was there to lose weight and if it didn't come off I quit. Now, the weight comes off no matter what, I'm there to feel better and be less flabby [emoji3]
  18. Like
    M@E got a reaction from Dashofpixiedust8 in Over 200 pounds down!   
    Wow you look amazing well done lovely x
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    M@E got a reaction from Sleevie1981 in October 2016-Surgery Date. Where are you now?   
    Hi surgery 29th oct. start weight 240 current weight 204. My main issue is I am being sick most days mostly mucus type stuff, so just working out what sets me off but over all I feel great. Going to gym for 1st time tomorrow xx
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    M@E reacted to Dashofpixiedust8 in Over 200 pounds down!   
    So I started my journey on October 30th 2015 at 540 pounds. This is the highest I've ever been. I had to be on oxygen because I was so overweight it was pressing against my lungs.
    I had to do 6 months of a supervised diet and lost 60 pounds before my surgery and had my surgery weighing 480 pounds.
    I had a horrible time after surgery as some on here may remember. I was in extreme pain for 3 weeks then extreme nausea for 5 months. The nausea was so bad I didn't eat or drink for over a month and had to get a picc line and give myself infusions overnight to get my fluids and nutrients.
    They removed my gallbladder in October of this year and I started to feel much better.
    I now feel great and am finally starting to be able to enjoy my smaller size! I'm having fun working out at the gym and I'm starting to feel pretty and trying to date.
    I now weigh 336 pounds! That's 204 pounds down from my first weigh in and 144 pounds down since my surgery May 29th 2015!
    I'm so excited to be going in the right direction! I just turned 30 in November and I can't wait to finally start living my life!
    Here are some before and after pictures!

    This is me July 2014

    March 2015

    March 2015

    November 2016

    November 2016

    January 2017
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    M@E got a reaction from Treadmillwalker in Before and After Pics   
    Hi picture with heals taken today 8 weeks post op. Picture in flats taken day before surgery. Start weight 240lb current weight 203lb.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    M@E reacted to Jazzzyjay in Feelin' sorry for myself   
    Thank you!!! I'm off the pitty pott and refocused on moving forward. One foot in front of the other to my new beginning. Actually it has already begun!!
    Yes everyone has some excellent ideas and suggestions. I'm so grateful for this site. My 18 year old son is going to look in on me and possibly stay with me for a bit after surgery. I'm also looking at a few local groups from Meetup and I have made some phone calls to start volunteering at a local shelter.
  23. Like
    M@E got a reaction from Treadmillwalker in Before and After Pics   
    Hi picture with heals taken today 8 weeks post op. Picture in flats taken day before surgery. Start weight 240lb current weight 203lb.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Like
    M@E reacted to redgirl37 in Before and After Pics   
    The top picture was my heaviest at 350lbs and the bottom picture is me a month post op 312lbs
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Like
    M@E reacted to BigJohn58 in Before and After Pics   
    Congrats great job
    Sent from my Bat Phone using the BariatricPal App

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